Sunday, August 30, 2009

Kemerdekaan: Harapan generasi kedua?

  1. Tunku Abdul Rahman merintis kemerdekaan pada 31hb Ogos 1957.
  2. Ibarat bayi yang membesar, Malaysia menjadi lebih dewasa pada tahun 1969, dimana rakyat dikejutkan dengan hakikat bahwa untuk terus maju mereka perlu berkerjasama tanpa mengira kaum dan agama.
  3. Rentetan dari peristiwa tragis 1969, muncul seorang lagi negarawan yang mengambil alih tempat Tunku, mengutamakan perasaan muhibbah dengan memprkenalkan prinsip Rukun negara sambil terus membangunkan negara. Beliau ialah Tun Abdul Razak.
  4. Bak kata orang tua "kemana tumpahnya kuah kalau tidak ke nasi", 40 tahun kemudian benih Tun Razak kembali menerajui negara dalam bentuk Najib Tun Razak. Dan dengan itu, bermulalah generasi kedua...
  5. Namun, dalam masa 40 tahun, persepsi rakyat telah berubah. Rakyat kini menjadi lebih matang berpolitik. Sekarang ahli politik perlu berkhidmat untuk rakyat dan bukannya rakyat memperhambakan diri kepada ahli politik.
  6. Kemunculan Najib adalah dalam keadaan yang lebih mencabar. Beliau perlu menangani cabaran merangkumi keperibadian beliau dan cabaran alaf baru.
  7. Dari segi peribadi, Najib perlu menyakinkan rakyat bahwa :-
    • beliau tidak terlibat dengan kes model yang telah mengegarkan Malaysia satu ketika dulu;
    • beliau tidak terlibat dengan wang komisyen kontrak sukhoi dan kapal selam;
    • beliau membuat keputusan berdasarkan maklumat yang diberi dan bukannya berdasarkan desakan rakan hidup beliau masa kini;
    • pengalaman yang ditimba selama 40 tahun akan memacukan Malaysia ke tahap yang lebih tinggi dan lebih berdaya saing menghadapi cabaran globalisasi;
  8. Dari segi jawatan pula, sebagai Perdana Menteri Malaysia beliau perlu bersifat terbuka untuk menangani masaalah-masaalah yang telah diwariskan kepada beliau dengan :-
    • samada menghapuskan akta ISA atau merobah besar-besaran akta tersebut supaya ia tidak menzalimi rakyat;
    • membuat penilaian terperinci mengenai sambungan kontrak jawatan Ketua Polis Negara yang kini dipersoalkan oleh sebilangan besar rakyat;
    • memberi kuasa perundangan dan kebebasan yang lebih untuk SPRM menjalankan penyiasatan yang mungkin memerlukan beliau "menyarakan" pesuruhjaya SPRM kini yang kelihatan "lebih sudu dari kuah";
    • memberi ruang untuk pihak berkuasa syariah untuk menjalan hukum yang telah dijatuhkan kerana ini melibatkan agama dan orang Islam;
    • meneruskan konsep 1Malaysia beliau tanpa menutamakan keturunan dan agama;
    • berkerjasama dengan negeri-negeri yang dikuasai PR dan tidak mengambil tindakan-tindakan yang boleh mengugatkan kerajaan negeri;
    • menyelesaikan kes tuntutan wang royalti minyak yang telah dibangkitkan Kerajaan negeri Kelantan;
    • mengembalikan kebebasan serta memertabatkan kembali sistem kehakiman negara;
    • mengimplimentasikan cadangan-cadangan yang telah diutarakan oleh SUHAKAM;
    • membuat rombakan kabinet, jika perlu, untuk mengeluarkan "non-performers" dan memasukkan mereka yang mempunyai visi 1Malaysia serta inovatif dalam meyelesaikan masaalah;
  9. Tetapi cabaran terbesar yang dihadapi Najib adalah cabaran politik. Sebagai pemimpin ulung BN, beliau mempunyai tugas berat dalam memulihkan keyakinan pengundi kepada BN. Justeru itu, rakyat akan menikuti rapat perkembangan beliau dalam :-
    • memulihkan BN supaya terus menjadi parti politik yang menjai pilihan rakyat;
    • membuat perancangan dan perlaksanaan supaya BN kembali memerintah Malaysia dengan 2/3 majoriti;
    • menarajui BN untk merampas kembali Kedah, Pulau Pinang, Perak, Selangor dan LKelantan dari PR;
    • menyelesaikan masaalah dalaman MCA;
    • memberi panduan kepada halatuju MIC;
    • menunjuk jalan kepada pemulihan PPP;
    • mengembalikan zaman kegemilangan Gerakan;
    • mencari jalan penyelesaian terbaik kepada kedudukan kerajaan negeri Perak;
    • memberi laluan kepada badan-badan kehakiman, SPRM dan polis mengambil tindakan terhadap ahli-ahli politik BN yang menyalahi undang-undang;
    • memisahkan ahli politik dari menyekat badan-badan kerajaan menjalankan tugasan mereka;
  10. Diambang 31 Ogos 2009, adalah menjadi harapan rakyat supaya PM mengambil tindakan yang akan mencerminkan kejujuran beliau memikul tanggungjawab yang telah diamanahkan.
  11. Perlu diingat bahwa generasi kedua ini mengamalkan sifat keterbukaan dan dengan sistem komunikasi terkini, ahli politik tidak lagi kalis maklumat. Ahli politik tidak lagi boleh berselindung dibelakang tabir politik dalam menyembunyikan kesalahan dan tingkah laku mereka.
  12. Generasi kedua, dengan sifatnya yang lebih terbuka, terdedah kepada aliran maklumat dari akhbar dan internet. Ahli politik perlu bersedia untuk menjawab atau mengiyakan penyebaran maklumat mengenai mereka.
  13. Disinilah bermulanya kemerdekaan dan harapan generasi kedua dimana terukirnya bangsa Malaysia yang ditunjangi berbilang keturunan, berlainan agama dan fahaman politik.
  14. Malaysia perlu lebih terbuka dan berupaya memisahkan fahaman politik dengan kepentingan negara. Penyokong politik zaman generasi kedua lebih versatil dan tidak lagi berkiblatkan kepada sesuatu fahaman politik secara total.
  15. Sempena menyambut kemerdekaan kali ini, harapan kini ialah untuk Perdana Menteri mengambil langkah-langkah tertentu untuk memperkasakan negara serta memulihkan kembali sistem beraja, sistem eksekutif, sistem kehakiman dan sistem legislatif ketempat asal sesuai dengan kehendak sistem Malaysia iaitu sistem Raja berpelembagaan.

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...
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Friday, August 28, 2009

Post Penang N11 : Pembelaan Rohaizat...(translated : in defense of Rohaizat )

Untuk Rohaizat - anda tidak mengenali saya sebagaimana saya tidak pernah bertemu anda. Pesanan saya, bersabarlah...dalam masa dan ketika inilah anda akan tahu siapa kawan yang sebenar dan siapa kawan plastik.

  1. Walau apapun yang telah berlaku, kita adalah bangsa Malaysia. Dan adalah menjadi adat bertanding, ada yang menang dan pasti ada yang kalah.
  2. Dan bak kata orang tua-tua "Biduk berlalu, kiambang bertaut". Itu seharusnya yang berlaku selepas 25hb Ogos 2009.
  3. Tetapi malang bagi saudara Rohaizat. Keadaan beliau kini seolah-olah "sudah jatuh ditimpa tangga". Mengapa? "Rumah siap, pahat berbunyi" jawabnya.
  4. Secara ikhlas, saya terkejut dengan kenyataan Abdul Jalil Abd Majid merangkap Ketua Bahgian UMNO Permatang Pauh. Beliau memberi gambaran bahwa :-
    • belaiu tidak tahu calun BN mempunyai masaalah;
    • calun BN tidak memberitahu UMNO bahgian tentang masaalah beliau;
    • calun BN tidak jujur;
    • calun BN meletakkan UMNO dan BN dalam keadaan tertekan;
    • sekiranya beliau tahu tentang masaalah calun BN, beliau akan menolak pencalunan calun;
    • Bahgian UMNO Permatang Pauh tidak boleh dipersalahkan keatas kekalahan BN tempoh hari;
    • beliau akan mengkaji kedudukan calun BN sebagai setiausaha bahgian;
  5. Inilah yang dikatakan kawan makan kawan. Inikah sifat seorang ketua mithali? Inikah apa yang dikatakan setiakawan UMNO? Inikah sikap General UMNO?
  6. Seharusnya didalam keadaan sekarang, keseluruhan jentera bahgian UMNO Permatang Pauh bersama calun BN untuk sama-sama timbul atau tengelam dalam saf perjuangan. Dalam keadaan sekarang, Rohaizat perlu diberi sokongan moral, bukannya dihenyak sebegitu rupa oleh sesama UMNO.
  7. Apakah Abd Jalil tidak mengetahui bahwa masaalah ini telah diketengahkan kepada kepimpinan UMNO pada 15hb Ogos 2009? Tidak percaya? Sila baca apa yang telah ditulis oleh Datuk Shamsuddin Nawawi (DSN).
  8. Secara ringkasnya, DSN mendakwa bahwa :-
    • beliau menerima message melalui facebook tentang isu calun BN pada pagi 15hb Ogos 2009;
    • beliau telah memanjangkan maklumat tersebut kepada MB Pahang yang membawanya ke pengetahuan Muhyiddein pada hari yang sama;
    • Muhyiddein telah meminta pandangan lawyer UMNO;
    • Lawyer UMNO menasihatkan calun BN tersebut layak bertanding dan tidak akan ditolak pencalunan beliau oleh SPR;
    • beliau membayangkan bahwa yang patut dipersalahkan ialah lawyer UMNO dan ketua perhubungan UMNO Pulau Pinang;
  9. Nah, sekarang siapa yang benar-benar bersalah? Kenapa calun BN yang dijadikan kambing hitam? Apakah pihak kepimpinan UMNO ingin menafikan bahwa mereka mendapat maklumat tersebut pada 15 hb Ogos 2009, dua hari sebelum penamaan calun di PRK Permatang Pasir?
  10. Apakah kepimpinan UMNO tidak berhubung dengan ketua bahgian UMNO Permatang Pauh dalam masa dua hari tersebut untuk menyampaikan maklumat baru itu? Bukankah dalam zaman serba moden dan canggih, perhubungan antara kepimpinan dan bahgian dapat dilaksanakan dengan pantas?
  11. Masaalah sebenar ialah kegagalan UMNO untuk menangani isu. Itu bukan masalah calun BN. Masaalah yang ketara ialah keegoan UMNO. Apakah UMNO mempunyai pemimpin berkepala besar yang tidak mendengar kata? Apakah mereka fikir hanya keputusan mereka yang terbaik? Hanya strategi mereka yang mengena? Hanya cakap mereka yang perlu dipatuhi?
  12. Walaupun saya mempunyai pandangan yang berbedza dengan UMNO, saya secara peribadi akan berada disamping Rohaizat untuk memberi sokongan moral ketika ini.
  13. Bagi saya, kesilapan yang dilakukan oleh Rohaizat adalah kesilapan yang terbit dari semangat setiakawan beliau terhadap teman. Malangnya dalam semangat beliau untuk membantu teman, diri sendiri terperangkap akibat tindakan teman tersebut. Inilah yang dikatakan "melepaskan anjing tersepit".
  14. Kesilapan kedua beliau ialah membabitkan bekas rakankongsi beliau. Seharusnya, pakar strategi UMNO memberi cara yang lebih baik. Adalah lebih baik bagi Rohaizat mengaku kesilapan beliau dan apa yang telah dilakukan oleh firma guaman beliau untuk memulihkan keadaan. Kenapa perlu mengheret pihak ketiga yang merupakan teman rapat calun yang sama-sama belajar di gedung ilmu yang sama kedalam isu tersebut?
  15. Dan yang paling sensitif ialah mengenai status beliau. Sebagai seorang Muslim, beliau dibolehkan bernikah lebih dari satu. Tetapi dalam masa yang sama, beliau mungkin terperangkap dengan undang-undang buatan manusia yang menyukarkan beliau mendaftarkan pernikahan tersebut. Wallahualam.
  16. Mungkin beliau bernar-benar bernikah, mungkin tidak. Apapun yang terjadi, isu ini pasti melukai hati isteri beliau. Saya bersimpati. Isu ini boleh diselesaikan dengan baik. Bak kata orang. : "umpama menarik rambut dari tepung, rambut ditarik, tepung tak rosak".
  17. Saya melihat ada unsur-unsur sabotaj dilakukan terhadap saudara Rohaizat. Sebaik-baiknya, Rohaizat disimpan untuk perlawanan GE 13. Tetapi kerana ada unsur-unsur tertentu yang ingin melihat Rohaizat kecundang awal, beliau diketengahkan untuk PRK Permatang Pasir. Maka berkuburlah impian Rohaizat...berkubur jugalah harapan BN untuk mengemukakan seorang calun berwibawa dalam GE 13...
  18. Dengan apa yang berlaku terhadap Rohaizat sekarang, maka lenyaplah impian beliau untuk berkhidmat kepada agama, bangsa dan tanahair dari segi politik. Maka bergembiralah para pensabotaj yang berkemungkinan besar terdiri dari ahli-ahli UMNO dalam bahgian Permatang Pauh sendiri kerana peluang terbuka untuk mereka pula melangkah kedalam gelanggang politik GE 13.
  19. Lebih dari itu, kini Rohaizat berhadapan dengan dilema lain yang tak perlu dibahaskan disini. Yang pasti, dua insan berilmu tinggi kini terluka. Tanpa disedari, dua insan berbakat dan mempunyai masa depan yang cerah kini berada dipersimpangan dilemma.
  20. Untuk UMNO - dalam keadaan tertekan saperti sekarang, terserlahlah sifat buruk pihak kepimpinan yang begitu gemar menunding jari pada pihak lain sekiranya kalah bertanding. Juga terbuktilah bahwa ada ahli-ahli UMNO yang begitu sinonim dengan "baling batu sembunyi tangan" sehingga tersungkurnya calun BN sebelum bertanding.
  21. Apakah ada tangan-tangan ghaib yang memainkan peranan supaya calun BN dibuat sebegitu rupa sebagai alasan bahwa golongan muda dalam UMNO bermasaalah dan tidak layak dijadikan calun? Apakah ada unsur-unsur mencatas secara halus untuk menangani kebangkitan gelombang baru UMNO dibawah kelolaan KJ?
  22. Tidak mungkin UMNO dengan jenteranya yang hebat dibantu oleh SB dan MI boleh terlepas pandang akan masaalah calun. Ini semua adalah pergerakan licik dan operasi bawah tanah untuk menjatuhkan Rohaizat didepan umum. Sememangnya ia berjaya menjatuhkan Rohaizat dan beliau terpaksa membayarnya dengan harga yang terlalu tinggi.
  23. Sekiranya ada sekelumit kebenaran dalam pandangan ini, maka sahlah UMNO sudah tengelam punca dan mengikut resam "ketam didalam bakul" masing-masing berlumba untuk untuk keluar dengan saling jatuh menjatuhkan antara satu sama lain. Ternyata juga bahwa UMNO makin jauh dari pegangan agama yang mengutarakan sifat ukhwah antara jemaah.
  24. Untuk Rohaizat - anda tidak mengenali saya sebagaimana saya tidak pernah bertemu anda. Pesanan saya, bersabarlah...dalam masa dan ketika inilah anda akan tahu siapa kawan yang sebenar dan siapa kawan plastik.
Hingga ketemu lagi...selamat malam M'sia...dimana jua anda berada...

  1. Whatever happen, we are Malaysians. And it has been a fact that in any competition, there will be a winner and losers.
  2. As wise men say "when the boat pass, the lotus will enjoined". That should have happened after 25th August 2009.
  3. Unfortunately for Rohaizat. For the time being he is as per "after slipping, the ladder falls on him". Why? "The house is ready but the chisel is still chiselling".
  4. Honestly, I am caught surprised with statements from Abdul Jalil Abd Majid cum the Permatang Pauh UMNO division chief. He painted that :-
    • he did not know that the BN candidate has problems;
    • the candidate did not tell UMNO division of his problems;
    • BN candidate is not honest;
    • BN candidate puts UMNO and BN in an awkward situation;
    • if he were to know of the candidate's problems, he would have rejected the candidate nomination;
    • Permatang Pauh UMNO division should not be penalised for the recent BN loss;
    • he will study the position of BN candidate who is the division secretary;
  5. This is what they say friends betraying friends. Is this an example of ideal leader? Is this what is known as UMNO's comradeship? Is this the action of UMNO general?
  6. What should have happened in his situation is for the whole Permatang Pauh division machinery to stay together with BN candidate through thick and thin. In the current position, Rohaizat should be given moral support and not the thrashing amongst UMNO members.
  7. Didn't Abd jalil knew that the problems has been forwarded to UMNO leadership on 15th August 2009? Don't believe? Please read what was written by Datuk Shamsuddin Nawawi (DSN).
  8. Briefly, DSN implied that :-
    • he received a facebook message on the candidate issue on 15th August 2009 morning;
    • he has forwarded the information to Pahang MB who brings it to the attention of Muhyiddein on the same day;
    • Muhyiddein request UMNO lawyer's comments;
    • UMNO lawyer advised that the BN candidate is eligible to contest;
    • he indicated that the UMNO lawyer and Penang UMNO liason chief should be at fault;
  9. So, who is really at fault? Why must BN candidate be the scapegoat? Is the UMNO leadership denying that they receive the information on 15th August 2009, 2 days before the nomination day in Permatang Pasir?
  10. Did UMNO leadership in contact with Permatang Paug division chief within the 2 days to pass the new information? Is it in this modern age, communication between the two parties can be done instantly?
  11. The real problem is UMNO's failure to handle the issue. This is not about the BN candidate. The sticking problem is UMNO's ego. Do UMNO has thick-headed leaders? Do they think that only their decision is the best? Only their strategies work? Only their instructions to be followed?
  12. Although I have different stand fromRohaizat, personally I will stand by his side to provide moral support.
  13. To me, the mistakes done by Rohaizat derived from his comradeship towards his friends. Unfortunately, in helping his friends, he himself were caught by his friends' actions. This is what known as "letting go a trapped dog".
  14. His second mistake is to drag in his ex-partner. By right, UMNO strategists should offer a better approach. It is better for Rohaizat to admit his mistakes and what his firm has done to solve the problems. Why must a third party be dragged in who happens to be his close friend and University mate?
  15. And the most sensitive is his status. As a Muslim, he is allowed to practise polygamy. But at the same time, maybe he is caught by man-made laws which makes it diffcult for him to register the marriage. Wallahualam.
  16. Maybe he is really a polygamist, maybe not. Whatever it is, the issue will definitely hurt his wife. I symphatise with her. This issue can be amicably solved if all parties sit down and discuss.
  17. I see elements of sabotage against Rohaizat. The best is to keep Rohaizat for GE 13 but there are elements who likes to see Rohaizat falls now. With this issue, Rohaizat can say goodbye to his political dreams,,,and BN can kiss goodbye to a potential candidate for GE 13.
  18. With what's happening to Rohaizat now, his dreams of politically serving his religion, the nation and the country is gone. So for those saboteurs, be happy for the chances are there for them to take their turn to enter GE 13.
  19. More than that, Rohaizat is now facing other dilemmas which need not be debated here. What is sure, 2 highly educated person has been hurt. Without knowing, 2 talented person is now at a crossroad.
  20. For UMNO - in this situation, the poor leadership qualities are exposed, accussing others on the loss. And it has been synonymous for UMNO to "hide behind their evil deeds" leading to their candidate's loss.
  21. Are there hidden hands playing a role to ensure taht the youth in BN who are not qualified to be candidates? Is there a hidden attempt to check KJ's rising star?
  22. It is impossible for UMNO with the backing of SB and MI overlook the problems. This is a well choreographed underground mobvement to make sure Rohaizat fall and he has paid that with a big price.
  23. For Rohaizat - you do not know me as I have never met you. My advise, be this time and moment you will know who is your real froends and who are the plastic friends.
Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever you are...
Read More

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Withering patriotism?

  1. Why? Why? Why?
  2. 52 years down the road, are we facing an identity crisis? What is wrong or what went wrong?
  3. I am not talking about BN keeping the scoresheet of 1 - 7 (which means PR is leading at 7 - 1).
  4. I am not that hype up about the problems in UMNO, MCA, MIC, Gerakan, PPP (and the same goes to PKR, PAS, DAP).
  5. You want to talk about PKFZ, MACC, caning for the model ? I will gladly listen.
  6. But that's not it...
  7. I am perplexed and deeply concern with our attitude. I did not see many national flags in Kuala Lumpur and this is already 27th August 2009, 4 days short of 31st August. Why are there less Jalur Gemilangs draping buildings in KL?
  8. Is it because 2009 merdeka day falls in the month of Ramadan? Flags don't fast, do they?
  9. Is it because 2009 merdeka celebration will be held in Bukit Jalil? What has location got to do with Merdeka day.
  10. Is it because we have a new Minister of Information? You mean Rais "I burnt the bridge" Yatim is not doing his job? You mean he is too busy commenting on issues not related to his ministry to such an extent that he forgets his responsibility?
  11. Is it because PR wins majority of parliamentary seats in KL? PR members and supporters are also Malaysians.
  12. Is BN still mourning for their Permatang Pasir loss? When you enter competition, you either win or you lose, isn't it true? There are no joint winners in elections.
  13. Is it because there will not be any Merdeka countdown (concerts) in Dataran Merdeka and KLCC? You mean, we are only excited when there are free concerts?
  14. And finally, is it because of withering patriotism? Are we taking things for granted? Are we turning into zombies, devoid of patriotism?
  15. Honestly, I have no clues. Maybe I am getting paranoid. I love Malaysia and I am feeling downright depressed at the way Kuala Lumpur is, 4 days before 31st August. I wish KL will put up more Malaysian flags to celebrate Merdeka. And the same goes to other cities, towns, kampongs across Malaysia.
  16. By the way, have you raised the Malaysian flag in your homes? If you haven't, it is still not too late. A Malaysian flag in Mydin cost less than RM4. Please show your patriotism and love towards Malaysia. (May not be applicable for Malaysians staying overseas :))
  17. Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!
Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are... Read More

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Syariah's predicament : which way now?

The best part is when Hishamuddein Hussein, Malaysia's home minister admitted they do not have the expertise to carry out the caning. Pleeeeasee..that's about the lamest excuse I have ever heard. Is this to say that whatever written in syariah ruling is there for show? This is not a new ruling. It has been there years ago and the home ministry should have arranged for their officers to visit Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Indonesia to "study" the caning system. It is not something that comes out of the blue.

  1. It started with just a simple judgement. The Kuantan syariah court found a Muslim model guilty of consuming alchohol in public and sentenced her with RM 5,000 fine and 6 strokes of rotan.
  2. The judgement opens up intense discussion from those who agree and those who disagree with the sentence. This scribe covers it in a posting titled "Caning for alchoholic consumption : can or cannot?" You can visit the posting again, here.
  3. Then comes the poser. Where will the caning done? The model, who accepted her fate requested for a public caning. The prison says that they only carry out the caning sentence to prisoners.
  4. If she is not a prisoner, how can the prison authority carry out the caning? Dilly dally..and Kuantan syariah court decided to carry out the sentence during the first week of Ramadan al-Mubarak. Not only that, they have arrange for a van to pick the model up on Monday to be transported to Kajang prison, in anticipation of the caning sentence.
  5. Then...out of nowhere, the order came to release the model and the caning sentence has been deferred to after Ramadan. At the same time, it has received international coverage.
  6. Back home, Tun Mahathir posted a few question in his blog regarding the issue. Basically he is openly asking :-

    • whether the judge has erred since the model is a first time offender;
    • whether the punishment meted out obtained in Malaysia syariah laws;
    • whether there is mercy for first time offender;

  7. Najib, on his part stressed that there are still avenues for the model to appeal whilst a former program manager of SIS is more concerned about the Islamic image that Malaysia is projecting with regard to this issue.
  8. Some women NGOs' wanted justice for the model.
  9. Of course it is difficult to satisfy everyone. But, in aswering to all the news and views, please give a thought to the following :-

    • why is Najib commenting on the issue and indicated that there still room to appeal? The model had decided that she will not appeal and instead will go through the sentencing. It is not a matter of exhausting the avenues for appeal, it is a matter of the model determined to see the sentence carried out. So, why is Najib hinting on appeal? Is the federal government caught in a catch 22 situation?
    • Islamic image is what we made them out to be. Do we want to be seen as harsh and conservative like how the rest looks at Saudi Arabia? Or do we want others to see Islamic image as weak and indecisive? If we cannot make a unified stand on this issue, then what chance do Muslims have in facing bigger and graver issues?
    • some wanted justice for the model. What justice? Are we fiddling on justice to Western standards? Does justice mean bowing to the pressure of the so called human rights? If that is the case, are we conforming to logical laws (made by man) or are we subject to divine laws (as guided by Koran and Hadiths)? What about those who believe in Christianity, Buddhists and the rest? Are they subject to change their views and laws to satisfy the so called human rights group?
    • the question of whether the judge erred in meting out the sentence to first time offender is best answered by the judge. If he has erred, then couldn't the higher syariah court make right what is wrong? Does this means that our syariah court judges are incompetent? Are we saying that the syariah court judges inexperienced?
    • And if we pardon first time offender, will we be extending pardons to all first time offenders? will we be pardoning first time snatch thiefs, first time rapist? first time robber? first time murderer? If we pardon first time offenders, will they go for second time or third time and becomes habitual law-breakers?
    • on whether the sentence is prescribed in the Koran or not, Tun M of all people with his vast reading knowledge should know that as Muslims , we follow both the Koran and the hadiths. And surely the syariah laws are based on guidance from Koran and hadiths.

  10. It shall be noted that it was the Kuantan syariah court that sentenced the model. Bear in mind that Kuantan is in Pahang and Najib hails from Pahang. In short, it is Najib's state that passed the judgement.
  11. It shall also be interesting to see the what if situation. What if the sentence was passed by one of the states controlled by PR? Will BN jump in claiming that the states are going ultra-conservatives? I am sure BN leaders, including Zahid Hamidi will pounce on the issue and blame PR for wrecking havoc.
  12. Do all the Malay states (those with Sultans as the head of Religion) has the same syariah rule? If yes, why this case happens only in Kuantan, Pahang? Are the other states religous department sleeping and not doing their job arresting Muslims consuming alchohol in public?
  13. The best part is when Hishamuddein Hussein, Malaysia's home minister admitted they do not have the expertise to carry out the caning. Pleeeeasee..that's about the lamest excuse I have ever heard. Is this to say that whatever written in syariah ruling is there for show? This is not a new ruling. It has been there years ago and the home ministry should have arranged for their officers to visit Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Indonesia to "study" the caning system. It is not something that comes out of the blue.
  14. Hishamuddein's statement demonstrate the federal government's insincerity of syariah rule implementation. Is caning included in the sentence for show? Something to be looked at as a prized item? Even if the home ministry do not have the expertise, I am sure there are many Islamic scholars from both BN and PR who has seen caning before. Why not sought their views? Is this that difficult?
  15. And whilst we are at it, it is frighteningly sad that this issue has been blown out of proportion. Although this scribe is happy that professional Muslims come out to air their stands, the same cannot be said in cases of apostacy. What is SIS's stand on this? What is Mahathir's views? What is Najib's advise?
  16. Isn't apostacy a bigger issue? Why dwells on tit-bits when there are bigger issues at hand?
  17. Back to the model, this scribe feels that the trauma that she is facing is sufficiently enough as a lesson to her. She has been publicly identified and has been put in the spotlights for days which is already sufficient to act as a deterrent to others. But, I have to admit that I am not a syariah practisioner and as such I have no standing in this issue.
  18. Islam is a compassionate religion. And even in starting to recite the Koranic verses, Muslims read "In the name of Allah, the most merciful and the most benevolent". With that, this scribe lets the readers to form their own opinion in this issue.
  19. Before signing off, there are other related matters that need to be cleared up. Why the model? Why a woman? Isn't Pahang religous department men enough to arrest male Muslims consuming alchohol in public? Is the department implying that Muslim males do not consume alchohol in Pahang? Is the department sending a message to say that Malaysian-based Muslims do not cosume alchohol in public?
  20. By the way, the religous department enforcers can surfed the net and they will find artistes openly drinking (or are they acting) alchohol in public places. And if they do not know where to begin, try as a starting point.
  21. As a footnote, this scribe believe that the caning sentence should be carried out. And for those who think that the caning is brutal, please note that in Islam, the person who carry out the caning must not expose his armpit (or if he were to place a book between his armpit and the hand, the book will not fall when caning is done). What does that mean? It means the Islamic caning is not as savage as civil caning and the primary role of Islamic caning is to deter and to serve as reminder in stopping repeat offenders.
p.s. For those who need to know more on Islamic views on alchohol, its implications and sentencing (as carried out during prophet Mohamad pbuh and his companions, pls go here.

p.s.s. For those who wants to know how the Pahang syariah laws say on the caning method for offenders, please refer here.

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...
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Monday, August 24, 2009

Penang N11: Dihujung perjalanan (translation provided : The end of a journey)


The rest of the original posting below :-

Sekiranya tiada aral melintang, PAS akan bertakbir lagi pada 25hb Ogos meraikan kemenangan mereka di Permatang Pasir. Majoriti? Sahabat maya menganggarkan 1969 tetapi saya merasakan dengan keadaan sekarang, majoritinya sekitar 3,000.

Barring unexpected changes, PAS will once again "Takbir" this 25th August 2009 to celebrate their victory in Permatang Pasir. Majority? A cyber friend estimated 1969 but with the prevailing condition, a majority within 3,000 is not impossible.

  1. Setiap yang bermula ada akhirnya. Sama juga dengan perjalanan. Dihujung perjalanan ada destinasinya. Dan perjalanan PRK Permatang Pasir sudah tiba kepenghujungnya.
  2. Walaupun pada mulanya dianggarkan 3 percalunan akan diterima tetapi yang pasti 2 calun akan berentap pada 25hb Ogos 2009.
  3. Lain dari yang lain, Permatang Pasir membuktikan BN bukan lagi satu gergasi politik yang mempunyai banyak pilihan calun. Kali ini BN telah membuktikan kegagalan mereka ketika proses saringan dalaman yang menentukan calun BN.
  4. Dari mula lagi BN berada didalam keadaan tertekan dan defensif akibat kecuaian mereka memilih calun. Sehingga kini, calun BN merupakan calun yang bermasaalah kerana :-

    • keputusan Majlis Peguam mengeluarkan beliau dari senarai peguam atas kesalahan salahlaku;
    • menuding jari kepada bekas rakankongsi, yang juga merupakan rakan seuniversiti beliau sebagai orang yang bertanggungjawab atas kesalahan salahlaku yang mana tindakan telah diambil oleh Majlis Peguam;
    • bekas rakankongsi beliau telah menolak tuduhan calun dan telah mengemukakan fakta yang menunjukkan bahwa calun BN adalah orang yang bertanggungjawab terhadap kesalahan tingkahlaku itu;
    • menyalahgunakan wang yang diamanahkan oleh pelanggan dengan membuat pinjaman kepada teman beliau untuk menyelesaikan masalah teman sehingga tidak dapat memulangkan kembali wang amanah tersebut sehingga beberapa tahun;
    • tidak mengaku mempunyai isteri kedua walhal perkara ini telah disahkan oleh bapa mertua beliau sendiri;
    • telah secara tidak sedar menjatuhkan maruah dan martabat graduan UIAM dengan tingkahlaku beliau;

  5. Kesilapan pemilihan calun ini harus dipikul oleh Muhyiddein dan Zahid Hamidi. Persoalannya - adakah mereka mengetahui bahwa calun BN mempunyai masalaah demikian? Sekiranya ya, bilakah mereka mengetahuinya? Seandainya mereka mengetahui masaalah tersebut sebelum hari penamaan calun, maka BN telah memperbodohkan pengundi dengan meletakkan calun tersebut.
  6. Zahid Hamidi yang pernah menjawat jawatan menteri yang bertanggungjawab terhadap agama Islam harus peka dengan ini. Beliau sebagai ketua perhubungan negeri Pulau Pinang semestinya menghidu masaalah calun tersebut. Apatah lagi dengan kedudukan beliau sebagai Menteri Pertahanan, beliau mempunyai bantuan kepakaran untuk menyelidik latarbelakang calun.
  7. BN telah hilang punca dan ini memberi laluan agak mudah bagi PAS mempertahankan Permatang Pasir. Mungkin PAS tidak akan mendapat majoriti sebagaimana yang mereka dapati dalam tahun 2008 tetapi kemenangan masih kemenangan walaupun dengan majoriti yang merosot.
  8. Walaupun BN cuba bermain dengan angka apabila memberi ganbaran seolah-olah calun PAS juga menyeleweng wang tetapi BN gagal untuk membawa bukti selain dari menurunkan jumlah wang yang dikatakan diseleweng dari RM 60K kepada RM 6K.
  9. Gagal dalam cubaan itu, BN telah memainkan sentimen agama dan bangsa tetapi umpan BN masih belum menjadi. Mungkin bulan Ramadan membawa rahmat kepada PAS. Siapa tahu?
  10. Perlu diingat sekiranya PAS berjaya menaikkan majoriti, ini memberi satu lagi tamparan hebat kepada BN terutamanya kepada Najib yang sedang mempromosikan konsep "1Malaysia".
  11. BN mungkin boleh berlapang dada apabila Mohd Radzhi bertindak keluar dari PKR semalam. Ini mungkin memberi ruang bagi BN memasukkan jarum memacing undi. Tetapi dalam masa yang sama, lawan BN di Permatang Pasir ialah PAS dan bukannya PKR.
  12. Dalam masa yang sama, BN juga mempunyai masaalahnya yang tersendiri apabila Tiong mendakwa menyumbang sebanyak RM 10J kepada Ong TK untuk dana politik MCA.
  13. Sekiranya tiada aral melintang, PAS akan bertakbir lagi pada 25hb Ogos meraikan kemenangan mereka di Permatang Pasir. Majoriti? Sahabat maya menganggarkan 1969 tetapi saya merasakan dengan keadaan sekarang, majoritinya sekitar 3,000.
  14. Apapun, marilah sama-sama berdoa agar PRK Permatang Pasir berjalan lancar tanpa gangguan dan kekecohan. Hari baik, bulan baik adalah lebih baik bagi penyokong kedua-dua belah pihak memperbanyakkan zikir dari menghambur kata-kata kesat.

Hingga ketemu lagi...selamat malam M'sia...dimana jua anda berada...

  1. Every beginning has its end. The same with journeys. At the end of each journey is its destination. And for Permatang Pasir by-election, its journey is coming to an end.
  2. Although initially it is expected that 3 nomination papers will be filed but it seems that 2 candidates will go on one to one this 25th August 2009.
  3. The difference this time is Permatang Pasir proved that BN is no longer a political giant with many potential candidates. This time BN exposed their failure to internally screen potential candidates.
  4. From the onset of the campaign period, BN is in defensive and pressured by its own failure in choosing a candidate. To this day, BN's candidate is becoming a problematic candidate due to :-

    • the Bar council decision to strike off his name for his misconduct offenses;
    • pointed that it is his ex-partner who happens to be his univeristy mate as the person responsible for the misconduct which leads the candidate being taken action by the Bar council;
    • his ex-partner has surfaced to refute the candidate's accusations and has presented his side of the story pointing that the candidate is the one who is responsible for the problem;
    • misuse a client's funds by giving loan to his friend to solve his problems but the friend fail to repay the money leading to the candidate failing to refund the client's money for several years;
    • deny having a second wife although this has been admitted by his in laws;
    • unconsciously affect the morals and the good name of UIA graduates with his actions;

  5. The candidate selection fiasco is the joint fault of both Muhyiddein and Zahid Hamidi. The question - do they realise that the BN candidate has the problem? If yes, when did they come to know about it? If they know it before the nomination day, then it is obvious that BN is making fools out of the voters by nominating him as the candidate.
  6. Zahid Hamidi who used to be the minister in charge of Islamic affairs should be sensitive to this. As Penang UMNO liason chief, he must be able to sniff the problem. What more in his capacity as the Defense minister, he has the intelligence support to carry out a thorough background check on the candidate.
  7. BN has lost track and giving an easy passage for PAS to defend Permatang Pasir. Maybe PAS will not get its 2008 majority but a win is still a win even with reduced majority.
  8. Although BN is trying to play with numbers by giving hints that PAS candidate is also invlved in fund misappropriation but BN failed to provide the proof and on top of that reduce the numbers from RM 60 K to RM 6K.
  9. failing in that area, BN is resorting to religous and race sentiments but BN's stragey is not working. Maybe the month of Ramadan is bringing blessings to PAS. Who knows?
  10. It should be noted that if PAS managed to increase its majority, this will be a major setback to BN especially to Najib who is promoting his "1Malaysia" concept.
  11. BN may be relieved when Mohd Radzhi left PKR yesterday. This may give some space for BN to win some votes. But at the same time, it must be made clear that BN's opponent in Permatang Pasir is PAS and not PKR.
  12. At the same time, BN has its own internal problem when Tiong claimed to donate RM 10M to Ong TK for MCA's political funds.
  13. Barring unexpected changes, PAS will once again "Takbir" this 25th August 2009 to celebrate their victory in Permatang Pasir. Majority? A cyber friend estimated 1969 but with the prevailing condition, a majority within 3,000 is not impossible.
  14. Whatever it is, let us all pray that Permatang Pasir by-election will proceed smoothly without disturbance or violence. In this goodmonth of Ramadan al Mubarak, it is better for supporters from both camps to chants praise to the al-Mighty than resorting to abusive words...

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...
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Sunday, August 23, 2009

PKR is drowning, will Anwar keep it afloat?

So, what is Anwar's next move? Is he still thinking of another 916? For those who forgets, 916 is 16th September when Anwar predicted that PR will take over from BN in running Malaysia. That was a year ago and that date passed with Anwar failing to prove his prediction. If Anwar has any thoughts of declaring another 916, my say is it is better for Anwar to keep his prediction to himself and spare the trouble of anxious waits from both BN and PR camps.

  1. PKR is now facing peatfire and Anwar should be going in now to control and extinguish the fire.
  2. When its partner is smelling another victory in Permatang Pasir, PKR's ship is leaking in two different states.
  3. First up is the announcement from Kedah. Lunas assemblyman, Mohd Radzhi Salleh, who declared that he quits PKR and remains an independent assemblyman whilst retaining his state executive council post.
  4. His reasons for quiting PKR? His loss of confidence towards PKR's leadership. PKR's initial response? Radzhi's resignation could be triggered by MACC's investigation into his tourism portfolio whilst at the same time declared that PKR is dissatisfied over his performance.
  5. Before this, Khalid Ibrahim of Selangor on 20th Augut 2009 has advised one Badrul Hisham Abdullah, Pelabuhan Kelang assemblyman, to resign if he canot serve the people.
  6. In short, this is unbecoming of PKR. I have written about this way back on 28th May 2009 that PKR must put its house in order. THree months has passed and still Anwar failed to get his act together.
  7. Anwar is busy accussing BN of trying to politically chop him down that he did not spend enough time to reinforce PKR. Is this the best Anwar can do? No doubt PKR is led by his wife, Wan Azizah but everyone knows who runs the show.
  8. Just imagine what PKR elected reps has put us through? By-elections in Permatang Pauh, Bukit Selambau, Penanti and Perak fiasco is contributed by PKR's reps of Changkat Jering and Behrang.
  9. In short, PKR has proved that it is a party that failed to carry out a thorough check on its candidates. It is a greenhorn party that happens to be taking advantage of the groundswell that put BN in its place. However, in doing that, PKR is exposed to a "sudden" prominence beyond its expectations. And now, that prominence is backfiring on PKR.
  10. Has anyone notice the absence of PKR's deputy, Syed Husin, from its national scene? Is PKR solely run by Anwar Ibrahim? With support from Azmin Ali, Tian Hua, Gobalakrishnan, Khalid Ibrahim and their youth chief? What about the rest?
  11. PKR can divert the media attention by accussing MACC of investigating Radzhi but is that the real issue? Others can blame MACC of "selective" investigation but to me, nobody should question MACC when they carry out investigation. It is their duty to investigate when there is a report made. Pure and simple. If there is an element of selective persection, it must be addressed separately in a different forum. Afterall, what is the use of setting up numerous MACC advisory panels if they cannot function?
  12. If indeed Radzhi is being investigated, let it be. MACC is doing their job and Radzhi must answer for his actions. Being a PKR rep and EXCO does not give him the immunity from being investigated.
  13. So, what is Anwar's next move? Is he still thinking of another 916? For those who forgets, 916 is 16th September when Anwar predicted that PR will take over from BN in running Malaysia. That was a year ago and that date passed with Anwar failing to prove his prediction. If Anwar has any thoughts of declaring another 916, my say is it is better for Anwar to keep his prediction to himself and spare the trouble of anxious waits from both BN and PR camps.
  14. It is time for Anwar to steer PKR from further trouble. His PR partners are doing fine. DAP and PAS, with their experience and strong leadership are still intact. What about PKR? It seems that PR's ship is having a big gash on PKR's side. When will Anwar acts?
  15. Anwar is known to be an orator. A good one, no doubt. But talking without action is nothing. What PKR needs now is strong action to arrest the problems. Who can do that? Anwar? He may be putting his priority wrong and thinks more about his sodomy case than on how to salvage PKR. Syed Husin? He is nowhere to be seen and honestly he is too soft to bring out the whip.
  16. Khalid Ibrahim? He is besieged in Selangor and cannot do much outside Selangor. Azmin Ali? He is too dependent on Anwar and he has been at odds with many PKR leadership to command support.
  17. Tian Hua? With him around, PKR may end up as a party willing to stand in front of police personnel cars. Gobala? Too busy fighting off police arrest. Zulkifli Nordin? He will scare the non-muslims away with his hard stand. Cikgu Bard? Then it will just be PKR vs KJ and not PKR vs BN....
  18. Where am I heading then? It shows that there is no credile leader in PKR to come forward and take charge. Everyone is on his own. Everyone has his own agenda. Radzhi has declared that he is a nationalist. That means he is better suited to be in UMNO ranks. That said, it is hard to see Radzhi joining PAS because PAS's concept is based on religous approach and not nationalistic approach.
  19. Badrul Hisham? His problem is his mental capability. One friendly blogger, Zorro, describes him as a person who could not care less.
  20. The people has rise to occassion in showing BN who is the boss. The question now is - Do PKR perform to the peoples' expectation? And why did I single out PKR? Because there is not much problem coming from DAP and PAS camps. No doubt DAP and PAS has some hiccups here and there but not to the extent of causing a pandemic-like problems.
  21. The people will still stand by PR if there is by-elections if that by-elections are due to legitimate vacancy but I doubt the people will stand by PR if by-elections are made necessary due to resignation (like the one by Radzhi) or forced medical reasons (if it happens to Badrul Hisham).
  22. Finally, Anwar has to ask himself - is it worth it? Is his selfglorification more important than the nation? By that, Anwar has to trascend above races and think about Malaysians. Do he has the fighting spirit to carry on or will he choose to think about himself before he thinks about Malaysia?
  23. Anwar must realise that he is not Nelson Mandela nor is he on the same platform as Gandhi. If he choose to be Hassan al-Banna then he better act as one. The choice is still his and I will be watching carefully...
Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...
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Saturday, August 22, 2009

Ramadan al Mubarak...

Dear All,

Life has to be an incessant process of repair and reconstruction, of discarding evil and developing goodness. May this Ramadhan makes us a better person...

Wishing You and Your Loved Ones A Blessed Ramadhan al-Mubarak

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are... Read More

Friday, August 21, 2009

Caning for alchoholic consumption? Can or cannot?

However, most of my non-Muslim friends questions why was she the only person sentenced for caning? There are more Muslims drinking openly in KL pubs and there are also those titled Tan Sris', datuks' and what nots who openly drink in public places. Public places here means pubs, bistros, restaurants, hotels where public can patronise the place.

It is like shifting through the archive and lo and behold, this posting was supposed to be out on 23rd July 2009. But it never did. Why? Because I feel the pain and difficulty to express my thoughts and stand on this.

If there is one out there who is in the dark, this is about the judgement passed down by Kuantan syariah court on a woman for drinking. She was fined and ordered 6 strokes of rotan. And bear in mind that the woman accept the decision and insist on being publicly caned. Latest news mentioned that she will be placed in Kajang prison from 24th August to be caned within the prison walls and not in public as earlier stated.

You see, this is a landmark decision and a very important judgement mete out by the Syariah court. I am not going to give my opinion whether the judge err or not. That is his job and his responsibility as well as his expertise.

However, most of my non-Muslim friends questions why was she the only person sentenced for caning? There are more Muslims drinking openly in KL pubs and there are also those titled Tan Sris', datuks' and what nots who openly drink in public places. Public places here means pubs, bistros, restaurants, hotels where public can patronise the place.

Although I have answered that this judgement was passed down in Kuantan syariah court and maybe has not been implemented in KL or Selangor syariah courts, it leaves a big question mark - why her and why only Kuantan syariah court braved enough to pass the judgement? Is it because the woman has migrated to Singapore? Or is it because she do not have any "cable connection"? So, for those who know out there - tell me how can I satisfactorily answer to my non-Muslim friends?

This also open another area to be discussed - that of judgement to rapist. My non-Muslim friends pointed out that to their understanding on Muslim laws, those proven to rape and murder will be publicly executed. They ask why is it not carried out by syariah court. My answer to them is that the federal law did not allow the syariah court to cover criminal case such as this. That's my best answer. Maybe those in the legal fraternity can enlightened me on this.

Moral of the story : If it needs to be enforced, let's enforced without fear and favour. Maybe a few public canings to those Muslim drinking Tan Sris' will do good to stop Muslims from consuming alchoholic drinks, at least in public and public areas.

Oh yes, before my grey matter fails me...the original posting slated for 23rd July 2009 posting is produced below in full...happy reading...

STAR reported that a part time model was fined and sentenced to 6 stroke caning for publicly consuming alchohol in Kuantan.

Since then, the news has been debated where most feel caning is too harsh for a first time offender. Those who feel so pointed out that :-
  1. The caning sentence was a bit harsh for a first-time offender;
  2. the judge should take into account several mitigating factors such as the fact that the model was a first time offender and had pleaded guilty to the offence;
  3. in many cases, they either fine or impose a jail term on the offender. But in practice, they usually impose a more lenient sentence. In this case, it was a harsh sentence;
  4. a similar case where the Negri Sembilan Syariah High Court sentenced a Muslim man to 30 days imprisonment for consuming alcohol in public;
  5. caning and the death penalty were forbidden against women from the Hanafi school of thought;
  6. caning sentence contravenes the Prison Regulations 2000 which states that female offenders cannot be caned;
  7. the offender can be sent to a rehabilitation centre for repentance and that is Islamic. Even Section 50 of the Wilayah Persekutuan Syariah Criminal Law provides this mechanism for up to six months;
  8. while Kartika herself appears satisfied with the punishment and has decided not to appeal against the sentence, other parties are concerned whether this case would set a precedent;

These comments are not made by laymen but by Islamic criminal law experts, Dr Siti Zubaidah Ismail and Assoc Prof Dr M Azam M Adil. Nik Aziz, on the other hand praises the model who wants the court to expedite the sentence.

Mohd Isa Abdul Ralip, President of Malaysian Syariah lawyers association noted that :-
  1. Islamic law in the country that allows for the caning of Muslims for having alcoholic drinks is an established one;
  2. the law was passed 25 years ago by the federal government;
  3. it may have escaped the public's attention because in the past most who were found guilty were usually given lesser penalties;
  4. the Syariah Court Act 1984 is a federal law that regulates the different types of punishment in all the states;
  5. the last time a man was whipped under the same law for drinking was about 10 years ago in Kelantan;
  6. all Muslims, regardless of whether they are tourists or Malaysians, are subject to local Islamic laws;
  7. under the Syariah Criminal Offences Code, only Pahang, Perlis and Kelantan provide for whipping of women;

Although many in the blogospehere looks negatively at the sentence, this scribe feels that we have to salute the judge for having the balls to mete out the sentence. You see, in my younger days, I was made to understand that it is not easy to be a judge, whatmore to be a fair and god-fearing judge.

What puzzles me is the act of the 2 academicians who feel that the sentence is too harsh. In leading to that conclusion, they have use other states (not Pahang) legislation to say that there are other alternative sentences. They have also pointed out the Hanafi school of thought in defending their arguments.

It is not a surprise when there are many Islamic scholars who receive their education in the western universities and thus have a more liberal thinking and more logic based. However, they should also realise a few things :-
  1. It is not a matter of who is the first one to face the caning sentence, but rather it has to be carried out as deterrence to the rest;
  2. if the courts keep on collecting fines, then the problem of public alchohol consumption by Muslims will never ends. Instead it will be a routine offense where the offenders gladly open up their wallets to pay the fines. Don't believe? How many of the offenders are from well to do group? Make a quick survey and the answers is there, right in front of our eyes;
  3. the sentence, if carried out, will most probably deter future offenders provided that once the sentences are handed out, there is no room to appeal for lighter sentences. The only avenue for appeal should only be whether the offense are committed or not;
  4. the whole Muslim community should first admit that the problems are widespread and the sentences is part of the solution to the issues at hand;
  5. it is unfortunate for the model to be handed down the sentence but being a public figure (of sorts), she has to bear the consequence of her actions;
This is a religous issue. Let the Muslims settle the issue. This is not a matter of human rights or gender based issue. There are differences in thinking between the western and Islam. Let the west sort out problems their way whilst Islam sort out their issues their own way.

After all, there is a verse in the Koran that summarily means "You have your own religion whilst we have our own (religion), We don't follow yours as you will never follow ours (of religion)" Never the twain shall meet...

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...
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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Penang N11 : Jawab BN, jangan tak jawab. (Translation provided : Answer this, BN)

Ini hargadiri peribadi. Tepuk dada, tanya selera. Berat mana mata memandang, berat lagi bahu memikul.Menjelang bulan Ramadan al Mubarak, adalah lebih baik bagi yang berkenaan menarik diri dari pilihanraya kecil Permatang Pasir...Itulah yang terbaik, seandainya ada yang masih ingin mendengar.

This is about self esteem. How heavy the responsibility, it is the burden to be carried by the trustee. As we are going to welcome Ramadan al Mubarak, it is better for the person to withdraw from Permatang Pasir's by-election...That is the best, if there is somebody still willing to listen.

Ketua penerangan UMNO, Ahmad Maslan, boleh belajar dari sini. "Punching bag" kalau ditumbuk atau ditendang tidak akan melawan. Mungkin ia akan berayun dan kalau penumbuk tidak cermat, dia akan tersungkur kerana ayunan balik "punching bag".

Itu punching bag. Tapi apabila UMNO terus menerus mensasarkan tuduhan terhadap bekas rakan kongsi yang dikatakan terbabit dengan salah laku, bekas rakankongsi tersebut perlu mempertahankan diri dan membersihkan nama beliau yang terconteng. Maka, berlakulah sidang akhbar 20hb Ogos 2009.

Yusri Isahak, rakan kongsi yang dinamakan telah membuat persidangan akhbar untuk membersihkan nama beliau. Didalam persidangan tersebut, beliau menerangkan :-
  1. Yusri telah menandatangani cek bernilai RM 100,000 untuk kegunaan koperasi untuk mengambangkan perniagaan mereka. Bakinya ada RM 220,000 dalam akaun;
  2. Firma guaman tersebut telah bersetuju memberi pinjaman sebanyak RM 100,000 kepada teman Rohaizat. Duit itu diambil dari akaun Koperasi;
  3. Apabila teman beliau tidak dapat membayar pinjaman, firma telah mengambilalih tanah yang dibeli melalu pinjaman tersebut dan menjualnya. Firma gagal untuk mendapat kembali jumlah RM 100,000 yang digunakan dari akaun koperasi;
  4. Sebahgian dari baki yang selebihnya digunakan untuk memberi pinjaman kepada seorang pengarah syarikat perumahan yang juga rakan Rohaizat;
  5. Yusri kemudiannya menguruskan cawangan firma guaman mereka di Ipoh dan tidak lagi memantau akaun pelanggan Butterworth selepas itu;
  6. Rohaizat mengetahui apa yang berlaku;
Apa dah jadi? Sememangnya Yusri berhak mempertahankan nama baik beliau dan keluarga beliau. Itu sudah pasti.

Secara keseluruhannya, sekali lagi Rohaizat perlu bermuhasabah diri sempena bulan Ramadan ini samada masih ingin terus menjadi calun atau mengundurkan diri. Inilah yang paling baik kerana sebagai graduan UIAM yang seharusnya mengutamakan Islam sebagai panduan hidup, Rohaizat perlu jujur pada diri sendiri samada beliau amanah dalam menguruskan wang pelanggan. Apakah pelanggan reda dengan penggunaan wang mereka?

Ini bukan lagi hargadiri BN atau UMNO. Ini hargadiri peribadi. Tepuk dada, tanya selera. Berat mana mata memandang, berat lagi bahu memikul.Menjelang bulan Ramadan al Mubarak, adalah lebih baik bagi yang berkenaan menarik diri dari pilihanraya kecil Permatang Pasir...Itulah yang terbaik, seandainya ada yang masih ingin mendengar.

Sehingga ketemu lagi...selamat malam M'sia...dimana jua anda berada...


UMNO information chief, Ahmad Maslan, can learn something here. You can box and kick a punching bag and it will never retaliate. Maybe it will swing and if you are not careful, you may be knockdown by the returning punch bag.

That is for punching bag. When UMNO continuously targetted the ex-partner who is said to be involved in misconduct, the ex-partner has to defend his good name and reputation. Such is the aim of a press conference held on 20th August 2009.

Yusri Isahak, the ex-partner who was named held a press conference to clear his name. In the press conference, he explained :-
  1. He signed a cheque of RM 100,000 for the client's use to expand their business. There is a balance of RM 220,000 in the account;
  2. The firm agreed to loan out RM 100,000 to Rohaizat's friend. The money is taken from the client's account;
  3. When the friend did not repay, the firm took over the landed property and sold it. The firm failed to recover the RM 100,000 used from the client's account;
  4. Part of the balance was given out as loan to a director of a housing company which is also a friend of Rohaizat;
  5. Yusri then manage Ipoh's branch office and no longer oversee the client's account in Butterworth;
  6. All the while Rohaizat is a party to what transpired;
What happened? Yusri has the rights to defend his and his family reputation and good name. That is for sure.

As a whole, it is again hope that Rohaizat carry out self-evaluation in conjunction to Ramadan whether he still want to pursue being a candidate or withdraw. This is the best approach as being a graduate of UIAM which place Islam as the guidance in life. Rohaizat needs to be honest to himself whether he is amanah when managing the client's account and money. Did the client reda (agree wholeheartedly) for othe firm to use their money?

This is no longer about the integrity of BN or UMNO. This is about self esteem. How heavy the responsibility, it is the burden to be carried by the trustee. As we are going to welcome Ramadan al Mubarak, it is better for the person to withdraw from Permatang Pasir's by-election...That is the best, if there is somebody still willing to listen.

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are... Read More

Penang N11: Anak Emas sana, anak Emas sini...kenapa tidak anak Mutiara? (translation provided, of course)

Senang cerita...kenapa ya? Sesudah begitu banyak pilihanraya kecil, semuanya menjadi anak emas BN aka kerajaan persekutuan.

Setiap kali pilahanraya kecil, BN akan menaiktaraf kawasan tersebut sebagai anak emas BN. Secara logiknya, bertuahlah rakyat Permatang Pauh kerana selain dari kawasan parlimen Permatang Pauh menjadi anak emas BN, dua DUN dibawah Parlimen Permatang Pauh juga mengharungi pilihanraya kecil iaitu Penanti dan Permatang Pasir. Wah, 2 anak emas bagi parlimen Permatang Pauh! Seperti "menatang minyak yang penuh"....

Tetapi satu je yang berlegar diotak...kenapa dipanggil anak emas? Tidakkah Permatang Pasir di Penang? Kalau Pulau Pinang dikenali sebagai "Mutiara Timur", adalah lebih baik bagi BN menaikkan banner "Permatang Pasir - anak mutiara BN"...kelas gitu....

Sehingga ketemu lagi...selamat malam M'sia...dimana jua anda berada...


To make it simple...why? After so many by-elections, all the DUNs' and parliamentary seats become BN @ Federal government's "adopted golden sons".

Everytime there is a by-election, BN will upgrade the place as BN's "adopted golden son" status. Logically, Permatang Pauh's constituents are the lucky lot because apart from the Parliamentary seat of Permatang Pauh becoming the BN's "golden adopted son", 2 state seats under Permatang Pauh's parliamentary seats will also experience by-elections ie Penanti state seat and Permatang Pasir state seat. Wow, 2 "adopted golden sons" for Permatang Pauh's parliementary seat! Almost "born with a golden spoon"...

Only 1 thing that is spinning through this thick skull...why are they known as "adopted golden son"? Isn't Permatang Pasir in Penang? If Pulau Pinang is known as the "pearl of the orient", it will be better for BN to raise up the banner "Permatang Pasir - BN's pearl" will be more

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...
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Penang N11: Yang terluka dan berparut (Translated version available : The wounds and the scarred)

Semestinya ada yang terluka dari episod ini. Walaupun duit telah dipulangkan namun episod ini telah meninggalkan parut yang masih belum sembuh. Parut itu kini menghantui Rohaizat.

It is no coincidence that there will be people hurt in this episode. Eventhough the money has been refunded, the episode has left a scar. That scar is currently haunting Rohaizat.

Ahmad Maslan, ketua penerangan UMNO mengatakan semua OK. Buktinya? Surat dari Koperasi Pekebun Getah Negeri Pulau Pinang Berhad bertarikh 28hb Mac 2008 menarik balik aduan dan melepaskan Rohaizat dari semua aduan.

Sebelum itu, setiausaha Majlis Peguam George Varughese menegaskan bahwa Rohaizat telah dikeluarkan dari senarai peguam pada 7hb March 2008 atas kesalahan salahlaku. Mahkamah tinggi pula menolak permohonan Rohaizat pada 12hb Ogos. Urutan cerita boleh diikuti dalam blog OBE.

Siapa betul, siapa salah tidak lagi penting. Pengajaran dan teladan dari episod ini perlu dijadikan pedoman dan panduan dimasa depan. Secara ringkasnya :-
  1. Rohaizat, lulusan UIAM, berjaya menjadi rakankongsi pada umur 32 tahun. Ini membuktikan bahwa umur bukan menjadi ukuran untuk berjaya dalam kehidupan;
  2. Kenapakah pihak koperasi pekebun getah negeri Pulau Pinang hanya mengeluarkan surat menarik aduan pada 28hb Mac 2008 setelah majlis peguam membuat keputusan pada 7hb Mac 2008?
  3. Apakah perlu majlis peguam untuk mengeluarkan kenyataan pada ketika ini? Tidakkah ini memberi gambaran seolah-olah majlis peguam bertindak bagi pihak parti lawan?
  4. Apakah Rohaizat menulis kerjaya beliau sebagai peguam? Sekiranya tidak, dimana relevannya mengheret isu ini ke tengah?
  5. Apakah Ahmad Maslan telah membuat perkiraan politik tentang kenyataan dan pendedahan terbaru ini? Mungkinkah pendedahan ini akan menutup terus peluan calun UMNO untuk menang di Permatang Pasir?
Semestinya ada yang terluka dari episod ini. Walaupun duit telah dipulangkan namun rakankongsi yang bertanggungjawab telah meninggalkan parut yang masih belum sembuh. Parut itu kini menghantui Rohaizat.

Berlatarbelakangkan lulusan UIAM, Rohaizat mungkin tidak mempunyai peranan ketika salah seorang rakankongsi firma beliau melakukan pecah amanah. Walaupun demikian, beliau perlu bertanggungjawab atas kesalahan tersebut, apatah lagi apabila koperasi terbabit menamakan beliau sebagai responden. Ini adalah pengajaran yang berharga untuk Rohaizat supaya lebih cermat dalam menangani kes yang melibatkan wang umum.

Secara ikhlas, adalah lebih baik untuk Rohaizat menarik diri dan menyiapkan diri untuk masa depan. Ini adalah lebih baik bagi beliau serta tindakan tersebut akan mempopularkan beliau sebagai tokoh yang bermaruah dan bermoral. Biarlah kesan parut benar-benar pulih sebelum masuk ke gelanggang politik. Dalam keadaan sekarang, Rohaizat berada dalam keadaan tersepit. Sekiranya beliau terus bertanding, beliau akan menjadi sasaran terbuka kepada PR dan terus dilanyak oleh rakan taulan UMNO sekiranya tewas nanti.

Andaikata beliau menang sekalipun, kedudukan beliau akan sentiasa dipersoal dan musuh dalam selimut akan mengambil segala peluang untuk menjatuhkan beliau. Untuk itu, Rohaizat perlu merenung sedalam-dalamnya dan mencari kata hati...tanpa dipengaruhi keadaan sekeliling. Ikut hati- mati, ikut kata - merana. Fikir-fikirkanlah...

Hingga ketemu lagi...selamat malam M'sia...dimana jua anda berada...


Ahmad Maslan, UMNO information chief says everything is OK. Proof? The letter from Koperasi Pekebun Getah Negeri Pulau Pinang Berhad dated 28hb Mac 2008 withdrawing the charges and release Rohaizat from all complaints.

Pior to this, the secretary of the Bar council George Varughese confirmed that Rohaizat has been struck off from the list of lawyers on 7hb March 2008 because he is found guilty of misconduct. The high court has rejected his suit on 12th August. More on this can be read in OBE.

Who is right and who is wrong is no longer important. Lessons learnt from this episode shall be use as future guidance. Briefly :-
  1. Rohaizat, a UIAM graduate, succeeds to be a partner at 32 years of age. This proves that age is not a measurement to be successful in life;
  2. Why did koperasi pekebun getah negeri Pulau Pinang issue the withdrawal letter on 28th Mar 2008 after the Bar council has make a decision on 7th Mar 2008?
  3. Is it necessary for the Bar council to issue a statement now? Doesn't this gives an expression that the Bar council is acting on the opposing side?
  4. Did Rohaizat entered his profession as a lawyer? If not, what is the relevance of pursuing the issue ?
  5. Has Ahmad Maslan did his political calculation on the recent statements and latest expossure? Is it possible for this expossure to backfire and diminish whatever chances UMNO has to win Permatang Pasir?
It is no coincidence that there will be people hurt in this episode. Eventhough the money has been refunded, the episode has left a scar. That scar is currently haunting Rohaizat.

With his background as a UIAM graduate, Rohaizat may not have any role when one of his partners commit the mis-conduct. However, he has to take the responsibility for the offense, whatmore when the koperasi named him as the respondent. This is a very valuable lesson for Rohaizat to be more vigilant in handling public's trust.

Honestly, it is better for Rohaizat to withdraw his candidacy and prepare for the future. This will be better as his withdrawal will popularise him as a person with integrity and high moral. Let the scar really healed before entering the political arena. In the current situation, Rohaizat is trapped. If he chooses to continue, he will be an open target to PR and at the same time he will be ridiculed by his political friends when he lose.

Even if he wins, his position will be vulnurable and the enemy within his own party will jump at chances to step on him. For that, Rohaizat should look deep within himself and seek his inner feelings...without external influence. It is better to be sorry now. Think about it...

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...
Read More

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Penang N11: Lain yang yang dikata, lain yang dilapur...(translation provided)

UMNO dah pening agaknya. Pening dengan kelemahan sendiri sehinggakan akhbar mereka, Utusan Malaysia melapurkan apa yang tidak dinyatakan.

Kes terbaru ialah mengenai kenyataan TG Nik Aziz. Utusan Malaysia pada 17 hb Ogos 2009 beriya-iya benar melapurkan "Nik Aziz kata ahli UMNO tak akan masuk syurga". Maka berpestalah para juak UMNO keliling kampung mendendangkan lagu sumbang sehingga ada yang meminta majlis Ulama mengeluarkan fatwa, ada yang mempersoalkan TG Nik Aziz dan sebagainya.

Malangnya, lapuran Utusan Malaysia tidak menzahirkan apa yang sebenarnya diungkapkan oleh TG Nik Aziz. Dan ini bukan kali pertama perkara ini berlaku atas tubuh badan TG Nik Aziz. Sebelum ini akhbar sama telah mengeluarkan kenyataan mohon maaf kerana melapurkan perkara salah. Apakah akhbar ini tak belajar dari kesilapan? Atau kerana terlalu asyik nak mengena orang hingga gagal memenuhi etika kewartawanan? Atau adakah pemberita terbabit tidak faham Bahasa Malaysia?

Seandainya pemberita dari kumpulan Utusan Malaysia tak faham perkataan "ultra vires" sebagaimana yang dilapurkan dalam pebicaraan Karpal Singh, adakah pemberita ini pula tidak memahami konsep Imam dan Islam? Atau mungkinkah pemberita Utusan tidak mengenali TG Nik Aziz sebagaimana pemberita RTM tidak mengetahui Karpal Singh dari parti mana? Apakah ini piawaian pemberita Malaysia?

Walaupun UMNO bukan Utusan dan Utusan bukan UMNO tetapi hakikatnya Utusan sentiasa memertabatkan UMNO dan pada pandangan Utusan Malaysia apa yang dilakukan UMNO benar belaka. Apakah itu realiti atau bayangan? Dulu, sebahgian besar rakyat merujuk kepadsa Utusan Malaysia sebagai sumber berita. Itu dulu, kini rakyat lebih percaya kepada media alternatif kerana sifat Utusan Malaysia yang lebih panggang dari api.

Akhirnya, Utusan Malaysia merudum dan tidak dipercayai lagi. Akhirnya UMNO juga yang akan rugi...bukan saja rugi dari segi penjualan akhbar Uusan Malaysia tetapi rugi dari segi memenangi minda rakyat. Kini semakin jelas bahwa UMNO akan menempuhi satu lagi kegagalan di Permatang Pasir, hasil kerja Utusan Malaysia...aduh....mungkin selepas ini berduyung-duyunglah pemimpin UMNO akan melepas lenguh badan di Bentong atau Padang Besar. Hai..untung besarlah towkay rumah urut Padang Besar/Bentong hasil kujungan "muhibbah" pemimpin UMNO.

Hingga ketemu lagi...selamat malam M'sia...dimana jua anda berada...


Guess UMNO must be having a headache now. Not only they are facing their own weaknesses but UMNO-owned newspaper, Utusan Malaysia have been reporting what is not uttered.

The latest case concerns TG Nik Aziz's statement. Utusan Malaysia datelined 17th August 2009 went all over town reporting that "Nik Aziz said UMNO members will not enter paradise" or "Nik Aziz kata ahli UMNO tak akan masuk syurga". This prompted UMNO members to go round singing the same mis-tune with some requesting the Ulama council to come out with an edict whilst some questions TG Nik Aziz statement and so forth.

Unfortunately, Utusan Malaysia failed to express what is really said by TG Nik Aziz. And this is not the first time this thing happens on Tg Nik Aziz. Prior to this, the same newspaper has issued an apology for reporting wrongly. Didn't the newspaper learn from its mistakes? Or are they too obsessed to corner someone until they failed to fulfil journalism ethics? Or is the said reporter did not understand Bahasa Malaysia?

If another reporter from Utusan Malaysia group did not understand the word "ultra vires" as reported in Karpal Singh's seditous trial, does this reporter failed to understand the concept of Imam and Islam? Or is it possible that Utusan Malaysia's reporter did not know who is TG Nik Aziz as what RTM's reporter pemberita RTM did not know Karpal Singh is from which party ? Is this the standard of Malaysian journalism?

Although UMNO is not Utusan Malaysia and Utusan Malaysia is not UMNO but the fact is Utusan Malaysia will always uphold UMNO and to Utusan Malaysia's views what is done by UMNO is totally correct at all times. Is this reality or virtual realism? In the past, majority of the masses refer to Utusan Malaysia as their source for news. That was then and now the masses prefer to believe alternative media more due to Utusan Malaysia's tendency to be more UMNO tahn UMNO itself.

Finally, Utusan Malaysia drop in sales and were not trusted anymore. In the end, UMNO is the one who pay the price...not only interms of poor sales but also failed to win the hearts and minds of the masses. It is getting clearer now that UMNO is going to meet with another failure in Permatang Pasir, thanks to Utusan Malaysia...alas...maybe after this UMNO leaders will head to Bentong or Padang Besar to recover from their beatings. And the Towkays of massage parlours in Padang Besar/Bentong will be having a profitable field day receiving the "muhibbah" trips of UMNO leaders.

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...
Read More

Penang N11 : What's happening to UMNO? (Terjemahan disediakan)

It seems that all is not well in UMNO, at least not in Permatang Pasir.

It has something to do with BN's candidate, Rohaizat Othman. What's happening to UMNO? Muhyiddein and Zahid Hamidi has a lot of explaining to do regarding :-
  • UMNO's method in shortlisting the candidate. Did Muhyiddein and Zahid has satisfactorily exhausted in finding the best candidate for UMNO?
  • UMNO's background check. UMNO as the backbone party of BN should have a foolproof system to screen potential candidates. What went wrong? Is there any oversight in UMNO? Is there "system malfunctions" that results in Rohaizat passing the screen?
  • why Rohaizat? It is said that Rohaizat who is Permatang Pauh UMNO division secretary is the rising young star. Is Rohaizat chosen because of his youth? Because of his close link with Pemuda UMNO?
  • Zahid's defense of Rohaizat. Granted that Rohaizat can still practise syariah law but the issue is with his civil law practise. Practising syariah law does not hide the issue that Rohaizat could not practise civil law. So why the merry go around? Why the excuses?
First UMNO did not dance to the tune and now UMNO is pushing the wrong man for the job. Is UMNO getting desperate? UMNO may want to feel that they are in the driver seat but the way it goes, UMNO is going down the drains Permatang Pasir.

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...

Terjemahan (lebih kurang)

Nampaknya ada yang tidak lancar dalam UMNO, sekurang-kurangnya di Permatang Pasir.
Ia ada kena mengena dengan calun BN, Rohaizat Othman. Apa dah jadi pada UMNO? Muhyiddein dan Zahid Hamidi perlu menjelaskan :-
  • Cara UMNO menyenaraipendek calun. Apakah Muhyiddin dan Zahid berpuashati bahwa mereka telah mencari calun terbaik untuk UMNO?
  • menyelidik latarbelakang cara UMNO. UMNO sebagai tulang belakang parti BN seharusnya mempunyai sistem terbaik untuk menyaring calun. Dimana silapnya? Adakah ini terlepas pandang UMNO? Adakah ini merupakan "kesilapan sistem" yang menyebabkan Rohaizat melepasi saringan tersebut?
  • mengapa Rohaizat? Dikatakan bahwa Rohaizat yang juga setiausaha UMNO bahgian Permatang Pauh adalah bintang baru yang bersinar. Apakah Rohaizat dipilih kerana usianya? Adakah kerana hubungan rapat beliau dengan Pemuda UMNO?
  • Pembelaan Zahid terhadap Rohaizat. Benar bahwa Rohaizat masih boleh menjadi pengamal undang-undang syariah tetapi isu sebenar ialah mengenai pengamal undang-undang sivil. Menagamal undang-undang syariah tidak menutup hakikat bahwa beliau tidak lagi boleh mengamal kes sivil. Jadi kenapa bersembunyi disebalik fakta? Kenapa perlu memberi alasan?

Tambahan :

Rohaizat juga perlu tampil memberi penjelasan ikhlas kepada UMNO dan penyokong UMNO dari segi :-

  • adakah Rohaizat mendedahkan perkara sebenar kepada Muhyidein dan Zahid? Bila pendedahan ini dibuat?
  • adakah Rohaizat mengharapkan mahkamah tinggi memberi keputusan yang menyebelahi beliau ketika membuat rayuan terhadap keputusan majlis peguam? Adakah Rohaizat bercadang untuk mengemukakan rayuan ke mahkamah yang lebih tinggi selepas ini?
  • bila Rohaizat mendapat kepercayaan untuk menjadi calun BN? Adakah ianya berlaku sebelum keputusan mahkamah tinggi?
  • apakah Rohaizat bercadang untuk menyaman majlis peguam kerana mempertikaikan peribadi beliau sehingga di keluarkan dari senarai peguam sivil?
Dari permulaan lagi UMNO tidak menari mengikut rentak dan kini UMNO didapati mengujurkan calun yang salah sebagai calun ADUN. Adakah UMNO begitu terdesak? UMNO mungkin merasakan mereka masih mengawal keadaan tetapi dengan cara yang ini, UMNO menuju kepada kehampaan sekali lagi...di Permatang Pasir.

Apakah akan ada satu lagi precedent di Malaysia dengan kemungkinan calun yang memenangi Permatang Pasir (sekiranya dari pihak BN - UMNO) menarik diri dan sebaliknya wakil calun akan menggantikan tempat beliau? Adakah ini dibenarkan dari segi undang-undang?

Memang benarlah nasihat orang tua - terlajak perahu boleh diundur, terlanjak perbuatan buruk padahnya...semuga UMNO mengambil iktibar dari kesilapan ini dan bersedialah menerima kekalahan di Permatang Pasir dengan tangan terbuka dan berlapang dada.

Sehubungan dengan ini, mungkin ramalan sahabat saya bahwa BN akan kalah dengan majoriti 1969 kurang tepat. Majoriti 2500 mungkin menjadi realiti...

Sehingga ketemu lagi...selamat malam M'sia...dimana jua anda berada...
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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Penang N11: Langkah sumbang UMNO...

Gendang perang berbunyi lagi. Kali ini di DUN N11 Permatang Pasir. Saperti yang dijangkakan, kali ini pertandingan satu lawan satu antara PAS mewakili PR dan UMNO mewakili BN. Untuk kali pertamanya, Kamrul Ramizu "pakar" payung tidak bertanding sebagai bebas. Adakah kerana cuaca yang tidak menyebelahi beliau atau kerana fulus yang tidak mencukupi?

Malaysian Insider menwar-warkan bahwa UMNO memainkan lagu perkauman. Kalau benarlah berita ini, maka terkedulah Najib kerana konsep 1Malaysia beliau telah diketepikan Muhyiddein Yassin. Lebih penting, apakah penjelasan Muhyiddein kepada Najib nanti? Atau apakah lagu ini dimainkan oleh KJ, pemuda dari Rembau?

Apapun, isu pengharaman penjualan arak di Selangor seharusnya tidak dipolitikkan oleh UMNO. Isu itu telah mencapai kata sepakat dan pihak penjual terbabit telah menjalankan "self-regulation" untuk mengatasi masaalah tersebut. Setelah 50 tahun berkuasa dan gagal membendung masaalah arak, UMNO perlu berterima kasih kepada PAS dan PR kerana telah mengambil jalan penyeleasaian terhadap isu penjualan arak dikawasan majoriti Melayu.

KJ pula telah "curi ayam" apabila mendakwa terdapat pengundi hantu di Permatang Pasir. SPR telah meminta KJ membuktikan dakwaan beliau dengan memberi senrai pengundi hantu. SPR seterusnya berpendapat bahwa kemungkinan pengundi hantu tipis dan hanya berlaku dalam tahun 2002.

Walhasilnya...pi mai pi mai...UMNO dah nampak riak kecundang lagi sekali.....

UMNO...UMNO.....agaknya ayam jantan UMNO hanya tahu berkokok saja....yang lain...haprak.....

Hingga ketemu lagi...selamat malam M'sia...dimana jua anda berada...
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Monday, August 17, 2009

Directionless MACC - questions and suggestions

  1. Way back in the 70's, Baretta make its debut and its motto "Don't do the crime if you can't do the time". Pure and simple, straight to the point. That was then...
  2. Now in 2009, Selangor state government wanted to establish Competency, Accountability and Transparency. Big words and huge inspiration paralleled with rakyats' expectation. However, things get a little bit out of control and muddled after BH Teoh.
  3. First, Khalid issued a circular mentioning that MACC may question state officers (either civil or political appointed) in state secretariat buildings only. Now, the AG chambers is seeking to set aside Selangor's circular regarding the issue. Whatever the reasons given by AG's office, there will always a party who is willing to stick their neck out to link the possibility of AG's actions with surrendering to federal government's wishes and commands.
  4. To this scribe, whatever reasons put forth by the AG's chambers should be viewed positively and let the court decides in legality aspects.
  5. Recent events have place an unseen barrier between MACC and the public. To some, MACC is seen as an obedient Fed's watchdog, ready to pounce PRs' lawmakers and workers. Their fear is not without substance.
  6. What happens to Teresa Kok, BH Teoh, CH Wong, Sivarasa and countless others did not help to ease the mistrust towards Government bodies. Although all the names mentioned were not manhandled by MACC per se, the stigma is already planted. And MACC being one of the agencies under the spotlight, the mistrust is far reaching.
  7. No doubt MACC did investigate BN supporters and poiticians too, but the manner MACC goes about carrying their duties are so contrasting. MACC, or rather their main officers will publicly issue statements when it comes to PR-linked persons but conspicuously quiet when BN-linked individuals are involved.
  8. For our test case, let us zoom in on CH Wong's case and compared that to Tiong-Ong TK's public spat. For those who miss the boat, CH Wong is a special assistant to a Selangor EXCO member who was arrestedby MACC on 13th August 2009. During the commotion, CH Wong fell and he alledgedly accused his arresting officers of pushing him to the ground.
  9. In CH Wong's case, it is observed that :-

    • CH Wong did not respond to MACC's telephone calls and SMSs' since 5th August 2009. Why didn't CH Wong respond? Is he being stubborn or does he know that MACC has a case against him?
    • CH Wong finally responded on 13th August 2009 to inform that he is available on Aug 14 at Sg Pelek assemblyman service centre. Why did CH Wong choose the service center? Will it be better if CH Wong responded to meet MACC at Selangor state secretariat building?
    • MACC informed CH Wong that he would be taken to Putrajaya as his case documents are in Putrajaya. This indicate that MACC has pre-empt to arrest CH Wong. Will it be better if MACC make the appointment at Selangor state secretraiat? Why didn't MASS bring along their case documents to go through CH Wong, if that is applicable?
    • CH Wong claimed that he is bound by Selagor state secretary circular Bil 4, 2009. If he is bound by that circular, why didn't CH Wong make an effort to meet MACC in Selangor state secretariat building? What does circular bil 4, 2009 says? Why didn't MACC explain that their intention is to arrest CH Wong on 14th August and not to record statements from him?
    • Wong was told that he is under custody and need to follow MACC in MACC's car. Isn't CH Wong with his lawyers? Aren't lawyers officers of the court? Couldn't MACC allow CH Wong to travel to MACC's office in his lawyer's car with one of the MACC officers? Why couldn't CH Wong and MACC negotiate on this issue?
    • MACC claimed that their officers tried to stop CH Wong from escaping and hugged him from behind. Is CH Wong a dangerous criminal? If he is, why wasn't he handcuffed? If he is not, why couldn't MACC allow CH Wong to make his own way to MACC's office? Couldn't MACC use the court to order CH Wong to surrender?

  10. To be fair, MACC has been accussed a lot of things lately. Some may be due to their own fault and some may be forced on them. To rebuild public's trust, MACC need to ask themselves :-

    • are they politic-blind in their investigation?
    • why do they publicly announce on opposition party members investigation but dead silent on BN-linked investigation?
    • do they follow standard operating procedures? Is there any need to investigate beyond normal office hours?
    • will it be better if they have new Commissioner who is untainted with accussations?
    • will it be better for MACC if their different panels meet regularly to guide their work?
    • will it be better if MACC is placed under direct supervision from the King?
    • will it be better if MACC officers are roped in from various departments such as police, immigration, customs, IRB, army, bank negara, fresh graduates from local and overseas etc? This will free MACC from being too dependent and too closely bonded with the police force. This will also strengthen MACC with various specialise fields.

  11. For the time being...that is my stand.

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...
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Thursday, August 13, 2009

BN's house of cards shaking...again

BN's house of cards is shaking and this time around, the base of the house of cards is shaking. If the foundation goes, the cards will tumble...and that is something Najib dreads, day in day out...

  1. The past few weeks must have been hectic for PR. With accusations that they are behind the anti-ISA rally, stoking racial tension and what nots, PR it seems will have a tough time to retain Permatang Pasir in the coming by-election.
  2. KJ's statement on 10th August 2009 claiming that "Barisan Nasional is the real deal" may have left PR rattled to the core. Or so it seems...
  3. Then, in a space of less than 2 days...BN's house of cards start shaking.
  4. Tiong's SBDP claimed that he handed RM 10M to MCA's Ong for MCA's activities. The claim came after MCA's Lee Hwa Beng filed a police report on Tiong's KDSB's dubious claims in PKFZ project.
  5. Touching on MCA, the internal bickering and manouvering between Ong Tee Keat and Chua Soi Lek is another sore point in MCA. Fortunately this has not been in the frontpage news for the last couple of days.
  6. Khir Toyo revealed on 12th August 2009 that MIC's Samy Vellu called him to demolish a temple just days before Deepavali way back in 2007.
  7. Khor Toyo's revealation may shun the Indians from supporting MIC. The time revealation may see some shift in ground support for the upcoming MIC party elections, including the looming MIC youth and MIC wanita elections slated to be held on 16th August 2009.
  8. Hishamuddein announced on 12th August 2009 that PPP's Kayveas is the rightful party president thus stranding T Murugiah who also claimed that he is the "elected" president of the party.
  9. So where does that leave T Murugiah? Will he still be in Najib's cabinet? Or will this announcement give Kayveas the chance to rid T Murugiah and banish him from BN politics? Will this announcement force T Muruguiah to seek shelter under PR? Will PR accept him?
  10. As for UMNO, on 12th August 2009 Zahid Hamidi fired the first salvo hoping to deter UMNO leaders and members from sabotaging BN's candidate in the upcoming Permatang Pasir by-election. It shows that UMNO's line is cracking in Permatang Pasir and Zahid may need all the help to pluck the leaks.
  11. Zahid Hamidi may be worried because anything can happen in UMNO. On last record that there are 5 finalist for BN's possible candidate, the 4 "unsuccessful" finalist may opt to sit out from active campaigning and worse, may backstab the candidate. This is UMNO's culture, something can never change in UMNO.
  12. Independently, the news may not be a major issue but collectively it may snowballed into a serious problem for Najib and the gang. Although there is no new news regarding Gerakan's woes in suspending their popular VP, it is an issue to be addressed in Permatang Pasir.
  13. So there you have it. 6 BN component parties in the news within a space of less than 2 days. All with problems of their own.
  14. Arithmetically 6 out of 13 component parties are in the spotlight within the space of less than 2 days. That's 46 % or almost half of the component members. And if we go by the numbers and the party's strength, all of BN's peninsular component parties are facing problems. This is definitely bad news for Najib.
  15. Looking back, is this the reason why PR has been relentless "attack" by MSM, the authorities, BN political leaders for the past few weeks? Is this another of BN's diversion? And if you choose to look closely, you may swear that BN even use the Rulers to get at PR.
  16. Najib wants Selangor back. Mahathir too wants Selangor back under BN. What they get is Perak's Sivakumar calling for Perak state assembly sitting on 2nd September 2009. And this is another headache that Najib can live without. What will BN do now? This time, who will be used to stop or bar or prevent the assembly sitting? Another "under the tree" sitting?
  17. Frankly, Najib may not be feeling at ease right now. If Najib can spend time visiting batu Caves last weekend, it is time for Najib to spend more time on the mat looking for divine answers and clues. Can Najib do that?
  18. BN's house of cards is shaking and this time around, the base of the house of cards is shaking. If the foundation goes, the cards will tumble...and that is something Najib dreads, day in day out...

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...
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What's yours is mine, what's mine is still mine...

  1. When PKFZ issue first broke the scene, previous Ministers of Transport has use their office to deny the project is facing serious problems. Not until the continuous public pressure force the government to engage supposedly independent third party to check the PKFZ project.
  2. Soon, irregularities surfaced amid speculations that PKFZ will be staring to a loss of up to RM 12B. Later the Parliament's Public Accounts Committee (PAC) to open its own inquiry to seek the truth behind the scene. That includes the Attorney General (AG) clarifiction that the support letters issued by the Ministers are actually guarantee letters.
  3. Like houndogs, Port Klang Authority (PKA) make a police report against the developer Kuala Dimensi on questionable claims amounting to almost RM 1B. Did someone makes a lot of money here? Striking "gold", perhaps?
  4. And do you think for one minute that Kuala Dimensi will take all this lying down? No sir! Kuala Dimensi fight back and they started by naming Ong Tee Keat, the present Minister of Transport as a recipient of RM 10M. Kuala Dimensi's top brass revealed that :-

    • KDSB's CEO, Tiong King Sing aka BN backbencher club chairperson aka Bintulu MP aka SPDP treasurer "donated" RM 10M in 2008 to MCA President aka Transport Minister aka Ong Tee Kiat;
    • The money is for activities related to MCA divisions;
    • Ong Tee Kiat used KDSB's private jet 5 times and "owed" KDSB USD 40,000 for the services;
    • Tiong claimed that he had pumped in millions on Ong's request;
    • The money is apparently paid in cash over 3 installment period;
    • Tiong claimed that he let Ong used the money first in order to help each other;
    • Tiong claimed that he has witness to testify to his claims;
    • Tiong remained adamant that the money was not a form of corruption;
    • Tiong remained adamant that the money has anything to do with PKFZ issue;
    • KDSB did not charge Ong for the charter fee of the jet;

  5. Well, it seems that what is KDSB's is MCA's whilst what is MCA's is still MCA's.
  6. Whether KDSB's account is true or not does not matter anymore. As PKA (whose Chairperson is an active MCA member) has taken off the kid's glove to whack KDSB, KDSB has retaliated and whack MCA President. Will Najib let PKFZ's dirty linen to be washed in the public? Is this another way of big brother UMNO sending a subtle message to SBDP that they should toe the line in Sarawak? Sarawak's state election is coming soon and Najib could not afford to see PR performing well in one of BN's last bastion.
  7. KDSB is not laying down the gauntlet. With the rate things are going, MCA will be hit hard and this may show in Permatang Pasir.
  8. On after thoughts, is UMNO using PKFZ to put the blame squarely on Ong's shoulder? Is this done to facilitate Chua Soi Lek to oust Ong Tee Keat?
  9. PKFZ will be another pawn to UMNO. Now, UMNO is looking beyond and will dictate things using PKFZ issue as a leverage. Will SPDP bows to UMNO? Will Ong Tee Keat enlist Najib's favour?
  10. It is nice if what's yours is mine and what's mine is still mine. Provided the trick is not revealed or exposed. Now that, the cracks are beginning to show, it's everybody fighting to stay alive. Who floats? Who sinks? The answers may be forthtelling after the Ramadan...

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...
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