Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Of maids and illegals : Malaysia's goodwill...again?

The point is simple - there are Malaysians who are now getting less than what the foreign maids are getting. If this is allowed to continue, then the income disparity will widen more. It is time for a strong political will to resolve the issue and bring up the standards of our own Malaysian citizens. Give them training, provide assistance and chances. Nobody wants to remain poor... no one wants to bring home a take home pay of RM 33 per month, do you?

One marinates meat not issues. A week has passed us by but this writer did not see any posting on Indonesian maid issue. Did Sibu P212 by-election result eclipsed this small but important issue? Or has Malaysians become complacent and take it as a non-issue?

1MPM6 Najib, fresh from BN's defeat in P212 met with Indonesia's SBY on 18th May 2010 and later witnessed the signing of LOI on new terms of Indonesians maids. Amongst others, it is said that :-
  1. Indonesian maids will get a day off a week;
  2. If the maid decided to forgo her off days, she will be compensated in lieu of it;
  3. The maids will be allowed to keep their passports if the employers agree;
  4. There are suggestions that the maids salary be increased up to 80 % of the present value of between RM 450 ~ RM 550 monthly;
  5. There are currently 400,000 foreign maids in Malaysia, out of which 300,000 comes from Indonesia;
  6. There are an estimated 2.5 million Indonesian migrant workers in Malaysia;

Let's not argue about the figures provided by the MSMs. Instead, let's look inward and capture the predicaments faced in our own backyard :-
  1. How many of us read about a plantation worker whose April's take home pay is RM 33?. His gross salary was approximately RM 364.96;
  2. What about Kampung Kandang Lembu, Hulu Selangor which received such prominence during Hulu Selangor by-election? One person interviewed there survived on RM 150 monthly income to feed her grandchildren. Where is Kamalanathan, now that he won the parliamentary seat? What is he going to do about it? Where is Rozali of Syabas who promised to provide piped water to the folks in Hulu Selangor? Has he decided to by-pass the village?
  3. Under current agreement, plantation labourers are ensured a minimum monthly wage of RM 350 which is 22 % lower than the Indonesian maids;
  4. Only 5 % of the plantation owners implement housing scheme for estate workers although it has been introduced since 1973 or 37 years ago under Tun Razak House ownership scheme. Now, his son (1MPM6 Najib) has taken over the reins and yet, the plantation workers are still a neglected lot;
  5. A restaurant worker in Sibu survived on RM 400 monthly wage which is 11 % lower than what the Indonesian maids are currently getting;
Now, where are we heading? This writer would be happier if there are concerted efforts to upgrade these poor and neglected Malaysians. It seems that the powers-to-be are prone to "Kera dihutan disusukan, anak dirumah mati kelaparan" attitude. Will it not be better if :-
  1. The relevant ministries train our own domestic helpers and cater our own needs? This move will improve the livelihood of our own poor and at the same time increase their income;
  2. The move to train our own domestic helper will reduce currency outflow where the Indonesians maids transferred their income back to their country. This will reduce currency exchange and outflow;
  3. By introducing Malaysia's own domestic helpers, it may accelerate mutual understanding between our cross cultures and religions;
  4. 300,000 Indonesian maids means that we are paying RM 150M monthly wages to these maids which adds up to RM 1.8B annually. Malaysia can keep this money to circulate our own economy. Is there any need to "allow" RM 1.8B economy to be generated in other countries?;
  5. Having a day off weekly will also invite more social problems. What are the social problems? You and I are all adults and a simple 2 + 2 = 4. Do I need to say more? Is Malaysia ready to face these additional social problems created by foreign maids? As is, Malaysia has more than enough problems to cope, why do we need these additional problems?;
Those are few preliminary suggestions and can be expanded further if needed. Why are the authorities in such a goodwill and generous mood?

Just the other day,DPM Muhyiddin announced the third amnesty program involving illegal foreigners who work in Malaysia. The first two amnesty took place in 2002 and 2004. But that is not all. Muhyiddin mentioned :-
  1. The government will soon offer amnesty to hundreds of thousands of illegal foreign workers to return home without facing action;
  2. Levies will be increased from 2011 based on sectors and workers' skills;
  3. Integrated biometric identification system would have to be in place before the programme could be implemented;
  4. Introduction of new regulations to curb problem of illegal workers;
  5. Government will act against those who harbour illegal workers without permit;
  6. Foreign illegal workers work mainly in plantations, construction sites, factories, restaurants and domestic maid sector;
Malaysia is truly generous. After two previous amnesty, we are still dishing out the third amnesty. Why? Is it necessary? What has our Ministry of Human Resources got to say on this matter? Is Malaysia really short of workers are are the employers practising selective employing to the advantage of the illegal foreign workers?

Talk about plantation workers, we have seen how our own domestic plantation workers receive measly take home pay, far lower than Indonesian maids. Talk about construction sites, we read about low cost flats going to the rich. Do Malaysia still needs massive construction works? Have we not reached the saturation state yet?

Talk about factories, how do we explain why Vietnam seems to offer better perks and incentives to investors? How do we compete with Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia when our labour and living cost is much higher than those countries?

Talk about restaurants and the first picture that flashes through are the mamaks in Kayu, Pelita restaurants taking orders. I am sure we have enough work force to do that but why do these restaurants offer the vacancies to their own kind? A monopoly of sorts?

Domestic maid? Would it not be better to train our own domestic maid?

Briefly on this amnesty programme conjured by Muhyiddin. Is it really necessary? Shouldn't it be time for Malaysians to take tougher stand on this issue? We have been softies in dealing with the issue. Is it because of the hidden hands behind the illegals? Twice in 2002 and 2004 and we are going for the third amnesty. Will it be fourth, fifth, sixth? Looks more like star wars installations than government policy....

Saudi Arabia tackle their illegals hard. Those caught harbouring, either knowingly or unknowingly illegals will have the said properties confiscated and fined heavily. Although it is seen to be harsh but that move works in Saudi Arabia. Why can't Malaysia follow the model?

The point is simple - there are Malaysians who are now getting less than what the foreign maids are getting. If this is allowed to continue, then the income disparity will widen more. It is time for a strong political will to resolve the issue and bring up the standards of our own Malaysian citizens. Give them training, provide assistance and chances. Nobody wants to remain poor... no one wants to bring home a take home pay of RM 33 per month, do you?

Oh...before this one slips my mind...all are invited to give their feedback on removing subsidies. There will be an open day to get feedbacks on removing subsidies (fuel, sugar, toll, medication, healthcare, food etc). Mark this :-

Date : 27th May 2010 (Thursday)
Venue : Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (Hall 4 & 5)
Time : 0900 - 1400 (That's 9 am to 2 pm)

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...
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Monday, May 24, 2010

Of KTMB's Tg Pagar land: Going, going...gone?

The answer is within you. You think and you decide. Are we going to be forever blinded by the injustice towards Malaysians? We are a nation and as a nation, it is our duty to keep our well being for our future generations. I care...do you?

Najib! What else will you be giving up?

This computer screen must be playing a late April Fool's prank on me today. Malaysia agrees to vacate KTMB Tg Pagar????

It's just over 1 year that Najib took over the reins from Malaysia and we are sinking lower by the day....

  1. Malaysia will give up KTMB Tg Pagar land and agreed to "jointly developed the land with Singapore's Temasek group, Najib's coup to end the lingering problem with Singapore;
  2. Malaysia will move KTMB station to Woodlands by 2011;
  3. Malaysia will move KTMB station to JB by 2018?;
  4. Singapore to extend their MRT services to JB by 2018, all courtesy of Najib 'Santa Claus" Razak;
  5. Malaysia lost Pulau Batu Putih, thanks to Rais "I burnt the bridge" Yatim;
  6. Malaysia lost two parcels of oil exploratory off Sabah/Sarawak, thanks to Sleepyhead Abdullah Badawi;
  7. Malaysia never gets Limbang, again thanks to Abdullah Badawi who misreads the understanding;
  8. Malaysia' company Sime Darby almost RM 1B loss, and all they have to show is requesting the group CEO to take leave of absence;
  9. Malaysia agree to give Indonesian maids a day off per week, showing 1MPM6's diplomatic prowess;
  10. Malaysia government putting the "Rosmah - First lady of Malaysia" ad in New York Times;
  11. Malaysia to discuss with Indonesia on new minimum salary for "imported" domestic helpers, again through 1MPM6 Najib's "diplomatic" skills;
  12. Malaysia granting sports betting license to Ascot (Berjaya group), one of 1MPM6 Najib's far-sighted approach to continue his grandpa's legacy;
  13. Malaysia to offer third amnesty since 2002, 2004 to all illegal foreign workers, trademark of DPM Muhyiddin's hard stance against illegal workers;
  14. Malaysia's plantation workers receiving take home pay of RM 33, courtesy of 1MPM6 Najib's NEM;
  15. Malaysia citizens still living in desolate areas with no piped water (Kampung Kandang Lembu) with a measly income of RM 150 per month, thanks to 1MPM6 Najib's concept;
  16. Malaysians are seen to be easily bought off, thanks to 1MPM6 Najib's "You helpt me, I helpt you" Sibu speech;
  17. Malaysians are thought that everything is possible in Malaysia, including "buying" elected reps to topple a state government, an example set by 1MPM6 Najib on Perak takeover;
  18. In Malaysia, you just bring a person down regardless how absurd the charges are, as demonstrated by 1MPM6 Najib in dealing with Anwar Ibrahim;
  19. Commission? They don't call that in Malaysia, they re-phrase it as "consultancy services" , nice euphamism as projected by Perimekar;
  20. Statutory declaration? Not sure if it carries any weight in Malaysia, look what happens to PI Bala and his Mongolian connectivity;
  21. Technological advancement? No problem, Malaysia has submarines that failed to dive, wrapped in package by Razak Baginda who is currently spending his "hard-earned" monies in UK;
  22. Need another one? Sure, what about fighter jets with missing engines? Another first by one of the many "special vehicle groups" during 1MPM6's tenure in MOD;

The list can be expanded much more..but what the heck! With what listed thus far, 1MPM6 started his premiership 14 months ago and we have already listed 22 issues which will haunt Malaysians for years to come. Seriously, it is hightime for Malaysians to rise and say "Enough is enough!" and we want transperancy!. Truthfully, sometimes despair overtakes this gut and how at times raising the white flag and throwing in the towel seems to be the better option.

Hey, don't get me wrong here. It is not a matter of political affiliation. I am not a member of any political party. I wish to remain neutral and what I see scares me...whilst some took opposing views in blogosphere, there must be a meeting point somewhere - like a better Malaysia.

Looking back, is it not the concerted efforts of new media that finally pushed Abdullah off his perch? That time, there is this unusual camaraderie between both pro and anti BN. Now that Abdullah is gone, the camaraderie took a back seat with some openly endorsing Najib (and mahathir and Mukhriz) whilst some turn to KJ (Abdullah) whilst the rest choose to stay with their "Malaysian approach".

The question now is - how long must we wait to get back into action for a better Malaysia? Is the political difference to wide to be bridged? The longer it is, the lower Malaysia will sink, all thanks to 1MPM6 and his "bed-mate". Are we as Malaysians on the losing side, like those who are losing the Monopoly game? Are we coming to the state of "selling" off everything just to keep afloat?

The answer is within you. You think and you decide. Are we going to be forever blinded by the injustice towards Malaysians? We are a nation and as a nation, it is our duty to keep our well being for our future generations. I care...do you?

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...

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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Of PETAH : Quantity ups Quality...

PETAH stands for Pesta Intelek dan Hujah scheduled to be held in PWTC from 27th May to 1st June 2010. What I don't understand, the chose tagline is 'Malaysia's largest youth festival is back".

On this matter, let's go kopi tiam talk ...errrr sembang kedai kopi. Kopitiam is too vogue and chic for me...:)

Now, now...what's intellect and discourse got to do with "Malaysia's largest youth festival is back"? If PETAH wants "Malaysia's largest youth festival, all they need to do is to hold free concerts - ala Merdeka celebration. How do you beat that? If PETAH wants to project itself as a champion for platform to Malaysia's youth intellect and discourse, then where were PETAH when SMM held a media conference in relation the the case of four UKM students hauled up for alledged campaigning during the recently concluded Hulu Selangor by-election?

Are Malaysians still trapped with the glory of "creating records"? This time for a marathon debat 111 jam in PWTC. Since this is sembang kedai kopi approach, then tell me, dear Organisers - If you failed to step out in defense of the 4 UKM students hauled up for discipinary actions, then how can you assure that no actions will be taken to any tertiary students who might want to present their views? Why tertiary students? Simple - the organiser mentioned intellect thus the first thing that crossed my mind are tertiary students. Do you expect the regular Mat Rempits to grace the podiums in PWTC?

Talking about tertiary students, I will say that PETAH choose wrong timing. Not when U and college students are on leave whilst some colleges are busy with their new students orientation week programme. With tertiary and college students back in their hometown, the 111 hour debate will depends on UMNO cadres. Is this the real intention? As this writer understands it, UMNO has programmes to train their cadres to tackle the masses and one of the tasks is presentation which in this case is oratory skill. Is this a graduation of sorts for these new UMNO cadres?

PETAH calls it debat 111 jam. Sure or not? I am looking at debate as debate, like those in schools and colleges. If that is so, what are the title of the debates? Who are the moderators? Or debat 111 jam is actually discourses? Or will it be filled by "chartered college students" who have to make time to fill the halls of PWTC, complete with F & B?

If PETAH is sincere about its programme, may I suggest a few things for their consideration :-
  1. PETAH to get a blanket approval from the Minister of Higher Education, the police and all relevant authorities will not take action on any adverse comments, if any, from the speakers;
  2. PETAH to use the festival to invite EPIC and other organisation to put up their booth and register new voters;
  3. PETAH to ensure that "graveyard" visitors are guaranteed of their safety. They are our youths, Malaysia's future and how PETAH worked on on their security details to reached PWTC safely and also safely returned home;
  4. PETAH should also expand the acceptable language for the debate. Why only Bahasa Malaysia, Mandarin and English? Why not accept Tamil, Jawa too? This writer is sure there are many Tamil speaking orators who would love to hog the spotlight and prsent their case;
  5. PETAH should not be going for air-time record. There is nothing to be proud of. Instead, PETAH should be working on quality of discourse towards thinking Malaysians;
Why need to do it in PWTC? The organiser must have deep pockets to hold it in PWTC and going for the marathon 111 hour debate calls for high overheads and big electricity bill. And what do we get out of it? Another record? Another "Azeez" going for the billboard? Someone who is willing to take over Putra UMNO now that the undisputed leader has been exposed as a 10 % man?

Think about it - do you want to attend a non-stop 111 hour debate? Me? I will be in dreamland by the 12th hour tops...This person would rather go for quality discourses and topics than going through the junkmills of the usual rojak...
What about you?

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...
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Friday, May 21, 2010

M for Musa, Musa, Mu Gi La and Malaysia...

Why? Simple. Look here. If you can get 50 % of the origins right, you passed. Me? I failed miserably. I couldn't even get 30 % correct. That means that I have to learn more about Malaysia and maybe travel more...

Weekend and time to loosen up a bit. Today, let's play with alphabet M...

M stands for Musa. Which Musa? What about Musa Hassan? Why him? Aaaa...that must be something concerning him, right?

It has been circulating for days that the fugitive Raja Petra aka Pete will be speaking London in UK on 22nd May 2010. The "other" parliament goaded Musa Hassan to visit London and arrest the fugitive. If MAS is too expensive for Musa, he can always opt for AirAsiaX. Fancy our IGP travelling cheapthrill to London...

Musa Hassan should be decisive here. He need to stop Raja Petra from speaking London in UK or there might be more spilled beans which will be disastrous to our loved "U helpt me, I helpt you" PM. This is Musa's last chance to get his service extended by His- shame-u-dine. Musa Hassan must do all in his powers to stop Raja Petra and if he could not afford to go to London, then maybe he can get a clue or two in Subang Jaya but Musa must be there early to get in...

But that's not all. Musa can also means the other Musa. You know Musa Hitam? No? You mean you don't know the Musa Hitam who was our deputy PM before he was sacked by Mahathir? The one who okayed the Memali incident, way back in 1985. The same Musa who was reputed to be Malaysia's first political animal, the same one whose son was a victim in Highlands tower tragedy.

This Musa is now the Chairman of Sime Darby, one of the largest plantation in the world and which is now reported to be facing an almost RM 1B loss. Funny thing is, Musa Hitam is still thinking he's in politics when he said "I do not mind stepping down but it must be based on facts. At this point it is not clear yet who should be held accountable" .

Is Musa Hitam waiting for Mahathir to come in and sack him from Sime Darby? Please...if there is an ounce of conscious in Musa Hitam, he should offer to resign and get his whole BOD to resign with him. We are talking of RM 1B and not RM 1M loss. Or is Musa Hitam blinded by the perks taht he needs to hold on to the position as long as possible?

Yes, Musa Hitam may be close to 1mPM6's mother but he should know when to call it a day. For Musa, don't you realise that you have already taken your three strikes and actually you are out of the ballgame? One for IJN, second for LCCT-Labu and third for Sime Darby losses...Musa Hitam, pack your bags and just go....

Another M? Mu gi la... That's what you get when you challenge Samy Vellu. Samy Vellu cannot wait for the disciplinary board to meet and seal Mugilan's fate. So, Samy expelled Mugilan.

Will Mugilan go Pandithan's way? You know who is Pandithan? He was once Samy's blue-eyed boy too but theirs paths crossed and Samy expelled Pandithan when the later staged a two day sit-in in MIC headquarters with a coffin. You know, something ala-Coffin for a gunfighter....

Mugilan loves UMNO and UMNO loves Mugilan. So, what's the solution? Why not get Mugilan to moves to Sabah and there he can always enter UMNO? Just like that singer, DJ Dave. If DJ can do it, Mugilan can do it too... and who knows, Mugilan can also be a Sbah UMNO delegate next year and soon will be in UMNO youth committee, courtesy of KJ...

I save the best for last. M for Malaysia. Since Zul Noordin may not show up for his "duel" with Haris, I took the opportunity to visit the "other" parliament and find out that I do not know much about Malaysia, at all :(.

Why? Simple. Look here. If you can get 50 % of the origins right, you passed. Me? I failed miserably. I couldn't even get 30 % correct. That means that I have to learn more about Malaysia and maybe travel more...

For those who choose to accompany Musa Hassan in Subang Jaya, enjoy yourself there....for those who choose to help Musa Hitam to pack his bags and clear his office in Sime Darby, do take care and wear masks...too much dirt there...

For those who thinks they want to follow Mugilan to Sabah....please refer to UMNO first, they may have different set of rules for different set of people....please get KJ's blessings first....

And for those who wish to try out the "Malaysian" origin test...good luck. Let me make an offer here...the first person to get above 90% correct will get a special treat from me....if you can call that a treat, that is...

Have a happy weekend....I am going to Kuala Selangor for ikan bakar....
Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...
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Kerjaya polis, kerja polis, kerjakan polis...

PDRM merupakan satu kerjaya murni yang telah dicemari dengan tangan-tangan yang lebih mementingkan peribadi dari pasukan PDRM sendiri. Sudah tiba masanya untuk Musa Hassan mengundurkan diri dengan hormat dan memberi ruang untuk kerajaan melantik penganti beliau...

"Join the bandwagon". Satu wabak baru dalam membabitkan kerja polis. Seolah-olah satu pergerakan untuk membabitkan kerjaya polis sebagai satu kumpulan "trigger happy".

Terbaru setakat ini, satu lagi lapuran polis telah dibuat di Shah Alam. Kali ini kejadian dilapurkan berlaku setahun lalu iaitu pada April 2009. Apakah kerja polis untuk menembak seseorang sesuka hati? Apakah lapuran-lapuran yang bertali arus ini akan mengerjakan polis?

Katalah apa saja tetapi yang pasti insiden-insiden yang berlaku ini menunjukkan kegagalan pihak pentadbiran polis dalam memberi keberkesanan latihan anggota polis ketika menjalankan tugas. Mengapa demikian? Seandainya insiden menembak berlaku pada kadar yang kecil, kita dapat menerimanya sebagai satu kelalaian anggota polis ketika bertugas. Tetapi kalau ianya berlaku dan terus berlaku, ia menunujukkan kegagalan sistem latihan sediaada.

Wargakerja polis tidak seharusnya dibebankan dengan satu tanggapan bahwa mereka adalah "trigger happy". Bebanan kegagalan dalam membentuk pasukan polis terlatih dalam menghadapi situasi yang berlainan harus dipikul oleh pihak pengurusan polis. Ianya merupakan tanggungjawab ketua polis negara untuk memastikan warga kerja polis mendapat latihan yang secukupnya.

Musa Hassan, sebagai ketua polis negara harus bertaggungjawab dalam kesemua insiden yang berlaku. Keghairahan beliau untuk "berlaga bahu" dengan pemimpin politik telah memesongkan priority beliau dalam menjaga hal-ehwal anggota bawahan. Musa Hassan menjadi liabiliti kepada pasukan polis apabila beliau beriya-iya benar "memuaskan" hati pemimpin negara dalam usaha menjatuhkan musuh-musuh politik mereka sehingga Musa Hassan gagal menjalankan tanggungjawab sebagai ketua polis yang baik.

Sebagai ketua polis negara, Musa Hassan seharusnya memikirkan cara-cara untuk memertabatkan lagi profesyen polis. Malangnya, beliau tidak menumpukan perhatian untuk menjaga profesyen yang murni ini. Sebaliknya lebih cenderung untuk "menurut kata" kepimpinan politik negara. Ini kesilapan ketara Musa Hassan.

Dalam masa yang sama, kesemua anggota polis yang terlibat dalam insiden penembakan tidak seharusnya menggalas tuduhan kecuaian didalam mahkamah. Dalam masa yang sama, lapuran demi lapuran polis yang dibuat tidak membebaskan mereka yang ditembak dan tidak pula berhajat untuk menaikkan taraf mereka yang ditembak sebagai wira. Apa tidaknya, hampir kesemua mereka yang ditembak mempunyai kesalahan yang nyata saperti tidak mempunyai lesen memandu, tidak mempunyai cukai jalan yang sah, berada didalam keadaan yang mencurigakan, berada didalam kelompok yang mencurigakan, tidak mengendah amaran dan arahan polis dan sebagainya.

Apa tindakan Menteri dalam negeri dalam kes-kes ini? Untuk menenangkan semua pihak, pihak kerajaan perlu mengambil tindakan tegas dengan mengarahkan ketua polis untuk cuti sementara insiden ini disiasat sepenuhnya. Oleh kerana tempoh perkhidmatan Musa Hassan hanya berbaki beberapa bulan saja lagi, kerajaan akan bertindak bijak kalau terus menamakan bakal ketua polis negara yang baru dan memberi kesempatan kepada bakal IGP untuk membuat pelan tindakan untuk memulihkan kepercayaan masyarakat kepada polis. Apakah Hishamuddein berani mengambil tindakan tersebut? Apakah Najib 1MPM6 sanggup mengambil tindakan tersebut? Atau apakah Najib dan Hishamuddein terbelengu dengan Musa Hassan sebagaimana Truman, Kennedy dan Johnson terikat dengan Edgar Hoover, pengarah FBI Amerika?

Cuba bayangkan :-
  1. Bagaimana Musa Hassan boleh dilantik sebagai IGP? Apakah beliau merupakan pegawai terkanan ketika itu atau apakah perlantikan beliau sebagai "membalas jasa" beliau dalam kes Anwar Ibrahim?
  2. Sekiranya beliau pegawai yang terkanan, sejak bilakah beliau melepasi pegawai atasan beliau yang kemudiannya dituduh tidak mengisytiharkan harta beliau dan di "bekukan" dalam polis?
  3. Musa Hassan juga perlu bertanggungjawab atas kejadian di Kuala Terengganu pada September 2007 dimana seorang penunjuk perasaan di tembak oleh anggota polis yang berpakaian preman;
  4. Polis mengambil tindakan yang agak keras ketika demonstrasi jalanan yang diadakan di sekitar Kuala Lumpur termassuk PPSMI;
  5. Bagaimana tempoh perkhidmatan beliau dilanjutkan ketika masyarakat mempersoalkan kredibiliti polis;
  6. Musa Hassan dilihat tidak mengambil langkah-langkah konkrit dalam menyelesaikan kes pembunuhan model Mongolia sehingga menimbulkan pelbagai pra-sangka dan dakyah. Sebaliknya, beliau lebih menekankan untuk menangkap pemberi maklumat sehingga Bala dan Raja Petra terpaksa menghilangkan diri;
  7. Musa Hassan dilihat menyokong parti politik tertentu dengan memberi layanan yang tidak sama dalam lapuran-lapuran polis yang disediakan;
  8. Musa Hassan begitu beriya-iya menolak cadangan untuk menubuhkan IPCMC. Kenapa? Mengapa perlu menolak sesuatu yang baik? Apa yang ingin disembunyikan oleh Musa Hassan? Kenapa Kerajaan mengikut telunjuk Musa Hassan dalam isu IPCMC ini?

Dengan berketuakan Musa Hassan, PDRM sedang menghadapi satu dilema. Masyarakat memandang serong dengan tindakan polis. Dalam keadaan warga kerja polis yang tertekan ini, IPCMC perlu diwujudkan segera untuk memulih keyakinan masyarakat terhadap polis.

Samada masyarakat sedar atau tidak, insiden-insiden yang berlaku mencerminkan ketidaksempurnaan program latihan polis. Amerika Syarikat menyelesaikan masaalah penahanan dengan "Hak Miranda" dimana seseorang pesalah di beritahu hak mereka ketika ditahan. Bagaimana dengan Malaysia? Apakah kita mempunyai hak yang sama? Apapah OKT diberi layanan yang sama sebagaimana pesalah Amerika? Atau apakah OKT Malaysia dilayan dengan teruk sebagaimana yang dilalui oleh Teresa Kok, MP dari Siputeh?

Berbalik kepada insiden penembakan, jelas sekali PDRM tidak mempunyai sistem latihan yang mencukupi untuk membekalkan warga kerja mereka dengan latihan tugasan mereka. Ini perlu di audit dan mencari penyelesaian. Musa Hassan tidak boleh berselinding dibelakang Hishamuddein dalam kes ini dan beliau juga tidak boleh bersandiwara sebagaimana saudara kandung beliau dalam drama-drama terbitan Malaysia. Apa yang kurang perlu diperbetulkan.

Persoalan yang perlu ditanya pleh PDRM dalam menyiapakan warga kerja mereka dalam menjalankan tugasan mereka adalah :-

  1. Apakah bentuk latihan yang perlu untuk mereka yang diberi senjata ai ketika menjalankan tugas rondaan?
  2. Bagaimana pula dengan program latihan menembak dilapang sasar? Berapa kalikah mereka dilatih dalam mengendalikan senjata api?
  3. Apakah bentuk latihan yang diberikan untuk menangani kes-kes kecil saperti kes tiada lesen memandu, tiada cukai jalan dsb?
  4. Apakan tindakan yang perlu diambil sekiranya suspek cuba melarikan diri?
  5. Apakah sistem komunikasi yang digunakan untuk memerangkap suspek dan mengepung beliau?
  6. Apakah kereta ronda dilengkapi dengan sistem GPS dan TV untuk merakam kejadian sebagaimana ia terjadi?
  7. Apakah kereta ronda dilengkapi dengan lampu penyuluh untuk "membutakan" suspek buat seketika dalam usaha menangkap mereka?
  8. Bilakan latihan susulan diadakan dan kekerapan latihan susulan?

PDRM merupakan satu kerjaya murni yang telah dicemari dengan tangan-tangan yang lebih mementingkan peribadi dari pasukan PDRM sendiri. Sudah tiba masanya untuk Musa Hassan mengundurkan diri dengan hormat dan memberi ruang untuk kerajaan melantik penganti beliau...

Hingga ketemu lagi...selamat malam M'sia...dimana jua anda berada...

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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Of Mugilan, Mu gila, mu gi la....

Kamalanathan, since you are in PR business, you have to do it fast or that other fellow...what's his name? MuGila Mu Gi La Mugilan may jump the gun and get Najib before you. If he did that, ayoyo...Kamal, you are finish in Hulu Selangorfor GE 13 and either G Palanivel or Mugilan will take over...habis lah you, Kamal...not enough time to make monies....

That's what happen when you see too much of Salam Pantai Timur. You tend to follow their accent and thus comes Mugilan, mu gila, mu gi la....For those uninitiated with Peninsular east coast dialect, it simply means Mugilan, you are mad, you go laa...

Mugilan, MIC youth deputy chief urged Samy Vellu to vacate the MIC president's post with immediate effect or latest by December 2011 after Samy Vellu has make it clear that he is stepping down before 2012 MIC's post election.

Almost immediately, Mugilan got a roasting from his buddies in MIC with some implying that Mugilan is trying to warm up to G Palanivel. Even Samy himself make short work of Mugilan by referring him to the disciplinary board. That is why we say mu gila, Mugilan (you are mad, Mugilan).

If Samy is mad and his MIC buddies are foaming (I mean it, foaming and not fuming), it is high time mu gi la, Mugilan (you go la, Mugilan). Where to? Anywhere in the world or you may find yourself sitting next to Chithirakala in KLIA. What? Who's Chithirakala? She is ex-MIED CEO, who was charged in court. The same Chithirakala who was Samy's close confidante for many years before the split-up.

Mugilan, If Samy can do that to Chithirakala, then there is nothing that he cannot do to you.

More interesting is Mugilan's outburst towards Samy Vellu. What gives? Is Mugilan taking his revenge now since it is Samy Vellu who shot down Mugilan from being nominated as MIC's candidate in the recent Hulu Selangor by-election? If that is so, then Mugilan is acting on remote. Somebody behind is forcing Mugilan to push for Samy's early exit. Could that be UMNO, by any chance? After all, it was UMNO who is pushing for Mugilan to be named as BN's candidate for Hulu Selangor.

Or is Mugilan placing his stakes on his Hulu Selangor-mate, G Palanivel. Both were "white-eyed" ehem berputih mata during the recent Hulu Selangor by-election which saw Kamal @ Alan @ Nathan @ Kamalanathan got himself elected as Hulu Selangor's MP.

Aha, talking about Hulu Selangor - what now, Hulu Selangor? Now that the bye buy by-election is over. What is BN's reponse to FMT's report on RM 33 per month pay? Or another FMT's report on poverty in Kampung Kandang Lembu? Kamalanathan, now that you are the MP, when are you geting 1MPM6 Najib to "walkabout" in Hulu Selangor estates? I heard that Najib is going for a walkabout in Johor Bharu.

Heck! Kamal, you better borrow one of those "songkok tinggi" and be in tow with Najib in JB. Maybe then you can whisper softly in his ears on the estates and kampung Kandang Lembu. Sibu proved that Najib has deep pockets and if Malaysia can afford to lose over RM 900M through Sime Darby, what is another few millions for Kampong Kandang Lembu. Kamal, for free advise - you can always whisper to Najib that Sime Darby is a plantation company and the estates and Kampong Kandang Lembu are also in plantation business. I am sure Najib won't mind spending a few millions for Hulu Selangor as it has also been reported that his government spent millions to post a two-page ad in NY Times back on 16th April 2010.

Kamalanathan, since you are in PR business, you have to do it fast or that other fellow...what's his name? MuGila Mu Gi La Mugilan may jump the gun and get Najib before you. If he did that, ayoyo...Kamal, you are finish in Hulu Selangorfor GE 13 and either G Palanivel or Mugilan will take over...habis lah you, Kamal...not enough time to make monies....

Think about it...

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...
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Monday, May 17, 2010

Of numbers, fumblers, singers and ...EC

The delay in announcing the results for P 212 Sibu by-election is technically contributed to the numbers game. Let's not waste time and go straight into it...

Numbers don’t lie. Yet, there are many things that we can learn from numbers. Sibu is just one of them…Some may be celebrating their win with kampua mee and some may be drowning their loss in tuak. I know of one who may be smiling in Sibu with his pipe...

The delay in announcing the results for P 212 Sibu by-election is technically contributed to the numbers game. Let's not waste time and go straight into it...
  1. Wong HL of DAP garnered 18,845 against BN's Robert Lau's 18,447 and Narawi Haron independent finished last with 232 votes. A majority of 398 votes;
  2. There were 2,537 postal votes and 395 spoilt votes, out of which 208 comes from postal votes;
  3. The majority of 398 constitutes to 1.06% of total counted votes and this is the dangerous part. Why? A vote recount can be done if the majority is 1 % or less of total counted votes. And this is where the problem lies;
  4. If 208 of the spoilt postal votes were recognised as BN's or independents, then at that period of time, EC may go for recount because the majority will be at 0.81 % (if all the spoilt votes goes to the independent candidate). If the spoilt votes goes to BN, then the majority will be less than 398 and it will be a far worse scenario;
  5. Is that the reason why EC was delaying the announcement? It was fortunate that ASTRO 501 carried the event live and you will see how the returning officer is not at his "mode" to announce the result. The RO, Mong See Meng, looked puzzled and confused to the extent that he even announce Robert Lau's vote as "Lapan belas ribu empat ribu empat puluh tujuh" instead of "Lapan belas ribu empat ratus empat puluh tujuh";
  6. In P212 by-election, 37,524 votes were counted against 2008's 35,853 voters who voted then. There is an increase of 1,671 votes during the by-election;
  7. There is a voters' swing of approximately 3,633 towards PR-DAP (3,325 2008 majority + 398 by-election majority);
  8. EC initially announced that 32,742 (59.86 %) voter turnout which was reported in the Sun but later revised the figure to 70 % voter turnout. EC never satisfactorily explain the 10.14 % difference in their reporting. How did EC report 2 different figures of 5,177 votes? That's a lot of votes and can reverse the results!
  9. EC has also forecasted that the voter turnout should be hovering around 80 % which should be around 43,756 which is another possible additional of 6,232 votes. This too may affect the outcome of the election.

Enough with numbers. EC decided to play tough and did not recognise MAFREL as one of the election watchdog. Fine! EC should be proving why election watch dogs are unnecessary by being transparent in their work. Obviously something is definitely not right when the postal votes held back the announcement. Postal votes are the first to be casted and first to arrive to EC office. So, why is it the last to be counted? Can EC explain the rationale and the logic behind this?

EC's inconsistencies in announcing voter turnout percentage is also puzzling. Why the difference of 10 %? Is the EC chairman properly and constantly updated or is he relying on stone-age technology? Heck! Our EC Chairman was there in UK to monitor the election there and yet he make a mockery of himself with the figures. There is so much diffference between a low voter turn out and a better voter turn out. It is better for the EC Chairman to keep mum if he did not know the exact final voter turn out figure! Unless, he wants to start a controversy of some sort...

Sibu has decided and all parties should abide by their decision. Moving on...

Fumblers? Yeah, there is no such word in the dictionary, or is there? For now, let's take fumbler(s) as the one who fumbles in Sibu.

Top of the list should be 1MPM6 Najib himself. His "You help me, I help you" speech in Sibu on the final night is a classic fumble. It really borders on breaching the election rules. How can one say that and tied a RM 5M carrot to the voters of Sibu? Is it not the government's responsibility to ensure the welfare of its citizens? Isn't Sibu part of Malaysia and as such the federal government and the state government's responsibility to take care of their welfare including flood mitigation? It is truly embarassing to see and listen to 1MPM6 Najib uttering those words in the hope of winning over their votes. Does 1M stands for 1 Malaysia or does it stands for 1 Money? Najib should get his priorities right and stop putting conditions for our welfare. It is, afterall, our basic needs and not a luxury!

BN really shoots their own feet when they side-stepped "white hair" Taib Mahmud in P 212. This is "white hair" territory and BN should treat it as such. Easing out "white hair" in P 212 is not the answer. "White hair" may be a burden but BN forgets that he is an asset in Melanau and Iban areas. By ommiting "white hair", BN is making it easy for PR to make inroads to the Melanaus and Ibans and along the way may have bagged those telling 398 votes! Now, Taib Mahmud can say squarely to 1MPM6 - "if you can say to Rejang Park - you help me, I help you; the same can be said to you, Mr PM - you by-pass me and I will by-pass you". Najib needs to do serious soul searching - is BN ready to fall in Sarawak or will BN gamble on "white hair" to retain Sarawak?

Someone asked - what about Alfred Jabu? Well! Alfred Jabu is one of the current deputy chief minister of Sarawak. His role is to contain the Dayaks' vote in BN. Alfred Jabu does not carry out his duties well enough. Result - Sibu fell. Maybe Alfred Jabu is better off by changing his name to Alfred Jambu...then maybe he will be more marketable. Sibu's loss will make it much difficult for Alfred Jabu to take over fom Taib Mahmud.

BN also belittle the independent candidate. This is another suicidal move by BN. What BN should have done is to "convince" Narawi to dropped out of the race. That would have bought BN the crucial 232 votes and narrow the gap with PR's Wong HL. But, No...BN is too high and mighty when they choose to ignore pesky Narawi. It is BN's fumble for letting Narawi into the equation. Then, there is always the question - what if Narawi quit the race and all of his 232 votes go BN's way? Will that force BN/PR DAP/EC to meticulously go through the 208 spoilt postal votes? It will be interesting if that happens last night ...but it never did, all because of BN's sheer arrogance! Just imagine a possible swing of 232 + 208 votes which will add up to 440 which further can leads to a wafer thin 42 vote BN majority win in P 212! That did not happen, all thanks to BN's election machinery which opted to pledges millions to the wrong person (s)... Alas! that chance dissipated on 10th May 2010...

Let's stop with another fumble, the last one here but not necessarily the last one in reality - that of splashing monies to the national type schools and missionary schools. What BN did is none other than to hurt the sensitivities of those hardworking donours who built the school from their own sweat and tears. Just because of the P 212 by-election, BN came in with bags of monies to buy off their hardwork. Isn't that insulting? There are better ways to approach the schools like offering more teachers, books for the libraries, courses for the present teachers etc. BN do not do that, BN choose to parachute in with bags of monies. Money in the bag does not equal to votes in the ballot boxes!

Singers? It's not surprising for BN to engage Jamal Abdillah to perform in Sibu. It will also not be surprising if BN choose to coax AF/Mentor/Imam Muda and the likes to beam from Sibu. That's BN's expertise and BN likes to party...but for Rosmah to sing two songs in Sibu? Apa ke bende nie?

Rosmah aka Mrs Najib herself had professed that she is not a politician. If so, what the hell is she doing in Sibu? She further claimed that she wanted to help out BN by singing - the truth is, it is better for her to zip her mouth. Maybe that 398 win is contributed by her singing...

Rosmah has better things to do if she really wants to. She should be talking to JJ, Rais, Najib to retract the "first lady of Malaysia" advertisement. If she did that before 16th may 2010, maybe it will be a turning point to BN. Alas! Rosmah is too proud to retract the advertisemen and for that BN stumbles in Sibu. It might be a good idea for PR to suggest Mrs Najib to start singing on BN stage in all upcoming by-elections to continue BN's losing streak... Look! Mrs Najib did not sing in Hulu Selangor. Why is she so itchy bitchy wanting to sing in Sibu? Is it because Mrs Rais Yatim is prodding her on? Birds of a feather will indeed flock together.... Muhyiddin should seriously look ito Mrs Rais factor if he still wants to remain the DPM.

Whatever it is, EC should buck up now. There are too many shortcomings that needs immediate remedial actions. Amongst others :-

  1. Clearly, the EC personnel needs re-training. The RO looked confused and oddly out of place;
  2. With Sarawak state election on the horizon, EC needs to ensure that all of its personnel are thoroughly briefed on the electoral procedures;
  3. EC personnel should be unbias. There are reports of EC personnel becoming over zealous when it comes to opposition party flages but hardly raised an eye for the same offense done by the ruling party;
  4. EC should come up with standard operating procedure on what, when, how, why, who, where;
  5. EC should be sending their personnel for public relation exercise. Better solutions and amicable situation can be created by just a friendly smile, something EC Chairman id devoid of;
  6. EC can list their preferred election watchdog committees who will provide their independent report on by-elections and general elections. These will be helpful to EC;
  7. For now, let's just hope that EC "breaks" the ice and call both ruling and opposition parties to a "get to know" party and take that opportunity to brief them on EC roles and collect positive feedbacks from the political parties.
Should the list go on? Nah...EC's chairman knows better. It is only that he choose the wrong choice and adapt the wrong approach for Sibu. He can always improvise in the coming rounds...

Numbers, fumblers, singers... what's the solution? Truthfully there are solutions on what BN can do to arrest the slide especially when BN Sarawak has to dissolve the state assembly by November 2011. 1 Year is a short time and there are many things need to be corrected in Sarawak. Sibu proves that national issues are as important as local issues. That said, BN should be thinking many times before proceeding with GST bill.

There are voices on the ground that BN will push for GST by 2011. If indeed that is true, BN is giving BN Sarawak their kiss of death as the issue will be used to the hilt by PR. That's one free advise for BN. On the rest....hey what do you think? There is nothing as free meals, you know!

If BN can pay RM 76M to APCO, shouldn't they do the same plus some more to save BN from losing Sarawak en route to losing Putrajaya? Even if BN decided to do so, do you think NC will take up the responsibility to advise BN? Fat chance! BN will do much better to approach KJ's "self appointed" Minister of Finance or swallow their pride and sit down with Muay Thai fighter combined with "veteran" Aspan of Subang Jaya. Maybe then, it will be a Ronin war worth watching... strategy vs strategy, I love that!

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...

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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Everybody loves Sibu...especially 1MPM6 Najib

The players dread the possibility of being hugged by Mrs Najib! So, they took the safest course of action...lost to China and avoid the possibility.

Seriously, 16th May 2010 is another important date to watch in Malaysian history. Forget about Thomas cup. Sibu is ready to show Malaysians the way to the future.

Someone whispered to me his theory why Malaysia lost to China in Thomas cup 2010 semi-finals. I will leave it to the readers to decide whether his theory is plausible or not. He strongly believed that our Malaysian cup lost the match against China because they wanted to avoid meeting Mrs Najib on 16th May 2010. Reason? The players dread the possibility of being hugged by Mrs Najib! So, they took the safest course of action...lost to China and avoid the possibility.

Maybe, it's true. Just watched how our Lee CW played on Friday. Tension and mistakes. He looked worried and he "tak main puas-puas". All because of Mrs Najib..heh heh heh...

Seriously, 16th May 2010 will be another important date in Malaysian history. Forget about Thomas cup 2010. Sibu is ready to show Malaysians the way to the future.

BN may not admit it but BN is desperate to retain Sibu P212 at all cost. That's why Najib make that extra effort to visit Sibu for the third time in the space of 2 weeks. It is an indication that Sibu is not easily bought...yet. Maybe the "price is still not right" and it is understood that all available fast boats are booked for some "express deliveries" tonight.

Why is Sibu so important? Well, "white hair" Taib Mahmud needs the win for him to get inspiration for the state-wide election date which must be held before July 2011. Winning Sibu will give the assurance for "white hair" to dissolve the state assembly and all is well in the land of the hornbills.

Najib needs Sibu for BN to inch closer to 2/3 parliamentary majority which BN lost in March 2008. Najib has no prolems when millions have been spent as goodies to Sibu. Chinese and missionary schools walked away with a cool RM 18 M budget. 1,000 students collected their 1Malaysia laptops which comes along with free broadband, as announced by Rais "I burnt the bridge" Yatim. Then few millions was later pledged to improve the roads in Sibu. Najib announced a conditional RM5M for flood mitigation in Rejang parkThe list goes on but dismiss the thoughts of EC. MACC and the rest to take appropriate actions because EC will comes out prepared to rubbish all claims of "buy-election" ready to "cleanse" Najib and BN from elections wrongdoings.

PR needs to win Sibu to prove that their pact is still strong. Winning Sibu will revive PR's fading fortunes when some of PR's MPs' decided to jump ship. If PR wins Sibu, then "white hair" will be forewarned that all is not well in Sarawak anymore.

If Sibu falls to PR, then BN's vault of safe 31 parliamentary seats is no longer a guarantee in Sarawak. If the 31 seats is no longer safe vault for BN, then PR's road to Putrajaya is back on track. Imagine if Sarawak's 31 seats shift to PR and a possibility of PR holding 80 + 31 parliamentary seats! It will be UK 2010 re-visited...

At the time of this writing, there are reports coming in that PR finale ceramah is brimming with people. Something like Penang before PR takes over the state in 2008! Najib will be perspiring cold sweat now. Despite his conditional project approval, Sibu comes out in full force to attend PR ceramah and warmly welcome Hadi. Najib blared 1Malaysia but it is PR that comes out tops with leaders from DAP, PAS and PKR with almost 60 MPs' taking centre stage on this finale night.

What do BN has to offer this finale night? Apart from Najib's conditional RM3M offerto Rejang park, BN needs Jamal Abdillah and a set of sexy dancers to woo the crowd. And Rosmah takes the microphone to "toture" the crowd with 2 songs including "The moon represents my heart". Isn't that song supposed to be PAS's love song? Is Rosmah wooing PAS? Does she has Najib's blessings to openly woo PAS?

Think about this - where are UMNO, MIC, PPP, Gerakan in Sibu? Yes, there are some peninsular BN leaders there in Sibu but they are there in their capacity as cabinet ministers. What about the component parties? Is this what Najib is preaching? 1Malaysia but BN can't even manage to have a descent 1BN in Sibu...

Either way, PR wins Sibu. A strong opposition in the form of combined PR has force BN to dish out all the goodies to Sibu folks. Something that BN will not give if PR is weak. Even "white hair" is dishing 50 % discount for Sibu land lease rate. Sibu will forever thanked PR for their strong presence there which is "forcing" BN to bring "extra goodies" and "compensations"...

Sibu will be indebted to PR because P212 by-election force Najib to fly to Sibu three times. Rais is forced to stay put with his "charming" mode. Muhyiddin seems side-stepped in Sibu. Never has Sibu witness the federal cabinet ministers non-stop trail there. It will be a long time before Sibu can see these faces again there unless Sibu goes for another by-election...

Will Sibu change? Let's see Najib's reactions when EC declared PR taking P212 on 16th May 2010. PR need the win to keep Najib on his toes. The Foochows are ready, the Melanaus are willing, the Ibans are accomodating...what about EC?

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...
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Friday, May 14, 2010

Of Si ibu, Sebu, Cebu, Sibu and...

I call on Sibu voters to rise in unison and give PR a chance to serve the community. It might be a small step for Sibu but a giant step for Malaysian democracy. If not now, when? If not Sibu, where?

For those who wants to help out Korperal Jemain bin Subi, please contribute to Maybank Account # 162106273888. TQ in advance...

Si ibu or simply put mother. The one woman that we find comfort and solace in our needs. How would a mother feel when her beloved sons and daughters are put under the spotlight, all for the wrong reasons?

Yes, we all know and come to grief together with Shah Alam, Seremban, Kampung Kuantan and also Sandakan. It is much easier for the vitims' families to come to terms with their losses or near losses as outpouring support and moral comfort provided the families with both financial and spiritual relieve.

The same cannot be said of the police personnel involved in the shootings. One was charged with manslaughter, the other was suspended from active duty, another one is currently investigated for negligence and the last group is cleared by internal police investigation. Summarily, it indicates the police actual state of affairs. Most probably, police personnel are not sent for refresher course nor were they given risk management and courses on how to manage difficult situations. In short, our police force training is inadequate!

How would a mother feel when his beloved son is accused of being "trigger happy"? Is this fair when the real problem lies with the system? It is not their fault when they failed to follow the SOP (Standard operating procedure). In the first plcae, were they briefed on the SOP? Were they reinforced with SOP? Is there regular talks or "tool box" chat on SOP? Is there talks and courses on how to react on difficult situation?

It is easy to accuse someone of being trigger happy, but are they really trigger happy? Who can vouch that they are trigger happy? Just check, how many times has these police personnel involved in shooting incidents? From there, one can deduce whether they are trigger happy or not...

Some may frown on blogger Kickdefella for his exposure on Kelantan's PAS. That's his personnal vendetta. However, hats off to Kickdefella for taking pains in contacting Jemain Subi's family and offer them whatever financial aid he can muster. That speaks volume of the blogger's social service in helping out the down and trodden...The same goes for Rocky on his coverage of Jemain Subi and his predicament...

Sebu is a malay word which is loosely translated as "full, choked, blocked". That's what I understand when "RTM axe whistleblower Chou". What whistleblower? What is wrong in covering an issue from both sides of the coin? Is it Tiger Ib's intention to present just one side of the coin? If this is the reason why Tiger Ib is brought into RTM, then it is better for him to change his name to Pussy Ib...

Why block? What is RTM scared of? The said Bakun dam documentary is aired under Galeri Mandarin Nasional. Tell me, how many Mandarin speaking and understand Chinese (and non-Chinese) watch TV2? They would prefer watching Astro's emperor package over RTM 2. The point here is simple - even if RTM decided to air all the nine episodes, the impact is minimal when majority of the Chinese audience prefer other channels over RTM 2.

If Pussy Ib and RTM is still concern about the impact of Chou's documentary to Sibu, RTM can choose to reshuffle the programming and air the documenary during the graveyard shift. Simple and efficient!

Yet RTM choose to do it the hard way. Terminating Chou is not the answer. In fact, it will create another massive image problem to RTM, Rais and BN. No wonder the Chinese are shying away from RTM, and no wonder the Chinese voters are rock solid behind the opposition.

In fact, what RTM is doing is actually putting an extra burden to 1MPM6 Najib. It is a pity to see najib puffing and huffing in Sibu trying to "sweetalk" the Chinese, dishing "ang paus" which is normally done by DPM during by-election. It shows that Najib is turning into a "one man show", all because of screw ups from RTM, Rais and Najib's own machais...

Cebu is synonymous to Philippines. Mention Cebu and Philippines will come in. Link Philippines and Sabah and you will get illegal immigrants.

Illegal immigrants is getting out of hand in Sabah. It is BN's failure to address the issue and PBS is not happy about it. So far, there is no light at the end of the tunnel. BN is sinking deeper into the quicksand when it comes to illegal immigrants.

BN especially UMNO needs illegal immigrants badly to guarantee win after win in state and federal election. But winning is not everything when resentment is going out of hand. BN and UMNO knows the issue. UMNO knows the problems well but illegal immigrants are UMNO's best bet to remain in power - both in Sabah and Malaysia!

Sibu is now P212. Najib is throwing goodies and candies to win the hearts of Sibu. For EC, whatever Najib does is not corruption and never transgress the election laws. But is it so?

Najib giving 6000 hectares to Ibans, RM 15 M to Chinese and independent schools, RM 34M for Pasai Siong road and the list will go on. It seems that Najib is confirming that an MP is more valueble dead than alive! A dead MP will drive Najib to pledge projects, land, monies to win the voters. To that, I say...keep on promising Najib but watch your kitty. Does Malaysia has that much to spend?

Sibu also prove another point. Either Najib forgets that he is the PM or his DPM fails Najib's KPIs. By being present in Sibu during the by-election, Najib is desperate for BN's win and at the same time Najib is saying "DPM, you are no good, an incompetent lot". Najib needs this win to shore up BN's fortunes. Najib need this win to purt confidence to BN to dissolve the state assembly and call for statewide election.

Sibu is no easy meat for Najib. Najib "touch 'n go" at Tua Pek Kong's temple is not getting the right oooommpph. Najib is shying away from national issues in Sibu.

I may not know much about Sibu but I believe Sibu can teach Najib and BN a thing or two about long forgotten promise. I wish Sibu the best to "mildly" slap Najib on the face, just like what the Chinese of Hulu Selangor did on 25th April 2010. Maybe BN can win P212 but use 15th May 2010 as an opportunity to tell off BN - enough is enough. Promises are promises and BN's promises are meant to be broken...as proven for the past 50 years.

I call on Sibu voters to rise in unison and give PR a chance to serve the community. It might be a small step for Sibu but a giant step for Malaysian democracy. If not now, when? If not Sibu, where?

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...

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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Need more money? Approve sports gambling...

In short, I have just this to say to my UMNO friends DIMANA TUMPAHNYA KUAH KALAU TIDAK KE NASI. First the grandfather...and now the grandson.

I would not be surprise if BERJAYA will sponsor more PRs' elected reps from abandoning ship due to financial rewards. That's what BERJAYA and Teuku Adenan is good at.

  1. Another day, another news...
  2. This time something that Najib picked up in Cambodia.
  3. Back in the 50's and 60's, there was quite an uproar when Tunku Abdul Rahman introduce Loteri Kebajikan Masyarakat. Is Loteri Kebajikan Masyarakat halal? The answer is crytsl clear - NO. For more information, read here.
  4. When the 70's and 80's visited us, Genting Highlands put up a prominent notice something like "JUDI HARAM DALAM ISLAM. ORANG ISLAM TIDAK DIBENARKAN MASUK". At least, the late Lim GT felt that it is his social service to bar Muslims from entering the casino.
  5. Now, in this new Millenium, 1MPM6 Najib, the grandson of Noah Omar, approved sports gambling. Mark the word - GAMBLING.
  6. Mind you that Mahathir initially approved the license in 1987 but it was not lucrative then. Abdullah Badawi did not allow sports gambling in 2004 and now NAJIB approved the license in 2010.
  7. Who is the successful operator? No prize for correct guess! It's BERJAYA where Ibrahim Ali was one of the Directors of Dunham Bush, a subsidiary company under BERJAYA.
  8. This is the same BERJAYA where my Chinese friends has come to link with the recent "leaping" of PR's state assemblymen and MPs'.
  9. What did my Chinese friends first response? Die die lor... now there are more avenues for Chinese and other non-Muslims to lose monies. Hey, there are also Muslims who gamble, OK?
  10. 1MPM6 who talked about Islam, who says that he will defends Islam but at the same time approved sports gambling.
  11. In short, I have just this to say to my UMNO friends DIMANA TUMPAHNYA KUAH KALAU TIDAK KE NASI. First the grandfather...and now the grandson.
  12. Abdullah Badawi, at least has the descency to reject sports gambling from being legalised in Malaysia in 2004. 1MPM6 is now set to return sports gambling to BERJAYA. Is this the UMNO supremo that UMNO members are proud of? Is this the UMNO supremo that UMNO members are supporting? UMNO members must decide now whether to accept this type of leadership. Someone who approved licensing for sports gambling!
  13. Where is KJ? Are you supporting Najib now where he has undone one good deed that your FIL did? KJ, I implore you to rise and defend your stand - Muslims abhor gambling and Muslims do not condone what Najib had approved!
  14. Ask any non-Muslim friends and I am sure they would feel the same about sports gambling! Awang Adek, you too has tainted your hands in approving the sports gambling lecense!
  15. At least, I have vocally voice out my protest.
  16. I would not be surprise if BERJAYA will sponsor more PRs' elected reps from abandoning ship due to financial rewards. That's what BERJAYA and Teuku Adenan is good at.
  17. Muslims has come a long way to educate fellow Muslims to abandon Loteri Kebajikan Masyarakat and now we have to start afresh to educate fellow Muslims that sports gambling is HARAM!
  18. 1MPM6 Najib, if that is what you pick up in Cambodia, may ALLAH with His compassion and Benevolence show you the right path. Be reminded that the day of hereafter (AKHIRAT) will surely come.
  19. To my UMNO friends, please do admonish Najib if you love him. Do so for a leader is not maksum, all perfect. And you know that Najib is far from perfect... but seriously, do any of my UMNO friends dare to rise and tell off Najib? I don't think so...regardless of Mrs Najib's presence or absence...wallahualam.
Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...

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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Resign, retract, Quitting, retract, Resign, no vacancy syndrome...

Something is definitely not right in Malaysia. Either we are flip-floppers, courtesy of Abdullah Badawi or we are easily cowed by the "upper management"...Either way, it is not healthy for Malaysia's democracy system.

  1. Malaysia is far behind UK, in terms of election experience and maturity. When UK voters lined up their polling booths to determine their next government, we are still working on how voter turnout in the coming P212 Sibu by-election. Our EC prides themselves if over 80 % voter turnout make a beeline to our polling stations when UK recorded 65 % voter turnout in their recently concluded general election. Maybe, Abd Aziz can learn a thing or two from his UK's experience...
  2. OK, maybe UK is too "advanced" for Malaysia...Even the Philippines are already forging ahead with computerisation voting plus indelible ink system to avoid double voting (or is it phantom voters?) whilst Malaysia has not implement any of those methods yet. No wonder, Malaysian political parties is forever suspicious of our own EC...
  3. Fortunately, this posting is not about Malaysian EC who excludes MAFREL in P212 Sibu by-election although it is related to elections too...
  4. Something is definitely not right in Malaysia. Either we are flip-floppers, courtesy of Abdullah Badawi or we are easily cowed by the "upper management"...Either way, it is not healthy for Malaysia's democracy system.
  5. What would you feel waking up one day reading news that one of the elected MPs' has tendered his resignation and was pursuaded by Najib to retract his resignation? What more when the supposed resignation took place in March 2010, more than a month ago. The news filtered out in May 2010 and even that through new media and not through government-controlled MSMs'! What has Rocky got to say about this? Is this press freedom, Malaysia style?
  6. That shows how much the present-day government clamped on the news which might be unfavourable to them. Is this how Rais "I burnt the bridge" Yatim operates? In self-denial mode?
  7. Malaysian Insider posted the news on 11th May 2010 about Kalabakan's MP Abdul Ghapur Salleh tendering his resignation letter to House speaker Pandikar Amin in the end of March 2010. All because Ghapur felt slighted with the accussation made by Zahrain!

    The report mentioned Najib pursuaded the said MP to retract his resignation and thus avoiding another possible by-election. If this is true, which in high probability is , then this is a clear case of resign and retract.

    Najib managed to avert an embarassing situation. What if Ghapur decided to resign and a by-election is needed. BN has openly stated that they do not go for by-election for seats where the elected rep chose to resign as per Permatang Pasir's case. Will it be PR walkover win?

  8. What about Perlis Titi Tinggi assemblyman's quit letter? Yip Sun Onn first quit his post as Titi Tinggi assemblyman on 24th March 2010. Barely 24 hours later, Yip sms the state speaker informing him that he (Yip) wanted to withdraw the resignation.

    This time around, the news was reported by Star which is owned by MCA, a BN party component and Yip so happen to be MCA's member and his quit decision is rumoured to be closely linked to his spat with MCA's state leader alias MCA-then women chief.

    Another near miss of possible by-election!

  9. Then of course who can forget the "Mother of buy-government" in Perak. Tracing back how Osman and Jamaluddin did a disappearing act for "medicational trip" to Pekan, how both of them together with Hew denied that they resigned as state assemblymen, how EC disputed the-then Perak speaker letter to declare the seats vacant and thus avoiding legitimate by-election...and the finale when Perak government collapsed and a new state government was sworned in without proper "vote of no confodence" against the-then MB Nizar.

    The Perak debacle can be categorise in resign - no vacancy slot.

  10. This is Malaysia post-2008 era. An elected rep resign but the speaker can choose to withold the letter, allowing the party leaders to pursuade the former to retract their resignation or quit action. These happened to Abdul Ghapur and Yip.

    Even if there are valid resignation letters and the speaker chose to informed EC to conduct by-election, the EC and the courts can still ruled that there is no vacancy because the resignation letters is signed "under duress" as what happened to Perak.

    Anything and everything is possible if UMNO wants it so. And this UMNO will be celebrating their 64th birthday on 11th May 2010.

  11. It become ridiculous when one party use all its resources to prod others to follow its whims and fancy. It becomes weirder when this one party who once dressed down the monarchy is claiming that they are the champions for the monarchy when the chips are down.
  12. To UMNO/BN, resign and retract is the norm. It is no longer about the rakyat or the moral conscious. Everything is now about the party. Party this and party that.

    It is time for UMNO party members to seriously ask themselves -who really holds court in Malaysia? The party named UMNO or HRH YDP Agung? Read NY Times advertisement and it seems that UMNO helmsman Najib is subtly saying that Mrs Najib is Malaysia's first lady. If that is true, then UMNO ha struly discarded the Sultans and has taken over the courts. Let court jesters Rais Yatim and Hishamuddein Hussein clowned around to the pleasure of Najib and wife.

    11th May 2010 will witness another "ampu and bodek" festival organised by UMNO to crown Najib and Mrs. To UMNO, the real king and first lady is the one who sits as UMNO's President and the first lady is UMNO's president's official wife...

  13. It is also time to seriously ask another question - how long can a house speaker holds to the resignation and quitting letter? Will it be applicable to both BN and PR elected reps or is this a priviledge for BN members only?

    Where is the promise that a speaker must be impartial?Where is the oath that speakers must uphold their duties with highest regards? Another pure rhetoric for "sound nice" during oath taking ceremony?

  14. Resign - retract, Quit - retract, resign - no vacancy declaration... whichever way you look at it, UMNO/BN only looks at it their way. Any other way is not recognise.

    UMNO is singing "My way" as a tribute to Mahathir. UMNO is also dictating others from the EC, judiciary, yellow household, civil services to follow their bidding. Whatever it takes to remain in power and who dares to point out that UMNO's emperor's has no clothings on!

    Who will rise to right the wrongs? Will you join the cause to right the wrongs?

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...
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Friday, May 07, 2010

Friday thinkabout...

Where are the feared Sabahan warriors? Where in Bung Karno of Kinabatangan? Where is Kalabakan's Ghapur Salleh? What about UMNO's VP Shafie Afdal? or Foreign Minister Anifah Aman? If that is not enough, what about Ghani Patail - Malaysia's AG?

If the names mentioned above do not make any statement for Sabah's rights to Block L & M,then we are at a loss of words. Maybe these guys wear kilts and I dare not peep what is below the kilts...

  1. It's Friday, let's slow down the pace. That does not mean that we should be making a beeline to TGIF...
  2. Did you notice that although it has been brewing long before but it really pick up steam these past few days and the MSMs' started cashing on the news from Wednesday? If you do not have a clue, it is about the ongoing Kelantan royal household saga...
  3. The way you look at it, it is a family matter and as such, it is best for the family members to resolve their differences. As long as there is no criminal elements are involved! Or else, don't be surprise if the saga will make its way to the Rulers special courts where all beans will be spilled...
  4. Then there is the tragic death of a 15-year old youth in Shah Alam. The police wanted the trial by media to stop but at the same time they are implying that the youth has bad intention. That is just not the way to defuse the issue!
  5. The police pleads to the public to let them do the job and complete the investigation but at the same time they have jumped the gun to picture that the youth is a "possible" bandit.
  6. Riding on public pressure,, the government decided to form a special panel to look into the case. But will the panel be impartial when the members are made of former police IGP, secretary to the home ministry, and UMNO-linked lawyer?

    The panel wants all parties to stop speculating. The question is - if the public stop debating on this issue, will the panel's findings be made public? If it is "For your eyes" only, then nothing will come out of it. It will be another toothless panel made up of toothless members (hey, I mean it when the members are not they young and most are having dentures to stay handsome)

  7. Of course there are other news but these two news are enough to bury the real main news of the week! While some may stay glued to see the British election results whilst another portion is waiting with bated breath on the possibility of legalised sports betting, the real issue is Block L and M off Sabah waters which is proclaimed to be Brunei's.
  8. How about Ezam "6 box - I deserve to be Senator" Mohd Noor, Palanivel senatorship? Is this an indication that Najib is ready to revamp his cabinet? If so, will Ezam leap-frogged KJ for a cabinet post? Will it be Palanivel or will it be T Mohan as MIC additional rep in the cabinet?

    Whilst some are promoting KJ for his "brains", others are hedging on Ezam to be rewarded a cabinet post as prelude to future's "battle for the UMNO youth head". I see a "die-die" situation for KJ. If that is the case...Rest in Peace KJ.

  9. Back to my main topis - that of Block L and M. Where are the feared Sabahan warriors? Where in Bung Karno of Kinabatangan? Where is Kalabakan's Ghapur Salleh? What about UMNO's VP Shafie Afdal? or Foreign Minister Anifah Aman? If that is not enough, what about Ghani Patail - Malaysia's AG?

    If the names mentioned above do not make any statement for Sabah's rights to Block L & M,then we are at a loss of words. Maybe these guys wear kilts and I dare not peep what is below the kilts...

  10. Of course, it is not expected for BN-UMNO to let Yong TL of SAPP to come out a hero in this issue. A meek response from Musa, another son of Aman does not settle the issue.
  11. Just imagine a potential loss of RM 320B! If the normal convention of 5% wang ehsan formula is used, it will be a potential loss of RM 16B to Sabah! Sabah has a population of 3.4M in 2007. That works out to a potential loss of RM 4,700 per Sabahan. Banyak juga tu....

    There are various unconfirmed reports that Tg Razaleigh is trying to patch up a 4-state referendum consisting of Sabah, Sarawak, Terengganu and Kelantan for the oil royalty/wang ehsan/compassionate funds to be increased to 10 %. If that holds water, Sabah is looking at a potential loss of RM 32B!

  12. It's Abdullah's error dug up by Mahathir for Najib to bury. Yes, it a a Sabahan problem and let's see what Sabahan MPs' are made of. Sabah has 25 MPs' sitting in the parliament. Will any of the 24 BN MPs dare to raise this issue?

    Kinabatangan may be too busy having his day in syariah court together with his newly wed wife, Kimanis is missing, Kalabakan's lone ranger days may be too much for his heart.

  13. Sabah, Land below the wind is desperately looking for her sons to protect her soverignity. Who will rise to protect block L & M?
  14. Or will it be another case of "Yang di kejar tak dapat, yang dikendung berciciran"? You know what I mean, chasing and claiming Limbang is Malaysia's and runei came out strongly denying they never ceded Limbang to Malaysia and in the same time, Malaysia lost Block L & M without consulting Sabah state government.
  15. Today is Friday and for Muslims you have two choice, either go to Friday prayers or not. If you choose not to go, are you a male or female. If you are female, fine, you are excused...

    But if you are a male, you still have choice, either you are excused by syara' or you just plain choose not to attend the prayers... even that you still have a choice

    How many times have you choose not to attend friday prayers? If it is less that 3 consecutive Fridays, you still has chance, If not, be warned that you have been stamped ...wallahualam.....

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...
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Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Who will rise for the "real" first lady?

Siakap senohong gelama ikan duri, Bersikap bohong lama-lama angkat diri sendiri - applicable to Mrs Najib

Nutgraph on 11th May 2010 reported that the NY Times said "The advertisement was placed by an ad agency on behalf of the Malaysian government."

Anifah Aman and Rais "mode on - mode off" Yatim - care to explain? It's our money that you guys are spending here...we have the rights to know!!!

  1. This time, a difficult exception.
  2. What is this? Is this Malaysia's first lady? Is it as laid down in the constitution? Or is it just suka-suka and main-main?
  3. Best wishes from families and friends in USA and Malaysia?
  4. New York Times could not be blamed for the advertisement. They got paid and they print what is given to them. It is the sponsor(s) who should be blamed.
  5. Let's make it simple - if she is not the first lady of Malaysia, then those sponsoring the advertisements should be tasked to retract the advertisement. The least they could do is to apologise to all Malaysians.
  6. Next, I expect UMNO youths, PKR youths, Gerakan youths, Perkasa, MCA, MIC, PPP and whatever NGOs' political parties, individuals to make police reports regarding this advertisement seeking who is the person (s) who commissioned the advertisement.
  7. Then come the difficult part - will IGP "work gratification" Musa act on the police report and book those who mislead the American public on who is the first lady of Malaysia.
  8. I expect the Dewan Negara to debate this and I expect the Dewan Negara speaker to allow the debate to get to the bottom of things - no more tai chi. This is a serious matter.
  9. Let's settle this once and for all. Who is really Malaysian "first lady"? Someone pointed out that DYMM Permaisuri Agung is the official Malaysian first lady. If that is true, then is the advestisement advertising Malaysian's psudo "first lady"?
  10. If what the posting said is true when it singled out Sarawak's Chief Minister as one of the person behind the advertisement, then Taib Mahmud should be hauled up to explain to DYMM Agung. By the way, is Sarawak's J Low in the picture too?
  11. This is too much. First, surrendering 2 oil blocks to Brunei, now declaring what she is not. BN is getting out of hand and out of control. All for a 5 second kiss on the hand...tsk tsk....
  12. I wonder whether Najib has the balls to sound off his wife. I would love to see how Rais "I burnt the bridge" Yatim's mode this time around or will he turn off his mode?
  13. Where is Malaysia's own "invisible foreign minister"? Did the foreign ministry pick up this discrepancy? Or is Anifah Aman's still searching for his roots in Pakistan?
  14. What about our own "Malaysian Italian" ambassador to USA? Is JJ still busy "pinching" ? What action did JJ take to correct the "oversight"? Or, being Najib's good friend, he is side-stepping the issue so that he is not recalled back to Malaysia and spend his retirement in Rompin?
  15. Ibrahim Ali? Will he shout or will he whimper?
  16. Zul Nordin? You are in USA with Najib, are you going to declare that you are NYT's illiterate?
  17. I may not know much about others but honestly I would like who will rise for the "real" Malaysian first lady...
  18. I wonder if Art Harun or Peoples' Parliament is kind enough to offer sample "protest" letter and address of NY Times so that concerned citizens can voice their displeasure and sensitivity to NY editors?
  19. In the meantime, let's start the ball rolling and put Najib's wife where she rightly belongs! Malaysian first lady she is not...

    Siakap senohong gelama ikan duri, Bersikap bohong lama-lama angkat diri sendiri - applicable to Mrs Najib

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...
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Tuesday, May 04, 2010

IGP : Is it job satisfaction or is it job gratification that you are looking for?

Maybe, and just maybe the present day IGP can offer sound advise to his successor when he whispered "Please don't be like me when I choose job gratification over job satisfaction".
  1. To begin with, it's most perplexing to read the news about IGP Musa's statement that the public and NGOs' should be more appreciative of the police.
  2. Before proceeding further,please note that IGP Musa's statement is recorded by The Sun and publish in their online news datelined May 3, 2010.
  3. Now, now...are we looking for job satisfaction or job gratification? Just in case it gets confusing, job satisfaction describes how content one is with his job whilst job gratification describes the rewards from doing the job.
  4. The IGP says
    NGOs which interfere in the work of the police are not showing concern for our duties. Only the government shows concern for policemen who are injured or killed in the line of duty,” - IGP Musa Hassan

    First and foremost, isn't the Government the employer? If the Government are the employer, shouldn't they take care of the employees welfare and well-being? Taking care may also include concern!!!

  5. In the first place, nobody wants to interfere with police work. It only happens when individuals and NGOs feel that they are victimised or when they feel that justice are not meted out, then the problem begins.
  6. As a case in point, have anyone feel that they are grossly mistreated prior to these last two IGPs? Did anybody, including the NGOs' complain when the police ambushed Botak Chin and even Betong kali?

    During that period, although the former is the poors' "Robin Hood", almost everybody sighed with relief when his gang was smash by the police. Check that out!

  7. As for Betong Kali who stylishly dare the police to arrest him and even go to the extent of sending messages to police offices and belittling them, the community praised the police force for taking the action on Betong Kali and his gang. It just don't pay to do the crime!
  8. But it all change when the last two IGPs' took over. Rahim Noor was caught flat-footed for assaulting Anwar. It does not matter that Anwar was said to ridicule him. By physically harming a blind-folded man, the then-IGP has degraded the police force by his action and he is the top cop of the country!
  9. The present IGP should take a leaf or two from our Thailand counterpart. Did Thai police force take actions similar to ours in dismissing the red-shirts protesters? Were water canons used to spray chemical-laced water to disperse the red shirts? Were tear gases thrown to disperse them? Were mass arrest carried out on the red shirts?

    Mind you that the red shirts are not supportive of the present Thailand government but they were allowed to protest. That speaks volumes on the difference between our IGP and the Thai police. Both Malaysian and Thai police are government servants but their approach to protesters are worlds apart! Do the red shirts in Thailand have permits to protest? If they do have permits, is it a blanket permit and why do Thai police issue permits to mass protest against the government of the day?

  10. Back to Malaysia. The IGP make the statement when he visited an injured policeman who was injured when manning the roadblock. Who says that the public is not appreciative of the police work? Did the IGP reads the publics' sentiment against the Mat Rempits? Did the IGP reads about the publics' outcry against the Mat Rempits who terrorize the streets in the early morning? And did the IGP read about the praises heaped on the police for successfully rounding up the Mat Rempits? Isn't that enough gratification?

    But that is not all! On the other hand the IGP should take pro-active actions to minimise risk to his officers. Manning a road block is fine but has proper study done on where are the best places to conduct road blocks? Is ample warning signs provided? Adequate lighting? Proper clothing? These precautionary steps are necessary to minimise risk to the police officers. Has the police officers take steps to minimise the risks?

  11. Let's continue further. The report continue
    Musa, who was exasperated with the criticism, cited a case in Seremban yesterday where police patrolmen who chased a suspicious looking car found the dead body of a woman in it and arrested the driver. He said similar action by his personnel in another case in Malacca two months also saw the recovery of body of another person who was also murdered.

    "These were murder cases and we caught up with them. This is how effectively our police patrolmen carry out their jobs. We put safety of the public and security of the nation above everything. That is our responsibility, " - IGP Musa
  12. Ah, now IGP wanted job gratification when the police "accidentally" wrapped up two murder cases in Seremban and Malacca. Mark the word "accidentally". It does not mean that the police were on their tails for suspicion of murder BUT chanced on the case because the suspects fumbled.

    Not only that, did the police fire any shots in both incidents? If no shots were fired, then why the difference on Standard Operating Procedure for the Shah Alam case?

    It's quite interesting for the IGP to say that they put safety of the public and security of the nation above everything. If that statement is true, then why plant "fear" into the masses with unnecessary force and display of water canons during mass protest? Why "intimidate" the masses when it is not necessary to do so? IGP should cease making "political" statements. Let the politicians do their job and you do yours!

  13. On the tragic Shah Alam case, it is something that should be left alone. Yes, the victim's family felt slighted when the policeimplied that the victim has ill-intention.

    At the same time, the policemen who were involved in the tragic shooting are also victims in their own rights. It is easy to blame them for something but are they really trigger happy? Maybe, these policemen are having sleepless nights flashing back on what happen on that fateful night.

    At least the victim's family are well comforted. But what about these policemen? Are they going for counselling too? Mind you, I am not taking sides but I think that these policemen should be going counselling to overcome their trauma. They are, afterall humans too and they too did not anticipate to be part and parcel of the tragic night.

  14. So, is it job satisfaction or is it job gratification that IGP is looking for? In these last few months before he leave the police force and turns civilian, he should be making ammends to his past mistakes. This is the time to reflect on his past deeds and take stock on what he had achieved as the top cop. Has he raise the level of police professionalism? Has he turn the police force into the government's private army? Has he carry out his duty without fear and favour or has he succumbed to the worldly pleasures?

    Has he dispense his duty as demanded by the One god or is he a kitten purring for his master's attention? Is he a lone vigilante looking to bury his nemesis or is he a public servant who strive for a safer environment?

  15. The answer relies on his criteria. Is the IGP looking for job satisfaction or is he aiming for job gratification? If he is looking for job gratification, it comes plenty when he use unnecesary force against the masses. If he is looking for job satisfaction, then this is the time for him to try counting what he has achieved in his years as a top cop.

    Maybe, and just maybe the present day IGP can offer sound advise to his successor when he whispered "Please don't be like me when I choose job gratification over job satisfaction".

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are... Read More

Sunday, May 02, 2010

Oil and Limbang...they owe us an explanation

I called on Mahathir, Abdullah and Najib to seek an audience and explain to the Sultans on what happen. Unless, this is truly the day when BN usurped the Sultans' powers and they can do what they please with Malaysia, as if Malaysia belongs to BN and not to Malaysians...

  1. Touch down and back on Malaysian ground! As Tom Jones summed it well in "The green green grass of home".
  2. Yes, we do have well informed taxi drivers who can converse on almost all subjects including Malaysian politics. This time around, my taxi driver is definitely not a fan of MIC as he hissed his dislikes towards Samy Vellu. He has his own opinion on almost all Malaysian politicians including Chua SL, Najib, Abdullah and even Mahathir.
  3. He make use of the almost 1 hour journey to present his views on the recently concluded P94 Hulu Selangor by-election. He make it a point to repeatedly emphasize that P94 election procedure is flawed offering his personal experience of having 8 of his friends denied their rights to vote in the election when they discovered that someone had voted using their names and the police (or is it the EC?) threathening them not to make an issue out of this. True or false? I would not know as this is the first time I met him and I conveniently did not jot down his particulars.
  4. I will leave P94 Hulu Selangor by election at that as there are attempts to force the EC to declare it null and void. To the winner, they will claim that this is the work of sore losers. To the loser, this is blantant misuse of power and influence. What you believe will rely on the information and proofs provided. Will it be like another "the truth is out there"? just like The X-file?
  5. Now, now - what is this about Abdullah and Murphy Oil? Murphy Oil Corporation (MOC) announced that the offshore exploration areas designated as Block L ad M is no longer a part of Malaysia following the exchage of letters between Malaysia and Brunei in March 2009. MOC, in their statement indicated that they were informed by Petronas about the situation in April 2010, almost a year after the exchange of letter. Call that Malaysian efficiency or is it inefficiency?
  6. As MOC has been jointly awarded to work on the blocks with Petronas since 2003, what will happen to those abortive works? Will MOC be compensated? If so, who will compensate MOC - Petronas, Malaysian government or Bunei government? But, that is not all. That is just the tip of the iceberg...
  7. Based on news extracted from Brunei Times datelined 23rd April 2010, it said that :-

    • Brunei sultanate retains the ownership of the 2 blocks under a deal made with the Government of Malaysia in 2009 when Abdullah Ahmad Badawi was the PM;
    • This has been sorted out last year and is nothing new;
    • Designated blocks L and M (Malaysia) is known as blocks J and K in Brunei;
    • Following the Exchange of Letters on 16th March 2009 between Malaysia and Brunei, the said offshores exploration areas are no longer part of Malaysia;
    • Brunei petroleum unit indicated that Brunei's block J (Malaysia's block L) was commissioned to MOC under Petronas whilst Brunei's block K (Malaysia's block M) was commissioned to Shell, Mitsubishi and ConocoPhillips consortium;

  8. Mahathir, meanwhile raised up the following issues in his posting :-

    • Malaysia's block L and M is claimed by Malaysia based on historical facts;
    • Abdullah Badawi negotiates for Limbang and in return surrenders the 2 blocks to Brunei;
    • No Petronas representatives were present during the negotiation, only foreign office staff and foreign affairs adviser to the PM were present during the negotiation;
    • Brunei disclaimed that they have agreed to give up Limbang;
    • Abdullah Ahmad Badawi caused Malaysia to lose RM 320B worth of Malaysian oil in the agreement;

  9. Malaysian Insider choose to highlight the issues with both Mahathir and Lim KS demanding Wisma Putra and Najib to explain the issue and situation. The same news portal runs another story on 2nd May 2010 outlining Petronas to run the disputed oil blocks with Brunei as :-

    • Petronas will develop the 2 blocks with Brunie on "commercial arrangement basis";
    • Abdullah said that the two blocks will be jointly developed by 2 countries for a period of 40 years;
    • Abdullah stressed that the agreement is not a loss to Malaysia;
    • Abdullah claimed that the cabinet approved the deal in February 2009

  10. Well, well well! I would like to know more. There are questions to be answered and let's list them out :-

    • Will MOC claim for opportunity cost? Will MOC be compensated? Who will pay the compensation?How much is the compensation?;
    • Abdullah claimed that Limbang is Malaysia's now whilst Brunei disclaimed Abdullah's statement. So which side is true? Did Brunei give up Limbang for the 2 oil blocks? Did Abdullah give up the 2 blocks for Limbang?;
    • If Limbang belongs to Malaysia now, where are the supporting documents? Will it be under Sarawak? Or will it be another Federal Territory? Will Limbang has a parliamentary seat? Or will it has some autonomy similar to Sarawak?;
    • What about the people in Limbang? Will they be given the choice of citizenship? If they are offered Malaysian citizenship, will they be regarded as Bumiputra?;
    • If the 2 blocks are given up to Brunei, what is the compensation to Sarawak? Are they not entitled to the oil royalty/compassionate fund? Who will compensate Sarawak? Will it be compensated by Brunei government to Sarawak or will it be paid to Malaysia's coffers?;
    • If Sarawak is not compensated, who give Abdullah the right to negotiate on Sarawak's behalf? Who consented Malaysian cabinet in enetring the negotiation?;
    • Were the sultanates informed of this negotiation? Were the Sultanates briefed on this development? Did the Sultans consented to this agreement?;
    • Was YDP Agung briefed on the matter? Did Abdullah presented this agreement to YDP Agung?;
    • Who ratify this agreement? Is there something in there for Abdullah? Ala Iraq's food-for-oil scheme? Is this a go-away present for Abdullah?
    • If Abdullah's claims are true, then why did the entire cabinet agree to this lop-sided agreement? On what basis did Najib and Muhyiddun agree to this agreement? And who is the foreign minister at the time - Rais Yatim?;
    • If this agreement is endorsed by the entire cabinet, then it is clear that the cabinet of the day did not place Malaysia's interest over theirs. Is this the cabinet that Malaysians voted in? Is this the best Malaysians can offer? Is this the best cabinet?
    • Yes, Petronas is invited to run the blocks on "commercial basis". But is it good enough? Petronas will not be running the blocks on Malaysia's terms and conditions but on Brunei's terms and conditions. Is that feasible and viable? Are we placing Petronas at Brunei's mercy?;

  11. Najib has to come forward and cleans this mess. Yes, agreed that Najib was not the PM in March 2009 but he knew that Abdullah days as PM is over and he should be advising Abdullah on what to do. Leaving sleepyhead to negotiate Block L & M with Limbang thrown in is not Abdullah's forte. Not when the whole world knows that he is such an easy snoozer. For all we know, he might be nodding in his sleep and Brunei took it as Abdullah's agreement!
  12. Only yesterday a friend told me how Malaysians once regarded BN as Robin Hoods and how these "Robin Hoods" transformed into "day light robbers". These "daylight robbers" are already caught selling sand to our southern neighbours to the tune of almost RM 590B per year!
  13. Are we facing another "daylight robbery" to the tune of RM 320B in these offshore exploration areas? Is this Najib's way to deflect the scorpene investigation? Is this BN's response to P94 Hulu Selangor voters complaints?
  14. Najib owe Malaysia explanation on what happen to Malaysia's block L & M. Abdullah owe Malaysians explanation on how we lost the oil exploration blocks and the Limbang deal. Mahathir owe us explanation why he give us Abdullah Ahmad Badawi!
  15. The way things are going, BN has a lot of explanation to do. BN just could not bulldoze their way around anymore nor clean the dirt under the carpet. That is not the solution! BN must come clean on Limbang and the sand theft. If BN is responsible, then BN should bear all on what transpired in the Limbang deal.
  16. BN just can't survive on excuses alone. UMNO, as BN's backbone should be responsible for the action of its leaders. Shifting the blame or new leaders begging for a second chance to make things right is no longer acceptable. Before, Abdullah begged Malaysia to give him a chance after Mahathir left the political scene. Now, Najib is doing the same thing, asking Malaysia to give him a chance to realise his dreams.

    BN and for that matter UMNO, please stop taking Malaysians for granted. Enough is enough. Either BN and UMNO comes clean on Limbang issue or forever Limbang deal will be tied to UMNO (and BN's) attics, making fools of Malaysians with their leaders' vested interest. No wonder, one Professor from Malaysia's top University said that we need to change the government now for a better Malaysia!

  17. I called on Mahathir, Abdullah and Najib to seek an audience and explain to the Sultans on what happen. Unless, this is truly the day when BN usurped the Sultans' powers and they can do what they please with Malaysia, as if Malaysia belongs to BN and not to Malaysians...
  18. Let's widen the scope and call on Chua SL, Samy Vellu, Koh TK, Kayveas, Taib Mahmud and the rest of BN component parties to demand an explanation from Abdullah and Najib. This RM 320B opportunity loss and Limbang deal getting undone is another slap to Malaysia's face. We have lost Pulau Batu Putih through Malaysia's weak foreign minister and now we are losing block L & M through sleepyhead Abdullah. What are we going to lose next? Our pants?
  19. By the way, does BN youth head has something to say on this? Or will he keep quiet as the blunder comes from his FIL? I see that BN will pooh-pooh the issue and act as if nothing happen.

    I am sure this time, the block L & M together with Limbang deal will take centre stage in Sibu by-election. Couple that with NCR issue, Bakun dam, BN has a lot of explaining to do. It will not be surprising if BN wins P 212 by-election but at what cost? Will Malaysians be led by their noses by BN and UMNO?

  20. So many things needs answers, Let's start with block L & M together with Sibu. Can UMNO do that? Will UMNO do that? Can BN explain the rationale? Will Najib and his cabinet take full responsibilities? Or will they, as usual, pass the bucks around? If they do, who will be their scapegoat, this time? Abdullah, perhaps?...
Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...
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