Monday, January 31, 2011

Seterang Tenang...

Tanggal 30hb Januari 2011 jam 10:03 pm menyaksikan pengumuman keputusan PRK Johor N5 Tenang yang memihak kepada BN dengan majoriti 3,707 undi.

Tahniah untuk BN yang berjaya membuktikan :-
  1. Johor masih kubu kuat BN;
  2. Warga FELDA masih setia pada BN;
  3. Melayu merupakan "the real king maker" dalam mana-mana pilihanraya di Semenanjung Malaysia;
  4. UMNO gagal mendidik parti komponen lain (terutamanya MCA) dalam asas pergaulan melibatkan penganut Islam (yang merupakan juga agama resmi Malaysia);
  5. MIC menggunakan segala kesempatan yang ada untuk menampilkan bahwa kaum India merupakan "playmaker" dalam PRK dan menggunakannya sebagai "senjata rundingan" dengan UMNO;
  6. BN sanggup menggunakan apa saja cara termasuk serangan peribadi untuk menang dalam mana-mana pilihanraya;
  7. BN tidak membuat semakan terperinci apabila membuat pilihan calun;
Dalam masa yang sama, SPR sebagai badan yang dipertanggungjawabkan untuk mengendalikan PRK N5 Tenang juga membuktikan :-
  1. SPR gagal untuk menyediakan perkhidmatan sokongan yang baik dalam mengendalikan pengundian semasa hujan hingga menimbulkan keraguan mengenai perkhidmatan "terpilih" pada sesetengah pengundi;
  2. SPR gagal mengenalpasti pusat-pusat pengundi yang paling selamat dalam keadaan hujan;
  3. SPR gagal mengistiyharkan calun yang menang pada pukul 8 malam walaupun jumlah pengundi yang sedikit (sekitar 10,000);
  4. SPR gagal menangani khabar-khabar angin mengenai pengundian ditangguhkan;
Sememangnya telah dijangkakan bahwa BN akan mengekalkan N5 tetapi keputusan semalam menimbulkan beberapa pertanyaan :-
  1. Bagaimana dan mengapa parti pembangkang masih mampu meraih 2,492 undi dalam PRK Tenang? Dengan seluruh jentera parti dan kerajaan berkampung di Tenang, parti pembangkang masih berjaya meraih 2, 492 undi;
  2. Tanpa menggunakan alasan hujan, mengapa BN gagal untuk menyapu Tenang dengan majoriti 5,000 sebagaimana yang di mimpikan Muhyiddein? Apakah kegagalan ini mencerminkan BN masih belum pulih sepenuhnya dan Muhyiddin masih belum boleh mendabik dada bahwa Johor merupakan kubu kuat BN?;
  3. Kekurangan 1,293 undi untuk mencapai impian Muhyiddin bukannya sedikit. Untuk mendapat 3,707 majoriti, Muhyiddin terpaksa membuat perakuan untuk mengubah novel "Interlok", membenarkan Chua SL memperkecilkan Islam selain para juak BN saperti Ahmad Mazlan menghulurkan debat bersyarat kepada ANAK. Pengorbanan sebigu rupa seharusnya menghasilkan satu keputusan yang membolehkan Normala Sudirman hilang deposit!;
  4. Parti pembangkang yang tersepit dengan kekurangan logistik ketika hujan mencurah-curah di Tenang masih berjaya menambat 2,492 undi. Bayangkan kalau Normala juga disediakan dengan logistik canggih, tidak mustahil bagi beliau mencipta satu sejarah...;
  5. Selepas 53 tahun merdeka, BN masih gagal untuk menyelesaikan masaalah perparitan di Tenang. Apakah BN akan menguar-uarkan bahwa hujan semalam adalah pada tahap "luarbiasa"? Apakah ini hadiah BN kepada pengundi Tenang yang "setia" kepada parti memerintah?;

Tenang pasti memberi sedikit kegembiraan kepada Ali Rustam untuk menghadapi Merlimau...tetapi awas...kali ini Merlimau bukan semudah itu...dan yang pasti pemanggil malam akan turun gelanggang disana...

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...
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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Tiada kocakan dalam Tenang...

2 hari pada penentuan Tenang dan jelas sekali Tenang menjadi pilihanraya kecil yang menjurus kepada "memperkecilkan" calun...

Mungkin masa telah melupakan ketika dimana MCA pernah menjadi "taiko" kepimpinan Malaysia apabila parti tersebut dimandatkan untuk "mengetuai" BN buat beberapa jam sebelum BN menerima masuk kembali UMNO (Baru) sebagai parti komponen BN. Justeru itu, tidak heranlah kalau UMNO gagal untuk mendisplinkan MCA apabila Chua SL memainkan isu "bejabat tangan" dalam N5 Johor. Hatta Muhyiddein hanya berupaya membuat saranan kepada MCA tetapi jelas sekali saranan Muhyiddein tidak diendahkan...kesian Muhyiddein aka General pilihanraya BN!

Begitu juga mengenai salahlaku Azahar Ibrhim dengan "pendedahan" PAS berhubung dengan kes lelongan tanah di Segamat. Apapun, amatlah menghairankan apabila suratkhabar dan segelintir bloggers "mantauliahkan" pangillan timangan Tok Ai kepada calun UMNO. Bila masa dia mendapat gelaran Datuk? Anak pun kecil lagi kalaupun hendak ber"datu"kan cucu...

Menang kalah, Tok Ai pasti mendapat ganjaran dan pampasan setimpal dengan "pengorbanan" beliau pada UMNO. Mungkin pengarah untuk 24 syarikat? Lain pula dengan Normala yang akan berdepan dengan senario kewangan baru selepas 30 hb ini.

Biarlah BN bermegah dengan "rekod buruk" yang mengulang "kejayaan" BN sejak zaman berzaman. BN ternyata gagal menangani desakan MIC dalam kes novel "Interlok". Dimana letaknya kreativiti Abdullah Husein? Apatah lagi novel tersebut dicetak sejak 1971! Mengapa perlu tunduk kepada desakan MIC? Apakah Muhyiddein dah terlalu desperate untuk memenangi hati MIC? Apa salahnya Interlok? Seandainya ianya dikatakan mencetus ketidakpuasan hati kaum India, apakah ianya bukan hakikat pada masa dahulu? Apakah rakyat Australia akan bangkit menuntut novel Great Expectation karya Charles Dicken diubahsuai kerana mengambarkan Australia sebagai pulau buangan penjenayah England? Sememangnya Australia pada satu ketika dahulu pusat buangan penjenayah...jadi apa hal? Sememangnya India menngandungi kasta, jadi kenapa perlu kita menidakkan sejarah? Kalau MIC nak bersensitif pun, biarlah kena pada tempatnya...apa yag dilakukan oleh MIC ialah mengugut BN dengan 12 % undi Tenang yang dipegang oleh kaum India. Seandainya BN tunduk (dan sememangnya tunduk pun), maka apalah harapan kita kepada BN yang akur kepada tuntutan kaum-kaum lain asalkan mereka kekal memerintah negara? Dimana maruah BN? Dimana maruah negara kalau parti memerintah akur pada ugutan yang dibuat oleh kaum-kaum atas nama sensitiviti walaupun hakikatnya ada kebenaran pada isu yang dianggap sensitif itu?

Begitu juga dengan pengumuman Ahmad Mazlan yang sanggup untuk membincang dengan cara tertutup mengenai tuntutan generasi kedua peneroka FELDA. Mengapa tertutup dan mengapa sekarang? Apakah Mazlan fikir beliau dapat mengula-gulakan peneroka dengan janji tersebut? Seandainya apa yang dikatakan ANAK benar, mengapa BN mengambil sikap berdiam diri? Apakah BN anggap peneroka FELDA boleh diperalatkan sepanjang masa untuk kepentingan BN? Tun Razak mencetuskan idea FELDA, apakah 1MPM6 Najib akan mengkuburkan FELDA dengan menidakkan hak peneroka dan generasi kedua anak-anak FELDA?

Memang tiada kocakan dalam Tenang. Tapi bak kata Aspan Alias "Air tenang jangan disangka tiada buaya"... kisaran underwater current mungkin akan menengelamkan bahtera BN yang sememangnya koyak rabak sejak Mac 2008...

Ya, BN mungkin masih berupaya mempertahankan Tenang tetapi sekiranya ianya berlaku, kemenangan BN bukanlah atas usaha UMNO, MCA atau MIC tetapi lebih berupa rasa "terhutang budi" peneroka FELDA atas "kemurahan" Tun Razak memberi mereka peluang mengerjakan tanah FELDA dan selepas Tenang, maka terlunaslah "hutang" peneroka FELDA kepada BN khususnya UMNO!

Peribadi? Saya mengharapkan satu keajaibpan di Tenang. Semuanya tidak mustahil... bersediakah anda dengan keajaibpan itu? Bersdia atau tidak... 30hb akan kujung jua...

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...
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Monday, January 24, 2011

Of "Tenang"ly waiting since 25 years...

Another day, another fossilised wish unearthed in N5 Tenang, Johor...

First, let's be clear that Tenang has been BN's fixed assets since 1957 and Tenang is also a state seat under Labis parliamentary seat which is currently held by Chua Jr, the son of Chua Kin Sheng. Chua Kin Sheng? Yes, Chua Kin Sheng is more famously known as Chua SL, the main DVD actor whose DVD hit platinum in underground market. The same Chua who is the current MCA President and the same guy who fathered Chua Tee Yong and guided his junior to take his place as Labis MP. For Chua SL @ Chua KS, all is well and there is no elements of nepotism involved here...

Back to our posting, let's go back to fossilised wish and promise made to our 1M Chinese brothers of Tenang. Back in 1986, the government (read : BN) promised to reopen a Chinese independent school in Segamat within 3 months. 25 years later, whilst celebrating the promise "silver jubilee", Johor Hua Zong (Federation of Chinese Associations) Chairperson raised up the issue again, this time during the 100-table dinner in conjunction with Tenang by-election, with Ghani Othman and Liow Tiong Lai's attendance!

Imagine that, 25 years of unfufilled promise by BN! Bear in mind that Najib 1MPM6 was once the Minister of Education and so is Johoreans Hishamuddein and now Muhyiddein. At least 2 Johoreans Minister of education since 1986 and BN still failed to fulfill their promise! And they coined the term 1Malaysia?

Chua Soi Lek, the father and former Labis MP as well as current MCA President failed to pursue this 25-year promise. Maybe this time around, with N5 Tenang by-election on the line, BN can finally officiate "ribbon cutting" ceremony for a Chinese independent school in Segamat and in the process get it recognised in Malaysia books of records for longest 25-years unfulfilled promise (by BN). Or will BN turn around and claim that this is another fabricated story by the opposition? Or will BN be walking with their tails between their legs, with regards to this issue?

How long can Johor Hua Zhong stomach this unfilled promise? How much longer can 14,753 voters be "tenang"ly waiting for undeliverables from BN? Mind you that if BN can do that for 25 years, what stops them for carrying on for another 25 years? Let's give PAS a helping hand and force the cards on BN to deliver their promises. BN has been complacent for far too long to the extent that nothings seems to jolt them up anymore. Let's all do our part and give Johor Hua Zhong their independent Chinese school in Segamat...

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are... Read More

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Tenang: Losing the calm...

Is this the Islamic standards of Chua Soi Lek?

Remember about the previous posting regarding Husnudzon? Yeah, the one about good faith or "bersangka baik". It doesn't happen in Tenang, at least not for Johor N5 by election.

Before the dust of the nomination process settled, it is pure disgusting for some "unwanted" elements to raise the temperature by a few notches with "wild and unsubstantiated" allegations against PAS candidate, an attempt to demonise her, perhaps? Well, this scribe is not going to put the blame squarely on the ever-enterprising UMNO but if it is indeed the works of UMNO's M16! Worse when Tenang is suppose to be one of UMNO' safe seats!

Imagine what would have happen if Tenang is not UMNO's stronghold! What would have happen and how low will UMNO (and for that matter BN) goes will be unprecedented -all for that grip for power! It is beyond comprehension why someone can goend this my friends is not politics, it is responsibilites towards another Muslim!

Now, now...about MCA's claims of PAS candidate being anti-social for her stance to avoid shaking hands with men, obviously UMNO is not a good role leader on Islam...and that's why MCA is yelping on non-issues! Why should Normala shake the hands of men? Why can't BN respect the wishes and religous stands of individuals? Afterall, what Normala did is in line with her religion! No wonder, we have BN MPs' who loves degrading women in parliament, because their big brother UMNO fails to "schooled" their party members on the can and can't for this scribe pity UMNO for their failures. It is thus not a shocker when their leaders' wife goes about with "open top" like Rosmah did in her recent "tour of duty" to the middle east!

Why is BN getting over-hype in Tenang, their stronghold? Is it because everyone is trying to get into Najib's good books for the upcoming GE? If that is so, why is MIC going against the tide with their stand on one novel? Is MIC craving for attention or is it Palanivel's way of declaring that their is a new man in MIC house?

Goodies? Keep em coming in Tenang...courtesy of N,and 1M NGO. Hopefully Tenang will deliver one strong message to BN, this scribe is not looking for an upset in Tenang, reduce majority will suffice...

Me? Most probably will not be able to drop by Tenang...

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...
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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Husnuzhon... what's wrong with that?

Husnuzhon is positive thinking or simply put "bersangka baik". There is always two sides to a coin (unless you have a double sided coin)!

Husnuzhon or thereabout (in terms of spelling). That's the approach to be taken by all quarters if we were to avoid the embarrassing tit for tat statements. I mean just look at the following issues dogging our consciousness :-
  1. Rais "I change my mode" Yatim refuted allegations, including of rape, made against him by bloggers and political parties.

    Funny thing about this whole issue is Rais let it spin out of control for almost 10 days before refuting the allegation. And even then, it is so conspicuously close to 1M PM6's first 2011 cabinet meeting. Did he refuted the allegation so that it is not brought up during the cabinet meeting? Does anybody instructed him to refute the allegations?

    The puzzling part is why did our PHd minister blame the bloggers? The first thing that the bloggers ask is for the minister (and they never named Rais, during the first few days) and the government to seriously look into the allegations, investigate and come out clean. The political parties jump into the bandwagon at a much later stage and even that, they do it to get our police to investigate the report from one so-called NGO.

    So, is there any need for Rais to jump? Or is his hair getting messed up, just like the days when a political murder case hit the news many many years back? Back then, there were talks of a certain NS political figure coming to work in slippers...hhhmmm I wonder if that's true!

  2. Najib "1MPM6" announced RCI to probe violations on TBH's human rights. What? Najib promised to set up up RCI on 17th July 2009 and now almost 18 months later, Najib only manage to come up with the RCI's terms of reference!

    18 months has passed and the coroner's "open verdict" may not be acceptable to many but at least it rules out suicide. So, what does that mean? We do not have a time machine to visit that fateful day when TBH met his Maker, and the police has so far reach dead ends in solving the mysteries behind his unexpected demise.

    Yet Najib choose to limit the TOR to human rights violation. Why? If that is his intention, does he really needs the coroner's verdict before setting up the much-awaited RCI? As far as this scribe is concerned, there is no necessity for Najib to wait 18 months as the coroner's TOR and the proposed RCI's TOR are worlds apart! Unless, this is another carefully staged act by Najib.

  3. The recent appointment of the new Selangor State Secretary certainly is certainly extraordinary! Khalid (as Selangor MB) claimed that he did not recommend Khusrin, whilst Sidek (as KSN) claimed that he notified the state government on their recommendation and short-listed candidate. The palace came out claiming the palace has no say in Khusrin's appointment, apart from consenting the appointment. So - Who's the Boss?

    Khalid is currently Selangor's CEO. By that virtue alone, he should be the right person to make the final recommendation. Unless, Ramli (the recently retired SS and newly-appointed to Selangor's Royal Council member) by-pass Khalid and in the process rewarded with the powerful council member seat.

    Based on the belief that more clout should be given to the Sultan and the state government in matters pertaining to the appointment of Selangor state Secretary, there will be a special Selangor legislative assembly to ammend the state constitution this coming 24th January 2011. Now, why 24th January 2011? Is this going to be a political weapon to be launch during the up and coming Tenang by election scheduled to be held on 30th January 2011?

The list can goes on and on but there must be a stop to it. That's why there is a need husnuzhon. Husnuzhon is positive thinking or simply put "bersangka baik". There is always two sides to a coin (unless you have a double sided coin)!

Maybe Rais did not do it regardless of possible "new" developments. If he did not do it, then Rais should be demanding for the NGO to retract their statement and publicly apologise to him. This is more-so critical when the "accusation" may jeorpadise our good relationship with our ASEAN neighbour. Maybe it is not plausible for a "learned PHd" like Rais to stoop that low as he has better access to many other much more prettier SYT as he is in directly in charge of local-breed artistes...A little bit of husnuzhon should be applicable here, don't you think so?

The same goes for Najib and TBH. Maybe Najib is genuinely concern with the accusations that touches on MACC's integrity. That's why after a long and hard 18 months, Najib finally decided to set up a RCI whose members are still unknown. It may takes 1MPM6 Najib another 18 months to come up with the names of those who will sit on RCI's board...Maybe the events leading to TBH's untimely death will never be known but one thing is for sure, it will never match Who actually killed JFK...Husnuzhon, my friends husnuzhon...Najib is doing his 1M best to determine that there is no human rights abuse when it comes to TBH...and Najib is not leaving any stones untouched to get to the bottom of it (and that is why Najib hibernated for 18 months to come out with the RCI decision)!

Is it possible for Selangor State Secretary appointment is caused by pure miscommunication? Sidek send a letter to Selangor state government through (melalui) Selangor State Secretary...and he did not forward it to Khalid. Instead, he comes out with the list of candidates and being a strong "ahli sunnah wal al jamaah", he commended Khusrin for JAIS raid on "shiah" and rewarded him with the conveted post? As for Khalid, he is genuinely working on legalising more clout for the Sultan and has nothing to do at all with the upcoming Tenang election...Husnuzhon, husnuzhon...what is done and happen in Selangor is for the benefit of the people and shoring up support for HRH. No hidden agenda...if everyone look at it husnuzhonly... this scribe write the posting in deep husnuzhon? :)...

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...
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Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Federalising Selangor...

I know, I know - there is no such word as federalising...but in this strange time, everything is possible. If one can abuse the standing orders and protocols, so what is there to hype about minor grammatical mistake. Afterall, it might be accepted as a word one day...

The word is not important but what's transpiring in Selangor is...and will affect our future...
  1. The federal-backed appointment of Khusrin Munawi as Selangor State Secretary is going to be another interesting chapter in Malaysian politics. It may not be the first controversy but enough to verify that Bukit Kayangan hands are tied as the Royal house claim that they are powerless in this issue.
  2. Khalid reportedly briefed the press that the Sultan said that the Sultan has no power to accept or to reject an appointment by the Public Service Commission (PSC).
  3. Let's look at the issue objectively or at least try to be objective in analysing the scenario. Most states in Malaysia have three top public servants as nominated EXCO members. They are the State Secretary, the State Financial Officer and the state legal officer.
  4. Most states also have their own state Public Service Commission (PSC) who is responsible in appointing state officers. As in the case of Selangor, that may covers the various state departments like MAIS, JAIS, local authorities etc. The state PSC is also responsible in vetting suitable candidates for the post of State Secretary, State legal officer and state Financial Officer.
  5. Generally speaking, the federal administration (that is the KSN) normally seconded their own legal officers as state Legal Officer to advise the state on legal matters. The federal administration may be requested to nominate a few suitable candidates from their vast pool of senior officers for the post of State Secretary and state Financial officer if and only if requested by the state PSC.
  6. The state PSC will normally recommend the candidate to the Sultan after getting the approval from the MB. The Sultan's consent is purely academic as these three nominated EXCO members have to work closely with MB and implementing the policies approved by the state government.
  7. In terms of seniority, the State Secretary is number 1 state public servant, followed by the state Financial Officer (SFO) and then the state Director of Land and Mines (PTG). As the state Legal Officer is normally seconded from the federal staff, they are not considered for the State Secretary post. By that convention, it is also a normal practise for the State Financial Officer to take over the post of the State Secretary when the latter retires.
  8. With that in mind, these questions need to be answered :-

    • Who seek the audience in Bukit Kayangan to recommend Khusrin as the State Secretary? Is he empowered to do the recommendation? Is he from the Selangor Public Service Commission?;
    • Did this person discuss and vetted the list together with Khalid, as Selangor MB or is he taking matters into his own hands?;
    • Why isn't the state Financial Officer not recommended for the state Secretary post? Is he not senior enough for the post?;
    • Is Khusrin's seniority at par (or better) than the current state financial officer and other senior officers in Selangor state administration? If he is not, that on what criteria is he appointed to the post?;
    • Khusrin's past appointment includes being a special officer to Khir Tpyo (when he was Selangor MB). This means that Khusrin is "politically-inclined" towards the party that Khir Toyo represents. Will this not jeorpadise the "Private & Confidential" information normally discussed during weekly EXCO meetings?; Who will give the assurance that Khusrin will not "leak" these vital information to third parties?;

  9. Maybe, the state Secretary "mix-up" is due to Khir Toyo's precedence. It is said that Khir Toyo was responsible for the current mess because Khir's administration left the appointment of the then State Secretary to the KSN. If that is true, then 2 wrongs does not make it right and it is of utmost importance for Selangor to get it all right before this "mix-up" spread t other states, particularly in PR-led states.
  10. Selangor is one of the richest state in Malaysia and it is a gold-mine to many. It is not impossible for Najib to use KSN as his instruments to plant his own man as Selangor State Secretary, someone who can throw spanner to PR-led state government.
  11. However, it is best for Najib to let the states to run their own administration on their own terms. Putting Khusrin in Selangor hot seat may be legally correct but definitely ethically wrong. Or has Najib forgotten that just because his aim is to get Selangor at all cost. Bear in mind that Najib is Selangor's UMNO chief and wresting Selangor from PR is his main objective.
  12. All said and done, federalising Selangor is not the best solution for all parties concern. Khusrin may be "politically-inclined" but he may also be a sacrificial pawn. That is normal for BN - anything goes, as long as they get what they wanted.
  13. The better solution for Selangor "mix -up still lies in Bukit Kayangan. The occupant can always call Putrajaya and withold the swearing-in ceremony. Next, he can instructed the MB and the state PSC to peruse through the recommendation again and get the best person for the job with the right credentials and seniority.
  14. It's all in the heart. Is Bukit Kayangan willing with both Khalid and KSN co-operating. If not, then let 2011 witness the federalisation of Selangor...
  15. Oh by the way, it will be Selangor footing Khusrin's salary and not the federal government. So by logic, you come into my house, please show some respect as you will be using my belongings...the same goes for Federal government (by way of KSN's actions) when dealing with Selangor state secretary issue...

    I stand corrected with my views...
Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...
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Sunday, January 02, 2011

I am back...

Yes, I am back! No, I will not change my style nor will I be taking the high road of gung ho-ism in getting my points across! Maybe, I will be more direct in my future approach. Whatever it is, as Neil Diamond's I am...I said, it goes something like this...(with some minor adjustments...)

Well, I am Malaysian born and raised,
But nowadays I am lost between two shores,
Madinah's fine but it ain't home,
Malaysia's home but it ain't ours no more...

During the past 2 months that I was away and chose to be on "silent mode", there are some disturbing developments that will shape our future political landscape. And this time around, let me be frank in outlining what I think about these developments...So, like or not, here goes my mumbo jumbo rumble of 2011...
  1. Federalist invasion of state administration

    It started from Perak and now it seems to be creeping in Selangor as well! To some, all is fair in love and war. This scribe does not think so, not when our votes are horse traded for the financial advancement of the selected few. Perak is done and dealt with, regardless of morality prostitution by those who are power crazy. And let history records the action of those responsible to reverse the peoples' decision for, some say RM Billion project which is in the pipeline. Is this the "you scratch my back, I scratch yours" approach applicable in this 1M era?

    However, what happen in Selangor ie the selection of the incoming State Secretary is totally beyond comprehension! For one, who is the government of the day for Selangor? Is it PR or is it BN? Or is it some other entity? If it is a non-political entity, then how do we re-define the government of the day? Are we in a democratic, autocratic, or is it automatic states? 2008 has provided way for PR to govern Selangor. And as far as this scribe can recall, there is no change in Selangor why is the federal government (inclusive of KSN) by-pass the duly elected Selangor government to announce the incoming State Secretary. Are we transcending all the rules to achieve our political ambition? Is this what 1M is all about? It is only 1M way and that's it? No choice for laymen like you and me? Is this the 1M democracy?

    No! Don't pass the ball to Istana Kayangan. Istana Kayangan is suppose to be apolitical! So, please tell me...who is the authority to forward the nmes to Istana Kayangan? Selangor state government or KSN or Putrajaya? Or is this going to be another "coming soon" legal blockbuster?

    Whatever it is, common sense can still prevail as the swearing in will only be held on 6th January 2011. The decision lies within KSN, Khalid and Najib...and Najib can shoot his foot (again) if he continues to do his 1M way to regain Selangor through some dubious ways...

    A friendly advise is to allow Khalid's administration to propose their state secretary choice and get along with it! The people are tired of the Perak saga and they do not need the Selangor saga to start 2011!

  2. Najib riding high in 2010 Will Galas and Batu Sapi be the turning point for BN? Regardless of what the MSM wrote, actually both Galas and Batu Sapi is BN's for the taking. But there are some lessons from here too...Galas is in Gua Musang parliamentary seat and is Tg Razaleigh's stronghold. It is only a matter oh how much majority BN will win Galas. Not only that, it is a strong indication of how much BN needs old warhorses of Tg Razaleigh's calibre. Take it or leave it, BN is still dependent of old war horses. And that signals trouble in the coming GE 13...Batu Sapi message is clear. Yong TL is no longer the king maker. That is a clear signal that Sabah is ready for changes but that changes will be dictated by the rakyat, not by political pretenders like Yong TL, Ansari and even Jeffrey! And Anwar Ibrahim can be rest assured that he is a non-starter in Sabah politics...As for Najib, this is the time for him to go for the kill, before PR knows what really hits them...provided Najib has the guts but seriously with NKRA (Najib kerja, Ros*** arah), Najib will not take that political decision, not on his own mind. Unless, someone pushes him to do has been said years ago that Najib is a lallang. He follows the breeze and that is well documented during the Mahathir-Tg Razaleigh era when he pledge his last minute allegiance to Mahathir when it is well known that he is a Tg Razaleigh supporter. What changes him? Is it not the conveted post of Ketua Pemuda UMNO?Whatever..whenever...what goes around comes around. It is also said that he is an opportunist, a calculated opportunist. If that is true, then maybe another opportunist is riding on him now, which is weighing him down even within UMNO! That Najib has to be aware but unfortunately Najib choose to ignore the threat. And the more this scribe look at it, the more this scribe see the image of a younger Imelda Marcos ruining Najib's 1M era. Unfortunately, this wannabe Imelda is shorter and a little bit more plumb than the original Imelda. If Najib wants to leave a legacy, let it not be ruined by the wardrobe as what Imelda Marcos is infamous is all up to Najib. Does he has the guts or will he swallow his pride...

  3. Anwar, the crippling factor in PR

    What is the problem with PKR? Clueless? Heh heh...PKR's main problem is Anwar's hero-worshipping syndrome!This scribe has written before in no uncertain terms of his obsession to be the next PM. That's where he fails! And in failing , he has "effectively" dismantle PKR. Look where is PKR today? Their internal bickering is shameful and their MPs are tagged with "For sale" signs! And Anwar could not control this cancerous rot! How can he, when he is not even PKR's President?

    Look at Anwar's achievement. Since becoming the opposition leader, he has handed the 2/3 parliamentary majority to Najib on a silver platter. Is that the way of a seasoned, experienced politician? Forget about Anwar's claims of proofs on APCO's involvement with 1M slogan. Does it matter? No...So why is Anwar harping on non-issues? This scribe will not even raise an eyelid even if Najib claims that 1M slogan comes from PR!

    The bigger issue is - when Anwar effectively handed BN the 2/3 parlimentary majority, BN can now do what they pleases, like how they do it before 2008 and there is nothing Anwar can do about it. Not in the next 6 months, at least! So, will we see GST being approved? If it does, this scribe will never forgive Anwar for his "betrayal" to the rakyat!

And we have not even touch on the bloggers yet...Maybe, in next posting yeah...

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...
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