Tuesday, March 31, 2009

P59: BN is panicking...launch backup plan no 1

Say what you want, BN is starting to feel the pressure. First, PR's crowd overwhelm BN's crowd during nomination day. At to top it all up, did anyone notice how PR supporters reacts to KJ's presence when he "visited" the opposition side? And did anyone read the reception given to Karpal Singh? And by that, a right framed person can see that BN's crowd, although small in numbers, are rowdy even without provocation...

BN followed through with propaganda leaflets, lining PAS's candidate as Namrud and a Marxist. And finding that the leaflets is not giving the desired effect, BN is getting panicky and has launch back up plan no 1. What is back up plan no 1?

First, the police is now issuing a gag order to PKR banning them from touching the following issues :-

1. No instigating the crowd by questioning the Perak sultan's decision;
2. No mention of the Altantuya issue must be made;

Why is it applicable to PKR only? Or is it also cover PAS? What about BN? Why is it spared from this? Double standard? Nah...this is just plain panic by BN. To BN, if you can't match them, mobilise your back up plan. Use the police...

Simply put...BN is shifting the goal post and at the same time immobilise the opposition. Is this is what in store for the rest of us in future elections?? Read More

Sarawak N29: Care for broken record?...That of development...

These are the true warriors. The ones who fights for their customary land...

46 long years under Malaysia and Batang Ai with electrical transmission lines run above their wooden dwellings are still waiting for electricity supply. The Iban-majority natives lives on average family monthly income of RM 650.

And now with by election around the corner, all eyes are on Batang Ai. Mong Dagang, PRS youth chief, came visiting and promised a grant of RM5,000 to one of the longhouse, Rumah Beranda Aluk, Nanga Bengap. A total of RM 2M to help repair the longhouses in Batang Ai. What is BN doing? Promise of development?

What about BN's candiate, Malcolm Mussen? Is he too detach with his lineage that he forgot how to act and speak Iban? Understand that his first public duty is to open the Lubok Antu branch of Sarawak Bumiputra entrepreneurs association on 3 April. And what will he promise this time?

Mussen would be accompanying federal Ministers at the upper reaches of Ulu Batang Ai between April 3 and 6 to inspect the possible sites for road constructions in Lemanak and Engkari in Lubok Antu and will be briefing them on the other needs of the people there. How much development cost this time?

But most of all, it is not the development promise that is important, it is when the development will arrive Batang Ai is more important. BN, in the past, have made promises after promises during election campaign period. 46 years down the road, Batang Ai is still remote.

Promises are easy to made but it is harder to fulfil...and BN has thus far fail to deliver its promises..Maybe, it's time to change. The first time is hard, the rest will be easy....

Till then...G'nite M'sia wherever u are... Read More

Good Samaritan: Endangered species...

What do you do when you have flat tyre? Or heated engine? Or accident? Yes, you pray for a good samaritan or samaritans to stop by to give you a lending hand. Their mere presence gives you moral uplift.

But Samaritans, although many out there, is an endangered species. Not because of disturbed habitats nor because of lack of upbringing. They are an endangered species because of the existence of prowlers who prey on unsuspected Samaritans.

Case in point is what happen recently in Bandar Mahkota Cheras when two unsuspecting Samaritans were waved down along the roadside by two persons. They stopped to help and what they got in return is being robbed of their valuables and personal belongings with the 20 year old lady companion later raped by two of the eight robbers. It is believed that the robbers are non-Malaysians.

Another case in point, although not as serious, is when a caring National Trainee colleague dressed down his 6 Muslim colleagues for playing truant to evening prayers. And mind you that this NS trainee is a non-Muslim! What did he get for his sincere effort? A bashing in the face with the food tray. By the way, this happen in Mantin, Negri Sembilan. And this is no 17 year old ordinary guy. He scored 11A1's in the recent announced SPM!

In Terengganu, a lady, a snatch thief victim, was in coma when her motorcycle skidded whilst in pursuit of her snatch thieves. She is 19. It is also belived that she had seek public help to chase the snatch thieves.

Three different locations, all involving young adults. All are our future leaders. Are we, as a society, degrading to an extent that nobody is safe for being a Samaritan? What would you feel, if you are stuck with problems and the Samaritans did not stop to offer help? Are we going leaning towards an indifferent society? Do we have to discard all the good things that our parents thought us, since "prevention is better than cure"? And leave everything to the authorities to handle?

Samaritans is an endangered species. Unless the crime spree is seriously tackled, good samaritans will be a thing of the past...

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are... Read More

Sarawak N29: Round 1...Rakyat's charge...

The banner says it all - Return their customary land ! With that Jawah Gerang of PKR-PR will be taking on Malcolm Mussen Llamoh of PRS-BN in a straight fight.

And the fighter in Jawah did not waste time when he goes straight to the enemy's bastion to deliver his campaign speech.

Meanwhile, Joseph Entulu, PRS deputy president and Joseph Salang, PRS information chief, last night campaigned at Rumah Ambau, Kaong for BN's Malcolm Mussen.

Like in any other longhouses, Tuai Rumah Ambau called on his people not to vote for BN. Slip of the tongue? No? Despite attempts to stop him from continuing, he continued talking and repeated what he had previously said i.e. do not vote BN.

Enough said...it's round 1 and it's going the Rakyat's way...

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are... Read More

Monday, March 30, 2009

P59 : Pusingan 2... Fitnah telah bermula...

Nampaknya propaganda kotor dan jijik sudah bermula di Bukit Gantang. Gambar karikatur diatas adalah diantara risalah yang diagihkan di P59.

Antara lain, risalah itu mensifatkan MB Nizar sebagai Marxist aka Namrud. Masya Allah, sampai sanggup menyamakan sedara se agama sebagai Namrud. Yang pembuat risalah tu tahu tak siapa Namrud Laknatullah?

Namrud ialah seorang raja Mesir yang telah memerintah rakyat jelata untuk membina sebuah menara pencakar langit supaya dia dapat naik bertemu Tuhan. Apabila menara sudah tinggi, Namrud mengambil panah lalu memanah kelangit seolah-olah menyerang Tuhan. Itulah Namrud.

Kemudian Namrud mendapat balasan Tuhan apabila Tuhan hanya menghantar seekor nyamuk yang telah memasuki telinga Namrud. Akibat kesakitan, Namrud sanggup mengambil capalnya untuk memukul kepala sendiri dengan harapan dapat membunuh nyamuk. Akhirnya Namrud mati hanya kerana seekor nyamuk. Itu Namrud...wahai pembaca budiman.

Risalah itu juga mengambarkan MB Nizar sebagai Marxist. Marxist pula ialah satu fahaman yang dipelopori oleh Karl Marx dan Friedrich Engels. Secara ringkasnya, fahaman komunis berteraskan pemikiran Karl Marx.

Kenapakah penulis risalah begitu sadis untuk melabelkan MB Nizar berfahaman Marxist dan bersifat Namrud? Sudah habis idea ke? Hinggakan sanggup melukis sedara Islam sebegitu rupa? Apakah ini yang diajar oleh tuanmu dibalik sana?

Insaflah...masa belum terlambat. Mintalah kemaafan ikhlas kerana kamu sebenarnya telah menganiayai sedaramu. Tidakkah Tuhanmu telah berpesan, jangan sekali-kali kamu mengumpat sedara seagama, kerana perbuatan mengumpat itu samalah saperti memakan daging sedaramu sendiri...

Pemanggil malam hanya berpesan dan memberi ingat. Ingatlah, ebelum kita mengata orang, apakah sudah sempurna diri kita? Apakah barisan pimpinan yang kamu anuti bebas dari rasuah, bersih dari segi moral, tidak hipokrit? Tepuk dada tanya selera...

Perbuatan terkutuk ini akan terpalit kediri sendiri. Rakyat sudah peka dengan keadaan semasa. Rakyat kini sudah bangkit untuk menolak kempen kebendaan, menolak kempen ugutan, menolak kempen pembohongan...

Apakah BN tidak mampu untuk bertarung secara sihat? Hormat-menghormati diantara lawan politik? Atau apakah BN sudah desperado, terkapai-kapai dalam kelemasan dan kepanasan...

Seandainya BN terus menerus menggunakan taktik sebaran propaganda menghasut dan mengeji lawan, BN akan tersungkur pada 7hb April ini...pusingan 2 masih untuk PR...

Hingga ketemu lagi...selamat malam M'sia...dimana jua anda berada... Read More

Sarawak N29: Its goodies time...land grants, ICT etc

For Sarawak, BN is using its ageless strategy - buy out the voters. 8 months to Christmas and yet the elves are showering Batang Ai with goodies.

Sarawak's Minister of Land Development James Masing is giving tar-seal roads for Batang Ai. The value ? RM50 million for 7km Lemanak Road and anotherRM 12M for 10km ring road in Batang Ai

Not enough? What about PRS's president (James Masing) visited Rumah Sandah, Sg. Ara on 21 March 2009 (Sat) and promised each of the 946 people a sum of RM500. That's RM 473 000. A small sum to some but an awfull lot of money to others.

Not to be outdone, Joseph Salang, PRS information chief and deputy water, energy and communications minister, repeated – RM6 million for the setting up of five communications towers and RM2 million for the community broadband centre.

In short, RM 70.5M worth of projects and goodies dangling for Batang Ai. And this is just the beginning. How much more will BN splash for Batang Ai?

If this how much the elves are showering, just imagine the amount when Santa drops in...

So far, BN may be leading the race but sooner or later PR will catch up and hopefully pips BN at the finishing line. Batang Ai...you are Sarawak's hopes now. Be true to yourselves and stands with dignity. Say "no" to BN... Read More

Kedah N 25: And the spin begins...resignations, defections

BN is back to its old spinning ways. Last night, BN claims that most of the Indian independents are frustrated PKR members. And yet, one of the Indi independents is a wanita PPP chief. Is BN telling us that PPP is not a member of BN anymore?

And by the way, Samy Vellu is there in Bukit Selambau during the nomination process. Where is M Kayveas? Where are the PPP leaders? What about IPF? Where are they? Should it not be MIC, PPP and IPF championing their causes more in Kedah N25?

And by afternoon, Malaysiakini reported that B Kalaivanar resigned from his PKR post. Main reason? He claimed that PR has not done enough for the Indians. Actual and hidden reason? He was overlooked as PKR candidate for Kedah N25. Period.

Malaysian insider reported that Kalai openly throws his support behind BN candidate. So, what else is new? Kalai claimed that 400 of his supporters will be joining him in his act of supporting Bn candidate.

The mass exodus claims of so called opposition leaders during any by-election is expected. That will not be the only one. It will be amongst the first one to be reported. Kalaivanar's resignation is actually working wonders for PR. This is a self cleaning act and also proves that no one is indispensable. Kalai may go, there will be more better Kalais taking his place.

Soon, it will show that Kalai's actions is more of kids throwing tantrums. Good luck and good riddance, Kalai. Who wants to be next? Read More

Kedah N25: Round 1...Rakyat leads (marginally)

They came, all 15 of them. All inspired to be the winning candidate for Kedah N25 comes 7th April 2009. And along the way, they have entered themselves into the Malaysian Book of Records. The most candidates for any elections in Malaysia...

A record of 13 candidates. 6 Malays, 6 Indians and 1 Chinese. Out of these independent candidates, 1 is a former UMNO member, 1 is a suspended PKR member, 1 is a PPP member, 1 is a former Gerakan member. A truly mixed bag of aspirants. So far, there is no report that the balance independents are former MCA, PAS or DAP members. If there are, then this shall be a truly colourful event where all the major parties in peninsular Malaysia are represented, eitehr by active members , suspended members or even ex-members....

It shows that the Indians are divided in their choice, the Malays are unhappy N25 being an Indian allocated seat, whilst what the sole Chinese independent candidate is beyond understanding.

Maybe the sole Chinese candidate is banking on mathematical calculation that he gets 19 % of the votes since he is the sole Chinese candidate where the Chinese constituents make up of 19 % of the total votes. If he use that approach, then he is home scot free as he will be running away with 19 % of the votes whilst the Malay candidates each getting 8.3 % whilst the Indians each getting a measly 3.6 % of the total votes.

It will also means that, potentially, 14 candidates may be losing their deposits. That would not happen, right? Malaysian is already beyond those race based politics. Majority of the candidates will be losing their votes. It is not too late for them to back out and salvage the deposit. Let BN slog out with PR...this is not wrestling royal rumble ...so back off and return to your corners. together with your supporters.

The feel on the ground is still with the rakyat. PR, with drums beatings and lions dancing, comes in with 5000 supporters. BN with Samy Vellu in tow (I missed him out in my last posting), Hishamuddein, Shahrizat has 3000 supporters converging to the nomintion center.

With Samy claiming that he has been on the ground for the past 18 days, Samy still failed to convince the Indians to support MIC i.e. BN. The fact that 6 of the Independents are Indians speaks volumes of his failure. If Samy cannot contain 10,400 odd Indian voters in Bukit Selambau, then what comfort is there that he can convince 24,700 voters of Malay and Chinese origins to vote for BN?

Kedah N25 may give BN a fairer chance than P59. Here, there is no "referendum". The vacated seat was formerly held by an independent so there is no clear advantage for now. The voters will judge on the package offered by BN and PR. BN has been leading the country for the past 50 + years, whilst PR has been running the state for the past 1 year. It is time for the voters to give their marks to the performance of BN and PR. This by election is equivalent to "2nd semester" exam. And the rakyats has another "6 semesters" to judge BN and PR....

The MSM and the blogs has been quite restrained for Kedah N25...maybe they will pick up more juice later...who knows.....

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are... Read More

P59 - Round 1...rakyat leads

29th March 2009, history in Taiping. PR supporters gather in numbers from early morning to dwarf BN marchers at the nomination centre. Pictures can be seen in al banjari, zorro and even merah tinta. And pictures paints a thousand words !

MB Zambry used the MSM to blame MB Nizar of trying to 'take over' a BN organised event in a masjid, that of Yassin and solat hajat. MB Nizar has used his blog to explain the commotion.

Before going any further, let us understand that the main criteria of being an Imam is that the Imam-elect has good (perfect) pronounciation of the Quran, and he is known to accepted to be pious. It is no use to recite perfect Quran but heavily involve in corruption and deeds contrary to Islamic teachings. That, my friend speak volumes of the Imam's recognition bestowed to MB Nizar. MB Zambry - eat your heart out !

Wenger rightly pointed out that it will be an uphill battle for BN. It is better for BN to abandon P59 and concentrate on Bukit Selambau and Batang Ai. BN, at least may not be losing their credibility there.

There are desperate attempts by those in BN to drag the monarchy in P59. Please!!!! Do not drag the monarchy into the by election. This is a straight fight between PR and BN. It is not about the monarchy, nor is it about loyalty or treason towards the monarchy system. Any attempts by BN to drag the monarchy into the fray is going o hurt BN BIG TIME.

More will be coming in later...

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are... Read More

Sunday, March 29, 2009

2 Bukit, 1 Batang : Here we come...

1. The above picture, taken from Al Banjari shows the moral support given to PAS during the nomination for P59 - Parliament Bukit Gantang.

2. At 11.20 am, the returning officer announced that there will be 3 candidates for P59. They are Mohd Nizar Jamaluddin (PAS), Ismail Safian (Umno) and Kamarul Ramizu Idris (Independent). Polling date is set on 7th April 2009.

3. Malaysiakini reported on the unprecedented independents joining Kedah N25 Bukit Selambau by election. The independents composition is 6 Malays, 6 Indians and 1 Chinese. They are The independents are: Anuar Abdul Rahim, Radzi Md Lazim, Khamis Awang, A Jayagopal, Tan Hock Huat, T Chandrarajan, S Moganakumar, Husaini Yaacob, Abdul Rahim Abu, L Sarala, M Venason, R Loganathan and Mohd Fazil Abdul Wahab.

4. The main contenders are BN's S Ganesan, PKR's S Manikumar.

5. In Batang Ai, the returning officer confirmed that the Sarawak state seat will see a straight fight between Malcolm Mussen Lamoh (PRS) and Jawah Gerang (PKR).

6. Independent Johnny Chuat withdrew at the last minute and pledged his support to the PKR candidate.

7. 3 states, 3 different by elections. UMNO's new leadership despatched their leaders to the 3 areas.

8. For Bukit Gantang, Muhyiddin Yassin, KJ, Zahid Hamidi is there to lend support to BN candidate. In Bukit Selambau, Hishamuddein Hussein Onn, Shahrizat leads BN whilst Shafie Afdal is in Batang Ai.

9. It seems that UMNO is gunning for Bukit Gantang. The presence of Muhyiddin Yassin is a clear sign that UMNO is going head on with PAS in the by election.

10. Maybe I am wrong but i did not see Samy Vellu is Bukit Selambau. What gives? Is he ashame that he could not prevent the 6 independents to submit their candidancy papers?

11. The battle drums are sounded. To all the candidates, best of luck. Just a friendly reminder - play fair...

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are... Read More

PAU 59 : Antara transformasi, harapan dan ...

1. PAU 59 berakhir dengan resminya pada 28hb Mac 2009. Sejak UMNO mula bersidang pada 24hb Mac, barisan utama kepimpinan UMNO berubah dari pre-Kemerdekaan kepada pasca kemerdekaan.

2. Ali Rustam, Rafidah Aziz, M2T, KT, Mukhriz, Rais Yatim, Hamid Albar, Shahrir Samad, Khaled Nordin, Norza Zakaria, MB Pahang, MB Negeri Sembilan, MB Perlis dan MB Johor adalah diantara nama-nama besar yang gagal dalam usaha mereka samada dalam mempertahankan jawatan atau dalam usaha mereka untuk dilantik kepada jawatan yang dipertandingkan mereka.

3. Muhyiddin Yassin, Zahid Hamidi, Hishamuddein Hussein, Shafie Afdal, Shahrizat dan KJ pula berjaya memenangi kerusi yang dipertandingkan mereka.

4. AAB memberi pesanan terakhir, Najib menawarkan transformasi parti, Muhyiddin berikrar akan setia, Zahid berjanji menyahut cabaran, KJ merayu diberi peluang, Shahrizat menawarkan seribu harapan. Itulah ungkapan pada apa yang berlaku pada hari terakhir PAU 59. Apakah transformasi kepimpinan ini dapat diterjemahkan kepada penerimaan masyarakat keatas saf baru UMNO? Masa akan meentukan dan pilihanraya kecil 2 bukit dan 1 Batang boleh dijadikan pengikur awal kepada transformasi UMNO ini.

5. Dihari akhir PAU 59, Najib mengumumkan bahwa AAB pernah berbisik kepada beliau bahwa beliau adalah anak kandung Tun Abd Razak manakala AAB adalah anak didik Tun Abd Razak. Adakah itu bermakna mereka adik beradik "didik kandung" ? Kalau itu dapat diterima, apakah mungkin KJ adalah anak saudara "didik kandung" Najib? Apakah Najib ingin memberi gambaran bahwa beliau menerima KJ sebagai barisan pelapis yang mengemudi pemuda UMNO?

6. KJ, yang memenangi jawatan Ketua pemuda UMNO, tidak patut di "boo" pada hari2 persidangan, apatah lagi pada penangguhan PAU 59. Kejadian itu tidak patut berlaku kecuali UMNO adalah satu pertubuhan "pasar" yang tidak menghormati pilihan perwakilan.

7. Samada KJ memenangi jawatan tersebut melalui jalan sah atau tidak sudah menjadi akademik pada ketika ini. Tuduhan yang dibuat tanpa bukti tidak perlu dilayani. Dan andaikata benar ada bukti, saluran-saluran tertentu didalam UMNO akan bertindak secara adil sebelum diserahkan kepada MT untuk keputusan. Dengan penerimaan yang negatif terhadap KJ, ia akan memberi rangsangan kepada PR untuk mengeksploit keadaan untuk kelebihan mereka. KJ patut diberi peluang untuk memacu pemuda UMNO dan penilaian dibuat keatas pencapaian mahupun kegagalan beliau dalam usaha untuk membentuk pasukan pemuda UMNO yang kental dan dinamik, sesuai dengan cabaran semasa.

6. Kehadiran Tun M ketika ucapan Muhyiddin ditafsir oleh semua. Ada yang gembira Tun M hadir dan seterusnya akan kembali kedalam lipatan UMNO.

7. Ada pula yang memandang sinis kehadiran Tun dan mensifatkan kehadiran beliau sebagai sindiran kepada AAB. Pentas politik tidak sunyi dengan pelbagai teori. Kenapakah semua perbuatan hendak ditafsir sebagai langkah politik? Sekiranya itu benar, apakah pemergian Tun M ke tandas pun akan di beri tafsir politik?

8. PAU 59 seharusnya dijadikan medan perjumpaan pengiat politik UMNO, samada ahli lama, ahli baru, bekas ahli mahupun bakal ahli. UMNO tidak boleh menjauhkan diri dari masyarakat. Najib telah menyampaikan hasrat supaya UMNO menjadi lebih peka kepada denyutan masyarakat.

9. Apakah pesanan AAB dan hasrat Najib diterima UMNO dan akan menterjemahkan penerimaan mereka kepada satu barisan kukuh untuk menghadapi PR di 2 bukit, 1 batang?

10. PAU 59 sudah selesai, berapa ramaikah pula perwakilan yang akan berada dipusat penamaan calun 2 Bukit? Atau dalam kepenatan berpesta di ibukota, para perwakilan tidak dapat di menafaatkan di 2 Bukit? Mungkinkah perwakilan dan pemerhati yang hadir di Kuala Lumpur masih berbelanja sakan dipusat-pusat membeli belah dari hasil pembelian "ikhlas" calun-calun yang bertanding tempoh hari?

11. 29hb Mac 209 akan menjadi pengukur awal sokongan ahli kepada gadingan baru kepimpinan UMNO dibawah Najib. Seandainya UMNO masih gagal diterima masyarakat, adalah lebih baik untuk Najib mempertimbangan langkah-langkah yang lebih agresif tetapi mesra rakyat untuk memenangi semula hati rakyat.

12. Najib dan barisan beliau tidak mempunyai ruang yang banyak untuk membuktikan keikhlasan mereka untuk berkhidmat kepada rakyat, tanpa memilih bulu dan menghidarkan dari kenyataan -kenyataan yang boleh menyakitkan hati bukan Islam.

13. Najib telah melontarkan beberapa cadangan kepada para perwakilan. Keberkesanan cadangan beliau akan dikupas apabila masanya tiba.

14. Bukit Selambau akan menjadi terlalu padat dengan begitu ramai rakyat yang ingin bertanding tanpa platform dan tanpa sokongan masyarakat setempat. Apakah Hindraf akan memainkan peranan positif atau akan bertindak menjauhkan diri dari PR? Benarkah Hindraf kini kembali kepangkuan MIC sebagaimana uang digembar-gemburkan? 7hb akan mengurai rahsia dan perancangan Tuhan yang esa.

15. Bukit Gantang akan memberi peluang, ruang dan peluang untuk BN membuktikan bahwa mereka masih relevan dan berupaya untuk berubah mengikut acuan rakyat setempat, khasnya dan bangsa Melayu amnya. Kemunculan Zahid Hamidi sebagai salah seorang dari Naib Presiden UMNO dan kesannya akan dilihat di Bukit Gantang. Apakah benar rakyat sudah dapat menerima UMNO dan BN akan ditafsirkan pada 7hb April ini. Bukit Gantang yang merupakan kubu kuat UMNO akan menjadi saksi.

16. Batang Ai akan menjadikan pertembungan diantara BN yang bongkak kerana terlalu lama menjadi tuan dan mengamalkan kuasa disemua peringkat dan PKR yang merupakan "New boy" in the block. Secara kebiasaannya, BN tidak mempunyai pencabar kuat di sana. Kehadiran suntikan semangat 8 Mac 2008 bisa merobah keadaan. Kemenangan kepada BN akan memberi keselesaan kepada BN tetapi kekalahan di Batang Ai akan memberi petanda betapa BN perlu bersedia menghadapi tentangan hebat dalam piliganraya negeri yang bakal menjelma.

17. Tumpuan para perwakilan dalam hari terakhir PAU 59 ialah ucapan AAB. AAB telah mendedahkan bahwa beliau akan menghadap DYMM Agung untuk menyapaikan hasrat meletak jawatan PM pada 2hb April 2009. Sekiranya hasrat beliau diterima, Malaysia bakal menyaksikan upacara angkat sumpah PM ke6 pada 3hb 2009. Apakah Najib akan diangkat menjadi PM? Jalannya sudah terbentang luas, Tuhan jua akan menentukan.

Akhir sekali perwakilan sudah menghadiri PAU 59. Apakah perwakilan akan "ta pau" oleh-oleh dari PWTC, KL? Kita dapat mengagak, perwakilan jua yang tahu. Pemanggil malam pasti memang "ta pau" bertukar tangan, samada dalam bentuk makan-makan, bernyanyi gembira, "Zeti" berwarna warni, tiket pelancongan. Tepuk dada tanya selera...

Hingga ketemu lagi...selamat malam M'sia...dimana jua anda berada... Read More

Saturday, March 28, 2009

PAS dan P59 : Bagai sirih pulang ke ganggang...

Bagi Parti Islam se Malaysia (PAS), pilihanraya kecil P59 adalah umpama sirih pulang ke ganggang. Bagai kebanyakkan orang, PAS adalah sinonim dengan Terengganu dan Kelantan. Ini berpandukan pada kedudukan jumlah wakil rakyat dari parti PAS, secara amnya, datang dari dua dua negeri pantai timur ini. Mereka alpha atau tidak tahu bahwa, pada hakikatnya, PAS dizahirkan dari Madrasah Ma'ahad al-Ehya as-Sharif at Gunung Semanggul, Perak.

Pertemuan yang dianjurkan oleh PKMM pada Mac 1947 yang diterajui oleh Dr Burhanuddin Al-helmy telah membincangkan masaalah ekonomi yang dihadapi oleh orang Islam berbangsa Melayu. Hasil dari pertemuan tersebut, terbentuklah Majlis Agama tertinggi (MATA).

MATA membincangkan isu-isu tempatan dan antarabangsa yang membabitkan orang ramai. MATA juga berpendapat bahwa UMNO kurang membincangkan isu-isu penting dikhalayak selain gagal untuk memperjuangkan hak-hak Melayu dan Islam. Wakil-wakil UMNO dalam MATA kurang selesa dengan pandangan tersebut yang dianggap sebagai terlalu berani sehingga Presiden UMNO, pada masa itu, memberi amaran terhadap "ancaman dari Gunung (Semaggol)".

Dari perjumpaan tahunan MATA dalam tahun 1948, terbentuklah sebuah parti berteraskan Islam tetapi parti tersebut akhirnya diharamkan oleh penjajah British yang telah mengaitkan parti tersebut dengan parti komunis Malaya (CPM) pada ketika itu.

Akibat dari pengharaman tersebut, maka bergondong-gondonglah ahli dari parti yang diharamkan tersebut terpaksa bersama UMNO untuk menghindarkan dari ditangkap British pada masa itu. Golongan ulama UMNO kemudiannya berpecah untuk menubuhkan Persatuan Islam sa Malaya (PAS) dimana keahlian PAS dan UMNO bertindih. Akhirnya, pertindihan keahlian ini diselesaikan ketika berlansungnya pilihanraya tahun 1955.

Didalam mendewasakan PAS, PAS telah mengalami pelbagai cabaran, samada dari dalaman mahupun cabaran luaran. Dari sebuah politik pembangkang yang mengambil sikap proaktif untuk sama-sama membentuk BN sehingga terkeluar dari BN akibat permainan politik licik UMNO, PAS berjuang secara konsisten dalam usaha untuk mempertabatkan Islam sebagai agama resmi.

Sebagai sebuah parti politik, PAS berjaya memikat hati ahli-ahli mereka yang semakin hari semakin ramai. Kalau dulu, PAS dilihat sebagai parti orang kampung, kini PAS dilihat sebagai satu parti alternatif yang berwibawa apabila ramai intelek dan kelulusan ikhtisas Islam memilih PAS sebagai wadah perjuangan politik mereka.

Adunan mereka dari kelulusan agama, kejuruteraan, kedoktoran, ekonomi dan sebagainya menunjukkan PAS bukan satu parti khusus untuk sekelompok masyarakat. Hasilnya, pilihanraya 12 tahun 2008 mengenalkan Malaysia kepada ahli-ahli parlimen dan ADUN PAS yang komited dalam perjuangan dengan latarbelakang akademik yang sungguh menakjubkan.

Keunikan PAS sebagai parti politik pembangkang sejak 1955 telah menanam perasaan jatidiri yang tinggi dalam dada ahli-ahli PAS dan tidak mudah dikaburi dengan kuasa, wang ringgit, pangkat mahupun kedudukan. Ini yang membezakan PAS dengan UMNO dan PKR.

Penubuhan unit amal PAS telah membuka mata masyarakat bahwa PAS adalah satu parti yang pro-aktif dalam menangani masaalah masyarakat serta mempunyai satu unit yang tenang dalam mengendali program-program parti serta bersedia mengawal situasi tegang.

Penyertaan PAS dalam pilihanraya kecil P59 melengkapkan perjalanan politik PAS dimana kehampiran Bukit Gantang dengan Gunong Semanggol bak "Sirih pulang ke ganggang". Menang atau kalah calun PAS dalam pilihanraya kecil P59 tidak penting. Kemenangan calun PAS dalam P59 tidak akan mengubah kepimpinan kerajaan Malaysia. Jika kalah pun, BN tidak akan memperolehi majoriti 2/3 dalam parlimen.

Bagi PAS, sekiranya kemenangan di Bukit Gantang menjadi kenyataan, ia akan memperkuatkan hujah bahwa perjuangan PAS bersama PR mendapat sokongan rakyat dan pengundi, secara amnya, memperakukan PR sebagai saf sah untuk menerajui kerajaan Perak Darul Ridwan.

Bagi PAS juga, sekiranya mereka tewas di Bukit Gantang, kekalahan adalah lumrah perjuangan. Sememangnya PAS sentiasa bersedia untuk menerima kekalahan dan kemenangan, sekiranya datang menjenguk, adalah bonus. Read More

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Of UMNO : Glances of victors, first impression and ...

The day after UMNO's 3 wing's general assembly, AAB give his final speech (?) as UMNO's President afterwhich he hugged his successor and most probably the next PM of Malaysia. The night before rocked most political pundits except for those victors' supporters. Why?

I don't know what others are saying that my NS friend sums it up as simply "This is UMNO". After countering and saying that it is not possible for UMNO to backstab its own members, this friend of mine emphasize that everything is possible in UMNO.

On Shahrizat's win, he commented his wonder on how UMNO members can accept a person who lost her parliamentary seat, so-so performance as Minister as compared to Rafidah who has performed well in MITI, dedicated in her work. He further claimed that it is easy to unseat the incumbent but it is not as easy to perform as Rafidah did. His point of reference is Datuk Zaharah who managed to unseat Rafidah but failed to follow through in deliverance. Shahrizat has to prove my friend wrong as he immediately switch off the TV when it was announced that Shahrizat won the post.

In the main event, another friend whispered that on 2 counts, it is not KJ who won the Youth hief post. On the third count, the result is in favour of KJ. But important point raised by him is 4 youth exco seats going to Putrajaya 4th floor boys. Is this coincidence? In this continuity? It is hard to convince him that KJ should be given the chance and opportunity to perform.

Another make a simple comparison. A thief, if caught, regardless of stealing RM 2 or RM 20,000 will be given the same sentence. So, he needs further convincing why there is 2 sets of punishment in UMNO. To him, a crime is still a crime regardless of the amount of crime committed. Concluding it, he believed that crime does not pay...

As this posting is being written, there are reinforced talks that Muhyiddin is lagging and might be losing in his quest to be UMNO's deputy President. If this is true, it is another sad day for Malaysians. 2 consecutive bad days...that's a records of sorts.

If this true then it is clear that UMNO's delegates are congregating in Kuala Lumpur for fun and sight seeing, and not to seriously discussed on the challenges faced by Malaysians. It further enhanced the common belief that UMNO is now beyond repair. I hope that it is wrong, seriously. A weak UMNO is a weak Malaysia...unless PR is ready to take over the administration of Malaysia.

Whilst waiting for results to come in, Astro awani is telecast "live" which needs commenting. I was appalled by the commentators and the MCs' who thinks highly of Obama. Why Obama? Shouldn't we be looking up to Mohamad SAW as our role model, as a person and a leader? Shouldn't we be looking to Aisyah RA as the role model for a woman? It is sad that our intellectuals are looking highly of Obama, forgetting that Mohamad is the best role model of all...

The same with the female Dr who keep on harping the word "role model" when mentioning Shahrizat and at the same time she seems to be so detached with the issues facing rural folks. Typical of University lecturer who has never experienced life in rural areas. What she is talking is more relevant to the urban women, which is different from the needs of rural women.

Finally, at 10.40 pm UMNO has chosen Muhyiddin Yassin as Deputy UMNO President. Zahid Hamidi, Hishamuddein Hussein and Shafie Afdal are the Vice Presidents. UMNO still has hopes...and it doesn't pours when it rains....

My friends...tonight is just right. I need a good dose of teh tarik and looking forward to Zorro's email, responding to mine in relation to the 2 bukits....maybe meeting Wenger, in person there :)

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are... Read More

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Of transformation : The needs, the demands, the capability and ...

Officiating the opening of joint UMNO Wanita - Pemuda and putri wings, UMNO's number 2 outline part of his wish list. His 66 paragraph speech acknowledge the importance of new media and the need to stamp out money politics. Personally, it is a good speech but whether UMNO can follow through with the contents of the speech is another matter.

It is easy to list down the virtues with the dos' and the don'ts....but to live up to that expectation is another matter altogether.

NTR mention 2 battle cries - Berani Berubah and espirit de corp...so readers, u can now see that NTR is actually banking on either MM or KJ to win. Sayonara KT...you are now out of the picture....

Since the voting has started, it is no point to pore over who will win the UMNO youth. I have given my piece here.

In paragraph 31, NTR has implicitly mentioned that Wanita UMNO is doing fine and there is no neccesity to revamp the wing for temporary euphoria. That says a lot about NTR's respect towards Rafidah Aziz. She may not be receiving the loudest applause last night, but win or lose, she will walk out with her heads held high in pride. I still maintain what I write in terms of my choice on who should be the Wanita chief.

NTR keep on harping on the need to transform if UMNO were to stay relevant in Malaysian politics. UMNO must realise that their strength comes from the grassroots support and not from the elitist few. In this turbulence, UMNO needs to find the right footing if they were to stand against the "winds of change" sweeping the country and now gripping in Sarawak.

In this aspect, UMNO is at par with PKR in finding stability. PKR is hit by the defections in Perak, the resignation of Kedah exco, the resignation of DCM no 1 post of Penang. This clearly indicates that PKR is now the weak link in PR.

It is now the race against time and who can stabilise earlier will have distinct advantage over the other. Anwar can forget about becoming the next PM for this coming 3 years. NTR has already smell the sweetness of PM's post, it's only a matter of crossing the line.

Anwar needs to forget about accusing others in PKR's failures to get good and clean reps. PKR is becoming an embarassment to PR. How long can PR stand with PKR's endless problems. Time will show.

NTR needs to get UMNO regroup and prepared for the battles to come. UMNO can forget about Bukit Gantang. As it is, Bukit Gantang will be painted green, comes 7th April 2009. NTR's best chance is to recapture Bukit Selambau since tat will be represented by PKR.

For Batang Ai, it will be touch and go. If Zorro and his team of BR bloggers can penetrate the Rumah panjang with their brand of campaigning, BN may lost the seat. And that will be the beginning of ATM's downfall in Sarawak.

NTR has outline the transformation needed by UMNO. And UMNO, by now, understands the needs to transform. UMNO understand the demands and the sacrifice that they need to offer to gain the masses's re-acceptance of UMNO but the foremost question is whether UMNO has the capability to transform or they has misplaced that capability.

UMNO has turn into an elitist group, zooming and out with fancy cars, play polo instead of soccer, nights out in bars and lounges instead of warung kopi, pray in shopping complexes instead of suraus and masjids, wear suits instead of baju melayu wwith skull cap, cigar smoking in 5 star hotels instead of rokok dauns...in short UMNO has lost its identity. To transform, UMNO needs to go backs to basics and then move forward with the transformation.

UMNO now is a cheerleading party, with putris, UMNO youths donning t-shirts wih candidate numbers, shouting their voice hoarse to canvass for that extra additional votes. They are no longer the "budak kampung" who are rich in adat ketimuran melayu. What they are now, is a reflection of their leaders aspiration...rude and arrogant. Don't believe me? Just see for yourselves the happenings in and around PWTC...you will be surprised....

So, to my UMNO friends...the time for change is here, the call for transformation is there, it is either UMNO is willing to change or forever stuck in their own time zone, out of touch with reality and spurned by the masses...

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are... Read More

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Of Times and the Australian : Why NTR...why now?

It all started with French Liberation newspaper around 5th March. Subsequently Time, UK pick up the story on 22nd March followed by the Australian . The big question here is : Who is Rupert Murdoch's stable of newspapers' actual target? Razak Baginda, NTR or some hidden hands?

MP Jeff "screenshot" Ooi's initial posting raises more questions. Is Australia hitting us through Rubert Murdoch? Is there any hidden agenda here? Of late, attempts has been made to link Tun M as endorsing NTR although the latter has categorically time and time again, warn NTR the risks of putting the wrong team to manage the country. Tun M has also hinted that NTR may not be the 6th PM of Malaysia. And, we know that Australia has not been in good terms with Malaysia during Tun M's time. So, the question is : Is this payback time, Australian style?

Why equate the Mongolian model to Matahari, the WW1 double agent spy cum exotic dancer? Who is the Mongolian dancing for? And which countries engage her as spy? The online newspaper linked the Mongolian murder to Malaysia's submarine deal. Is there any security breach i.e. the Mongolian leaking important data/facts to third parties? She is the interpreter, which in itself will give her access to the secret dealings and technical dfata of the submarine. This vital information is sought after by those who have interest in the Straits of Malacca, ranging from the pirates to neighbouring countries, shippers as well as countries whose ships ply the continent's most densely shipping route.

Do Michael Sheridan and Matthew Campbell know something that we don't know? Is it the reason of missing PI, acquittal, the fall guy, the ADC saga? If this concerns Malaysia security and well being, I say that let it be handled the Bond way, the James Bond way. i.e. the less we know, the better...

There has been concerted efforts to discredit NTR by continually "linking" him to the Mongolian. Is this another John Profumo?

That, my friends, is a good reading and to destress from PAU tension.

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are... Read More

Monday, March 23, 2009

Of UMNO youth : Between MM, KT, KJ...and the winner is?

24th March 2009 - the date is set for the UMNO youth assembly. PM2B will simultaneously declare open the 3 wings assembly. Top posts for Putri UMNO will be contested by those SYT (sweet young things) and Putri UMNO will live up to mens' fantasy in this coming few days with their kebayas, tights and what nots.

Wanita Chief contest will be tight and hopefully the incumbent can starve off the strong challenge engineered by her current no 2.

Out of the 3 UMNO wings, the one to watch is the tight race for UMNO youth chief. My take on the candidates ?

1. Age - MM is 45 years old, KT is 44 whilst KJ is 33. Frankly speaking, MM and KT are at the right age to lead the UMNO youth and KJ is quite raw to lead the movement. At his age, KJ may be better to lead the Putra brigade. But then again Putra brigade is not where the action is and KJ wants to be in thethick of action and taht will be amply provided in UMNO youth movement. There is no clear advantage to any of the 3 candidates although KJ may have slight edge in that he is in the same age group as the delegates.

2. Current post in UMNO - MM is currently in UMNO youth exco, KT is the current BN Chairman for BN whilst KJ is the current deputy head of UMNO youth. With the current posts, all 3 has contributed in their own capacity to fulfil their obligations. Nobody has the advantage here.

3. Number of nominations - MM got the highest nomination followed by KT and then KJ. Nominations during the divisional meeting is not automatically converted to votes during PAU. All 3 has the same standing.

4. Public perception - The public see MM as the continuation of his famous father. However, MM has proven that he is not from the same mould as his father when he choose to remain in UMNO when his father opted to quit UMNO. In many ways MM has his own brand and style in critisizing the leadership, thus parallels are drawn on the similarity between him and his father. Despite that, he has proven time and time again that he can stand on his own and is willing to defend his statements when openly criticised by other more senior UMNO leaders.

KT is branded as the UMNO leader who lost Selangor. His "broom award" is not well received by the public and can be seen as the turning point to his marvellous career. Many of his pet projects in Selangor was criticised by both within and outside UMNO. Generally, he is know as the "botox" man when talks of his face make over is widely discussed in public. He may not have a famous father or relative and is seen as the "immigrant" who gain it all.

KJ is synonymous to SIL. The public is still whispering on how he manage to rope in PM's daughter and with the newly acquired SIL title, he is said to bulldoze his way to the top with a mixture of "tricks and threats". His famous photo of leading BN in Ijok has been overused by the opposition. He is said to have runners to be the toll collectors of projects. His pet project of getting Mat Rempit is not fully appreciated by the public from both sides.

The public perception, although is negative to all the 3, MM is the least negative amongst them. Advantage to MM.

5. Delegate perception - The delegates are now coming in droves to KL. The Disciplinary board's findings that KT is free from money politics whilst KJ is guilty but not amounting to DQ is really questionable. Accepting that the Disciplinary board is above politics, MM has clear advantage. Both KT and KJ needs to fight off the perception that they are involved in money politics. Malaysians are watching and UMNO needs to show that they are ready for change discarding money politics. If this is the main criteria, MM will be smiling come 25th March 2009.

6. Voters perception - The political tsunami 2008 drowns most of the UMNO stalwarts including KT. MM survived the tsunami but Kedah fell to PR. KJ's win in Rembau was question by his rival with claims of mystery postal votes. KT lost both his seat and Selangor state. In this category, MM and KJ runs head to head with KT out of the picture.

7. Performance as MP - MM's statements sometimes run against the mainstream thinking. KJ is a good orator and debater whilst KT is pinned down in Selangor state assembly. KJ wins the category.

8. State factions and career background - Since all the3 comes from different parts of the country, they will have a balance mix of support from their own state liasons. In terms of career background, MM is low profile as a businessman. KT is a practising denting before activated into UMNO. KJ declares himself as unemployed. MM has the advantage because it is illogical for KJ to be unemployed when he partly owns ECM Libra and other outfits.

9. Relation with incoming President - Incoming President is keeping his choice close at heart and as such let's consider that all of them has the samke chances and will support the President, regardless.

10. Poll opinion - Poll opinion says KT is leading but with Disciplinary board hovering hawkishly, it is quite difficult to gauge the opinion.

Based on this criteria, Nightcaller will go for MM as the UMNO youth chief. His brand of openess to work with the opposition should be noted and he has his own mind, departing from the notion that he is his father's image. KJ is popular but the disciplinary board finding and Yahya Ismail's book may hurt him. Unless the FIL stay, KJ may be finding himself out from the main stage of UMNO youth and he has to wait his turn, maybe 3 years from now. KT is Botox sweet but the perception that he is lucky not caught by the disciplinary board is not helping. Even the Selangor delegates may abandon him.

There you go, my choice and my pick. Sorry Wenger and Sakmongkol, just cannot buy your merchandise. The merchandise (KJ) is good but the timing is just not right. If UMNO were to be rebranded, KJ has to stay in the background and learn from the seniors. He is still young so he still has the chance provided he did not repeat the mistakes of appointing "politically" corrupt agents.

The same goes to Brick in the wall, just could not see how KT can win when he himself cannot take care of Selangor. Let's give MM a chance and see what he can do.

Selamat bersidang...

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are... Read More

Sunday, March 22, 2009

AAB going, NTR drowning, ATM sinking : what then...?

PM will be going ! Despite the knee jerk support for him, it seems that his retirement is beyond retutn. Ali Rustam barred from competing the Deputy UMNO's post, KJ served with yellow card, Norza slapped with charges, Azalina has house guest in the name of MACC. In short, all the life support has been removed from AAB as PM...

PM2B NTR is also in hot soup. Charges coming from the opposition, former de factor law minister, foreign newspaper are adding pressure to NTR to come clean. So far, NTR's explanation is not convincing. Ali Rustam's departure as deputy President's candidate is hurting Najib. The extent of damage will be known in the coming PAU. NTR is drowning. Can he save himself?

In Sarawak, Malaysiakini exposure on Abdul Taib Mahmud's (ATM) daughter's mansion in Ottawa worth RM 28 million is really shocking. The first question racing through my mind is not of jealousy or disgust but the status of Jamilah Hamidah's religion. Why? I don't know, maybe after reading that her husband's name is Sean Murray. It is her right to profess whatever religion that she believe in, only it is better for her to come clean with regards to her religion.

Will the exposure affect the outcome of Batang Ai? Will this be a turning point to Sarawak's politics? ATM may be the current Sarawak political supremo, but how much longer will he last?

Down the news, one of Malaysia foremost blogger Kickdefella wrote about the meeting in 2007. The agenda of the meeting is to topple AAB. Rightly or wrongly, the agenda is fruitful and waiting to be harvested. Who are the 10 bloggers? Is this reminiscent of "10 tigers from Kwang Tung?" Are the 10 contented with their present day achievement?

Rightly or wrongly, is there any planned conspiracy to oust AAB, shoot down NTR, bring down ATM and pave the way for political chaos in Malaysia? As Nightcaller mentioned, we are at the crossroad of Malaysian politics. Where are we heading for? What is our tolerance level to Politicians' abuse of power? What is our minimum level of acceptance to Politicians misdeeds? Who shall be Malaysia's saviour?

If this is a conspiracy, who will gain the most? Is there any foreign forces involved? Are there any foreign elements hellbent to see Malaysia in this state of chaos? Malaysians should rise and openly express our new sets of standards for Malaysian politics. Out with the corrupt. Politicians should be morally and legally clean. Period.

Take a rest. A good rest, before next week unveils the new political landscape of Malaysia.

Till then...G'Nite M'sia...wherever u are Read More

Friday, March 20, 2009

Of PM : AAB leaving...and the new PM is not NTR...so who shall it be?

Malaysiakini predicted that AAB will relinquish his PM's post early April 2009. Few days before, PM stated that Brunei dropped territorial claim over Limbang. Forward action, few days later, our Foreign Minister has to soothe diplomatic nerves, agreeing to Brunei that claims on Limbang was never discussed.

1. How can PM goof big time? Can Malaysians stand to be humiliated again and again due to the inefficiency of Malaysia's o 1 servant? We have lost Batu Putih, invite our neighbour to co-manage Iskandar development, wrongly claim Limbang. And our PM is a former Foreign Minister. Our PM is a one case. Let him retire in peace. Forget about appealing or petitioning for his continuity as PM.

2. NTR..you either love him or hate him. Anwar, Lim Kit Siang, Hadi Awang, Zaid Ibrahim are all up in arms against him. For now, NTR should take a back seat and forget about his dreams to be the next PM.

3. If NTR is out, then who should lead Malaysia? What about Tg Razaleigh? After all, he is one of those who talked about Unity government. He is an UMNO MP and he has some influence in UMNO. His weak point is he is too gentleman and he lacks the killer instinct.

4. If UMNO rejects Tg Razaleigh, forget about Anwar. He may have the charm but his case against Saiful will be his waterloo. Some in UMNO will back him but will and can UMNO take the submissive role? I doubt it.

5. Don't mention Lim Kit Siang, Karpal or even Lim Guan Eng. They are UMNO's eternal enemies. Without UMNO's support, it is hard for any of them to run the country.

6. So who should helm the unity government. At least until Malaysians survive this economic downturn. I say why not Nik Aziz? His first name is N and can fit into RAHMAN theory. He is a respected politician, respected by all. You may ask how to achieve that when he is not an MP. The answer is simple. Let him win uncontested in Bukit Gantang (P59). That will pave the way for him to be the PM. NTR can remain Deputy PM.

I can write more but this flu is killing me....aaahhhhh

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are... Read More

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Ali Rustam : Kemana halatuju...

Ali Rustam dilarang bertanding! Pastinya itu akan menjadi tajuk utama akhbar Malaysia esok. Tapi apakah dengan larangan itu UMNO akan pulih? Bagaimana sekiranya Ali Rustam bertindakbalas? Atau pengikut2nya bertindakbalas? Apa kesannya terhadap UMNO? Apakah UMNO bersedia untuk menghadapi risiko itu?

Sebelum ini, beberapa senario telah dikemukakan sebagai tindakbalas Ali Rustam. Antaranya :-

1. Bagaimana sekiranya Ali Rustam mengisytiharkan negeri Melaka sebagai negeri PR yang keenam? Sebagai tindakabalas beliau terhadao keputusan Lembaga Disiplin UMNO. Apakah ini akan berlaku. Besar kemungkinanya tidak kerana Ali sebagai seorang ahli UMNO yang setia tidak mungkin berubah sedemikian rupa. Tapi, kalau ianya benar-benar berlaku, bagaimana? Apakah UMNO bersedia mempertaruhkan Melaka?

2. Dan seandainya Ali Rustam mengisytiharkan Melaka sebagai negeri PR mulai esok, apakah sejarah Perak akan berulang? Mungkinkah Melaka akan kembali kepangkuan BN dalam tempoh seminggu? Sebagaimana Nasaruddin lakukan terhadap Anwar? Apakah Anwar akan dipermainkan untuk kali kedua?

3. Apakah Khalil Yaakob menerima keputusan Ali sekiranya Ali menukar Melaka kepada negeri PR? Bukankah Khalil Gabenor Melaka? Dan yang paling penting Khalil adalah dari Pahang, sama negeri dengan NTR.

4. Adakah DUN Melaka akan bersetuju kepada keputusan Ali? Adakah DUN Melaka akan sebulat suara bersama Ali dan "sembah derhaka" terhadap NTR? Kemungkinan besarnya tidak, memandangkan Melaka sudah lama tidak mempunyai sistem berRaja dan oleh yang demikian tidak boleh "derhaka". Bagaimana dengan ahli DUN yang berminat untuk mengambil alih teraju dan tampuk Ali Rustam sebagai KM Melaka? Tidakkah keputuisan Lembaga Displin memudahkan hasrat beliau?

5. Adakah Ali akan memberi sokongan terbuka terhadap M2T? Mungkinkah gadingan Ali dan M2T akan berjaya mengalahkan Muhyiddin Yassin?

6. Bagaimana kalau Ali Rustam mendesak penyokong beliau untuk memboikot pertandingan jawatan no 2 UMNO? Apa tindakbalas PAU? Aakah NTR bersedia untuk itu?

7. Mungkinkah Ali Rustam akan merayu kepada lembaga disiplin? Mungkinkah pengampunan akan diberi dalam tempoh terdekat bagi membolehkan Ali untuk bertanding?

8. UMNO kini benar-benar berada dipersimpangan. Luah mati mak, telan mati bapa. Apakah tindakan UMNO sekarang?

Majlis tertinggi akan bermesyuarat khas petang ini. Mesyuarat ini terpaksa dipanggil kerana sentimen ahli UMNO terhadap tindakan displin keatas Ali Rustam dilihat sebagai satu tindakan pilih bulu.

Apakah mungkin PAU akan ditangguhkan kerana injuksi? Sekiranya injuksi dari mahkamah mencegah UMNO dari mengadakan PAU, mungkinkah AAB akan kekal sebagai PM? Sekiranya ini berlaku, maka terloponglah NTR dan Rosmah...

Hingga ketemu lagi...selamat malam M'sia...dimana jua anda berada... Read More

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

For Ali Rustam : The end is here...what now?

This morning newspaper hints on the coming shocker. Even Karpal "Singh is King" Singh's sedition charge is mild compared to the anticipated 4 pm announcement by UMNO's Disciplinary board. By 3.00 pm, several police personnels and FRU were seen at PWTC, taking up positions, just in case. Then the bombshell ' Ali Rustam barred from contesting UMNO's no 2 post whilst KJ, although guilty, was served with a warning letter...What goes? Where to now?

1. A friend in Temerloh asked aloud about Norza Zakaria's case. The thing is Norza was charged in court of greasing one delegate from Temerloh. By right, the delegate should be the Prosecutor's witness, right? The question is - if he is the prosecutor's witness, what was he doing opening the door to the court for Norza Zakaria the day Norza was charged? Has the witness turn sides? You tell me...

2. When the same friend was informed of UMNO's disciplinary board decision on Ali Rustam, he openly predicted that Ali will declare that Melaka will turn PR state from tomorrow onwards. Possible? Just as an act of defiance against the decision ? Will this happen? I say wishful thinking because Ali Rustam is a die hard UMNO supporter and member through and through. However, for the sake of argument, let's assume that that is possible, what then?

3. If Ali Rustam openly declare that Melaka is PR state from tomorrow onwards, will another Perak happen? Will Melaka be reverted back to BN within a week? Like what Nasarudin did to Anwar? Will Anwar be fooled for the second time?

4. Will Khalil Yaakob accept Ali's decision to turn the state to PR? Afterall, he is the Governor of Melaka, is he not? And most important, he hails from Pahang, the same state as NTR. Will he let Ali turn Melaka into PR?

5. Will the present Melaka DUNs' agree to Ali's turnover? Will they change and "sembah derhaka" to PM2B? Most likely not, considering Melaka has no sultanate decision and thus unable to "derhaka". Will there be a "silent" aspiring DUN who wish that Ali will turn PR so that this particular DUN can grab the CM's post by eliminating Ali? It should not be difficult now since Ali has been painted as a leader who indulge in "corrupt" practise, albeit through his appointed agents.

6. Will Ali openly declare his support for M2Taib? And in doing so, urge his supporters to vote for M2T? Ali's and M2T's supporters will overwhelmed Muhyiddin's supporters. Will we see M2T raise his arms in victory come PAU?

7. What if Ali urge his supporters to leave the ballot paper for no 2 post blank? And the return blank ballot papers is more than the Muhyiddin's or M2T's? What will be PAU's reaction? Will NTR accept that silent protest? UMNO is in need of reforms, so if that is what Ali do, can it be accepted?

8. Will Ali appeal to the disciplinary board? Will the disciplinary board recommend that Ali be pardoned? Will Ali be pardoned in time to contest?

9. What is Ali turn defiance? Ali will not, it is not his nature to be "Mr Unlikeable". But if in the heat of the moment, he did, MACC might be ready to pounce on him with prepared charges in hand. Will Ali fight for his political survivor? Or will he turn timid? Being from Melaka, I wish to believe Ali will be fighting all the way. But alas, he will not. Ali do not enough guts to fight.

10. If Ali is indeed guilty, shouldn't he resign from his CM's post? How can he perform when he has been proven to be unethical, as claimed by Tg Ahmad Rithaudeen. This is Ali's chance to rise in UMNO's rank. Why must he be stopped now, in this final lap? Why couldn't the disciplinary board announce earlier? In this a pre-meditated move? When AAB is outside? When Muhyiddin is outside?

11. Why can't the disciplinary board act like the "big walk" umpire? Give running warning during the campaign trail, once, twice before slapping them with the ban to contest?

12. And what about the special treatment to KJ? Is it another pre-meditated move to see KJ lost in the youth chief election? By declaring him guilty but allowing him to contest? What if he wins? Will the disciplinary board return and declare KJ banned from holding the post?

13. UMNO is at the crossroads. Yes, UMNO needs to reform but the reforms should be consistent. Any "selective" prosecution will drag UMNO further down. UMNO will lost its credibility more if it is seen to be practising double standards. If UMNO can practise double standard to its members, then nothing can stop them from practising double or triple standard to the masses.

It is no secret that Malaysia needs a strong UMNO. UMNO can only be strong if, in this case, its members accept the decision of the disciplinary board, But will they? Can they?

That, my friends, is my first thoughts on the disciplinary board's decision to ban Ali Rustam from contesting. I may not support Ali but at least, I think Ali should be given the chance to contest and let UMNO members decide whether they can accept Ali as their no 2 leader...

To my Temerloh friend, I will blanja u makan ayam kampong goreng at Kg Baru tomorrow when you visit KL.

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are... Read More

Monday, March 16, 2009

Of Wanita Chief post : Rafidah, Shahrizat....my choice

Now that both Rafidah and Shahrizat has negotiate the last bend and going into the final stretch, who will cross the finishing line? Both are good, in their own ways. So let us go down to their statistics, from laymen eyes...

1. Age - Rafidah is 66 and is 10 years older than Shahrizat. At this age, both are still able to contribute to UMNO is eleced as the Women chief. In this aspect, there is no clear advantage to any of the candidate.

2. Current UMNO post - Rafidah is the incumbent Women Chief whilst Shahrizat is the deputy. In terms of contribution to the party, Rafidah has her share of contribution due to her long association with the party. Rafidah has lost once to Siti Zaharah in her bid to retain the Women chief post but came back to claim the spot 3 years later in 1999. Shahrizat, meanwhile, became politically active in 2001 and is now the Deputy Women chief. From here, Rafidah is more resilient in defending her UMNO post whilst Shahrizat has not be tested. Advantage to Rafidah as the incumbent.

3. Number of nominations - In this aspect, Rafidah has more nominations than Shahrizat. However, the nominations are non-binding so there is no clear advantage here.

4. Public perception - Rafidah has clearly indicated that she prefers the transition to take place in June 2009 when she will pass the baton to her deputy (at that time Shahrizat). Shahrizat, in her earlier statements, has indicated that she is a willing party to the proposed transition process. However, Shahrizat opted to go for the Wanita chief post after assessing her position after the nominaionprocess is over and she has the numbers to either contest the Wanita chief or the deputy chief. Public perception is she is not a woman of her words and can be pursuaded to do things against her belief. Another perception is she is afraid to defend her deputy wanita chief post when Kamaliah announce that she is going for the deputy post. In this aspect, Rafidah Aziz has a slight edge over Shahrizat.

5. Delegate perception - Since March 2008 elections, UMNO agree that revamp is needed for the party. Some leaders may need to go way to strengthen the party and the Women wing. The delegates did not see the reasoning offered by Rafidah to hand the mantle to her deputy in June 2009 when the party AGM and election is held in March 2009. In this aspect, Shahrizat has the edge.

6. Voters perception - During the March 2008 GE, Rafidah survived the political tsunami whilst Shahrizt was defeated by Nurul Izzah in Lembah Pantai. Even in GE 11, Shahrizat only manage to retain her seat by a whisker when Zainur Zakaria contested against her. If this is the indicator, then Shahrizat's performance as an elected MP is poor. In this aspect, Rafidah holds the edge.

7. Performance as Minister - With vast experience, Rafidah has manage the Ministry of International Trade well. Although there are allegations of APs' and abuse of power, but this is not serious enough to drag down her overall performance. Shahrizat had experience in Federal territories and Women affairs ministry. Her handling of women affrairs ministry is not pleasant when at times, she is at odds with the religous councils. Here, Rafidah holds the edge.

8. Post 2008 positions - Although Rafidah retained her Kuala kangsar seat, she failed to gain the trust of AAB to be re-appointed as Minister. Shahrizat, on the other hand, failed to retain her Lembah Pantai seat but was rewarded a Consultant post with pay and perks equivalent to Minister. Shahrizat post was created when the UMNO women wing created havoc complaining to AAB on his exclusion of their members to the cabinet. Here Shahrizat holds the edge as she can meet and travel under Government duties.

9. State factions and career background - Rafidah hails from Perak whilst Shahrizat hails from Penang. However, it is interesting to note that Kamaliah (the unopposed incoming deputy chief) is from Perak. Rafidah is an economist whilst Shahrizat is a lawyer by profession. Again, Kamaliah is also a lawyer by profession. This makes it interesting. If Rafidah wins, both the no 1 and 2 post of the wing shall be held by persons from the same state and comes June 2009, another Perakian (Kamaliah) will helm the women chief post. If Shahrizat wins the post, both no 1 and 2 post will be held by lawyers which may be at odds when legal matters arises. Is there any possibility that Rafidah (from Kuala Kangsar) and Kamaliah (from Kuala kangsar) having a deal that the post will be transferred from 1 Perakian to another and sidelining Shahrizat in the process? As mentioned in no 4 above, did Shahrizat opts to go for the Wanita chief post to avoid contesting against Kamaliah? Is there any possibility that Shahrizat join forces with Kamaliah to oust Rafidah from both the Wanita chief post and the Kuala Kangsar head post? As these possibilities are there, slight advantage to Shahrizat.

10. Relation with incoming UMNO President - So far NTR has not indicated any preference. No advantage to either Rafidah or Shahrizat.

11. Poll opinion - So far, poll opinion indicated that Shahrizat has slight advantage over Rafidah. However, as there is more than 1 week to go before the delegates cast their votes, this opinion may not be accurate. No advantage to either Rafidah or Shahrizat.

12. SK or SI - The buzz word for the year is SK (empty handed handshake) or SI (money grip). If there are any done by the campaign managers, it has not been reported to teh Disciplinary board. Thus, assume that it is non-existent in Women chief contest. No advantage to Rafidah or Shahrizat.

13. Numbers game - Rafidah is candidate no 1 and Shahrizat is candidate no 2. Some delegates may choose the easy way out by casting their vote on number 1 as they may not wish to go against the convention of voting out the incumbent. 1996 has demonstrated how ineffective the Women chief position is when Rafidah lost the contest. Advantage Rafidah.

Based on these criteria, Rafidah should win the contest although the current sentiment is going strongly for Shahrizat. The PM2B preference is not openly declared and if UMNO women wing wants to avoid being sidelined again, it is to their gain to retain Rafidah as the UMNO women chief as she has the will and the drive to push for UMNO women members to be in future cabinet lineup, expected to be annouced by NTR when (and if) he takes over the premiership in April 2009.

I love to be right but I accepted if my readings is wrong. Afterall, there are only 2 sides of a coin. Flip it, and surely it will turns up either head or tail. There is no free coffee is this is right and I won't lose any teh tarik if it is wrong.

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are... Read More

Of Gobind Singh Deo : Parliamentary suspension...

Like father, like son. Both are DAP MPs'. Now the son is suspended from parliament for 1 year without allowance and benefits. Fair ? Unfair?

Gobind Singh Deo had continuously speak about the Mongolian murder case although he was repeatedly warned by the speaker. to stop raising the issue. This outburst happened when PM2B has finished replying to points raised about the mini budget.

The suspension may cost him approximately RM 160,000 in non taxable return. This is not about justice. This is all about timing. Gobind miss the timing when he persistently harrased PM2B with the Mongolian case. Instead, Gobind should corner PM2B on economic issues then.

What now? PR has lost another vice in parliament. All because of his rashness to pursue things. Is it worth it? Certainly the voters did not deserved to be penalised for Gobind's outburst. With P59 on the cards, Gobind should toe the line as requested by the speaker.

Gobind may lost his chance to question on Pm2B eligibility to be the next PM nsince he has to stay out of the proceeding for the next 12 months. Not only that, now his father is vulnerable in the parliament's lobby. And, god forbids, if UMNO harrass Karpal, who will now come to his aid? Will "Singh is King II" Gobind flies in to rescue?

Being vocal is good but it should be done in good taste and at proper venue and timing. Jumping in to display one's adaptness and knowledge in law may not work in parliament. In parliament, there is another set of rules apply. In Parliament, speaker's decision is final. No high court, no appeal court, no federal court. And since Gobind has been sus[pended for 1 year, can we say the same thing about Perak speaker? That his decision is final?

Can CJ's urging to his judges to restore public's confidence towards judiciary system be true? If it is, can Malaysians hope that JCs' involved in the delicate Perak assembly case be fair? Is there any light at the end of the tunnel? Go figure out...

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are... Read More

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Rosmah : Antara takdir dan politik longkang...

Pada 13hb Mac 2009, Malaysian Insider menyiarkan kupasan Rosmah Mansor mengenai takdir apabila mengatakan NTR akan menjadi PM Malaysia dan seterusnya menambah agar tidak ada perkara-perkara yang tidak beretika dilakukan untuk menyekat NTR dari menjadi PM Malaysia.

Walau apapun, apa yang menarik perhatian ialah beberapa perkara yang secara tidak langsung melibatkan takdir. Yang paling merunsingkan ialah wajah Rosmah. Apa yang telah terjadi? Takkanlah pembantu peribadi tidak dapat memberi gambar yang lebih "menarik" dari apa yang disiarkan? Kalau wajah itu terjadi kerana "kesilapan" menggunakan botox, bukankah Tuhan sudah melarang hambaNya dari menukar wajah hanya kerana ingin kelihatan cantik dan menawan? Apakah pakar-pakar Malaysia tidak berupaya untuk mengubati Rosmah sekiranya beliau mengalami penyakit kulit? Rosmah yang kepingin untuk menjadi "Wanita ketigabelas" Malaysia seharusnya faham bahwa Qada' dan Qadar itu adalah ketentuan Tuhan dan bukannya mainan politik gerombolan manusia yang dahagakan kuasa dan pengaruh.

Manusia hanya dapat merancang tetapi Tuhan yang menentukan. Amat menyedihkan apabila akhbar STAR melapurkan kenyataan Timbalan Ketua Menteri Sarawak, Alfred Jabu, yang "mengambarkan" kematian dan bencana sekiranya orang luar (pembangkang) dibenarkan kerumah-rumah panjang dalam kawasan DUN Batang Ai. Apakah ketentuan manusia kini melebihi ketentuan Tuhan sehinggakan Alfred Jabu mampu dan berkuasa menentukan kejadian yang berlaku di rumah panjang DUN tersebut? Yang pasti, samada penganut Islam, Kristian, Hindu malah animist pun tidak akan mengiyakan kata-kata Alfred Jabu.

Begitu juga apabila politik Malaysia telah menjadi politik "longkang" apabila isu-isu moral yang bersifat peribadi telah dimainkan untuk menjatuhkan seseorang ahli politik. Bermula dengan Vijandran pada tahun 80'an, isu sebegini rupa mengambil tempat dipentas utama dengan isu moral yang melibatkan Chua Soil Lek, Eli Wong dan yang terkini Nazri Aziz. Soal samada gambar tersebut betul-betul gambar Nazri tidak penting. Tetapi apa perlunya "dibongkar" hal peribadi didalam blog dari negara asing? Sementelah lagi blog tersebut tanpa segan silu berkisar kepada gambar-gambar yang tidak "manis" kalau disurf oleh golongan remaja. Adakah ini merupakan serangan "halus" untuk menjatuhkan Malaysia dalam mata dunia? Dan apa perlunya akhbar arus perdana Malaysia menamakan blog tersebut? Apa akan terjadi sekiranya gambar-gambar pemimpin utama BN dan PR pula menjadi sasaran? Bagaimana kalau gambar-gambar tersebut adalah hasil photoshop? Adakah Malaysia bersedia untuk berpesta gambar dan video ghairah? Mungkinkah penyebaran gambar-gambar ini merupakan prelud untuk menjatuhkan pemimpin utama Malaysia? Tepuk dada tanya selera...

Begitu juga apabila Rais Yatim begitu beiya-iya mempertahankan idealogi "parti menguasai kerajaan" dalam program Hujah di TV9. Parti mana yang menguasai Kerajaan? UMNO, MCA, MIC, BN ? Seandainya parti bukan UMNO menguasai kerajaan, apakah implikasinya? Apabila pegawai kerajaan menerima konsep "parti menguasai kerajaan" , konflik antara keadilan dan penguasaan parti akan menimbulkan masaalah baru sehingga mahkamah rayuan memutuskan speaker Perak boleh diwakili peguam peribadi, yang mana sebelumnya pesuruhjaya kehakiman telah 3 kali menolak permohonan speaker berkenaan untuik diwakili oleh peguam peribadi.

Rais Yatim, yang dulunya terkenal kerana telah "membakar jambatan UMNO", juga begitu bersungguh-sungguh mengulas pandangan beliau mengenai krisis perlembagaan Perak. Rais Yatim adalah jaguh kampung yang begitu menonjol untuk mengulas krisis perlembagaan Perak tapi gagal mempertahankan Pulau Batu Putih dari jatuh ketangan negara jiran. Itu lah politik longkang Rais.

Berbalik kepada takdir NTR. Dalam mengusulkan pakej rangsangan ekonomi kedua, NTR membayangkan kerjasama antara kerajaan dan pembangkang dalam menjayakan pakej rangsangan tersebut. Mujahid Rawa, MP PAS dalam Astro Awani mengulas bahwa BN perlu terlebih dahulu menunjukkan keikhlasan mereka dan setakat ini, keikhlasan ini tidak wujud berdasarkan apa yang berlaku di Perak. Apakah ini juga takdir? Takdir untuk BN memulangkan kembali Perak ketangan PR? Sekiranya itulah pengorbanan BN sebagai bukti kesediaan BN untuk bekerjasama dengan PR, itu mungkin permulaan yang baik. Sanggupkah NTR dan Zamry berkorban untuk kesejahteraan rakyat Perak dan institusi Raja Perak? Masa akan menentukan.

NTR perlu "membersihkan" diri sebelum akhir Mac 2009. Kegagalan NTR untuk membersihkan diri dari segala tohmahan akan mencacatkan ketokohan dan kredibilati beliau. Apakah "The Man who would be King" akan berulang? Kali ini diMalaysia? Rosmah mungkin sudah menghidu bau Sri Perdana tetapi apakah pintu Sri Perdana akan terbuka untuk menyambut pasangan NTR-Rosmah? Kita tunggu dan lihat...

Sehingga bertemu lagi...Selamat malam M'sia...Dimana jua anda berada... Read More

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Of musical chairs, passing the buck and ...

The truth is, in life, we love playing musical chairs and pass the buck. Hit the jackpot, and hopefully, you will made it through life and if it so happens that you stumble, pass the buck around.

Nik Nur Nadihah Nik Mohd Kamal's success in getting 19 A1s' and 1 A2 in her SPM should be a lesson to all. She is an aspiration that Malaysia needs. Hardwork breeds success. Now, let us hope that all the successes will not divert her from getting what she aims for...

A friend called and wonders the eeries silence of Perak political crisis and he was well assured that something is brewing in Perak, and like volcanoes, just waiting for the right time to explodes.

The court of appeal uphold that the (Perak) Speaker is at liberty to engage his own private advocate and solicitor. The ruling overturned the decision made by Judicial Commissioner Ridwan Ibrahim on March 3, 5, and 11, who insisted that Sivakumar can only be represented by the Perak state legal adviser. Just like the musical chair, now it's back to Ipoh to continue the case.

Next is the BN announce Ismail Saffian as their candidate for P59 Bukit Gantang. Will he gain the trust and the co-operation of the Bukit Gantang UMNO division chief? It will be telling time soon. Ismail may be a local boy but will he be accepted by the voters? 9th April 2009 will be the deciding date.

Over in Batang Ai, Taib Mahmud named Malcolm Mussen as BN's candidate. The catch is Malcolm's candidancy is subject to AAB's approval. What happens if AAB rejects Malcolm? Why must Taib pass the buck to AAB? Shouldn't AAB be left out of the picture since he is moving out comes 3rd April 2009? And if Malcolm lost the seat, will AAB gets the blame?

2 down, 1 to go. NTR announce S. Ganesan as BN candidate for Bukit Selambau. Will Ganesan able to pull Hindraf to support BN? Will Ganesan be able to marshall solid support from BN? 29th March 2009 will give preliminary picture of what to come...

Now that BN has open their cards for the 3 areas, when will PR open theirs? Will PR be able to pick candidates worthy to win the elections at these 3 areas? Will independents play spoilers roles again?

In different courts across the country, 6 people were charged with posting profane remarks against HRH Perak ruler. Out of the 6, 1 admitted sending the comments whilst 4 claimed trial and 1 was not present in court. For the 4 who claimed trial, the court set bail of RM 3000, RM 4000, RM 6000 and RM 10000 for the accused. The RM 10000 bail is equivalent to the fine imposed to the person who admitted to the charges. Different courts, different venues, different bail amount? Can someone enlightened why this happen? No standardisation?

By the way, out of curiosity. Who reads the profane remarks posted? Who defines that the statemenst are profane? Lain padang, lain belalang. Remember the time when I first visited KK Sabah years ago. The government officer who meets us greetys his friend at dinner which sounded so damn rude. However, on enquiry later, he mentioned that that is how Sabahans greet each other. Different place, different culture.To avoid from being blamed uncultured, can someone educate me on the proper words to address HRH, PM, PM2B, YBs' etc? Frankly, I hate being at the wrong end of the gun.

Even for certain words considered vulgar in the east coast is considered normal in the west coast. And since the authorities are efficient in handling the case, what happen to the police report against the banner calling HRH Terengganu ruler "Natang"? Still investigating? If this is so, then clearly the authorities dealing in IT is much more efficient than those dealing with banners...

And touching on IT, what will happen to the 3 university hopefuls who found their online application tampered? Will they be playing musical chairs, passed from one department to another? Or will the authority's super IT personnel be able to trace the culprit and charge them in court? How long will it take to get to the bottom of this issue? 1 month? 3 months? 6 months? 1 year?

Musical chairs, pass the bucks and whatever in between, it is all the same. The main aim is to pass the responsibility and "tai chi" out from the mess created. If that fails, blame others for the failure. It is the easiest thing to do...

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are... Read More

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Of sweet 17 : SPM and beyond...

Now that the SPM results are officially out, some may have cried with joy whilst more may be silently crying for better results. SPM, is the first branch off to future careers. Pass with flying colours and the world is there opening their arms to embrace you. And for those who don't, there are many career paths that will also lead you to future success. And with this, another additional 443,000 will be looking for jobs in the coming years. How many of this 443,000 will get the chance to further their studies? I guess blogger Nobisha's child who scored 10As' will be one of the lucky few who can go study abroad, depending on what the child applied for.

Mentioning application, there will be many government and private entities who will be offering scholarship to successful students. However, please make sure that the application forms are properly filled. A point to note that Petronas give extra credit points to Petronas employees immediate relatives, although I did not see the reason why they should be given that extra mileage. PNB offers limited places to top of the cream students whilst JPA have their own vetting system. Gamuda normally reserves places for non-bumis although their Chairman is a Bumiputra.

At tender age of 17 going to 18, SPM school leavers are at the threshold of their youth. Too young to make decisions and yet old enough to suffer the consequence of wrong choice. The long waiting period of more than 3 months to get SPM results is actually robbing the youths of getting a quick start to pursue their dreams. Some may be called to attend the NS trainees, some may opt for temporary jobs as cashiers, waiters, ushers in fast food restaurants and even work as daily paid workers toiling the land. And how did Diana Danielle fare in her SPM? Straight As' ?

For some fortunate few, the waiting period were spent to gain extra knowledge, gain basic working experience, learn on the cultures and customs of other races or attend private college courses either locally or abroad. What about the rest? Were they hibernating? Waking up late in the morning without purpose in life?

From now on, most will be busy scanning the msm and advertisements matching their results with the courses available whilst some will be opting to join the already shrinking job market. Few will be drowning their sorrow in liquor, drugs and cheap thrills pulling them further from society.

In short, SPM leavers are no longer the sweet 17 we once knew. With 11 years of education under their belts, are they ready to take on the world? Are they ready to face the global expectations?

To these "Young ones"
Que sera sera,
whatever will be will be....
the future's not us to see,
Que sera sera....

And tomorrow, we see what the Federal court says on Joseph Kurup appeal. Another by election, perhaps?

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are... Read More

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Of RM 60B, speculations and ...

Malaysians are suckers. That's for real. We are suckers and adored the serial dramas of from Argentina, Indonesia, Japan and Koreans. We stay glued to the TV following the series where in the end good will overcome evil with evil getting his share of retributions.

In real life, unfortunately that may not be happening. Our Finance Minister has tabled an additional stimulus package worth RM 60B for Malaysia to cope with the coming recession. Are we concerned? Not really. Malaysians are more interested to speculate on what goes behind the closed doors of Madrasah Nurul Iman, Hulu Langat, Selangor.

Malaysians are no longer interested to hear Nazrin Shah talking about the so-called social contract and the need to respect the rulers. Not when Nazrin has failed to walk the talk, with regards to the Perak 2 MBs' state.

How many Malaysians see the live telecast of Hujah episode 6 when Rais Yatim and Shafie Afdal presents their views on UMNO against the sharp witted Prof Agus? Or on how Rais Yatim rambled on the need for party driven government?

How many will take the news of power transition slated this coming 3rd April 2009 at face value? Not many, I guess....because Malaysians from both sides divide are looking and hoping and praying for "the thrill in Dewan Merdeka" this end of March 2009. Well, what are we looking for :-

1. The High court of Perak will issue judgement paving the way for state wide election in Perak;

2. HRH Sultan of Perak consent MB Nizar's request for audience to seek the approval for dissolution of Perak state assembly;

3. AAB decided to stay on as PM post March 2009. Not that he is any good....

4. PR law makers combine with AAB's faithful to give vote of confidence to AAB to continue as PM;

5. HRH Agung did not accept NTR as PM until proven that he has the majority law makers supporting him;

6. UMNO delegates reject money politics and force the supreme council to walk the talk;

7. Hishamuddein to abolish PPSMI for primary schools (or revised the version);

8. Unity government formed with TRH of Gua Musang as interim PM until the next election;

9. NTR to come clean and prove once and for all why he deserves to be PM;

But all this are just wishful thinking. It will not happen although some may happen but in diluted version. What is most important now is for both sides to discard their political beliefs and work hand in hand for the betterment of the people. The check and balance is needed so that the RM 60B package is not hijacked by those in power nor distributed by dubious means to those close to the corridors of power.

Are Malaysians going to be glued to TVs' from 24th to 28th March 2009? I bet they will, looking for those tell tale signs of dramas unfolding right in front of our eyes as one by one, UMNO stalwarts will either be rewarded with posts or vanquished into have beens...

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are... Read More