Muhyiddin says The bucks stop here...Wonder what it means? Muhyiddin choose the wrong place to make that statement. It may be safe if he were to make that statement in Johor but in Kelantan? Kelantan has been under PAS's rule for the past 18 years and surviving even without the "blue-eyed" treatment from the federal government. Muhyiddin will have an uphill task to win Manek Urai for BN. Not impossible but extremely difficult. The first question is why are the party workers late? Are they too tired after arriving late? Have they been partying the night before? Have they lost their way? Unfortunately, all these reasoning could not be accepted because Manek Urai is as alien to BN as they are to PAS supporters. If PAS supporters can wake up to the call of Azan, why can't BN (read UMNO) supporters did the same? Unless, BN supporters are not used to early wake-up call, despite their many campings and excursions. If that is true, then it points to indiscipline. And if BN (read UMNO) supporters are indiscipline, then why should we give our trust to indisciplined people? Before Muhyiddin can openly make that statement, he should look himself into the mirror and ask that question to himself - how many times has Muhyiddin being punctual in official events when he is the VVIP? How many minutes or hours do guests and participants has to wait for his "grand" appearance? Furthermore, has his "lieutenants" and "sergeant majors" pass the message to the downlines on what time and where is the rendzevous point? UMNO has former army staffs working in their headquarters helmed by Tengku Adnan. If this simple chore cannot be properly executed, then what else can be expected from UMNO? The "General" is doomed to fail without his army and that will be a pitiful scene as there are ever-ready vultures ready to pounce on Muhyiddin's failure. TV3 showed that Shahrizat was in Manek Urai together with KJ, both heading their respective wings. Does this mean that both did not trust their "second-in-command"? And where is the "Putra" head? Shahrizat has been heard to comment that only BN provides the basic amenities to the rakyat and belittle PAS for knowing to talk but no action taken. First, Shahrizat must understand that BN did not provide the basic amenities. The present government of the day provides it and that is not out of their own party's pocket but from the taxes and the duties impossed on the rakyat. It is the government's duty to provide the basics. So the question is, is the basics enough? Can better amenities be provided? Is the cost for providing the amenities correct or inflated to feed BN (read UMNO) contractors? On 1 % increase in support for BN candidate, let's do some basic calculation based on 2008 election results. During 2008, BN managed to secure 4,394 votes. If Muhyiddin is calling for 1% increase, that will be translated to 44 votes, making BN's target of 4,438. And if 75 % voter turnout n 14th July 2009, then 9,219 will cast their votes. That means PAS still wins the by-election with 4,781 votes ( a reduced majority of 343). But the fact remains, PAS still wins the by-election. Muhyiddin may be going for the hearts of the people but when he change 1M PM6's tagline, then all the hypocricy is exposed. It bares that BN is only after their votes, afterwhich Manek Urai will be hang dry.
Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...
wants at least 1 % increase in support for the party
"Rakyat didahulukan, Manek Urai diutamakan
To kill a hummingbird. The attempted destruction of Hannah Yeoh. Tales by
an unknown blogger no 46
1. Some clarifications are in order to explain the above title. 2. Why
hummingbird you may ask. It's certainly not Harper Lee's to kill a
mockingbird. 3. I...
3 hours ago
The bn people (umno) always talk and talk and talk. They talked with the winds as it blew along. Thereafter, they won't even remember what they had talked. The poeple at large have had enough of political rhetorics. They asked for nothing more than proper delivery systems from the federal govt. Is that too much to ask ?
Why victimised the states that did not support bn ? Can we pay all our taxes to only the state's concern ? Why talk about road, water, basic amenities provided by umno when in fact it is the govt's responsibilty that the bare minimum amenities must be provided to all its citizens irrespective of state.
Is that asking for too much ? My take is very clear on this. If you (bn-umno) are unable to rule this nation well, please step aside and I believe that many people of the right calibre won't hesitate to take over. In fact we can easily find a dozen of such people to takeover at any given time.
Its all very well to run down Barisan Najis but we should be careful here.
Pakatan has much more to lose than Barisan Najis if an upset occurs.
TGNA's standing in PAS will b impacted, Pakatan's momentum will b slowed, Najis and gang will have much to crow about if an upset occurs.
We should work and campaign as though Barisan Najis is leading!!!!
That's the point. For so long BN has been acting like Santa Claus everytime there's an election. Before, it was the late Ghaffar Baba and now, it's Muhyiddin taking over the role.
True, the government has provided the basic amenities but has it cover the whole length and breadth of the country? And do you tink that PR will do any better if there is no funds or allocations?
Anon 12:38
It is not a matter of running down BN but it is a matter of holding BN to its words.
BN is using the "pity me and give me the chance" strategy to win over the votes. PR better be prepared with their counter-offense. Rural folks are susceptible to this type of "pity me" melodrama. Time for PR to toughen up....
The bn people for all the many known years had been impartial with allocation of funds. Places like Kelantan and even Trengganu were indeed robbed of their oil royalties. Except that in the case of T'gganu, the royalty was redirected back but I think with some attached conditions i.e allocation of funding for projects to selected people only.
When it comes to taxation, the bn govt knows how to collect from all but they renege on allocation for states not under their control.
Look like the only way out for Malaysians are to vote them out in the coming GE for changes to take place. Let all Malaysians rise up to the call for change if this govt can't see that the poor needs help. The policies of enriching the elites cannot continue as the rich are far too rich with the poor getting poorer by the day.
Hopefully March 2008 teach BN a lesson - do not "bully" opposition states by witholding their funds and projects.
BN should lead by example ie give what is due, no matter whether the state (or the seat) is held by BN or opposition. After all, taxes are paid by all regardless of their political affliation.
The time of sending electrical poles in 1 GE and planting the pole in another GE before stringing the cable in yet another GE is over.
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