Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Of Nik Aziz : The pillar against the pillage....

  1. Lately Kelantan UMNO is no longer thinking and strategising on"how" to oust PAS from the government seat. For UMNO, it has become a "must do now" situation to topple the esisting state government of the day.
  2. Point blank, UMNO wants Kelantan state government to go down now, not a day longer, if possible. And the one standing against UMNO's onslaught is Nik Aziz and his states assemblymen.
  3. Why do I say so? Let's rewind back to MU by-election, the time when PR promised that they will highlight the issue of Kelantan oil royalty right up to the parliament. Back then, a well-known blogger who is also attached to Kelantan state government challenged the high seas to verify first-hand that the platforms are within Kelantan.

    During that time, DPM Muhyiddein came out with denial statements and ended up instructing Petronas to answer Kelantan claims and to confirm that Kelantan did not has the rights to the oil royalty. Up to now, Petronas is dead silent on this issue.

  4. True to form, PR MPs bring out the oil royalty issue again in the august house and 1M PM6 has no choice but to declare some form of compensation to Kelantan government. The compensation did not come by the name of "oil royalty" but wang ehsan (compassionate fund). Suddenly, it's deja vu again...similar to what PAS-led Terengganu government got when they govern the state in the late 90's.

    For those who are familiar with this, they will surely remember BN's "Gelombang biru" slogan. The compassionate fund was disbursed to Terengganu UMNO and with almost unlimited funds, Terengganu BN use he funds to "buy" election and the rest, as they say it, is history when PAS failed to defend Terengganu in 2004.

  5. With 1M PM6's announcement of wang ehsan, UMNO politicians in Kelantan is smelling money all the way to the banks. As in Kelantan, it has been said that the wang ehsan will be channeled through Jabatan Persekutuan and also through UMNO divisions.

    With the amount of money coming Kelantan way, UMNO is getting cocky on their chances to wrest Kelantan and the only person standing in their way is Nik Aziz Nik Mat.

  6. For UMNO, Nik Aziz is a thorn that they cannot live with. Nik Aziz has to go and to do that, UMNO is looking at all possible angles to discredit Nik Aziz. The latest is the demonstration against Nik Aziz.

    UMNO can choose to deny what they planned in front of Kelantan state secretariat building. UMNO can even deny that their members are involve in the illegal gathering. UMNO can even issue statements to deny whatever they choose to deny. That's UMNO's information bureau's job but :-

    • how is it possible for the women to be clad in the familiar pink tudungs? Isn't that the Putri UMNO's "uniform"?;
    • how is it possible that some of the participants are wearing UMNO shirts if they are not UMNO members?;
    • why are the participants asking for Nik Aziz to resign on the pretext that Nik Aziz urged Kelantan people to "doa laknat" PM? but at the same time remains "meek" when Kelantan were demanding the oil royaly money?;
    • where are the participants when "doa laknat" were said on the cruelty and brutality of Israelis against the Palestinians?. If by reasoning that we should not "doa laknat" other human beings, then many imams in many masjids were equally guilty;
    • if Nik Aziz feels that Kelantan has been wronged (teraniayai), then isn't it their rights to ask for God's help to "laknat" those who wrong them?. Isn't this part and parcel of Islamic teaching that the prayers by those wronged will be swiftly answered by the Creator?;
    • Nik Aziz urged Kelantan people to join him in "doa laknat", he did not force them to join him. It's the peoples' choice, let them decide;
    • if UMNO feels that their great leader is wronged, then by all means perform "doa laknat" if that makes them happy;

  7. The illegal gathering has all the markings of UMNO doings. They are hoping to inflame Kelantanese to take the streets. They are also hoping for a reason to impose Mageran in Kelantan.

    If UMNO could not achieve their primary target, the illegal gathering leaders are hoping that their vocals are heard by 1M PM6 and ended up in BN's good books to be part of the team to control Kelantan's wang ehsan. That is what they want - a direct access to the kitty bank of Kelantan wang ehsan.

  8. Do Kelantan UMNO leaders care? Do they care what Tg Razaleigh has to say? Do they care that Tg Razaleigh, an UMNO veteran, may be leading the parliament caucus on the oil royalty? Do they care when Tg Razaleigh opinioned that Kelantan is eligible for the oil royalty?
  9. Before you make your decision, consider this. If UMNO Kelantan get hold of wang ehsan, they may end up managing the funds the way UMNO Terengganu did. They will use the funds to buy over Kelantan. They may even end up the way UMNO Terengganu did - building and organising the fledgling monsoon cup and heritage club, construct the one-wonder stadium with roof collapsing within a year after opening ceremony, the forgettable Taman Tamadun Islam and so on.
  10. In short, Kelantan UMNO will pillage the fund, creating questionable projects and will also use whatever means possible to buy votes and support. All in a day's work to please their great leader. Do you think UMNO will care about the welfare of Kelantan people? Do you think they will voluntarily carry out their duties if the money did not go into their own pockets?
  11. Malaysia has been under UMNO and BN since independence and with 50 years of experience, UMNO has conned us, time and time again, the latest will be the impending sugar price this coming 2010. That will trigger another round of price escalation, courtesy of our great leader 1M PM6. I feel that I am wronged here, don't you? Is UMNO implying that the price rise is a noble cause to prevent consumers from over-consuming sugar? To prevent us from being a diabetic? Geez, what a lame excuse from UMNO and BN!
  12. So, that leads us to the million ringgit question - who dare to stand against UMNO Kelantan? The answer is clear, the man is Nik Aziz Nik Mat. He has been guarding the Kelantan fort for the past 18 years and God willing he will continue to guard "Serambi Mekah" from UMNO pillage.

    Nik Aziz is the pillar of strength for Kelantan. UMNO can do what they want but this wise old man is still standing firm and unwavering in his principle. How I wish we can have more of Nik Aziz to guide us than having to live with the "spin doctor" from Angkasapuri.

  13. The answer, my in the wind.....UMNO knows that to govern Kelantan, they have to push Nik Aziz aside. To these leaders, there is no more respect towards a religous scholar. To them, the end justifies the means....and let me offer my "doa laknat" to those leaders of the illegal assembly who do could not differentiate between a diamond and a piece of worthless glass.

    Just in case some of you failed to get my drift, on this issue, the worthless piece of glass comes emblazoned with the words UMNO on it.

  14. By the way, I am looking forward to see what the blogger who went to Dubai will be bringing back with him. I hope he's not bringing back rolls of testimonials for the MP who did not make it to the cabinet (Hint : He comes from NS). A packet of dates will do, a box of olive and figs will be great, a healthy Arabian stallion will be a bliss...

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...


ahoo said...

Surely he was in Dubai to check on his investments lah! Many companies are in deep shits especially the listed one with over 85% of revenue from Dubai.

We should let all and sundry know that corruptions in any form cannot be legalised as a form of commission. All right minded citizen of Malaysia should know that with the current rate of slow growth and low FDI, we cannot last long with depleting resources.

When the people are hungry and without food and with rising household expenses, the people will be real angry ! And angry people may do silly thing.

nightcaller said...


That's one case when he fails to foresee Dubai's problems. Hope that the Dubai debacle do not blow over Malaysian waters...

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