Monday, August 23, 2010

Of "Muted Malaysia" : Why wait for cannot...ah?

Nothing feels better than "the green green grass of home". Almost a week away, touching down in KLIA is just pure heavenly...but as they say it..."all good things don't last forever".

Clicking through the keyboards, one email should brings concern to Muslims in Malaysia. A letter purportedly from JAKIM indicated that they have withdrawn their recognition on the "halal" certificate issued by Uruguan Islamic Centre where McD's beef is imported.

Someone out there should come out clean - is McD burgers halal or not? This is not the time to pass the buck. If it is true that JAKIM inmdeed issued the letter in April 2010, what are the steps taken by McD to resolve the issue? Simply "Biz as usual" is not the right approach!

Do McD replace the supplier? Is the beef now meet with JAKIM's halal hub's standards?

JAKIM, on its part, should announce this in media. If not all, most of us has at one time or another consume McD's products - so should Muslims stop patroning McD because they do not serve "halal" food?

Where is Utusan Malaysia? If the paper can print reports on Penang's so called controversial khutbah (sermons) then why is the paper plays mousy when it comes to McD? Or are the McDs' rats too big for Utusan?

I guess McD will not be in my list until this "halal" issue is openly resolved...

That's one - and you know that they say you are what you eat. Thus, please understand why this issue should take centre place in media, especially those media who targets Malaysian Muslims.

Now, what's this about "1 muted Malaysia"? In short, it is said that :-
  1. Scarcely a dozen activist expressed their "displeasure" through a little civil disoberdience protesting against what is claimed as the government's iron-fisted control over the media;
  2. One of the organiser claimed that they had good response in facebook;
  3. One commentator talked about impact and not the turnout will be the measuring gauge of their success;
  4. Commentator Yobama believed that the low turnout is due to Muslims fasting and he/she strongly believed that it will have a better turnout if it is held after Puasa month;

It seems that whatever the response the organiser has is registered in facebook. Now, if these "facebook"s are brave enough to register their support, why do they remain "faceless" in public? Are these supporters only good in virtual world? Don't dare to be "hand-on" in reality?

Next, why shift the reason to fasting month? Heck! there is nothing stopping anyone from being "civilly disoberdient" during fasting months. So, pleaaase stop pushing the blame to fasting month!!

There's more to write and arguments ready but...this is ramadhan, a time to learn self-control...let's stop at that, first.

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...
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Monday, August 16, 2010

Apa nak jadi...?

Dipercayai berlaku dipersekitaran Pulau Redang dan Pulau Perhentian...
  1. Pemandu bot pelancongan mensasarkan wanita asing yang tidak berteman sebagai mangsa nafsu;
  2. Menggunakan ubat pelali dan ubat pengasih untuk melemahkan mangsa;
Di Felda Aring, Gua Musang...
  1. Bapa tiri merogol anak tiri berumur 16 tahun;
  2. Menyimbah anak tiri dengan asid, mencacatkan muka gadis malang tersebut;
Di Kampung Sekayu...
  1. Seorang lelaki berumur 32 tahun mencederakan janda serta anak mereka berumur 8 tahun dengan menyimbah asid ke badan mereka;
  2. punca kejadian kerana janda beliau tidak mahu meminjamkan duit sebanyak RM 30;
Di Petaling Jaya...
  1. Mayat bayi berumur 1 hari dijumpai dalam sungai di Kota Damansara;
  2. Bayi itu ialah bayi perempuan

4 kes dan kesemua mangsanya adalah perempuan. Apakah kita sudah hilang sifat kemanusian? Apakah kita sudah lupa erti ketamaddunan? Atau inikah nilai moral kita zaman ini?

Semuga Ramadan ini melembutkan hati insan bernama manusia. Adakah anda bersedia? Jom pi masjid, mengikuti tazkirah sepanjang Ramadan...

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...
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Friday, August 13, 2010

Ringan-ringan puasa...

I am OK, are you still OK? Received this (with some amendment) through email...

Penyimpan Mohor2 Besaq...Yang Besaq2 Kepala dgn ini mengisyhtiharkan sebulan PUBLIC HOLIDAYS

untuk semua ...

No Overtime!! and No Replacement!!! ).

Maka Dgn ini ingin diberikan sedikit Pesanan kepada MANUSIA

- Kalau dok beratur panjang di Kedai Mamak di waktu puncak -Bukan
yang suruh!!
-Kalau ada Runner dok tolong beli Bekalan - Dia takdak kena mengena dgn
- Kalau tak reti2 nak buat amal ibadat - Bukan
yang dok bagi hampa MALAS tau!!
- Kalau dok pakai terdedah sana-sini - Bukan
yang suruh dan bukan yang suruh tengok..!!
- Kalau dok pi berkepit sana-sini dgn marka siang malam - Bukan
yang bagi line!!
- Kalau dok Boros sangat shopping Raya - Bukan
yang suruh!!
- Kalau dok tak habis2 mengata orang - Bukan
yang bagi idea!!
- Kalau tak habis2 dok berdengki kat orang - Memang bukan
yang dok cucuk!!

Maka MANUSIA, ambillah peluang ini untuk UPGRADE kan Diri anda, KENALI lah Diri Anda, BERBUAT BAIK lah dan SUCI kanlah Diri Anda.
Kumpulkanlah Pahala sebanyak mungkin..........Renungkanlah.. Masa inilah yang paling sesuai untuk
BERUBAH atau Anda masih Menunggu!!!!...Tunggu Sapa lagi....

Jangan lupa Bayar Zakat Fitrah tau!!!.....
Ada juga yg dok merungut Zakat mahal .....Ini pun takdak kena mengena dgn tau!!..

Tolonglah Manusia ooiii.......Kalau Semua dah Beriman dan ikut Jalan yang Benar...

pun kurangla sikit....pun dah letih Overtime....
Akhir kata - SELAMAT BERPUASA Dan BERIBADAT .................. Will be Back after Ramadhan

Renung-renunglah bersama - NC

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are... Read More

Thursday, August 12, 2010

AUKU stays, students neutered?

Once upon a time, in a galaxy far far away, there were rumblings from University students. A cross between flower power and hippies, these students dare to rise against the Establishment, fighting for freedom, equality and accountability.

That was the late 60's and early 70's when the sufferings of Baling is close at heart. Those were the times when Malaysia's own tertiary students from MU, UKM, ITM, ITK, USM, MPSI and the rest joined hands and forces to march through the streets of Kuala Lumpur leading to the Establishment muting students voices under AUKU.

40 years on, the current Establishment is still at it. Students banned from party politics. What are they afraid of? Their own shadows? Is Malaysia going robotic? Is the Establishment getting all its pleasure to see the students neutered and is the Establishment's KP is to produce zombies students who will carry out it's biddings?

Amongst others :

The cabinet has decided against allowing university students to participate in party politics. - Khaled Nordin (Higher Education Minister)

"(The) cabinet decision not allowing university students to be involved in political parties is gutless and indicates outdated thinking. Here's a hint for the cabinet: You want the youth vote, start by trusting them." - Khairy Jamaluddin (UMNO youth leader)

In the latest development, federal government owned Bernama issued a note to editors stating that Higher Education Ministry has requested the press not to publish any news on this.

One person dare to disagree, like a dog barking the mountains. It is lonely at the top and it is much lonelier when your pack deserts you...Interestingly enough, KJ so far twits his disagreement but did not register his disagreement in his Rembau net. Why?

In the end, will our tertiary students, our future leaders be like what this writer used to say a long, long time ago - pelajar-pelajar Sekolah Menengah Tinggi Malaysia?

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...
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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

ESQ : Satu renungan...

Petikan dari

Ketika menyampaikan kuliah Maghrib malam tadi (di Wilayah Persekutuan), kebetulan penulis sampai kepada bab berkenaan ‘Asma dan Sifat Allah SWT’, penulis mengambil kesempatan menjelaskan tentang penyelewengan ESQ dalam mentafsirkan nama-nama Allah SWT yang Maha Baik. Perkara ini bertepatan dengan ayat 74 di dalam surah al—Nahl berbunyi:

فلا تضربوا لله الأمثال
Bermaksud: “Maka janganlah kamu menjadikan perumpamaan-perumpamaan bagi Allah”.

Ayat ini menjadi hujjah kepada aqidah Ahli Sunnah Wal-Jamaah seperti yang terkandung di dalam Sifat 20 yang mengajarkan kepada kita bahawa Allah SWT itu bersifat ‘al-mukhalafah lil hawadith’ iaitu ‘bersalahan daripada segala yang baharu’. Tetapi ESQ mengajar sebaliknya apabila cuba mengiyaskan semua sifat-sifat makhluk dengan nama-nama Allah. Kesannya, ada di kalangan alumni ESQ yang memahami bahawa gunung itu tinggi kerana Allah itu Maha Tinggi, alam itu luas kerana Allah itu Maha Luas, bunga itu cantik kerana Allah itu Maha Cantik dan pelbagai lagi. Ini adalah hasil daripada ajaran ESQ yang mengatakan bahawa ‘seluruh alam mewakili sifat Allah’. Lihatlah betapa dangkalnya ajaran ini kerana ia tidak berpijak kepada kaedah mantiq yang betul, bagaimana mungkin gunung dan alam yang mempunyai isipadu, had dan mengambil ruang boleh dikatakan menyamai sifat Allah SWT yang qadim? Malah gunung dan alam itu akan hancur apabila tiba masanya manakala bunga pula akan layu. Ini menunjukkan bahawa sifat alam ini ‘hadith’ (baharu) dan tidak kekal (fana’) sedangkan Allah SWT itu bersifat baqa’ (kekal) dan tidak binasa. Juga menjadi persoalan, bagaimana pula dengan makhluq-makhluq seperti iblis, syaitan, haiwan liar, segala jenis penyakit yang kesemuanya adalah perkara-perkara buruk (pada zahirnya)…adakah ia juga mewakili sifat-sifat Allah yang Maha Baik itu? Apakah bentuk aqidah yang diajarkan oleh ESQ ini sebenarnya?

ESQ juga mengajarkan bahawa manusia itu mewakili sifat-sifat Allah SWT hasil daripada suara hati yang sedia wujud di dalam fungsi ketiga otak manusia yang dinamakan God Spot. Suara hati ini menurut ESQ adalah fitrah yang telah ditiupkan dengan 99 nama Allah SWT ketika Allah SWT meniupkan roh-Nya ke dalam diri manusia. Menurut ESQ suara hati ini universal dan terdapat pada seluruh manusia tanpa mengira agama mahupun kepercayaan termasuk atheis sekalipun. Oleh kerana itu, ESQ mengatakan manusia itu berkasih sayang kerana sifat Allah itu yang Maha Pengasih, manusia itu adil kerana Allah itu Maha Adil, manusia itu berwawasan kerana nama Allah itu al-Aakhir dan pelbagai lagi. Bermaksud kesemua sifat manusia yang benar-benar mengikuti suara hatinya yang fitrah itu adalah merujuk kepada 99 nama Allah SWT yang sedia wujud di dalam God Spot tersebut. Akibatnya kesemua nama-nama Allah SWT termasuk yang mempunyai makna-makna khusus bagi-Nya seperti al-Jabbar, al-Mutakabbir, al-Khaliq, al-Muhyi, al-Mumit diterjemahkan sesuai dengan sifat-sifat manusia. Alasannya kerana manusia itu mewakili sifat-sifat Allah SWT.

Kaedah ESQ ini juga amat jelas menyalahi kaedah mantiq yang betul, jika benarlah manusia yang mengikuti suara hati itu dikatakan mengikuti fitrah sifat-sifat Allah SWT, bagaimana pula dengan sifat-sifat manusia seperti makan dan minum, berkahwin, tidur, bernafsu dan lain-lain. Adakah sifat-sifat ini juga mewakili sifat-sifat Allah SWT kerana ia juga fitrah yang sedia wujud dalam diri manusia. Ia bukan hasil daripada emosi atau fikiran. Malah kaedah literal ESQ yang mengatakan kerana manusia itu berasal daripada Allah SWT maka sifat manusia itu menyamai sifat Allah SWT adalah dangkal kerana ia menyalahi nas dan akal yang sejahtera.

ESQ sebenarnya terperangkap dengan jerangkap ‘spiritual quotient’ yang digagaskan oleh Danah Zohar dan Ian Marshall. Ia didokong oleh hipotesis yang dibuat oleh VS Ramachandran kononnya terdapat fungsi ‘pencarian tuhan’ di dalam otak manusia. Padahal al-Qur’an sendiri telah mengatakan bahawa ‘otak manusia yang sejahtera’ jika berfikir secara rasional sememangnya akan menemui siapakah penciptanya. Oleh itu, di dalam al-Qur’an manusia disuruh berfikir dan bertafakkur tanpa perlu menunggu penemuan Barat ini. Hakikatnya, teori ESQ lahir dalam keadaan worldview Barat yang tidak percayakan tuhan dan berselirat dengan falsafah materialisme. Epistemologinya juga jelas hanya berasaskan kepada falsafah Barat dan hipotesis sains. Logiknya bagaimana mungkin ia boleh menjadi tafsiran kepada Islam?

Penulis tidak fikir ESQ akan berjaya diislamkan. Ini kerana ia adalah satu ‘ideologi’ bukan ‘metodologi’. Ia sama dengan usaha sesetengah orang yang cuba untuk mengislamkan sekularisme, liberalisme, kapitalisme, komunisme dan lain-lain. Jika ada juga yang cuba untuk mengislamkannya maka akan lahirlah muslim sekular, muslim liberal, muslim kapitalis dan lain-lain. Islam adalah Islam. Epistemologinya adalah bersumberkan wahyu bukan akal, falsafah atau dapatan sains. Hal ini berlaku kepada Ary Ginanjar. Dia tidak pernah berjaya mengislamkan ESQ sebaliknya Islam pula yang terpaksa disesuaikan dengan ESQ.

Sebagai contoh, kita tidak pernah mendengar bahawa ihsan itu God Spot atau suara hati atau 99 nama Allah atau tiupan roh Allah. Apa yang kita tahu ‘ihsan’ itu adalah satu martabat tertinggi dalam beribadah. Sama ada seseorang itu mencapai maqam musyahadah atau muraqabah. Syarat ibadah tentulah seseorang itu beriman dan menganut Islam. Ia adalah maqam yang amat eksklusif dan bukan inklusif. Tetapi ESQ telah MEMBARATKAN pengertian ‘ihsan’ dengan mendakwa ia adalah ‘spiritual quotient’ yang berlaku kepada semua manusia tanpa mengira apa jua anutan agama. Ia dianggap sesuatu yang universal dan inklusif hatta kepada mereka yang tidak beragama. Apa yang berbeza hanyalah pada metodologi bagaimana untuk mereka mencapai ‘spiritual quotient’ itu. Ia mungkin dicapai dengan solat, yoga, meditasi, pertapaan atau mendengar muzik kerana ia adalah sesuatu yang ‘built-in’ di dalam diri manusia dan tidak terikat kepada ritual keagamaan untuk memperolehinya. Sebab itulah, Ary telah menyenaraikan peneraju syarikat-syarikat besar seperti Walt-Disney, Starbucks, Body Shop, Visa International, Nokia, Matsushita dan lain-lain sebagai tokoh-tokoh sufi korporat yang telah berjaya mencapai ‘spiritual quotient’ sehingga menepati nama-nama Allah SWT yang telah menjadi fitrah dalam diri mereka. Jenis sufi dan tasawwuf apakah yang diajar oleh Ary Ginanjar ini?

Terus terang penulis katakan, ESQ adalah satu trend halus untuk menerapkan faham ‘perennial philosophy’ ke dalam penganut agama seluruh dunia. Faham ini masuk dengan pelbagai kaedah seperti melalui Global Theology, Global Ethic dan lain-lain. Kesemua faham ini pada zahirnya cuba mencari persamaan nilai yang universal antara semua manusia. Asas kepada ideology ini adalah manusia bersatu pada titik spiritualnya yang disebut sebagai ‘metaphysical unity’ atau kesatuan metafizik (esoteric). Inilah sebenarnya inti pluralisme agama. Amat silap jika sesetengah pihak beranggapan bahawa pluralisme agama itu hanyalah apabila seseorang mengatakan ‘agama itu semuanya sama’. Malah sememangnya ‘perennial philosophy’ itu mengiktiraf agama-agama itu berbeza tetapi hanya pada level eksoteriknya (zahirnya) tetapi kesemuanya menuju atau bertawaf kepada paksi yang sama pada level esoteriknya (batinnya). Lebih daripada itu, ‘perennial philosophy’ juga tidak pernah menyekat penganut mana-mana agama mengamalkan agamanya, apa yang penting penganut agama-agama itu menerima bahawa mereka semua bertemu akhirnya pada titik yang sama. Itulah ‘spiritual quotient’ yang dimaksudkan.

Kesimpulannya, inilah rupa paras ESQ yang sebenar…lihatlah worldview kelahirannya dan epistemology yang mencetuskannya…anda akan kenal apa ESQ yang sebenar! (Baca tulisan penulis tentang dan Karen Amstrong Falsafah Abadi).


Adalah lebih baik untuk ESQ Malaysia berbincang dengan pihak yang berkenaan dalam hal yang menyentuh Islam dari menggunakan platform mahkamah sivil untuk mencabar fatwa yang telah dikeluarkan - pandangan peribadi NC.

Dalam hal yang sama, mungkin TV9 perlu mengkaji semula program Halaqah yang memuatkan motivator dari ESQ. Wallahualam - pandangan peribadi NC.

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are... Read More

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Of Najib, Muhyiddin, Anwar : Birds of the same feathers...


"Muhyiddin is contented being DPM. As he is much older than Najib, he does not want to rock the boat. He is better off at number 2. At least, he can be there like Tun Ghaffar Baba"

"But isn't he much more vocal than Najib?"

"Being vocal is one thing but challenging UMNO's alpha male is another. Muhyiddin knows that he is there by virtue of Ali Rustam being DQ. He also knows that Zahid Hamidi and Hishamuddin is there to check his moves. Bear in mind that both Zahid Hamidi and Hishamuddin were once UMNO's youth chiefs similar to Najib's path. With the-then UMNO youth leaders moving up the ranks, Muhyiddin is trapped within his own coccoon."

"Does that mean Muhyiddin is finished?"

"Literally speaking yes, unless divine intervention steps in"

That is the gist of the conversation with my east coast friend last week. If that statement from this "connected friend" is true, then we are in for another long submissive period under BN rule unless PR wins handsomely in GE 13.

Having an alpha male within the UMNO herd is already bad enough but having an alpha male controlled by the dominated female is worse. Will this change? Highly unlikely. The UMNO herd can be loosely interpreted as post driven with financial rewards.

UMNO top echelon leaders will fight tooth and nail to keep their post. It is not for their love to the country or their commitment to drive Malaysia forward. It is more to fill their stomach with projects and financial rewards which comes hand in hand with the post. The bigger the post, the bigger is the "Christmas stockings"!

UMNO, like any other party, is another "get rich quick" scheme. The difference is how they camourflage the goodies. By this time, most of us are already familiar with Jho Low, Malaysia's own "playboy-at-large". How he brags about being roped in by our present King to advise on Terengganu Investment Fund (TIA).

Maybe, someone from either the ruling BN or the up and coming PR should do some investigative work on how a "Wan Something" and possibly Jho Low advise TIA wrongly resulting in heavy losses to TIA. Then the 1MPM6's son, who is another close friend of Jho Low is said convinced his father to bail TIA (plus Wan Something and Jho Low) out, resulting in the formation of 1MDB. Is this true? Or is this another elaborate scheme to skim Terengganu their royalty monies?

Najib is the captain of BN ship alright but Najib is a poor captain. 1MPM6 fais to get his message across often resulting his number 2 to give contradictory statements whilst his ministers are like loose cannons, often firing blanks.

The latest example is Anifah Aman. He said he will quit cabinet if it is true that BN is clamping down on civil protests. Watch your words, Anifah. The public will be confused if 1MPM6 drops you from his cabinet - will it be because of your "I quit" vow or is it because of your health condition?

Another example is Chua Soiled Leg. He chosed to talk about Islam when it is an open secret that he is not an expert in Islam. It is also another open secret that he is an actor, in his own rights when his video hits platinum. Yet, strangely UMNO did not responds to correct Chua's ignorance. Is this a case of "Birds of the same feathers flocks together"? Something that Najib is very well versed and constantly reminded by his dominating female!

The same goes to PR leaders. Anwar Ibrahim is a good starting point. Regardless of whether Sodomy II is a true event or another figment of Saiful's imagination, it is time to get the trial moving. Less affidavits. If it is a mistrial, then the judge should decide so... one thing is clear, either Anwar or Saiful is lying. You may escape on this earth but where can you hide in the hereafter? Maybe this Ramadan bring changes and the truth exposed...God willing.

For now, Najib is 1MPM6, it is high time for him to get things going. He has to take control of his destiny and he has to take stock. What is the Malay word - muhasabah diri. Hopefully, Najib spends quality time vacationing. Or is Najib out there checking his appointment with SPR? And for this Muhasabah thingy, let's all pray that Chua Spoiled Leg is not tempted to offer his piece of opinion regarding the matter.

Will Najib turn Gillard? You see Julian Gillard took over as Australian PM from her party-mate Kevin Ruud, she called for election. She knows that she will have a tough time for re-election but she wants the mandate. Najib took over from Abdullah Badawi. Does he too has the guts to dissolve the parliament and call for early GE? The answer is clear. Known as "lallang" from Mahathir-Tg Razaleigh showdown, Najib will NOT call for early election. He will stall as long as possible, hoping that time will change Malaysia's fortunes for the better.

The problem is - will it change for the better or will it goes southwards still?

To all - Selamat menyambut Ramadan Al-Mubarak... tingkatkan Imam, kurangkan pra-sangka... To all Muslims - JOM PI MASJID...

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...
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Thursday, August 05, 2010

Of insolence: Khalid's style...

For Khalid, Sorry seems to be the hardest words...

  1. Insolence! That's the fitting word for Khalid Ibrahim if what Malay Mail reported is true. How can Khalid react in such a manner? Tsk tsk sometimes they never learn, do they?
  2. In this latest twist regarding PR's royal snub towards the Queen, Khalid Ibrahim, the current MB of Selangor and former Guthrie CEO came up with more ridiculous arguments :-

    • Khalid allege that the Queen came on her personal capacity.

      Hello! Wasn't it reported that the event promoter extended an invitation letter to Istana Negara? Wasn't it recorded that the event promoter briefed the organising committee of the Queen's concent to grace the event? Wasn't it reported that the protocol officer from Istana Negara attended a meeting with the organising committee?

      Does that sound like personal capacity to you?

    • Khalid claimed that the "issue was understood by all parties concerned and considered settled and closed"

      Another attempt to spin stories? Who understood the issue? The EXCO? Of course they understood the issue because most of them are absent from the event. How did Khalid arrived to his conclusion that the issue is considered closed and settled? Has Khalid Ibrahim had an audience with the Queen? If Khalid has not, then surely Khalid is only presenting his side of the story.

      Is that acceptable to the rest of us?

    • Khalid continued to ramble that "It's like the Queen was invited to someone's house in Selangor"

      Childish reasoning! This is the state's event and when the Queen comes calling, Khalid and his hordes of EXCOs should be there as hosts . Simple as that. Following Khalid's reasoning, it's like the Queen visited a house in Selangor on invitation and find the occupants not around. Is that proper of the occupants to be away when they know fairly well that the Queen is coming?

      Do you do that to your guest? Maybe you don't but Khalid did. He and his hordes of EXCOs!

    • Khalid also denied the Selangor Sultan was unaware of the invitation to the Queen.

      Mind-bongling! Khalid goes the extra mile to drag HRH Sultan into his problems. Khalid, do you know what you are talking about? First, reports said HRH Sultan was not informed, now Khalid claimed that HRH was aware of the invitation to the Queen? Is Khalid implying something here?

      Khalid, you are already in quicksand, don't make it worse!

  3. Before it has been suggested that PR needs to learn a thing or two about protocol. Now it is crystal clear that PR know nuts about protocol. They have to start from zero.
  4. PR should understand that they are riding high because the rakyat are with them. Going against the set protocol is pure insolence Does Khalid think he can survive the next three years without the tacit support of HRH Sultan? Does Khalid think that he can just set the Queen aside?
  5. If that is what Khalid is thinking and if that line of thought is in line with those of Anwar, Lim KS and Hadi Awang, then it seems that PR's disrespect against the Royal house is similar to BN. So, are they both pushing for republic of Malaysia?
  6. It is time for the rakyat to evaluate Khalid Ibrahim and his band of EXCOs'. Just because he represents PR in Selangor does not convert him into an angel. Just by becoming an elected representative from PR does not means that one is mistake-free.
  7. Khalid Ibrahim needs to take a hard look on how he handle the sand issue, how he pooh-poohed the water crisis issue, how his EXCO is tangled with letters of support issue. Being smart does not equally means a good leader.
  8. What is wrong for Khalid to apologise to both the Queen and HRH Sultan Selangor? Or is Khalid too egoistic to apologise?

    Does a tiger lose its stripes? Apakah hilang bisa ular kalau menyusur dibawah akar? It will boost Khalid's image if he apologise but if he stays true to his decision that everything is resolved, then Khalid is burning his own clothes. As simple as that!

    For Khalid, Sorry seems to be the hardest words...

  9. Put it this way. The Queen may not mind the way Khalid treat her but others do mind. If Khalid is still sticking to his decision that no apology is necessary, then clearly Khalid is rubbing salt to the wounds. Is that what Khalid wants? Is that what the PR leadership wants?
  10. PR may be the talk of the town and the future but with this arrogance and insolence, PR will lose support soon. Especially from the Royalist urban and rural Malays followed by Chinese, Indians, Orang Asli and the rest.
  11. If that is what PR wants, so be it. All due to Khalid's insolence! All due to Khalid's reluctance to apologise.
  12. Now, if HRH Sultans acts tough and seems to side BN, don't blame them but thank Khalid Ibrahim for his actions... maybe the tide is turning against PR. Don't say that PR is not forewarned...
Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...
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Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Of teens, tempt, tent... and Melaka

  1. What goes around comes around. That is what this posting is all about. No pun intended.
  2. What is your first reaction reading Malay Mail's "Special school for pregnant teens in Jasin" ? Another brilliant idea from "disqualified UMNO deputy President candidate" Mohd Ali Rustam.

    In part, Ali Rustam outlined that :-

    • Special school for students who became pregnant out of wedlock would be open in Jasin, Melaka;
    • The school will be under the administration of Melaka State Islamic Religious Department (JAIM) for those who voluntarily chose to enter the school;
    • For poor families, the state will assist by giving RM 500 for solemnisation of marriage, feast, witness with the dowry can even be paid later;
    • This is the state's approach in dealing with the issue of young unwed mothers who would find it difficult to be accepted by the mainstream society;
    • Melaka recorded 900 cases of co-habitation with 391 out-of-wedlock births in 2009 with 174 out-of-wedlock births for the first 6 months in 2010;

  3. Scary, isn't it? JPN recorded more than 250000 out-of wedlock births between 2000 to 2008. Statistics don't lie although they can be manipulated to suit the needs of interested parties.
  4. Ali Rustam did not elaborate whether the school will be open to those from other states or not. He too did not mention whether the school will be open to non-Muslims or not. Maybe he will do that in due time.
  5. Mention Melaka and mention teenagers, one can never escape the memories of yesteryears. The first that flashed by is about a certain "macho" man from Melaka who is said to impregnate a 15-year old girl years ago.

    Is there any connection between Ali Rustam's idea of school for pregnant teenagers with this "macho" man?
  6. Is Ali hinting something here? Afterall, it is also believed that this "macho" man is somehow or rather linked to co-prime minister.

    But as they say it, blogs are another source of unconfirmed news and rumours. So let us leave it at that... is Ali hinting that he may be making another comeback in the next UMNO election?
  7. The only recorded information is about how Lim GE spent part of his life in prison for voicing out the statutory rape case related to the "macho" man. That is the truth, something that will forever be recorded in the annals of Malaysian history.
  8. Actually the statistics are staggering. For those who watched TV9's Halaqah, they may realise that the moderator mentioned it time and time again "What goes around comes around".

    "Macho" man did it in Melaka and now Melaka is facing the issue of 565 out-of-wedlock births between 2009 and the first 6 months of 2010. A complete cycle? They used to say that a leader is like a father to his charge, is this a reminder of what happened in the past? Something that we have to face now?
  9. Teenagers are overly-expose with numerous entertainment and social influence. TV shows like AF, One-in-a-million, So you think you can dance, Jom heboh, Merdekarama and what not has become part and parcel of their life. Along the same line, motivational talks are far in between thus pushing the teens further and further away from mainstream society.
  10. Temptation? It comes plenty. Heard about how teenagers are tempted by electronic gadgets? Or about being seen wearing the latest fashion? Or just being "in" the group? Temptations without a steady source of income push some of these teenagers to do things that they may regret later. Some did it out of their naievity...
  11. Whatever it is, Ali Rustam's idea of providing special schools for pregnant teenagers is something worth exploring :-

    • What is the school's capacity?;
    • How do the state protect the students' identities?;
    • Will this school house the "father to be" too?;
    • What about the Islamic enactment which states that the minimum age for marriage for male is 18 and 16 for female?;
    • What about federal policies? Is Ali Rustam's idea in line with the policies?;
    • Will they be provided hostels and counselling? What type of counselling will be provided?;
    • Will they be provided with training?
    • Who will take care of the babies? Will they be surrendered to the social workers for adoption or will the mothers be given the chance to take care of the babies?;
    • How can the state assure that these pregnant teenagers will not be exploited or sex-ploited?;
    • How long will these teenagers placed in this school? After that, where to?;

  12. It is not easy to address this sensitive issue. However this person has one thing to request from Ali Rustam - by all means, please do not place the "macho" man as the school's principal. We don't want "pisang berbuah dua kali", do we?
Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are... Read More

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Of shame and disgrace : BN and PR are alike...

  1. Shameful! TV3's Berita Utama carried the news of 20 illegal immigrants escaping from Immigration's holding depot in KLIA. Mind you that this is not the first time it happened, the first "Great Escape" happened on 27th March 2010 when 16 illegal immigrants cut through two security grilles to open two gates at the depot.
  2. Our Number two's response? Both he and Hishamuddin formed a committee to investigate the incident. As usual, both number two and Hishamuddin outlined the following actions and views :-

    • Suspend twenty immigration officers in charge of the detention centre;
    • "Harsh" actions to be taken including "change" of home ministry Secretary general and immigration director general (if it was due to "inside job" or work of "syndicate");
    • Officers failed to carry out their duties with high level of integrity and commitment;
    • Any weakness to be reported to Hishamuddin;
    • Viewed human trafficking seriously as this could be linked to drug trafficking and terrorism activities;

  3. Will that be another lip service from number two and Hishamuddin? Everytime someone breaks out from our detention centres, a committee is formed. Everytime there is project fiasco, a committee is formed.

    Committee, committee. When will the real action begins? It is embarrassing to hear time and time again of drug bust worth millions involving foreign nationals. What do we do about it? In one case, these foreign national smugglers can even afford to rent a RM 13000 house!

  4. Hishamuddin mentioned of possible "removal" of both the home ministry's secretary general and the immigration director general. Why not go for that extra one mile, Hishamuddin? Why not "remove" the home minister as well for a leader is the reflection of his followers aka officers!

    Why it happened in Malaysia? Is Malaysia perceived as a "semua boleh" country? Heck! Explain how these 20 illegal immigrants can make their way out of KLIA? If they are in KL now, why are they not detected?

  5. If Hishamuddin can mobilise FRU to manhandle those "No to ISA" activists, then why can't he place these burly FRUs' to man the immigration depot? Is Hishamuddin another "jaguh kampung" who crows hard only at his own kind?
  6. Should the immigration be the sole agency to take the blame? To be fair to them, number two and Hishamuddin should take into account the following :-

    • How many illegal immigrants were there in the holding depot? What is the capacity of the holding depot? Is it overcrowded?;
    • What is the average holding period for the immigrants? How long does it take to get the papers done? How long does it take to deport them?;
    • What is the officer:immigrant ratio? What about the officers working facility? Sufficient? Adequate?;
    • Are the officers well-equipped and well trained? What is their Standard Operating Procedure?;
    • Is the facility well-lighted? Are CCTVs' installed at strategic locations? Are the gates electrically operated or manually opened?;
    • Is the breakout a "salient" message to expedite the deportation process?;

  7. It is easy for Hishamuddin to pass the responsibility to his Secretary general and director general, but in reality, Hishamuddin is the one who should bear the responsibilities. Afterall, is he not the minister in charge?

    Anybody want to bet that both the secretary general and the director general will do a "Nik Ali" on Hishamuddin?

  8. Disgraceful! That may not be the best description but for now that word will do...

    It has been almost a month and Malay Mail broke the news yesterday on Khalid Ibrahim and gang's royal snub. Not just any royalty but Permaisuri Agung herself!

  9. It all began during the Selangor tourism-organised International Islamic Song Festival. The Queen had confirmed that she will attend the event in mid-June , almost 1 month before the festival.

    And yet, it is reported that :-

    • Khalid Ibrahim, Selangor's state executive councillors, elected representatives, senior civil servants failed to attend the function;
    • Selangor government failed to inform HRH Sultan Selangor of the Queen's attendance in Shah Alam;
    • the Federal government was left out of the invitation list;
    • Only 200 attended the function held in a 5000 capacity Melawati indoor stadium;

  10. The witchhunt has begun (again) in Selangor. Khalid, as number two and Hishamuddin, started an investigation on the issue.

    Amongst others, PR-led Selangor's immediate actions were :-

    • Khalid apologise to HRH Sultan Selangor;
    • Instructed Eli Wong to seek audience with the Queen and apologise for the "snub";
    • Issued show cause letter to Selangor Tourism and promoter O2TW for the fiasco;

  11. Are the actions taken by Khalid enough? Consider these :-

    • Who send the official invitation letter to Istana Negara? Is it Selangor tourism or is it the promoter O2TW?. If it is O2TW, do they copied the letter to Selangor state government?;
    • When the protocol officer from Istana Negara requested for a list of dignitaries who will accompany the Queen, why was it not provided?;
    • Did Selangor Tourism briefed both Eli Wong and Khalid on Istana Negara's request?;
    • Is this the PR's way in receiving the Queen (and for that matter the royalty)?

  12. Clearly Khalid Ibrahim and his whole gang of EXCOs' lineup need to learn a thing or two about protocol. Selangor, being one of the foremost state in Malaysia should set a good example.

    However, Khalid failed miserably in that. Frankly, Khalid with years of experience in corporate world should be well aware of protocol. IfKhalid could not handle this simple protocol issue, then it is time for him to be stripped of his Tan Sri-ship. Serious! There is no place in Tan Sri list for a person who could not observe protocol.

  13. Not only that, PR has failed in their first "get to know your Royalty" session! If PR could not handle the Queen, then how can PR handle the King (if and when they take over the Federal government)? Hypothetically speaking, what will happen if the King rejected PR to lead the government after GE 13 due to lack of protocol?

    This is a matter of misplaced priorities. Everybody expect the other to take the lead and in the end it became a headless and leaderless affair. Khalid Ibrahim should be there as he should place the Queen's presence above his other responsibilities. The same goes to the rest of the EXCOs, elected representatives and senior government official. Obviously, Khalid is placing his "interest" on soccer above the Queen's presence.

  14. At Federal level, Malaysia looked foolish with illegal immigrants escape from immigration holding depots. In Selangor, they blundered during the Queen's visit. One by BN, the other by PR. Either way, both are in embarrassing predicaments!

    Are we goofy, inefficient, nonchalant or what? Or are our leaders just plain clowns with their feet too big for their shoes?
Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are... Read More

Monday, August 02, 2010

Of chains : ISA vigils and Ling's...

Vigils and Ling Liong Sik... are they chained?

  1. Men are born free but everywhere he is in chains. Just in case there are some who ask who uttered those words, the answer is Jean-Jacques Rousseau in his book "The Social Contract" published in 1762.
  2. What is this I read about actions taken on activists holding candle-light vigils in Petaling Jaya, Ipoh, Georgetown and Kota Bharu.

    Maybe the police viewed it differently, but what is there to be scared of? These activists are saying their piece on ISA. Shouldn't one entitled to his opinion? Or are we expected to be always be in line with those in Putrajaya?
  3. Back in 2009, ex-PM Pak Lah agreed that ISA should be abolished. Imagine that, if Pak Lah thinks that it's time to abolish ISA, then there are many others in the closet who thinks the same. They may not come out and lend their presence in those venues last night, but deep within, they are thinking that it's time for ISA to go.

    Tun Razak pledged that ISA was introduced to contain Communism. He further pledged that ISA will go once Malaysia is free from the threat. In part, CPM has given their fight against Malaysia when they signed the Hatyai Peace accord.
  4. Thus, why are we still retaining ISA? if CPM is no longer a threat, then why is ISA still there? Why are there non-communists retained in ISA detention centres? Have we not deviate from the main reason why ISA is introduced?

    Is ISA really still necessary? If so, then then it is the responsibility of those elected to parliament to review the cases individually where ISA is not a political tool for the Home Minister.
  5. Malaysians have heard countless times of Putrajaya's assurances that ISA shall be reviewed but nothing positive comes out from promises made. Is Putrajaya really sincere? If they are, why are they dragging their feet and let the 16 or so balance ISA detainees still camped withing the compounds in Kemunting?

    What is the possible solution? Charge the remaining 16 or so detainees in open court. Produce evidences and witnesses and let the courts decide! If there are compelling evidence that they are indeed security threats to Malaysia (not any political party or political leaders), then jailed them. Or are we admitting that our intelligences are not capable of putting the pieces together and not competent in gathering evidences. If so, then on what basis do we isolate these detainees from their rights as human beings and their rights to lead a normal life?

    The question is -is the Government aiming to produce "Pak Turuts" as model citizens? Didn't we hear before that 1MPM6 Najib said "The time of Government knows best is gone"? Or am I dreaming?
  6. If those in Blues acted against activists, then why didn't these same Men in Blues acted against the "illegal gatherings" organised by the men with blue flags? Permits? Do you really need permits to go to the malls? Do you really need permits to hang out in Dataran Merdeka? If that is so, why didn't the police round up football fanatics who gathered in Dataran Merdeka during the recent month-long world football cup?

    It is expected for these Men in Blues to ensure law and order. Do these so-called activists smash windows, overturned cars, set-up barricades ala-Thailand?
  7. On another front, one is held accountable for his actions. As responsible leader, one must be ready to answer to his actions and decisions.

    Former minister Ling Liong Sik was charged in court for graft in PKFZ scandal. The key words are "deceived the Malaysian government in 2002".
  8. Some are at loggerheads whether PKFZ is becoming a racial issue, this is all about collective responsibility, isn't it?

    Ling Liong Sik may be the cabinet minister who presents his papers in the cabinet meeting, but what about the rest of the cabinet members? Is Ling Liong Sik presenting his papers to a group of "yes-men"? Or is the 2002 cabinet ministers a group of "rubber stampers"?

    If they are "yes-men" and "rubber stampers", then how many of these 2002 cabinet ministers still in the cabinet? Shouldn't they be shown the exit door for their incompetence?
  9. Touching on "collective responsibility", then these 2002 cabinet ministers should be charged in court for "deceiving the Malaysian people" of RM4B which might be ballooning to RM 12B PKFZ project.

    What are our ministers doing in 2002? If none stood up and query the figures provided by Ling Liong Sik then, it is clear that these cabinet ministers are not there to serve the country. They are there more on their capacity to sniff opportunities and warm the seats. Isn't it time to retire any present cabinet ministers who were part of the 2002 cabinet team? Can we start from the top down?
  10. It is not too late for "Imam Muda", isn't it? Imam Muda is an ASTRO ala-reality show. It even caught the attention of foreign-based Washington Post and reuters. Now, let's go to some numbers...

    In one of those "Jom pi masjid" ceramahs, the presenter quoted JPN's number that "between 2000 - 2008, there are more than 250,000 babies born out of wedlock". It comes to more than an average of 30,000 per annum. That's more than 2,500 babies born out of wedlock per month. This leads to more and more cases of abandoned babies across the nation. The numbers is not important, so certain bloggers need not question how the numbers are derived as it is JPN's numbers.
  11. Whether it is 1000, 10000, 100000, 250000 does not matters. It shows that we have a major problem in hand. What are we going to do about it?

    The report indicated that 75 % of these babies are Malays. Logically, "Malays''" by definition are Muslims. Muslims frowned on "out of wedlock" relation. Why does it still happen? The answer is simple, really - there are chains to be broken. These so-called "Muslims" by birth have lost their identity.
  12. These "Muslims" feels that they are more progressive by being Westernised. For them, religion is an individual issue between the Maker and the makee. How wrong they are!

    Jean-Jacques Rosseau made famous "Men are born free but everywhere he is in chains" He never refer his statement to the unique relationship between the Maker and His makee. Jean talked about social contract, not about religious contract.
  13. Some chains like ISA has shown proven that it cannot withstand the test of time. Instead, it has proven that ISA can be mis-used. It has also proven that pledges are made to be broken (by later generation leaders).

    What else? It also proved that some leaders preferred the strong arm tactics to keep their citizens in check. To them, if you cannot reason, bundle them off... Is that the correct way?
  14. What is the spirit of ISA? Is it not to contain the communist threat? Are we still at war with communist? If we are not, then isn't it time for us to dispense ISA?

    Ling Liong Sik is in a different chain. His is about collective responsibility. If it is a collection action, then why make Ling Liong Sik the fall guy? Just because Ling LS is retired does not mean that you can do what you want on him. He has pride and he may have a thing or two to prove too. Who knows, he may even bring along a Tun or two as company in the docks...

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...
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