Saturday, February 28, 2009

Of Perak : 3rd March...what if...

For the time being, Perak politics never cease to amaze me...Perak speaker V. Sivakumar called for an emergency state assembly meeting this coming 3rd March 2009.

Whether the state assembly sitting can proceed as schedule is yet to be seen. So, let's see the probable scenario. Here goes...

1. The state assembly sitting proceeds as scheduled, MB Nizar gets his vote of confidence;

2. All ex-officio EXCO (State Secretary, Legal Adviser, State Financial Officer) did not attend the sitting, MB Nizar gets his vote of confidence;

3. State Secretary instructed the door to the State Assembly locked, Speaker conduct the sitting at different venue, MB Nizar gets his vote of confidence;

4. MB Zambry and his EXCO attempts to attend the assembly but is escorted out by the Sergeant of Arms, MB Nizar gets his vote of confidence;

5. MB Zambry seeks court order to block the assembly sitting, court decision can go either way;

6. BN seeks court order to block the assembly, citing that speaker decision to call for emergency assembly sitting is unconstitutional, court decision can go either way;

7. HRH Perak ruler replied and agreed to Speaker's request for emergency assembly sitting; MB Nizar gets his vote of confidence;

8. HRH Perak ruler replied and disagreed to speaker's request for emergency sitting, assembly did not convene;

9. MB Zambry seeks court order to declare speaker's decision to suspend him and his EXCO is unconstitutional, assembly did not convene;

10. Rowdy illegal assembly forcing the assembly to be postphoned;

11. Rowdy illegal assembly, forcing the state to be declared under MAGERAN, state wide assembly to be called at later date;

12. Speaker failed to chair the assembly, assembly did not convene;

13. Speaker overturn his suspension on MB Zambry and his EXCO, MB Nizar failed to get his vote of confidence;

14. Speaker arrested on orders by Federal government, assembly did not convene;

15. None of the above...:)

Of course, there might be other possible scenarios which may escape the lists above. And some might be too "sensitive" to be openly discussed in this open domain...

If this is not enough, Perak PAC (Public Accounts Committee) summons both MB Nizar and MB Zambry on 5th March in their effort to determine who and whose EXCOs' should be paid the MB's salary and EXCOs' perks.

Can we safely assume that the legal experts out there are also brainstorming on the possible scenarios? We don't need QCs' to speculate, do we?

One word of advice. Walls have ears...and by today's standards, walls can read and write too...

And that, my friends, make 3rd March 2009, worth waiting...for now. Breaking off for Saturday night out.

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are... Read More

Friday, February 27, 2009

Only in ...Perak and Malaysia

I don't hate fools, I pity them! - Mr T of "The A team"
"With great power comes great responsibility." - Spider-man
Only in Malaysia ! The Minister Mohd Zin announced toll rates for 5 highways in the afternoon, within less than 12 hours AAB announced that the toll increase decision will be reviewed and finally almost 24 hours later the announcement on toll increase is withdrawn and postphone indefinitely.

What about Perak? Not to be outdone, MB Nizar handed over the keys to the official residence to State Secretary official and in the afternoon Perak speaker calls for emergency sitting on 3rd March '09 whilst the state legal advise tries to block the notification notice.

In short, PM is going, Minister Mohd Zin is not firm, MB Nizar may see the light at the end of the tunnel and suara RAKYAT suara KERAMAT.

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Pemuda UMNO : Sudah hilang arah tujuan...

Pemuda UMNO, kemana halatuju mu? Menongkah arus atau memacu gelombang? Ngaumanmu bagai Halilintar memecah bumi tapi langkah pencakmu sumbang. Semangat berkobar-kobar hendak memeluk gunung, apakan daya tangan tak sampai.

Kalau tahun-tahun 60 an, 70 an dan mungkin 80 an, pemuda UMNO berada dibarisan depan apabila bicara tentang agama, bangsa dan negara, kini pemuda layu sebelum berkembang. Datang bersama ombak besar tapi rupa-rupanya pemuda UMNO hanyalah buih yang berterbangan. Di mana silapnya? Dimana sifat juang pemuda UMNO, harapan bangsa, tonggak agama?

Sejak akhir-akhir ini, beberapa isu telah membuktikan bahwa pemuda UMNO memerlukan suntikan baru. Asakan lebih kurang 20 ahli pemuda UMNO terhadap pengerusi DAP, Karpal Singh di ruang legar parlimen memperlihatkan betepa ceteknya pemikiran pemimpim pemuda UMNO. Dengan hanya berbekalkan alasan Karpal telah mengeluarkan kata-kata "celaka" terhadap pemuda UMNO tidak memberi lesen untuk kumpulan tersebut mengepung dan mengasak Karpal. Benar, apa yang Karpal lakukan mungkin menyinggung perasaan pemuda tetapi pemuda dengan ketuanya (Krismuddin), naibnya (KJ) dan exconya (MM) seharusnya boleh berhujah dengan Karpal di sidang Parlimen. Atau apakah Krismuddin dan KJ juga tergaman dan memperakukan kata-kata Karpal? Kalau benar, memang "celakalah" pemuda UMNO.

Pemuda UMNO dibawah pimpinan Krismuddin dan KJ telah membawa pemuda UMNO ke era ke"samseng"an yang amat ketara. Kata-kata semangat dengan keris ditangan telah menghantar satu mesej negatif kepada rakan-rakan BN serta menakutkan penduduk majmuk yang lain. Mungkin tujuan Krismuddin ialah untuk membangkitkan kesedaran kepada pemuda UMNO tetapi mesej yang tersurat dan tersirat gagal mencapai matlamat. Sebaliknya, Krismuddin telah berjaya menakut-nakutkan bangsa lain dengan retorik yang mengegar bumi yang sebenarnya hanyalah gedangan tong kosong.

Naibnya tidak kurang hebat. Menunjuk lagak persis pahlawan jalanan (street fighter), pilihanraya kecil Ijok menjadi bukti keceluparan KJ berbunga dan menghasilkan pemuda UMNO yang lebih suka bertindak liar dari menyahut cabaran dengan cara berdebat dan fakta. Keakraban KJ dengan "mat rempit" menjauhkan lagi massa dengan gerombolan pemuda UMNO. pemuda UMNO lebih alpha bertemankan putri dari memperjuangkan nasib agama, bangsa dan negara. Akhirnya, satu demi satu, tembok pertahanan UMNO runtuh akibat kelalaian pemuda UMNO. Maka jatuhlah Kedah,Penang, Perak dan Selangor.

Dikaca TV, semasa diruanglegar parlimen, pemuda UMNO beriya-iya benar melaungkan keghairahan mempertahankan agama, bangsa dan negara dengan diakhiri laungan "Daulat Tuanku". Tetapi sebenarnya, apakah sebenarnya motif gerombolan tersebut ? Sekiranya ingin meminta Karpal menarik balik kata-kata "celaka" yang dihamburkan, itu sudah dibuat dalam sidang parlimen. Oleh itu, gerombolan pemuda UMNO tersebut sebenarnya sudah hilang punca, tak tahu atau tak nak ambil tahu sebab apa mereka terlalu marah pada Karpal.

Hendak dikata mengenai perkataan "Singh is King" pun tidak juga. Kalau perkataan "king" atau "raja" tak boleh disebut sewenang-wenangnya, kenapa perlu ada "raja lawak" dan gelaran "raja SMS". Kenapa gerombolan tersebut tidak menyerbu Astro atau mengerumuni Mawi? Heran bin Ajaib. So apa sebenarnya yang dikehendakki oleh gerombolan tersebut? Publisiti murahan?

Sebenarnya gerombolan tersebut akan mendapat "political mileage" dan sokongan padu rakyat sekiranya mereka berada diruang parlimen untuk membantah kenaikan tol yang dibuat pada masa mereka berada disitu. Sekiranya gerombolan tersebut berfikiran dan berjiwa rakyat, kehadiran mereka untuk membantah keaikan tol akan melonjak nama pemuda UMNO sebagai pejuang rakyat. Tapi, malangnya, mereka gagal untuk memanafaatkan peluang untuk membaiki imej pemuda UMNO dan BN yang sememangnya sudah tercalar.

Begitu juga sekiranya gerombolan tersebut prihatin dengan agama. Mereka seharusnya menggunakan kesempatan itu untuk meluahkan perasaan terhadap Hamid Albar tentang penggunaan perkataan "Allah" dalam makalah agama. Heran juga, macam mana boleh menulis perkataan "Allah" tetapi tidak boeh menyebut "Allah"? Macam mana kita boleh "melukis" tetapi tidak boleh "melihat" lukisan tersebut? Atau apakah Malaysia sudah mencipta kaedah sebutan baru? Membaca "Allah" tetapi menyebutnya sebagai dot dot dot? Pening bukan?

Pengakhir kata, penutup bicara - pemuda UMNO kini sudah patah sayap. Untuk pulih, pemuda UMNO perlu mencari identiti baru yang mendekatkan diri pada rakyat marhaen. Cuba-cubalah melabuhkan punggung dimajlis-majlis ilmu di surau dan masjid. Tak perlu lagi pemuda "menambah ilmu" di pusat kara-o-k. Kalau tak nak ke surau, cuba-cubalah menjenguk sakmongkol berbicara dengan TDZ. Ada juga faedah...tepuk dada, tanya selera...

Hingga ketemu lagi...selamat malam M'sia...dimana jua anda berada... Read More

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Of Toll charges : Sweets, candy, multiple whammies and ....Karpal

Malaysians applauded when Samy lost his Sg Siput parliamentary seat in 2008. Finally, Samy Tol no more. Mohd Zin Mohammed came, he saw, he fished and wham the toll rates revised upwards (again)

Before that, Mohd Zin offered sweets and candies by abolishing Salak Jaya toll plaza along the Sg Besi highway costing RM 1.30 in each direction effetive from 24th Feb '09, KL bound PJS2 toll plaza along the IJM's NPE effective 14th feb '09.

Then comes the crunch. First, reports mentioned that IJM will be compensated for the PJS2 toll abolishment. That does not hurt the consumer much because it does not come directly from the consumers' pockets. On 26th Feb '09, Mohd Zin announced toll increase for PLUS, SPRINT, AKLEH, Sg Besi and NPE highways effective from 1st march '09. The percentage increase? Ranging from 6.3 % to 33 %. Does it hurts the consumers? Tepuk dada tanya selera...But it will surely hurts me.

The question is : why is Salak Jaya of Sg Besi highway and PJS2 of NPE tolls abolished and then increase the toll rate for the said highways? And the PLUS highway increase of 5 % ? Is this necessary? At this point and time?

Maybe, Mohd Zin need to discuss with his BN colleague, Chua TY MP for Labis as YB Chua's idea of the government taking over PLUS highways may be feasible and will benefit the people more. By the way, Chua TY is the other Chua's son. If the proposal comes from DAP, then Mohd Zin may call it a bluff but this proposal is from his own BN's back bencher. It should be given serious thought.

Unless, of course, Mohd Zin's idea of raising tolls from 1st march '09 is to deter PR supporters from giving moral support to the 2 Bukits by elections on 9th April '09. After all BN supporters especially UMNO members may be split by then, once the GA and party elections are over by 28th March '09.

That said, BN is putting another nail to its own coffin. The toll increase will not be a popular move especially during bad times. Maybe, BN is handing the 2 Bukits to PR on a silver platter, eh? Is BN government people friendly or people tormenter? You decide.

Meanwhile, "Singh is King" Karpal was mobbed by angry UMNO youths in the parliament lobby when he was on his way to enter the august house. No doubt that the UMNO youth are there in response to Kapal's outburst in the parliament when he charged that elements from UMNO youth is responsible for death threats and bullets sent to him. Initial reports believed that the youth are from KL and Selangor. Eeerrhmm! Is KT involved? So far, Karpal has not make any police reports regarding the incident yet. UMNO youths should be disciplined. How on earth can they mobbed that old man on a wheelchair? No matter how Karpal's statements angered UMNO youth, it should be taken as part and parcel of the game. Mobbing him will not resolve any issue but will potray UMNO youth as the aggressors, bullying a helpless man, what more a certified OKU...UMNO youth, do you guys have any shame?

Whatever it is, what Karpal Singh said and uttered in the parliament should not riled up the youth to such provocation. The youth should let UMNO/BN legislators to take on Karpal. What is the use of KJ and MM, if they are unable to stand up to Karpal?? Let Karpal repeat his statements outside and then only take the necessary and appropriate action. Ini ndak, semua nak tunjuk hero, since GA and UMNO election is just round the corner....

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...

pics : courtesy of Malaysiakini Read More

In Selangor : Khalid I vs Khir T

I'm not perfect, I'm not an angel, but I try to live a certain way because it brings honour and respect. I tell people that when they look at me, they're looking at nothing but a big, overgrown, tough mama's boy. That's who I am. Mr T of the A team (TV series)

GE is almost 1 year ago but in the state of Selangor, both heavyweights are still going for each other's throat, literally speaking. No, it's not Mr T of the "A team" here but just plain Khir T full stop. Being one of the richest state in Malayia, Khir T sounded and acted like a sore loser, haunting Khalid's every move and lodging reports after reports to either the police or the MACC. Not that it is not OK but isn't it a waste of time and energy? Selangor needs to progress and readily armed to face the economic slowdown when the Human resource ministry has indicated that more than 50,000 workers are expected to be retrenched or layoff by the end of the year.

Before we go further on their toe to toe match, Wisma Putra has issued a statement denying that a malaysian diplomat's wife was involved in an accident in Johannesburg, South Africa. In fact, Wisma Putra confirmed that no Malaysian diplomat is married to one Reema Abraham. However, the 3 SA newspapers and the Johannesburg metropolitan police stood by their story. So, go figure which version do u want to accept. Or is Reema a domestic partner to one of Malaysian diplomats in SA?

Back to the main event, at one point of time, Khir T was happy when the newly minted MACC issue a statement implying that Khalid I misused his position. The statement came within few days after Khir T called for Eli to resign her Executive post supposedly on moral grounds. That, in a nutshell are 2 consecutive jabs to Khalid I.

Khalid I countered by first suing Khir T, followed by suspending 2 top PNSB officials on irregularities during Khir T's tenure as MB. Afterwhich, HRH Selangor ruler was said to be upset and unhappy over the invasion of Eli's privacy.

That said, maybe both Khalid I and Khir T needs to go for table talk and discuss their differences. It is acceptable if both were to lock horns during the state assembly sittings but to spill over into the daily lives is unbecoming. Khir T may be dreaming of doing a "Perak" to Khalid I but Khalid I may also be plotting to turn on more heat for Khir T. In the end "Menang jadi arang, kalah jadi abu" and the final winner might be "satay".

It is high time for Khir T to concentrate on his effort to be the UMNO youth leader and let Khalid I do his job as the legitimate MB of Selangor.

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are... Read More

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Of 1 , 2, 3 : Let the wargames begin...

Now that the numbers are out, let the wargames begin. Some says number 1 got the uummph to always going upwards whilst some believe number 2 represents the duck faithfully follows the leader and some confirmed number 3 means third time lucky. What about number 8? Any good omens there? This is no movie that we are talking about, it's the numbers allocated to the candidates for the upcoming UMNO GA; Deputy President, Vice-Presidents, Youth leader, wanita chief, Putri chief and so forth.

The show must go on. After drawing lots at UMNO hq, the numbers are out. 269 candidates vying for various positions in UMNO, jokeying for the right to be promoted to Ministerial posts, clamouring for the incoming unopposed new UMNO President's attention.

Mar 24 - 28th will be D-days for the contestants when the wargames will end. Watch out for political gimmicks, invitations, visitations, phone calls, house calls and what not. As long as the competition is done in friendly spirit. No spill over of intimate secrets, please. No reruns on the "princess kidnaping", snoop squads, underage girl, broom episode, don't challenge dare, bum pitching, please.

The wargames are necessary for the delegates to assess the potential of next generation UMNO leaders as those elected will be the integral part of UMNO re-branding. Wargames are the necessity to psyche for the coming 2 Bukits and 1 Batang by elections. It will not be surprising if UMNO were to place their candidates for the 2 Bukits - just to prove that UMNO is still relevant to the Malays. Placing MIC candidate at Bukit Selambau may backfire and jeorpadise Samy Vellu's chances to defend his presidencyship in late April. For Batang Air, it is best for BN to let the CM of Sarawak to makes his choice.

On UMNO leadership echelon, the most watched contest shall be the deputy president, the top vote getter for vice president, the youth leader and the wanita chief post. Will the combination 1111 surface? What about 1811? The probable combinations and permutations are there for those who gaze into crystall balls. My call? It will be revealed in due time, starting with perceptions and expectations on the contestants from March 1st onwards...

This is the time for UMNO runners to start trading in the terrace coffeehouses lining the mall. That said, if need be, let the competition starts and ends on a friendly and family orientated. UMNO must know that PKR is hovering in the background, ready to swoop down and grab the prize away...

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are... Read More

Of immunity : Diplomat, speaker, bloggers...

Immunity. Such a big word. It's good to have one. It's better to flaunt one. It's best to exercise one. However, it must be let known that with immunity comes great responsibility. Immunity has it's limits and it is most wise not to cross the border.

In Johannesburg, a Malaysian Diplomat's wife was involved in an accident. The news reported that the bystanders claimed that the Diplomat's wife was drunk. Hey, if I am involved in an accident, I will be wobbly too but then again, the bystanders who were there physically may know better. The case in point is not whether she is right or wrong but whether she was drunk or not. If she was drunk, then regardless of whether she is the diplomat's wife or no, she has no reason to drive the car. Australia, USA, Malaysia and maybe South Africa has their own sets of rules dealing with drunk drivers. The questions that needs answers are whether she has the diplomatic immunity (as she is only the wife and not the diplomat), whether the diplomatic immunity covers this particular case, if she was indeed drunk, will she be prosecuted under South African laws? Let Wisma Putra and bridge burner Rais Yatim deals with the diplomat's wife ...By the way, the news is not reported in MSM yet...

Meanwhile, the Malaysian Bar council has denounced the interrogation of the Perak state assembly speaker by the police. It's president said the police questioning was “ill-advised” and “violates the doctrine of the separation of powers in the legislative assemblies”. Does that mean the state and federal assembly speakers has immunity where it covers their scope of work? If yes, then why the line of questioning? Shouldn't the speaker's decision be final and any appeal should be done in the respective assembly sittings? Can the immunity be removed or cancelled by the HRH Sultans? Wow, so many possibilities and with the legal commentary by NH Chan, a former court of Appeal judge, it is refreshing to read learned views regarding the Perak case. And talking about the speaker's immunity, why was there a sudden silence from those speakers who immediately chance upon the Perak speaker when he suspended MB Zambry? Where are they now? Or are they saying that the speaker has no immunity when discharging his duty?

With the judge recuse in MB Nizar vs MB Zambry case, who will take over? When will the new hearing be heard? Is this another of those carefully planned prolonged hearing? And if the ruling rules in favour of MB Nizar, what is the repercussion and standing of MB Zambry's decision during the period when he "governs" Perak? Who will take the responsibility? Federal government? HRH? State Secretary?

Down the ladder, it is also surprising to learn that another blogger, RockyBru was hauled in by the police for comments left on his blog posting pertaining to the Perak case. No doubt that some of the commenters are downright rude but the viewsposted are not those of the blog owner. And I believed that being a responsible person, Rocky would have deleted those offensive commenrsn when he got the time and chance. That said, Rocky do not have the immunity as those enjoyed by the Diplomat's wife and the speaker...

But the same cannot be said about Jed Yoong if indeed she posted in her blog. Reading through, the points raised by her are quite sensitive in nature and should not be discussed in public domains as there are always 2 sides to a coin. Expressing one's belief and conviction is the freedom granted but to severely criticize the system or the person is not. Whatever it is, the main aim is to discuss in a responsible and cool manner. Not to pinpoint faults or resort to name calling nor does digging up sensitive issues, which at times, best remained buried. That, let the politicians do in their "immunitised" domain i.e. the parliament...

Having said that, immunity has it's limits. As long as one does not breach that limit, all will be fine and ok. But once the limit is breached, then one has to face the consequence...

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are... Read More

Of senior minister : Malaysia or Perth...

Datuk Mohamed Aziz (BN) pondered aloud where Abdullah will be sitting in the parliament once he resigned from his PM's post, widely circulated to be on 31st march 2009.

View Larger Map

My take is since Pak lah will be mostly "absent" during future parliamentary sessions, it might be better for him to relax at 34 Bay View Terrace, Mosman Park, Perth, address courtesy of "Penangwatch blog". After all, he needs all the rest as he has been performing like a 30 yr old something on Jeane for more than a year now.

Although there are calls from BN backbenchers to elevate Pak Lah as the "Senior Minister", it is most wise to let him retire in honour. Garlanding Pak Lah with "Senior Minister's" post will be an additional burden to him. What more, Malaysia never has a Senior Minister before, why do we start now? Do we need it? What is his job specifications? Do we have to be Singapore's copycat?

Having a Senior Minister, just for the sake of having one, will defeat the purpose. What more can Pak Lah contribute? After all, Pak Lah says that he wanted to spend more time gardening. And, if this memory did not fail me, Pak Lah did his sinus treatment in Australia. Maybe the temperature there suits him better.

Even if Pak Lah were to be appointed as "Senior Minister" then what about Tun M? Do we need 2 senior ministers? If Tun M is not appointed as Senior Minister, does that means Tun contribute less to Malaysia?

On another of Pak Lah's pet project, it seems that MACC gets off at the wrong footing, at least in the PR's eyes. If MACC is perceived as being politically biased and practise "selective investigation", then the idea of a truly independent investigative body will not materialise as there will always be parties who will feel strongly about the issue. Do MACC needs to attend to cases, just like doctors attending to cases? Ie taking numbers and follow turns? If that is the case, at which number is MACC investigating now?

Maybe MACC needs to come out in the open and clarify the issue so that the public's trust can be restored. By the way, do MACC has jurisdiction to investigate if the person(s) are outside Malaysia? Can MACC investigate EC?

Touching on EC, the by elections for 2 Bukits' are already gazetted which will be taking place on 7th April 2009. Will Batang Ai goes for by election on the same day? Let's wait for EC's announcement. Based on recent comments by EC regarding Bukit Lanjan, EC will set 7th April 2009 as the election date.

Touching on the 3 by elections, it is a foregone conclusion that Batang Ai will be BN's once again. NTR can proudly claims "Batang Ai is mine!" That leaves 2 Bukits to be conquered. Who will be the king of the Bukits? Sit back and stay glued to the TV...

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are... Read More

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Esok untuk siapa?

Lebih suku abad yang lalu, generasi filem Melayu begitu gemar menggunakan perkataan "esok" dalam filem-filem mereka. Filem-filem saperti "Esok masih ada", "Tiada esok bagimu", "Esok untuk siapa" dan sebagainya. Melalui filem-filem inilah, Jins Shamsuddin telah berjaya mengenegahkan pelakun-pelakun baru saperti Noorkumalasari, Norizan dan Yusof Haslam.

Kini Jin Shamsuddin dilantik menjadi senator. Tapi apakah masih ada "esok" untuk Melayu? Dalam satu posting sebelum ini, pemanggil malam telah mengalih perhatian kepada kisah trajis yang menimpa adik Mohd Azrin Mohamad yang telah dibelasah oleh sekumpulan remaja melayu menggunakan rantai besi, topi keledar dan batang besi yang mengakibatkan beliau terlantar koma selama seminggu sebelum pulang kerahmahtullah pada 21hb Februari 2009 yang lalu.

Seorang pengujung blog telah menulis "melayu o melayu kemana haja tuju anda?". Tentu sekali kita semua pernah mendengar tentang "kalau ada 2 orang Melayu, mereka akan berpolitik, jika ada 3 orang India, mereka akan menubuhkan kesatuan manakala kalau ada 4 orang Cina, meraka akan membuka gelanggang mahjong", jadi secara ringkasnya, Melayu memang gemar berpolitik, bersembang diserata tempat mengenai politik, mengupas politik semasa tapi semuanya ala-kedai kopi, tidak berlandaskan fakta dan kesahihan undang-undang.

Tun M pernah berkata "Melayu mudah lupa". Sememangnya begitu kerana kepimpinan politik Melayu memang mengharapkan Melayu mudah lupa kerana dengan cara itulah pemikiran Melayu dapat dibentuk untuk memberi sokongan membabi buta kepada mana-mana pemimpim politik yang di war-warkan oleh media arus perdana. Ini memang terbukti apabila media cetak Utusan Malaysia, Berita Harian memainkan sentimen rakyat dari golongan Melayu untuk tujuan politik pimpinan sekarang. Kalau tidak percaya, cuba baca kedua-dua akhbar ini dan baca pula Malaysiakini, Malaysian Insider. Akan jelas bagaimana BH dan UM cuba mengarahkan pembaca untuk menerima bulat2 apa yang diutarakan oleh UMNO dan mengambarkan apa yang dibuat oleh parti lain sebagai salah. Takkanlah semua salah kot? Apakah BH dan UM telah berjaya mengujudkan budaya kepatuhan (subject culture) dalam bangsa Melayu sehinggakan apa saja yang dibuat oleh UMNO dan BN akan dianggap sebagai benar dan betul? Tepuk dada tanya selera...Untuk memahami tentang kefahamam Melayu, sila baca kertas bertajuk

"Nilai dan Kepimpinan Politik Melayu" yang dibentangkan di Seminar Kepimpinan Melayu anjuran Universiti Teknologi MARA pada 19 November 2008 bertempat di Sime Darby Convention Centre, Kuala Lumpur.

Dalam keadaan Melayu dibuai dengan polemik politik, Melayu lupa bahwa dalam satu kajian yang dijalankan dalam tahun 2007, pendapatan purata Melayu merupakan yang terendah iaitu RM 3,156 berbanding kaum India sebanyak RM 3,799 dan kaum Cina sebanyak RM 4,853. Fakta ini juga diambil dari kertas kerja diatas. Kenapa begini? Apakah parti politik yang seharusnya memayungi Melayu telah menderhaka kepada kepercayaan yang diberikan secara total oleh Melayu kepada UMNO?

Selain dari itu, dalam pengiraan UMNO untuk terus membelengu Melayu, program2 hiburan bercambah dalam TV. AF, OIAM, Ganstarz, Raja Lawak, Jom Heboh dibuat sebegitu rupa sehingga Melayu beitu asyik membelanjakan duit untuk "menaikkan" peserta yang digemari. Apakah ini yang diperjuangkan oleh UMNO? Begitu juga dengan "rempit", ianya merupakan sifat menunjuk-nunjuk atau "exhibitionist" yang sebenarnya satu panggilan kecemasan SOS dimana perempit-perempit ini meminta perhatian supaya jiwa mereka diperbaiki. Apabila panggilan kecemasan mereka tidak diberi perhatian, mereka akan "upgrade" menjadi lebih ganas termasuk merompak, bergaduh dan sebagainya.

Sebelum melangkah lebih jauh, adalah paling baik sekiranya Melayu di"identify" akan sifat-sifat mereka kerana akhir-akhir ini, takrif Melayu begitu longgar sehingga UMNO sendiri sanggup menerima keahlian dari "bukan Melayu tulen" hingga ketaraf yang tinggi didalam parti tersebut. Bagaimana Melayu boleh mengharap pada orang "asing" untuk membela Melayu?

Melayu juga harus sedar dari mimpi "Tidak Melayu hilang di dunia" kerana memang Melayu tidak hilang di dunia tetapi Melayu hanyut dalam arus kemajuan. Lihat sekeliling dan bedzakan NGO Melayu kalau dibandingkan dengan NGO lain. NGO Melayu masih berkiblatkan kepada fahamam politik dimana ketuanya mempunyai jawatan dalam politik terutamanya dalam UMNO. Oleh itu, NGO tidak bebas dari politik UMNO dan ini menjauhkan mereka yang tidak berfahamam politik.

Bagaimana kedudukan Sultan sebagai payung bangsa? Relevan atau tidak? Terserah pada pembaca sekelian.

Tapi yang paling penting, halatuju Melayu berada pada persimpangan. March 2008 merobah segalanya apabila Melayu dengan cara terbuka telah menolak keangkuhan UMNO dan sifat UMNO yang tidak diterima oleh Melayu. Melayu juga menghantar message bahwa sudah tiba masanya untuk Melayu bersifat lebih terbuka untuk mengakui peranan bangsa lain adalah sama pentingnya dalam memajukan Malaysia. Melayu juga sudah bangkit dan menolak politik kain sarung dan tiang letrik. Melayu menolak politik murahan yang menjatuhkan maruah sesama bangsa dan agama. Melayu mahu jurang perbedzaan ekonomi antara Melayu kaya dan Melayu miskin dirapatkan, menolak kronisma dan rasuah. Melayu ingin peluang yang sama antara Melayu UMNO dan Melayu bukan UMNO.

Halatuju Melayu adalah halatuju bangsa Malaysia. Halatuju Melayu adalah kearah satu masyarakat majmuk yang menghormati agama, bangsa, budaya masing-masing. Halatuju Melayu adalah bersifat universal, berjuang bersama untuk menaikkan taraf semua bangsa tanpa mengira perbedzaan fahamam politik. Halatuju Melayu adalah untuk merapatkan diri dengan pegangan agama Islam.

Itu pandangan ikhlas...Selamat malam M'sia...dimana jua anda berada...

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Of young love - It's not pure Romi & Juli...

Forget about the roller coaster ride of Malysian politics. Life has to go on for those in the real world. Young and old, romance or not...

It is disturbing to read news in Malay Mail dateline 20th February 2009, barely a week after Valentine.
Mohd Azrin Mohamad, 16 years old, succumbed to his injuries on 21st February 2009 and laid to rest the day after, this time as reported by Berita Minggu.

Such youth, such innocence. Azrin and his friends were waiting for the other contender to a young girl's love was attacked by more than 20 youths armed with chains and helmets. It is not the mob attack nor the love triangle that is haunting but more on the direction of our society. Is violence the answer to everything? Why can't the relevant parties sit down and talk things over in a civilised manner?

Young love, puppy love is a passing phase in our life, experiencing the adrenalin rush of feelings the carefree atitude and the beginning of life, those of acceptance, rejections, frustrations, despair that should prepare him to face the outside world. Alas, this is just another shattered dreams when life is mercilessly taken out of Azrin. In this case, the ending is not as the movie "Romi & Juli"

Hishamudin, the Education Minister vows that the government will seek the culprits whilst the police has reclassify the case. There are also suggestions that students to be taught the basic law and order acts, in the hope that it will act as deterrence to unnecessary violence.

Are we heading uncontrollably towards western society? Is violence the solution for everything? Is his death another statistics? Are we heading towards terittorial turf? When is it going to end?

To the rest of the society, Azrin's death will pass by as another tragedy a week from now. But the scars left to his immediate family, his close friends, the girl in the middle of the tussle, the assailants will be forever. So many ifs, so many buts and all is not well...

It is hope that his assailants will be caught and justice meted out, not out of revenge but out of disciplining.

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are... Read More

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Of Ibrahim Ali : Rebel without a cause...

James Dean use to say "The gratification comes in the doing, not in the results." Ibrahim Ali, the fiery independent Parlimentarian from Pasir Mas, Kelantan gets his gratification in talking, not much different from doing...And by the way, that's the real James on the poster.

Mentioning Ibrahim Ali, the first thing that will be associated with him is the institution UiTM, formerly known as ITM or Intekma. Another is his infamous dare to Anwar Ibrahim in a heated MT meeting regarding Anwar's sodomy charges where he openly declared that he will be the first to defend Anwar if he is convinced of Anwar's innocence. And most of all, Ibrahim Ali is more closely related to Katak (frog) due to his everchanging allegiance to political leaders.

During the ongoing parlimen sitting, Ibrahim Ali again scores when he openly attacked the opposition, causing several to walkout in protest. This, he did when he is an independent parlimentarian, winning on PAS ticket. The reason for the walkout ? Ibrahim accused the parlimentarians of being hypocrites for not championing the issues which they should champion when in power but criticised the government when not in power.

As a result of Ibrahim's remarks in parliment, PAS is asking him to make up his mind, whether he intends to continue attacking the opposition, including PAS in parliment. And based on his past records, Ibrahim Ali just by being Ibrahim Ali will not back down or toe PAS line.

My call is for Ibrahim Ali to continue being what he do best i.e. to be rebellious without a cause. Not for lacking of causes but by being an independent, he should be allowed to speak his piece of mind. Afterall, PAS must have realised his potential and ability for them to allow Ibrahim Ali to contest under PAS banners.

Ibrahim Ali is like an uncut diamond, rough in texture but high in quality. One of the last few, still standing to single handedly go against the UMNO juggernaut which cost him his membership, division chairmanship and his posts in BN administration. He is like an orphan without a father and if PAS were to abandon him, then he will be like a child without parents. PAS should make genuine efforts to bring Ibrahim Ali to have a 4 eye meeting with Nik Aziz in order to sort out whatever differences brewing between Ibrahim and PAS.

Ibrahim Ali needs to determine which camp he wanted to join. There is no such thing as best of both worlds. With Abdullah stepping down soon, Ibrahim Ali has no more legitimate reasons to stay away from UMNO. Afterall, he is a loyal follower to Tun M, his association with Gua Musang's Tg Razaleigh is well documented, his "open" dislike towards Anwar is also well known. All he need to do is to send the right signal to UMNO and UMNO may lay golden carpets to welcome him to their fold.

With the ongoing uncertainties in Malaysian politics, his lone voice in Parliment may be crucial in maintaining some semblance of stability. It is time to take his views seriously as from a lone independent, he now has in his company 3 more independents from Perak, the infamous 3 who brought down MB Nizar's tenure in Perak.

Ibrahim Ali may be a rebel without a cause and he will remain so until Malaysia achieve prosperity to all Malaysians. But then again he may come up with another cause to fight for...

Someone out there should also look into the report on RM 3B tunnel project to channel water from Pahang to Selangor. The report named IJM-UEM-Shimizu group receiving Letter of Intent has been given to the group. Whilst all eyes are on Perak's political turmoil, Selangor's invasion of privacy against Eli, Negeri's probable on-off KLIA east, Johor's RM 1.4B Asia Petroleum hub in Pasir Gudang...bang here comes the water tunnel project.

That, my friends, is what the world is all about - making money, money and more money. The rest can take a back seat.

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are... Read More

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Good, The Bad, the Ugly and this is no movie...

They came to Dewan Tun Syed Nasir in Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka on 17th Feb 2009 to present their views and thoughts in a live televised TV program, "Hujah". The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.No, they do not have to draw out their guns and shoot each other down like the old Western sphagetti movie "The Good, The Bad and the Ugly" that introduced Clint Eastwood to the world.
They should have done that last night since Khir Toyo was quoted saying "“Jika tumbang politik Melayu, tumbang lah negara (Malay politics is backbone of the country)." At least, that will take care of directly equating Malay political power with the well being of the country.

Although Malaysiakini's described it as the "Clash of UMNO's young turks", the event was not widely covered in the English MSM. Maybe, the cases of Eli Wong, RPK, MB vs MB, Perak speaker vs MB Zambry are better cash cows to the media.

Wasilah described it as "Khairy vs Mukhriz and Toyo" whilst MStar stressed on KJ's admission how he was seen as a liability to UMNO and BN. Different news portal, different intepretation.

So who is the Good, The Bad and the Ugly? It all depends on who you are talking too. For the setiakawans, the Good is KJ, the bad is MM and the ugly is KT. This is based on Wasilah's take on the event.

However, if you look into Minaq Jinggo, the photos reveal thousands of words and all of them seems glowingly leaning towards MM, apart from implying MM may be a ladies' man. Not bad, not bad at all. He may make the senior MM proud...

However, a telling note during the programme is when KJ hinted the lack of co-ordination between BN youth arms when he mentioned “We hardly hold meetings, joint-statements and joint-programmes. We must sit together and have a new principle to develop a new Barisan that truly reflects the needs of the new generation,” The statement is an admission on the lack of direction and lack of urgency amongst the youth arms of the ruling party. This problem should be arrested immediately if BN wants to remain relevant and if it still wish to runs the country. And coming to that, what has KJ been doing? Afterall, he is the current UMNO deputy youth leader...

KT, takes a more ultra Malay approach when he repeatedly mentions “We must remember that the Malays are the pillars of the country so we must take care of them,” KT's approach, although earned him applause from the mainly Malay audience, will not augurs well with the other component parties of BN. Granted that these rhetorics are mainly aimed at winning the hearts and the votes of UMNO youth delegates, it can also work against KT as the groundswell feeling amongst the masses is towards Malaysians as a nation, which has been well capitalised by PKR.

MM, on the other hand, appeared more self guarded and played a safer role by taking the middle road. However. MM remains true to his earlier statements relating UMNO's diversion from its original aims leads to UMNO and BN's dismal performance in 2008. Although his statements has put him in the spot against the UMNO senior leaders in the past but his reasonings for his actions speaks volumes of his capability.

For Malaysia to move forward, UMNO and BN should put the dismal 2008 election results to the background and must be willing to change for the benefit of the masses. The coming by elections should not be taken as the yardstick to the peoples acceptance or rejection to UMNO or BN although it can be use as a measuring gauge on the level of rejection that is still strong among the masses.

UMNO, and for that matter BN, should not be seen to contribute nor having a hand to the spates of events involving PR. Instead, UMNO and BN should stay clear of PR internal problems. Eli Wong case, as an example, should not by hyped by UMNO and BN. Hyping her case and taking high moral grounds, like what KT did, will inadvertently potrays UMNO and BN as a hypocrite party as party leaders from BN are no angels, themselves. And this may include the 3 aspirant youth leaders. Continual barging on Eli's private life will proves costly to UMNO and BN, like what BN suffered in 1993 when BN attacked persistently attacked Anwar regarding his sodomy case...

The same goes for Perak's legal tussle. UMNO and for that ,matter BN should let the court decide and should be paving the way to dissolve the state assembly. This will be seen as "Gentlemanly", returning the power to vote the "rightful state government" back to the people. BN may lose Perak again, but the loss can be advantageous to BN, in the future. Remember "No venture, no gain". Clinging on to power in Perak, although legally right can be grossly morally wrong. The longer BN drags its feet in Perak, the more PR will capitalise on the issue...

On that matters, either KJ, KT or MM, whoever is elected, can play a big role in determining the way forward for UMNO and BN. It is time for the youth to show the way forward. And this, can be more effectively done when UMNO's leadership change hands by end of March 2009.

Malaysia do not need another gunslinger blazing his way through. What Malaysia needs is an able person to guide Malaysia out from the coming economic downturn and at the same time winning the hearts and the minds of the masses during the next General election. This can be done either by oratory skills or relying on softer and more practical approach. And it will not be surprising, if the victor amongst the 3 will leads Malaysia onwards soon, very soon. Afterall, UMNO and BN needs a major spring cleaning and rebranding to stay relevant. What better way to promote rebranding than to introduce young blood to take over the leadership.

Back to the film, so who amongst them is the Good, the bad and the ugly? Dnightcaller knows his but what about you?

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are... Read More

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Of royal send off and character assassination...

Pak Lah's tenure as PM are numbered, character assassination for Eli. One gets a royal "send off" , the other got her privacy invaded. Such are the life of politicians.

During the opening of the 12th session of parliment, the King touched on AAB's tenure and further hope for a smooth transition of power comes 1st April 2009. Say what you want but the writings are now expressly written on the wall. Another final blow to whatever slim hopes of AAB clinging on to the premiership after March 2009. Huge bill boards or no, AAB needs to retire.

Is there any need to spend the money to erect the huge billboard at Jalan Syed Putra when AAB is going off next month? Is there any implicit message to those plying that particular route? The tagline "Ideas appreciated, viewpoints welcomed" is redundant now. It is as redundant as the tagline "Work with me" introduced during his first years as PM.

Another week, another headline. Elizabeth Wong, Selangor state EXCO lodge a police report pertaining to photos taken without her consent and which evidently touched on her modesty, first as a human being and second as a woman.

It is not whether she was in vulnerable position or about her moral values. This is pure blatant and calculated attempt to put her unnecessarily in the spotlight, for reasons best known to the person or persons who orchasterated the release of the said photos.

Amongst the first who attached her is Khir Toyo, the aspirant UMNO youth leader who seems to be in the thick of everything, from the attempted demonstration against Karpal Singh in Penang to the pledge of support for the Sultan of selangor's statement and now to the fore calling for Eli's resignation. But Khir Toyo forgets a few things which he needs to be reminded.

First, the photos currently circulated are not taken with her consent. Second, if Khir is trying to potray that all politicians must be morally squeeky clean, he must first clean his own house. He should be demanding for his party's top leadership, either current or future, to resign because of the PD public secret. Go for it first, Khir and I believe the whole nation will support you.

It is a matter of principle that we must respect people's privacy. It is traumatise enough for Eli to have her modesty invaded, but to capitalise on that issue is purely disgusting. Khir Toyo, and for that matter, all who now acts as goody two shoes, should first go self evaluate themselves before issuing more damaging statements - are you much better morally? You may not have your photographs taken in compromising positisions but can you swear that you have never been involved or participated in immoral activities? Clubbing perhaps?

Shouldn't politics be confined to governance? Think and be true to oneself...

Eli's offer to resign from both her EXCO post and state seats reflects her dedication to her constituents. And what PR did in advising her to go on leave whilst seeking HRH Selangor's royal guidance is highly commended. It shows that PR does not pre-judge Eli and at the same time seek HRH's views as her EXCO seat is up to the discretion of HRH meaning that HRH has a strong and deciding say regarding to her EXCO seat. If and when HRH so decided that she should vacate her EXCO eat then only she can offer to quit her Bukit Lanjang state seat. That, my friends, is politics 101.

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are... Read More

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Royalist or loyalist : Between Perak and Terengganu...

Perak's political crisis sees no end. Terengganu's sent Idris packing. Same UMNO, different ending...or is it different beliefs??

More than 10 days had passed but the Perak crisis has no ending in sight. In fact, as ime drags on, the issue becomes more clouded, more possibilities, more probable situations, more headache, more trauma to all those involved. Heck ! Even for those who wish to remains apolitical are dragged into the the quidmire.

This time, let's look into the issue, objectively and leave your poltical alignation outside.

In Terengganu, the Sultan, through the Council of Rulers rejected Idris Jusoh as the MB. Although there were many speculations on the reasons for the rejection, the issue was further blown up when the majority of the BN elected reps threatened to boycott the incoming MB. Even PM AAB joined in the fray saying that the Sultan's action is unconstitutional. However, the Council of Rulers stood their ground and elected Mohd Said as the MB and incidentally, he is from BN. Despite the threats of BN elected reps to resign en masse, the threat dissipates.

During the height of the situation, several UMNO supporters put up banners "implying" harsh words to the Sultan, who is currently the YDP Agung. Weeks later, Terengganu's NGO organise w grand welcome to YDP Agung on his scheduled trip to Terengganu. The numbers speak for itself. Clearly, the rakyat supported the Sultan's decision on his choice of MB. With that, "POP" goes UMNO's act of defiance towards the Sultan's decision.

The leassons learned from Terengganu are :

1. Sultan has the rights and privilidge to reject the candidates put forward by PM;
2. The Sultan choose MB from the party that controls the majority state reps
3. The people will support the Sultan as long as they perceived that the decision is just and fair
4. The Sultan-people represent the close inter-relation between the 2

Fast forward 11 months later, different state, different situation. By act of defection which has been discussed by both sides, the fragile Perak government crumbles due to the irresponsible act of 3 elected reps from PR. Why irresponsible? Because they have put their interest above the expectations of their voters. Once elected, they collectively feels that they can do everything without considering the hopes of thpousands of their electorates who put them in their current position.

With a little bit of coaxing from NTR, HRH Sultan of Perak requested MB Nizar to vacate his MB post which MB Nizar refuse, citing that it is not legimate. From thereon, things began to fall apart. Durign teh first few days, banners put up by PR supporters urge the Sultan to dissolve the state assembly sio that another state election can be held. In all the pictures shown, there were no banners that criticise HRH in person.

In the height of the crisis, thousands flock to Kuala Kangsar to express their disagreement to MB's Zambry swearing in. Tear gas were fired. And with that, Perak has 2 MB's in their midst.

Here, the difference with Trengganu is clear. There were no attempts from PR to throw insults to HRH. None were recorded. If there is, MSM and UMNO will be having a field day to capitalise on PR's mistakes. But there were none.

UMNO then resorted to drum up on the words "mohon derhaka" which literally means the beg to differ in opinion. UMNO started potraying MB Nizar as committing treason. KJ attended the UMNO youth gathering in Ipoh to condemn MB Nizar and Karpal Singh (for his words that Sultans can be sued). The crowd turnout? Depending on who you want to believe, it will range from 400 to 1000. Is that all UMNO youth can gather? Clearly, the gathering failed to galvanise the support of Joe public as how Terengganu case manage to gather the support of Joe publics. Clearly, for UMNO to justify the ends, they have to resort to their youth NGO's were there.

With that, what really happen between the 2 states? Are the people supporting the Sultan in Terengganu royalist? Or are they loyalist? Based on the sequence of events, Dnightcaller tends to believe that Malaysians are loyalist, first before they are royalist. Loyalist because they maintains loyalty to an established government, political party, or sovereign. The people are loyalist and agrees to the Sultan's decision to choose MB from the party carrying the majority of state reps. The same goes for Perak. The people feels that PR is the rightful winner and the legitimate government.

After they are loyalist, they are royalist, in the sense that they will openly show their support to the Sultan who respect the peoples' wish. It is not a matter of political parties anymore. It transcends the political clout as people in Terengganu willingly make their way to the airport to show their support to the Sultan. No monies paid, no transportation provided, no flags and banners distributed. They do it all on their own initiative.

Back to Perak, the people feels that the decision to appoint BN back to head the state is wrong. As such, the loyalists did not recognise the BN led government and instead they continuously show their support to MB Nizar. Even when MB Nizar was ousted from his office, evicted from his official residence, the people are still behind him. With time, MB Nizar will find more and more difficult to administer the state. But the people's feelings will simmer liek the malay proverb " Api dalam sekam", waiting to explode against the BN led government. With that, the royalist diminish a notch down, exposing the royals to accusations and risk of exposures that will hurt the royal house.

3 events show the support of Perak people to MB Nizar :

1. 8,000 or so attended PR rally in MB Nizar's residence;
2. the overhelming support given to MB Nizar when he visited the Thaipusm celebration in Ipoh, in contrast to teh lukewarm support given to MB Zambry. Both went to the same place, but at different times.
3. The demo against MB Zambry when he joined the Chap Goh Mei celebration in Ipoh.

Even this is without taking into consideration that NTR has to cancel his trip to the Chap Goh Mei's celebration due to "security reasons". The same when the palace has to call off the silver jubilee celebration in Batu Gajah.

MB Nizar is gracious in his stand when he attended the royal bash held in Perak last night. He may not be ushered to his seat but he has make his point that he still consider himself as the MB of Perak.

What now? MB Nizar has filed in his suit to declare MB Zambry as the illegal MB of Perak. That, we let the court to decide. But then again, 1 small caption did not escape this blogger when another leading blogger Rocky bru mentions on the following :
SUNDAY RALLY FOR SULTAN. There will be a gathering in front of the Istana Kayangan Shah Alam this morning [Sunday, 15 Feb 2009] at 9.30 a.m. The gathering is a show of support for the Sultan of Selangor's special statement on the state of affairs in Perak. A memorandum will be submitted to the Sultan.

Funny thing is the gathering was not picked up by MSM and was not reported by TV3. Just wondering out many turn up for the assembly?

Minaq Jinggo reported that approximately 300 show up at Shah Alam on Sunday morning to express support for Sultan Selangor's statement. The gathering was lead by Khir Toyo. Is 300 all that coame? Just like 300 spartans...

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are... Read More

Friday, February 13, 2009

April fool - the Malaysian blockbuster

Let's by pass March and goes straight to April 2009. Will a new PM takes his oath in office? Will there be any power struggle? Will there be winners? Will there be losers? And the synopsis goes...

Malaysian Insider provides the inkling that AAB will be clocking out on 31st march 2009, 3 days after UMNO completed electing new office bearers and 2 days after the nomination day for P59 and Kedah N25. If all goes well, a new PM will take office on 1st April 2009. Will he?

The front runner for PM's post is NTR. Frontrunner in the sense that he has been elected unopposed as the incoming UMNO President. However, until and when he takes the oath of office in front on YDP Agung, anything is possible.

NTR may be good, he may be par excellent amongst his UMNO peers to carry on as the 6th PM but in politics, things can change within a split second. Consider this...

The ongoing trial of the Mongolian model, the questionable scorpene/eurocopter/sukhoi deals, the public outcry against his Perak state "take over" is still fresh in the minds of the people. The ongoing trials related to the Mongolian model and the trial od sedition against RPK of Malaysia Today will be hanging above his head. NTR might be innocent but as far as the public is concerned, there are too many uncomforting facts that linked NTR to the model. True or false is no longer important. It is the perception that will determine the publics' acceptance to NTR as the 6th PM of Malaysia. NTR's case is almost similar to Anwar Ibrahim.

Anwar was at the top of his game when the world crumbled on him. Now, almost 10 years later, bits and pieces surfaced indicating that there might be a conspiracy to bring him down by decepting Tun M into believing that Anwar is a sexual pervert. Slowly but definitely, the pieces are showing that Anwar's downfall was architered by a few top echelon leaders in UMNO. Maybe, one day, the truth will be revealed...

The same may happen to NTR. With his credentials of more than 20 years in UMNO, NTR is known as a safe politician. NTR is not the person who rocked the boat but he controls a wide and powerful political machine with ernomous amount of war chest. There might be some elements in UMNO who would be happy to see him failed in his final dash. NTR's huge closet is full of skeletons, brought upon by years of his toilings to get to the top. If and when NTR falters the last step, who will be the next in line? Amongst the 3 contenders as the Deputy UMNO President, only 1 is a current MP. No prize for guessing. Will that happen?

There is 1 thing that UMNO may not anticipated. That of YDP Agung...Will he consent to NTR as the next PM? What happen, if HRH refuse to acknowledge NTR as PM? What can happen? Will UMNO force through or will UMNO counters with few names to be considered as PM? And how can YDP Agung satisfy himself that NTR commands the loyalty and support of majority of MP?

The uneasy calmness post Perak is frightening. There is no public and glowing support from UMNO top brass on NTR's manouvres. Is there something lurking underneath? When UMNO candidates are suppose to be hyper active to gain the attention of the delegates, this uneasy calmness is unusual. Like scary movies, it is as though a monster is coming out soon to do maximum carnage. And who will the victims be? NTR? AAB? Mukhriz? KJ? Anwar? PR?

April is 46 days away. How time freeze before the real show begins this 20th Feb when UMNO will announce the list of official candidates for the different posts. Will there be any dramatic withdrawals? UMNO will have hectic schedule from 24th March onwards. 4 days of general assembly and isplay of oratory skills, before marching to Perak and Kedah for the nomination day show of strength and 10 days later, the by election. In between will be the transfer of powers from AAB to NTR.

Can UMNO has a smooth transition and matured enough to march into the by-elections? Maybe UMNO needs to learn the art of losing and keep on losing during the by elections...after P59, Pensiangan and Kuala Kangsar will be on the cards as well...

Closer to heart, HRH Sultan Perak's silver jubilee bash on 14th February, coincidentally on Valentine's day is something to look for. How HRH Sultan reacts to 2 MBs' attending his royal bash will show whether HRH Sultan is matured enough to handle the situation. Some may have the best knowledge in the world, but zilch when it comes to PR...Unless, of course if last minute decree came out from the palace. With Annuar Zaini in Nasrin's side, anything is possible...

Dnightcaller's call is for MB Nizar to attend the bash, sitting next to MB Zambry...afterall they are both victims of circumstances...played out by Annuar Zaini with approval of NTR...

Till then...Gnite M'sia...wherever u are... Read More

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Of our economy going south, Malaysians still dreaming Perak

Politics aside, independent pollster Merdeka centre's latest survey indicated that 76 % of voters in Perak feels that the electorates (the people) should decide through election on who should form the government in Perak. Yes, not the Sultan, not the 4 turncoat reps, not NTR, not BN, not's back to the people.

The people has responded. Will the Sultan, the 4 turncoats, NTR, BN, PR listen? This is teh plea of the people. Afterall, isn't democracy touch about the people's rights and the peoples' choice?

Seminggu selepas kerajaan Perak tumbang akibat dari pengalihan sokongan dari PR kepada BN, keadaan di Perak masih membara. MB Nizar bersedia untuk mengosongkan rumah kediaman resmi beliau dalam tempoh 10 hari ketika aduan dibuat kepada MACC mengenai tindakan MB Zambry untuk menamakan penasihat khas bertaraf EXCO di Perak. MB Nizar juga akan mengfailkan saman keatas kesahihan perlantikan MB Zambry sebagai MB.

Whatever it is, hats off to MB Nizar who is willing to vacate his official residence, return the official cars whilst atthe same time file lawsuits to challenge the validity of MB Zambry. And in the background will be the coming P 59 by election. Date ? To be confirmed and announced by EC on 13th February 2009.

Dalam masa yang sama, ketika perhatian utama diletakkan kepada krisis politik Perak, Malaysiakini melapurkan ekspot Malaysia pada bulan Disember 2008 mengucup sebanyak 14.9 %. Kementerian Perdagangan melapurkan jumlah perdagangan pada bulan Disember 2008 bernilai RM 80.5 B, penurunan sebanyak 18.6 % dari tahun lepas. Adakah ini tanda-tanda awal Malaysia akan menempuh kegawatan ekonomi?

If Malaysia is facing the prospect of recession, the politicians should be reinforcing our trade instead of strike and counterstrike in Perak. Unless, BN is not worried aand never care the Malaysian taxpayers.

On the other front, a human rights group is urging UN to rebuke Malaysia for allegedly imprisoning dissidents and mistreating migrants. Malaysia should take heed of this issus as this will be closely scrutinised by the advanced nations and any adverse comments on Malaysia will hurt us furthermore.

So, begone with politics. Return Perak to the people for their decision. Dissolve the state assembly and let the people decide. NTR better start looking into the economic state of Malaysia because come 1st April 2009, NTR should be the PM of Malaysia. NTR should not be wasting his time to attend trivial matters like Perak. Give Perak back to PR and let them administer the stae like what they have done the past 11 months. Unless, of course if NTR is worried that MB Nizar is doing a fine job and the prospect of BN regaining Perak through election is not there. MB Zambry should take heed to the peoples' wish and advise HRH to dissolve the assembly. If both MBs' do so, HRH has no choice but to agree to dissolve the state asesembly. In this way, MB Zambry is paving the way for HRH to correct his misjudgement. Of course, MB Zambry will not do that because BN is not confident of getting Perak through election.

Bagaimana dengan Kedah N25? Apakah SPR akan mengumumkan kekosongan kerusi? Jawapannya 13hb Feb 2009.

NTR menghitung hari, KJ menghitung hari, Pak Lah pandai tak menghitung hari??

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are... Read More

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

SPR : Of P59, Kedah's N25, arrest warant and ...

One by qada' and qadar, the other due to vacation. 2 seats, 2 by elections, 2 states. 1 in Perak, the other in Kedah. When? SPR will decide on 13th Feb '08.

Although DAP Perak has suggested MB Nizar to stand in P 59, PAS spiritual leader TG Nik Aziz feels otherwise and TGNA with his vast experience in Malaysian politics may be right. His reasoning is simple and straight to the point.

Looking back, will BN field Azim Zabidi, UMNO treasurer, this time around? MB Nizar has upped the contest by saying P 59 will be a referendum of voters' support to PR.
AAB play it down saying that it is not a referendum, in obvious reference to BN taking over Perak state from PR through defections, hopping and counter hopping. Maybe, we need Rafidah Aziz to cling on AAB asking "Why?, Why Pak Lah? Why not?" as only she can do it best during Tun M's era...

As for Kedah N25 seat, Arumugam vacated the seat after claiming that BN has continually pressured and enticed him to abandon PR coupled with claims of intrusion to his private life. BN came out defensively to deny the claim after the announcement. The question is why now? Why after the seat is vacated, BN issue the denial? Why not before? If P59 is expected to be the clash between PR (PAS) and BN (UMNO), N25 will see PR (PKR/DAP) against BN (MIC). Will MIC nominate S Krishnan again? One prospective candidate has offered himself to PR.

In court, arrest warant has been issued against Osman Jailu, one of the four reps who cause Perak government to crumble. Let's see if he got any special treatment cum priviledge. It is further believed that Osman is recuperating in Selayang Hospital.

In KK, 6 EXCOs' took their oath of office before HRH Sultan Perak. Missing from the list is the "Gang of 4", Datuk Nasirudin Hashim, Osman Jailu, Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi and Hee. Guess Hee has to wait a little longer for her Camry...HeeHaw says the donkey....

What about the other donkeys? Will BN line up Datuk Nasirudin Hashim in P 59 and see the voters response? A win for Nasirudin will indicate that he make the right decision. A loss means that he is not acceptable to UMNO Perak.

These by-elections will be another litmus test for UMNO and PR. UMNO will be fresh from their AGM and will be coming in with a new President, newly elected Deputy President and the current PM...Is that possible? Only UMNO can...

Bercakap tentang derhaka, satu komen yang menarik diterima. Sila baca disini. Mungkin UMNO boleh merenung sejenak tentang peristiwa2 berikut :-

1. Ghazali Jawi "derhaka" kepada Sultan Idris Perak bila enggan meletak jawatan MB;
2. UMNO derhaka kepada Raja-raja apabila meminda perlembagaan persekutuan semasa DYMM Sultan Azlan menjadi Agung;
3. Anuar Musa derhaka kepada Sultan Kelantan apabila menabalkan Sultan alternatif;
4. UMNO Terengganu derhaka kepada Sultan Terengganu apabila "memaki" baginda ketika Idris Jusoh tidak diterima menjadi MB Terengganu;
5. Barisan kepimpinan UMNO Terengganu derhaka kepada Sultan Terengganu yang juga Agung pada ketika ini apabila memberi kata dua kepada DYMM Sultan;
6. HSBC derhaka kepada Allahyarham YDP NS kerana menyaman baginda atas jaminan bank yang dibuat baginda.
7. AAB "derhaka" kepada Sultan2 Terengganu dan Perlis kerana tidak bersetuju dengan calun MB dari golongan UMNO
8. Shahidan Kassim "derhaka" kepada Sultan Perlis kerana melobi AAB untuk terus menjadi MB walaupun tidak diperkenan Tuanku.

Cukuplah setakat ini, kalau diperpanjangkan lagi senarai derhaka nanti jadi thesis PhD lak...

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are... Read More

Monday, February 09, 2009

UMNO youth : Of KJ, Mukhriz, Khir and ...

Funny things happen everywhere but within UMNO youth aspirant leaders? When the dust were about to settle, one by one, they came crawling out from their bunkers to claim credit, albeit how small, for the upcoming UMNO election set in late March 2009.

Johnies come lately Khairy Jamaluddin called for Datuk Seri Nizar Jamaluddin to be stripped of his citizenship as he led protests by the Barisan Nasional (BN) as reported by Malaysian Insider. Is it that easy to strip on one's citizenship? On what grounds did Khairy thinks MB Nizar needs to be strip of citizenship? What Khairy is doing now is no more than gathering his 1000 odd faithful to start yelling, screaming for his votes in the upcoming UMNO youth leadership tussle with Mukhriz and Khir Toyo.

Is 1,000 the best KJ can muster in Ipoh? Sure is easy for Mukhriz and Khir Toyo to double the figures in Ipoh.

More frightening is the remarks of which was lossely quoted by Malaysian Insider as
If you see the illegal government coming, I order you as deputy Youth chief to do what is necessary
KJ is going on collision course with MB Nizar. Is this the way an UMNO youth leader to act? Why not instruct the Mat Rempit of Putra brigade as well? To ignite tension is easy, but once ignited it is not that easy to smoother the raging fire. Maybe KJ should rethink of his instruction to UMNO youth. Afterall, he should be reminded what happen when he dared the public against the BERSIH procession in 2007. What happen then was history...let's not repeat the mistakes....

It is a better option if KJ request all his troops to KK and guard the route to EXCO swearing in ceremony.

Another UMNO youth leader inspirant, Mukhriz Tun Mahathir, suggested Perak PAS to join BN. Another aspirant leader, another not so bright idea. But then again, we have to feel sorry for UMNO to have such members as their second echelon leaders. Mukhriz will fare better if he were to re-phrase his words to suggest Perak PAS to join UMNO (and not BN). And even that is not the brightest idea yet.

Yet, the final UMNO youth leader inspirant, Khir Toyo is dead quiet.

Sebenarnya tidak perlu untuk KJ menghangat lagi keadaan yang tidak menentu. Sentimen rakyat kini berada bersama dengan MB Nizar dan KJ seharusnya membiarkan mahkamah untuk menentukan kesahihan kedudukan kerajaan negeri Perak. Kalau dulunya KJ telah menyatakan pendirian beliau untuk tidak menyokong budaya melompat, beliau seharusnya berpegang kepada prinsip tersebut. Tapi apa yang berlaku kini adalah lebih merupakan perubahan pegangan dan pendirian KJ, menantu yang takut kehilangan pengaruh, yang ingin menunjukkan kemiripan beliau terhadap NTR untul political survival...

Begitu juga dengan Mukhriz yang seharusnya sedar bahwa parti PAS merupakan satu-satunya parti yang memberi ruang dan peluang untuk Tun MM berucap diatas pentas politik mereka ketika Tun MM di pecat oleh UMNO semasa zaman Tunku Abd Rahman. Ini menunjukkan bahwa generasi pemuda UMNO kini sudah lupa akan perjuangan pemimpin terdahulu serta tidak peka pada percaturan politik.

Dengan berdiam diri, Khir Toyo mungkin mengambil langkah yang paling bijak kerana dengan berdiam diri, beliau tidak terjebak dalam kemelut politik Perak. Walaupun demikian, Khir Toyo mungkin sedang tersepit dengan asakan KhalidIbrahim di Selangor.

It is better for all the 3 youth leaders inspirant to look into these issues which is more national based and show what they are made of and what they will do if, and when, they takes the UMNO youth leadership :-

1. KLIA east project, as proposed by AA and Sime Darby (further reading in SimeDarby watch);
2. Asia Petroleum hub project, lead by KIC Oil and Gas, drawing almost RM 700M from CIDB as the development funds (further reading in the Ancient Mariner);
3. Jalan Sapulut - Kalabakan, Tawau project where the sub-contract was awarded to Gamuda berhad for RM 500+ M. One of Gamuda directors is a lady from Perak (further reading in Malaysia Today).

Now all of you have it, projects involving land, sea and air. Can KJ, Mukhriz, Khir Toyo act on these? Or will they, as usual, slip back into their bunkers for fiesta??

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are... Read More

Al-fatihah : Roslan Shaharum

MP for P59 Bukit Gantang died of heart attack.

After P36, it's P59..Al-fatihah....

Semuga Allah mencucuri rahmat keatas roh-roh mereka...Datuk Razali Ismail and Roslan Shaharum... Read More

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Eclipse : Of Penumbral lunar eclipse, Chap Goh Mei, anti ISA vigil and ...

Today, part of Malaysia will be fortunate enough to witness the penumbral lunar eclipse starting from 8.30 pm and will last until 00.39 am of 9th Feb '09 which coincidentally will fall on Chap Goh Mei, the last day of Chinese New Year. For those who are interested to brush up their Science, please click on for more information on the eclipse.

Maybe our Chinese Feng Shui masters can tell whether the eclipse is an omen of tings to come. In medieval times, eclipse is normally associated with bad omen and in certain religion, Islam included, special prayers are offered to mark the occasion. In 1960's, there are reports that natives beating drums, hack on trees in he hope of scaring the heavenly beast from gorging on the moon. Fact, fiction, myth?

Being the last day of Chinese New Year, will sparklers, crackers scare the beast away tonite? How this scribe hope that when the eclipse pass Malaysia, it will bring along the political impasse currently facing Perak and at the same time, the flood in Sarawak will recede with the eclipse. But then again, this is all wishful thinking as being politicians, both BN and PR will not let go of Perak as easily as writing on a piece of paper.

Malaysiakini reported of popularity test between the 2 MB's of Perak during the Thaipusm festival whilst 300 vigilers decided to hold 'mock' funeral symbolising the death of democracy in Perak, as a sign of protest. If the 2 preceding events indicated the feelings of Indians and Chinese, more than 3000 gather tonite in Perak's MB residence, in support of MB Nizar. What the 3 separate and independent events show is the coming of age of Perak politics. 3 main races reacting to the ongoing impasse and what they did, either in line or out of synch with the general mass, depends on which side is talking. To PR, this is the statement of the public rallying behind MB Nizar whilst to BN this is a show of disrespect to the MB Zambry. Maybe, the Sultan's decision to put off function to celebrate HRH silver jubilee on 10th February 2009 is a signal, for things to come. It will depends on whether BN or PR can capitalise on this small yet subtle message. Good luck to both BN and PR...

On related matter, it will also be a wise move for BN leaders to abstain from terming MB Nizar's action as that of treason. It will be more suitable to call MB Nizar's action as that of civil disobedience. BN, especially UMNO should reflect upon themselves that they were, at one time, courted PAS to form Perak and Selangor state government post 308, but PAS stood firm to their earlier pact and stay put with PKR and DAP, although they knew beforehand that the triparte agreement will face stormy weather in the years ahead. And that is what "setiakawan" is all about, sama-sama melayari gelora politik walaupun penuh dengan onak dan duri. Sesuatu yang UMNO harus mempelajari sekiranya ingin mengukuhkan BN, tanpa unsur ugutan, dan UMNO harus menganggap semua rakan komponen BN adalah sama penting dalam menempuh dugaan 308.

Bloggers juga mempunyai peranan penting untuk mengendurkan musibah yang menimpa Perak dengan mengambil pendekatan yang lebih tenang. Namun, pemanggil malam faham bahwa apa yang pemanggil malam impikan tidak akan tercapai kerana setiap bloggers terlalu emosional sehingga lupa bahwa tujuan utama kita semua ialah untuk melihat Malaysia maju dan blogs hanyalah satu ruang untuk bertukar pandangan dan juga untuk berhujah dengan cara gentleman.

Dalam hal ini, pemanggil malam juga terharu kesedihan dengan "choice of words" sesetengah
komen didalam guestbook DYMM Sultan Perak. Untuk menyatakan perasaan kesal, meminta DYMM menimbang kembali keputusan baginda adalah OK, begitu juga dengan sembah setuju dengan keputusan DYMM tetapi apabila guestbook dicemari dengan kata-kata kesat dan ada pula yang spam dengan perkataan "Daulat Tuanku", itu sudah melankaui norma-norma kita, bangsa Malaysia. Alamat e-mail yang "pelik" mungkin disengajakan supaya administrator tidak dapat memberi "response" kepada penulis komen.

Maybe, those nasty commentors in HRH guestbooks should get a vist from the lycans or the werewolves of "Underworld 3" fame. The night might just be right with the full moon, tainted with the penumblar lunar eclipse for those lycans and werewolves to prey on these unfriendly netizens. That is what Dnightcaller feels and he knows that he is not prosecutor, jury, judge and executioner, all 4 roll into 1.

Closer to heart, the vigilers for anti-ISA in Petaling Jaya on Sunday evening were diplomatically given 10 minutes to do their things under the watchful eyes of police before adjourning to their usual haunting restaurant, that of Lotus restaurant where the vigilers occupy more than 3 tables before calling it a day. This scribe was there to observe the moments, although understandbly could not attend the vigil proper as the timing is just not right...too early for those who need to solat maghrib, before rushing to the meeting point.

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are... Read More