Sunday, February 28, 2010

Syafia: Pemergianmu akan dikenang...

Dimana harus kita mulai kisah Syafia Humairah? Dalam umat Islam menyambut Maulidul Rasul dan menganjurkan majlis ilmu mengenai junjungan Nabi Muhamad SAW, kanak-kanak kecil berumur 3 tahun ini dikatakan disepak dengan sepatu bola kerana menangis ditepi padang bola. Juga dikatakan bahwa mangsa disepak oleh teman lelaki ibunya yang kemudian menghantar mangsa ke hospital dan memberitahu kakitangan hospital bahwa mangsa merupakan mangsa kemalangan jalanraya. Baca berita seterusnya disini.

Akhbar berbahasa Inggeris pula menyiarkan berita itu dengan membawa pendedahan baru yang menghangatkan lagi kes ini. Baca berita tersebut disini , disini dan disini.

Stesyen TV juga memberi liputan kepada kes ini tetapi sebagaimana biasa, muka suspek yakni teman lelaki ibu Syafia telah dikaburkan untuk mengelakkan identiti beliau terbongkar. Dalam masa yang sama, pihak akhbar dan berita TV telah menyiarkan dengan sewenang-wenangnya gambar ibu Syafia saperti Berita Harian disini...

Bagi penulis, pemergian Syafia Humairah tidak harus dipandang ringan. Sebenarnya Humairah perlu dijadikan iktibar dan juga perlu dijadikan satu panggilan kecemasan betapa umat Islam Malaysia berada diambang keruntuhan sosial yang dasyat. Dalam hal ini, mari kita sama-sama menyelami tentang rumusan dari berita yang diambil dari dada akhbar dan juga siaran berita dari kaca TV :-
  1. Teman lelaki ibu Syafia yang berumur 28 tahun telah ditahan reman sehingga 3hb Mac untuk membantu siasatan polis;
  2. Saksi-saksi mendakwa teman lelaki ibu Syafia menendang Syafia dengan sepatu bola kerana beliau menangis ditepi padang;
  3. Orang ramai yang menyaksikan kejadian telah meleraikan lelaki tersebut dari terus mencabuli Syafia dan mengesa beliau menghantar mangsa ke hospital untuk rawatan;
  4. Lelaki tersebut mendakwa bahwa Syafia ialah mangsa kemalangan jalan raya;
  5. Lelaki tersebut mendakwa bahwa beliau akan membuat lapuran polis tentang kemalangan tersebut tetapi menghilangkan diri;
  6. Ibu Syafia sedang bekerja ketika tragedi ini berlaku;
  7. Lelaki tersebut ditahan polis pada pukul 3 pagi;
  8. Bapa kandung Syafia kini sedang menjalani hukuman penjara sejak 2006 dan tidak mendapat kebenaran dari pihak penjara untuk menghadiri perkebumian anaknya;
  9. Ibu Syafia mula mengenali teman lelaki (suspek) sejak 6 tahun lalu;
  10. Adalah dipercayai bahwa ibu Syafia mempunyai anak berumur 18 bulan hasil hubungan belaiu dengan lelaki tersebut;
  11. Adalah dipercayai juga bahwa ibu Syafia sedang mengandung 4 bulan hasil hubungan tersebut;
  12. Juga dikatakan bahwa pihak polis telah memajukan aduan kepada pihak berkuasa agama mengenai kes ini dimana ibu Syafia bersekedudukan dengan teman lelaki tanpa ikatan perkahwinan yang sah sehingga melahirkan anak berumur 18 bulan dan kini sedang mengandung 4 bulan;
  13. Dilapurkan juga bahwa datuk Syafia telah membuat kenyataan bahwa beliau tidak dapat memaafkan suspek (teman lelaki ibu Syafia);
  14. Dikatakan juga bahwa kali terakhir Syafia Humairah menziarah datuknya ialah lebih kurang 2 minggu lalu;
Itu yang dihidangkan sebagai rujukan bacaan. Memang mengejutkan, memang menyedihkan kerana kes Syafia Humairah menunjukkan kepincangan sistem masyarakat Islam Malaysia. Bayangkan yang tidak tersurat :-
  1. Dari kenyatan oleh Datuk Syafia, ketara bahwa Syafia dan ibunya menziarah keluarga 2 minggu lalu. Persoalannya sekarang - apakah Datuk Syafia meredhai hubungan ibu Humairah dengan teman lelaki tersebut? Sekiranya ya, apakah tindakan datuk Syafia untuk memperbetulkan keadaan memandangkan bahwa ibu Syafiadan teman lelaki neliau duduk bersama? Apa yang telah dilakukan oleh Datuk Syafia tentang kehadiran cucu berumur 18 bulan dan kandungan ibu Syafia yang berumur 4 bulan? Apakah tindakan keluarga Syafia Humairah dalam menangani masalah ini?
  2. Mungkin ibu Syafia dalam proses penceraian dari suami beliau yang kini merengkok didalam penjara. Kalau itu alasannya - apakah jabatan agama lambat dalam memproses permohonan tersebut? Siapa yang salah? Pegawainya atai sistem birokratik? Apa jua alasan dan siapa jua yang bersalah, siapa pula yang akan menanggung dosa yang telah dilakukan atas kelalaian dan kelemahan sistem birokratik? Apakah kita akan menunding jari kepada yang lain tanpa mengambil tanggungjawab atas kelemahan umah sendiri?
  3. Bagaimana pula dengan jiran tetangga yang terus menyepikan diri dari kesalahan agama ini? Apakan kesalahan ini dipandang ringan atas sifat "jangan menjaga tepi kain orang"? Bukankah sifat semulajadi Melayu yang begitu beriya-iya mengata dan berlumba-lumba ingin mengetahui "rahsia" jiran? Kenapa kali ini tidak? Apakah Syafia tinggal dikelilingi oleh jiran bukan Islam?
  4. Kemana arah tuju kita selepas ini? Apakah masyarakat akan berpeluk tubuh dan berpuas hati apabila ibu Syafia dan temannya dihadapkan dimahkamah syariah atas tuduhan bersekedudukan tanpa nikah? Apakah masyarakat akan berpuas hati sekiranya mereka dihukum sebat ala-syariah?;
  5. Bagaimana pula apabila tersiar didada akhbar gambar saudara Syafia yang bertudung meratapi pemergin Jumairah? Apakah masyarakat mempersenda Islam dengan bertutudung apabila dimajlis kemtian tetapi dalam masa yang sama mengegar arash dengan perlakuan yang tersenarai sebagai dosa besar dalam Islam?

Jelas sekali bahwa sebagai sebuah negara Islam, negara telah gagal untuk membentuk satu masyarakat Islam yang berpegang teguh kepada ajaran yang dibawakan oleh nabi Muhamad SAW. Pemimpin politik dan masyarakat nampaknya lebih prihatin kepada bagaimana untuk memperkayakan diri sendiri dan memikirkan cara dan slogan untuk memenangi hati rakyat untuk kekal berkuasa.

Masyarakat telah gagal untuk menangani masalah yang menimpa Syafia. Kegagalan ini bukan terletak dibahu ibu Syafia atau dipikul oleh datuknya saja, tetapi adalah kegagallan umah Islam dari semua peringkat. Kita bukan lagi bergerak dengan satu hati sebagaimana yang dikatakan "kalau cubit paha kanan, paha kiri pun terasa".

Apakah masyarakat Islam kini ditengelami dengan rasa "inferiority complex" sehingga ada diantara umah yang sanggup melanggar ketentuan agama yang dibawa oleh nabi Mohamad SAW kerana ingin dikatakan "hip", moden, mengikut peredaran zaman dan "emancipated"?

Masyarakat Islam sudah tidak peka kepada apa yang berlaku disekeliling dan hanyut bersama dalam dunia palsu yang dipelopori barat. Yang lelaki dayus mempertahan agama sementara yang perempuan beriya-iya mengejar "kesaksamaan" dan "kebebasan bersuara". Dalam pada itu, masyarakat juga dipinggirkan oleh mereka yang bergelar ustaz tetapi lebih gemar mengejar duniawi, berkereta besar, bersentuh bahu dengan pembesar negara.

Dalam ceramah-ceramah agama, suara mereka bergegar membelah bumi mengaku kebesaran Allah tetapi apakah pengorbanan mereka untuk membantu Syafia Humairah, ibunya, teman lelakinya, datuknya dan mereka yang sewaktu dengan mereka? Bacalah betapa ramainya yang mengaku ustaz tetapi menyalahgunakan "keustaz-han" mereka untuk berlaku sumbang kepada anak-anak yang diamanahkan kepada mereka?

Setiap kali keta terhantuk, sekali kita tergadah. Sampai bila masyarakat Islam Malaysia akan bersifat sebagai pahat yang hanya bergerak bila dipukul. Dimana sifat kasih sayang terhadap sesama Islam? Dimana sifat "Anil Makruf nahi mingkar" yang perlu ada dalam setiap yang mengaku sayang kepada nabi Muhamad SAW? Apakah masyarakat lebih selesa berebut menjuarai siapa menang pembarisan terbaik maulud nabi? Apakah kita bangga pada pencapaian tokoh itu dan ini tetapi dalam masa yang sama kita tidak mengambil pot dengan alam sekeliling?

Marilah sama sama kita jadikan pemergian Humairah sebai iktibar dan peringatan bahwa masyarakat Islam kini dihanyut arus yang kita cipta sendiri. Marilah kita sama-sama mengambil peluang ini untuk pulang kepangkal jalan. Kita harus bermula dari diri sendiri, ahli keluarga kita, keluarga terdekat, juran, kampung, bandar dan seterusnya negara. Kita perlu memperbetulkan keadaan sekarang sebelum masyarakat Islam Malaysia terus hanyut tanpa pedoman, tanpa arah.

Gunakanlah masa ini untuk mendekati kepada perjuangan junjungan kita. Hayatilah kehidupan beliau dan kembalilah ketiang agama kalau kita benar-benar cinta kepada nabi Muhamad SAW.
Akhir sekali - tepuk dada tanya selera, kemana arah kita? Apakah kita akan terus menjadi juara kampung? Menang kokok, kampung tergadai? Fikir-fikirkanlah...

(Nota penulis : Saya menadah doa kehasrat ilahi agar ada berita lain yang akan menidakkan semua berita yang telah disiarkan kerana sekiranya berita yang disiarkan benar, maka pihak berwajib perlulah segera menangani masaalah ini dengan segera)

Sehingga ketemu lagi...selamat malam M'sia...dimana jua anda berada... Read More

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Of GST : Poor man's sacrifice, Rich man's bonus...

Selangor has initiated the public forum on GST and I believe the other PR-led states will follow suit. When will the federal government comes up with its own GST public forum? Don't whisper to me and say that the government's public forum is held in private and upon "invitation only". If that is the case then Putrajaya will be hosting a new batch of administrators after GE 13....BN don't want that to happen, do they?

On 24th February 2010, Selangor state government organised a public forum "Implikasi GST kepada rakyat". Let me say that the forum was well attended and the panel of speakers come prepared.

GST (Good & service Tax) is another BN-initiated move to tax the masses and is expected to be enforced by middle of 2011. From the forum, PR's stand of opposing the timing and wisdom of introducing GST is made clear through pamplet, audio and visual aid. Some of the issues raised are :-
  1. GST will affect all 12 million workers in both public and private sectors, regardless of their income level;
  2. The Government claimed that GST will add another RM 1.7B to the government's coffers and the total income through tax to be around RM 13 B. What the government failed to explained is that through GST and its implementation, the workers will have to absorb the cost of RM 6.7 B (1.7B from GST, 1.4B to offset the savings to exporters, 3.6B to offset the cost charged by accountants/tax consultants);
  3. If 12 million workers has to absorb the cost of RM 6.7B, each worker will effective have to pay RM 558.33 through purchase of goods, loss of subsidies, increase in cost;
  4. To put GST in place, Australia spends Aus 5B and Canada spends USD 5B and both of them started GST 10 years ago. That said, it is quite amazing to see how the Government claimed that they only need RM 200 M to put GST inplace. Have they considered training, consulting costs, logistics, paperwork, hardwares and softwares?;
  5. For other countries, they have placed and stabilised anti-profiteering act before thay put GST in place. Malaysia, being a super country in the world that may have the only submarine that cannot dive (maybe it now can dive for how long?) plans to introduce both anti-profiteering act and GST at the same time. How can that be done when the enforcement officers needs training on anti-profiteering act (no need to take the problems of corruption into account) and to enforce the act whilst at the same time GST will be in place?;
  6. Noted that the government are cash-strapped (due to both domestic and foreign loans), there are still other avenues where the government can earn RM 1.7B without burdening the rakyats viz the workers. Examples given are to study the toll concessionaires, IPP rates (and may I add to minimise 1MPM6's penchant of "throwing money" when visiting places eg Sabah, sarawak, juara rakyat);
  7. Will the government stop practising "negotiated" tender which has cost Malaysians dearly such as the RM 12B PKFZ, the delayed double tracking project, the abandoned crooked bridge etc?. If they forego the negotiated tender (and contracts), we may have the extra RM 1.8 B to spend for the country's expenditure;
  8. BN will not enforce GST before GE 13 for obvious reasons;
  9. By using GST rate of 4 % as an example, a worker earning RM 1,000 (and spending RM 900) will pay an effective tax of 3 % of his total salary whilst an CEO with take home pay of RM 20,000 (and spending RM 10,000) will only pay an effective tax of 2 %. That means that GST is not people friendly and will be a poor man's sacrifice and a rich man's bonus;
  10. It is also quoted that the world bank reports that the effective salary increase for Malaysian workers for the past 10 years is only 2 % (the rest being gobbled by inflation);
  11. The present Malaysian model did not generate a population with high middle income group and the Malaysian model is not ready to implement GST;
Now that the issues (well, not all but some of the points) have been listed down, what do I expect from the "other side". Not much really, just :-
  1. Will Rais "I burnt the bridge" Yatim comes up with another set of MSM ads to counter the forum? This will be a better reason for him to whip up an ad because GST affects all, not just 12 million workers but also their dependents;
  2. Will the Government list down how they come up with the magic figure of RM 200 M to put GST in place. Have they thought up everything or RM 200 M is just the tip of the iceberg?;
  3. What are the government plans to reduce expenditures apart from cutting the budget for schools (which affects our children)? How much can the government further save through "imtelligent" planning?;
  4. What are the government plans to stop profiteering if the profiteering act is not in place (at least 3 years) before the GST?;
  5. 1MPM6 calls for austerity when he first took office. Is the austerity drive still on? I did not see it anymore. Examples of 1MPM6's trips to Sarawak, Sabah and Pekan is there for everyone to see that 1MPM6 is "splashing" money (our money) around to build his reputation;
  6. Will the Government go for another road show to bare the facts to the rakyats on the actual scourge of GST? Not the goody-goody part but the hard facts for everyone to see? If they do have that in mind, when will it happen?
  7. Is GST a testimonial of 1MPM6's slogan of "rakyat didahulukan"? I mean the rakyats are being led to be "slaughtered" first? What of "Pencapaian diutamakan"? What Pencapaian is related to GST?
Selangor has initiated the public forum on GST and I believe the other PR-led states will follow suit. When will the federal government comes up with its own GST public forum? Don't whisper to me and say that the government's public forum is held in private and upon "invitation only". If that is the case then Putrajaya will be hosting a new batch of administrators after GE 13....BN don't want that to happen, do they?

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...
Read More

Monday, February 22, 2010

Of MM : Royalty or wang ehsan...pass the buck to the people's govt

Why not go for it, Mustapa and Rais? Afterall, the judiciary has declared Zambry is the legal MB of Perak and the judge has already dismiss Anwar's appeal to set aside the sodomy charges. One more act to deny Kelantan and Terengganu from their rightful claim of cash payment (or compassionate funds or oil royalty) is nothing to BN. where everything can do...

MM? Yes, this time we will talk about MM. Not the M&M that will melt in your mouth and not in your hands. Not the other MM who hails from Kedah but this MM is from the east coast and used to be Idris Jusoh's boss years ago...nope, it's not Mickey Mouse, either :). This MM is Mustapa Mohamed.

TV3 news on 20th Feb 2010 cover the NGO-sponsored talks on Kelantan's oil royalty with Mustapa Mohamed and Ibrahim Ali as their guest speakers. Mustapa pledged that the government will reveal the truth by publishing in MSM the next day why Kelantan do not qualify for oil royalty. And true to form, most Malay newspapers carry out a full-page ad on the issue which summarily mentioned :-
  1. The oil and gas are extracted from waters beyond the three nautical miles limit prescribed as territorial waters under Malaysia's emergency ordinance 1969;
  2. Anything extracted beyond the three nautical mile limit belongs to the federal government;
  3. Kelantan or any other states in peninsular Malaysia are not entitled to the royalty money as the oil and gas wells are found beyond the three nautical mile limit;
  4. Oil royalty payments to Sabah and Sarawak was due to agreements made prior to 1974 and through continental shelf act 1966;
  5. Sabah and Sarawak joined Malaysia in 1963;
  6. The term oil royalty does not appear on Petroleum development act, what appear is cash payment;
  7. The aid is given based on federal government's care towards awareness and responsibility;
  8. The federal government is offering RM20M compassionate payment due to gas being extracted in Malaysia-Thailand joint development area;
  9. The Government argued that Tg Razaleigh's views are his own personal view and not facts of the matter under relevant laws;
How convenient! Mustapa Mohamed use the stage to dismiss Kelantan's claim and Rais "I burnt the bridge" Yatim follow through with full-page ads in Malay newspapers. Zaid Ibrahim has something to say to Mustapa Mohamed here.

I will let Rais "bridge burner" fight it out with Zaid Ibrahim on legal turf. Let's look into the ad. I say :-
  1. What happens prior to 1969? What is the limit of territorial waters for Kelantan, Terengganu, Pahang and the rest in Peninsular Malaysia? What is the limit of territorial waters for Sabah and Sarawak? What if the territorial waters overlap with federal government?;
  2. If anything extracted beyond the three nautical mile belongs to Federal government, then why is the federal government disbursing Terengganu with oil royalty, wang ehsan, cash payment? On what grounds is Terengganu eligible for the monies?;
  3. If the oil and gas wells are not in Terengganu waters, why is Terengganu called "Kuwait of the east"?;
  4. If Terengganu and now Kelantan is given the "compassionate fund" as aid out of federal government's care towards awareness and responsibility, why isn't the same given to other "poor" states like Perlis, Kedah and for that matter Pahang?;
  5. If Kelantan is offered with RM 20M compassionate payment due to gas extracted in Malaysia-Thailand joint development area, why is Terengganu granted more fund when Terengganu is not within the joint development area?;
  6. If Tg Razaleigh's views are his own personal view, why didn't BN rope Tg Razaleigh in and de-brief him on the actual fact? Isn't Tg Razaleigh one of the person responsibile to draft the Petroleum development act? Isn't he one of the signatories?;
  7. Is the federal government claiming that Tg Razaleigh has erred in his judgement? Is the federal government admitting that Tg Razaleigh might be senile to the extent that he no longer knows and understand the spirit of Petroleum development act which he signed in 1970's?
  8. What is the spirit of the Petroleum development act? Is it to compensate the states for oil and gas wells? And if it is cash payment, is Terengganu paid in cash for the oil and gas wells?;
  9. Ibrahim Ali was quoted to challenge the PAS-led Kelantan government to sue the federal government regarding the oil royalty issue. May I add that PAS-led Terengganu state government had previously sued the federal government for withdrawing the oil royalty payment but the suit was later retracted when BN reclaimed Terengganu back from PAS;
  10. Why was the Terengganu state government suit retracted by BN-led administration of Idris Jusoh? Why couldn't Idris and the federal government let the court decides on the actual legal standing on oil royalty, compassionate funds, cash payment? Is there something there which BN wanted to stay hidden?;
  11. If the compassionate fund is for the well being of Kelantan people, why is the federal government entrusted to disburse the money? Why couldn't the federal government disburse the money to Kelantan state and monitor the spending? Is it meant for Kelantan BN's political funds?
The more I read it, the more I feel sorry for both Mustapa Mohamed and Rais "I burnt the bridge" Yatim. Both are pawns to the ruling party. Mustapa Mohamed is a thoroughbred Kelantanese and to stay relevant, he has to cross swords with Nik Aziz and Tg Razaleigh. Mustapa Mohamed has to do so because Annuar Musa is still lurking in the backgrounds, waiting to plunge the "kapak kecil" and ends Mustapa's political life in Kelantan. For that, Mustapa has to turn to Ibrahim Ali but Ibrahim Ali himself is self-suffocating in Pasir Mas due to his Perkasa stand. As my neighbour said it, Ibrahim Ali needs UMNO more in GE13 so that he can stand and defend his MP'ship. But will UMNO let Ibrahim Ali stands as an independent with UMNO's blessings? What will happen to all those hard-working Pasir Mas UMNO members? Will they be sacrificed to make way for Ibrahim Ali?

Rais"I burnt the bridge" Yatim has proven again that he will do whatever it takes to please the boss. First, he use our money to splash the full-page ad. Why Malay newspapers? Why on Sunday? Didn't Rais realised that MSM has been taking a beating from alternative news long time ago? The only reason I purchased sunday papers is for its cartoons...Is it worth the money? Is it meant to educate Kelantanese or meant as another propaganda tools for the masses? Rais is willing to forego his old boss (Tg Razaleigh) just to prove that he is an obedient pet. Do Rais thinks that by being obedient, he will be rewarded? Does Rais thinks that the full-page ad can put KJ at bay?

Call it what you want - compassionate fund, royalty money, cash payment, I don't care. I am still waiting for Petronas's clarification on the matter. Muhyiddin has promised that Petronas will respond to Kelantan's oil royalty claim during Kelantan by-election. Up to now, Petronas, with the new CEO's appointment, has not responded. Is Petronas, by being silent, admitting that Kelantan deserve the cash payment? Let us not kid ourselves much longer. If Federal government is damn sure that Kelantan (and for that matter Terengganu) do not deserve the oil royalty money (cash payment), then why not the federal government initiate a suit in court to declare that statement? Is it too difficult to do? I am sure Rais "I burnt the bridge" will lap to this opportunity so that he can be finally seen as a hero to his political masters - and Mustapa Mohamed will be more than willing to shed his Kelantan dialect (and customs) so that he can jointly agree to declare that Kelantan do not deserved any funds from the gas and oil wells.

Why not go for it, Mustapa and Rais? Afterall, the judiciary has declared Zambry is the legal MB of Perak and the judge has already dismiss Anwar's appeal to set aside the sodomy charges. One more act to deny Kelantan and Terengganu from their rightful claim of cash payment (or compassionate funds or oil royalty) is nothing to BN. where everything can do...

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...
Read More

Friday, February 19, 2010

Tiger, caning...and Hishamuddin

Let's see what kind of tiger is Hishamuddin - I hope he is not a paper tiger...crouching tiger? Maybe, if Hishamuddin is also lurking at the sidelines to pounce on his cousin. Tigers are known to be solitary animals and at times killed their own cousins Has the clown finally grow into a tiger?

Welcome to the Chinese year of the Tiger. The question is who will roar like a tiger and who will meow? Will there be a paper tiger? What about toothless tiger? Or will there be a Malaysian version ala "The ten tigers of Kwangtung"?

When Australian MPs' recently lodged a formal protest on the sodomy II trial, up goes our young tiger pub from Rembau leading 500 strong protesters on alledged interference by the MPs'. Is that all? Just 500? With UMNO youth, BBN back benchers club, Perkasa, Makkal Sakhhti and MIC youth combined, they can only muster 500?

This time around the Tiger may not be kind to Malaysia. Just look at PR. Something is stirring and PR is no longer able to hold the group together. Zahrain is on personal vendetta in Penang, Zulkifli Noordin is on auto-pilot, whilst TB Tan is getting cosy with Penang Gerakan. Topping the cake, Anwar admitted his mistakes in picking wrong candidates to stand in 2008 GE. It takes a strong man to admit his mistakes but then again Anwar's mistakes may keads to PR's fai;ures in GE 13. Mark my word. Anwar may be sorry now but in 2 years time, he will repeat the same mistakes. Not because he wanted to but because there are not enough able leaders in PR.

That does not mean BN can breathe easy. The past weeks have not been kind to Najib. Zahid has been exposing the leakages in our defense. Some say that Muhyiddin is preparing his move and Khairy failed to win a cabinet post - yet. With RM 2 million handout to UMNO youth, will that be enough to keep Khairy at bay? For Najib, he failed to realise that BN no longer govern Selangor and yet BN choose to erect billboards of the coming CNY-do in Pandamaran without applying for proper permits.

Just once, why cant BN and PR share the same stage in Jenjarom this 20th Feb '10? I believe that the Dong Zen temple is big enough for PR and BN to share the stage. In the spirit of the Tiger, couldn't they share the same stage? Afterall let Dong Zen remains apolitical... as the way it should be...

Politics aside, Malaysians should not be led astray with all those political rhetoric and let the Government off with the recent caning of three women under syariah law offences. It seems that the Government is on a mission to divert the much-publicised Kartika Sari's case. Remember Kartika Sari? She was arrested in July 2007 for a syariah related offence and was sentenced in July 2009 with caning. Kartika was and is ready to receive the sentences but the Government has dilly dally the sentence and has repeatedly postphone the sentence with excuses like :-
  1. The prison department are not qualified and not trained to carry out syariah-based caning;
  2. A person cannot be canned if he/she is not serving a prison sentence;
  3. The syariah court wants Kartika to appeal the case (which she rejects and state her willingness to be caned);
  4. Kartika must meet the Pahang regent first to discuss the case before the sentence is finalised (and the date has not been finalised);
Thus, Hishamuddin's statement on the caning sentence on the three women took the nation by surprise. On top of that, what is Hishamuddin's real motives? Let's look at the case of the three women :-
  1. The three women's identitiy were not revealed;
  2. Hishamuddin said that Kartika's case has been blown out of proportion and has caused public anxiety;
  3. He said that the whipping sentence did not cause any injury to the women;
  4. Their sentence were meted out between December 2009 and January 2010 by Kuala Lumpur syariah high court. Express sentencing?;
  5. Hishamuddin hoped that the issue will not be wrongly interpreted;
  6. The country's prison authorities are now willing to carry out caning sentences if directed by syariah courts;
Fine. If that is what the syariah court ruled, it is fine with me. The thing that I am asking out loud now is :-
  1. Has the three women exhausted all means of appealing? Looking at the timing of the sentence, the three women may not have appealed the sentences. Is it because they are remorseful of their guilt or is it because they thought that the caning sentence will not be carried out just yet, based on Kartika's experience?;
  2. Why were the caning sentence "blacked out"? Is it the fear of being labelled "old school"?;
  3. Is the caning sentence one-off? Will it be carried out in the future or will it be reviewed?;
  4. Is the caning sentence carried out to facilitate Pahang's regent meeting with Kartika? Is this a political face-saving act?;
  5. Did the three women undergo the sentence willingly?;
  6. There is no mention that their family members attended the caning sentence, why? Were the family members informed? If yes, why were they not there? If not, why were they not informed?;
Let me state my stand on this issue. I am for the caning sentence under the syariah laws and courts. I believe that the syariah court has its jurisdiction and since the laws are applicable to Muslims only, let the syariah court judgement be respected by all. However, it will be better for everybody if the caning sentence is witnessed by those who are against caning to women too. This will give them an insight that the syariah caning is not similar to civil caning.

Hishamuddin claimed that there is no physical injury to the women, let Amnesty International decides. Why need to hide the truth? But the problem now is - how can the government convince the public that the three women did indeed caned based on syariah method? Not because it never happen but because the confidence level is already at a minimum low. Where is the transperancy? Does transperancy occurs after sentencing is carried out? More so, after 1 week has passed? Why didn't Hishamuddin revealed it immediately? Why the hush? Why the timing?

I see Hishamuddin trying to play down Kartika's sentence because it has attracted international attention. By carrying out the caning sentence on the three women, Hishamuddin is trying to pooh pooh Kartika's case and hoping that the attention will be diverted elsewhere and in the process hoping that the Kartika aura diminish. The problem is - it shows more what the government is doing behind our back. It just carry out what it wanted to without informing. Case in point - as this is a landmark issue, why isn't Hishamuddin himself present during the caning? If he did, then he has full authority to declare that no physical injury were left on the three women. But he is not there, so his statement is based on reports from his officers. If Hishamuddin claims that the caning is witnessed by women only, why couldn't Hishamuddin arrange for Shahrizat to witness the caning? Or is it too secretive that the cabinet members are not informed? Lack of transperancy with the public is one thing, lack of transperancy within the cabinet members is totally unacceptable....

Or did Hishamuddin shy away from the caning sentence because he too may have some skeletons hidden in his closet?

And the biggest question of all - will there be anymore caning done based on syariah judgement after this? If yes, will it be public caning or will it be private caning? If no, why not? Let's see what kind of tiger is Hishamuddin - I hope he is not a paper tiger...crouching tiger? Maybe, if Hishamuddin is also lurking at the sidelines to pounce on his cousin. Tigers are known to be solitary animals and at times killed their own cousins Has the clown finally grow into a tiger?

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...
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Friday, February 12, 2010

Of PAC, pact, peck, packed...

Are we being PAC-stamped (for the buses)? Is there a secret pact on the bus purchase? Are we being pecked in submarine deal? Will there be more exposures specially packed for this coming CNY?

I woke up this morning thinking about Malaysia's "Only in Malaysia" submarine and buses and out of the blue remembered about an old joke which goes something like this...

Way back then, there was this Pahang guy who purchased a brand new Volswagen beetle and have the salesman delivered the car right up to his doorsteps on a trailer. After the car was offloaded and the salesman left, this guy open the hood of his new car.

Lo and behold, this guy's lips turned white (although his lips were normally red) and the guy go to the rear and quickly opened the bonnet. His lips returned red when he exclaimed "It is a good thing that this car has a spare engine at the back!"

Well, that's what almost happened to Malaysia. In my last posting, it has been highlighted about the technical problems besieging our first submarine, KD Tunku Abdul Rahman. In a nutshell, we are faced with "teething" problems of :-
  1. The submarine could not dive because of defects in the high pressure air blowing system in the ballast tank;
  2. The tropical water trials will be delayed to 18th Feb 2010;
  3. First defect detected on 17th Dec 2009;
  4. Our Defense minister, Zahid Hamidi said "The submarine can still dive but when we detected the defects, we were advised that it should not dive,";
  5. The warranty of the submarine is supposed to expire on 25th Jan 2010 and has been extended to May 2010;
  6. The submarine has undergone 2 years of trials in France before delivered to Malaysia early last year;
I am not sure about you guys but isn't it normal for certain procedures to be adhered to when purchases are made? Consider these :-
  1. What are the trial tests conducted in France for the last 2 years? Does it involves diving? Or is it just visual inspection? Do we go for leakage test? Floatation test or submerge test?
  2. Were the trials attended and witnessed by Malaysians naval officers? If yes, then what are their report? Are they there witnessing and participating the tests or are they there on "look see, look see" excursion?
  3. When do the warranty period starts? Have the manufacturer completes "Testing & Commissioning"? Have the submarine certified with "Practical completion"? When is the hand-over date?
  4. It is quite strange to note that the warranty period for the submarine is only 1 year. Even when you purchase a car, the warranty period for certain parts is 5 years. I understand that some engines purchased by Malaysia has 2 to 5 year warranty. Why only 1 year for submarine? Has someone blunder on this aspect of warranty too?
  5. Does tropical water trials considered as part of Testing & Commissioning procedures? If yes, then the submarine has not completed its Testing & Commissioning and thus there is no proper handing over. If so, then how could the warranty period takes effect from January 2009?
  6. On Zahid's statement, it is like saying "the plane can fly, but we were advised not to fly the plane" If that is so, why purchase a submarine? Why not just purchase a ship? A ship too can dive (as in KD Inderaputra) but it has better use when it is afloat...
That aside, we have not even browse through the so-called maintenance contract's terms of agreement which is currently being negotiated between Boustead DCNS and the Government of Malaysia. Let us remind those in power that out of sight (errr by diving) does not mean out of mind....

If I were to stay longer on the subject, motion sickness might affect me and I might end up vomitting. So, let's move on to stable grounds....

Remember this thing about Prasarana's buses? Let's do a quick recap :-
  1. Prasarana bought 1,294 used buses in 2003 at a price of RM 93M. That's RM 71,870 each;
  2. The buses were bought from DRB-Hicom and Park May;
  3. In 2005, a professional evaluation was carried out and 1,139 (88%) of the buses were not in good condition;
  4. In 2008, Prasarana received approval to scrap the 1,139 buses;
  5. Monies from scrap metal sale is an astounding RM 4.4 M for 959 buses (RM 4,488 per bus scrap). That is a lose of RM 67,382 per bus ie 93.75 %;
Looking at it, I expected more :-
  1. The rationale of purchasing the buses were part of the plan to restructure public transportation system. But the question is - Do Prasarana have the expertise to manage the buses? It is clear here that Prasarana do not even have the "eye" to make good buys, how do we expect them to make good investment?;
  2. The buses were purchased from DRB-Hicom and Parkmay. It seems like having a familiar ring to it. Isn't DRB-Hicom once Malaysia's golden son? Where the company could do no wrong? If so, why is Prasarana purchasing the buses from DRB-Hicom? Is there any specific instructions to purchase the buses from DRB-Hicom? Why not but buses from Lee Heng, SJ or Metro buses too?;
  3. The same goes to Parkmay - is the Government indebted to any of the board members then? Why Parkmay? Maybe someone can look through and see whether there is any Tun, Tan Sri, Datuk Sri and whatever the left-over Sris on the Board of Directors;
  4. Were there any professional evaluation done prior to the purchase of the buses? If yes, who carry out the evaluation and why the evaluers failed to spot on the conditions of the buses? Were they swayed to put in glowing report on the purchase?;
  5. If there is no professional evaluation done, then who determines on the value of the buses? On what technical aspects were the purchase done? Is the purchase done solely on "I know his company?" or was it done based on sound economic evaluation?;
  6. Why were the professional evaluation done in 2005? Who instruct it? Why the need to evaluate it in 2005?
  7. The auditors report mentioned it in 2008. Why do the PAC only acted now in 2010, 2 years after the report? What is PAC doing from 2008 to 2010?
Of course, there will be more questions than answers when it comes to Malaysia. However, I see that PAC's investigation is just another PAC-stamped "no abuse of power". No doubt PAC members come from both the ruling and opposition parties but considering the purchase was done in 2003, the paper trails will be long cold by now. On top of that, the decision makers may have already move to different pastures and there is nothing PAC or for that matter MACC, police, Suhakam or whatever commissions available can do about it.

It will be another of those PAC-stamped "no crime" involved and there will be the normal "legally right, morally wrong" story. What a pity - we as the rakyats will always be at the receiving end whilst the PAC chairman is a mite too busy maintaining his wife. MACC chief looking behind and protecting his ass whilst our number 1 crime fighter is having his own crisis of confidence.

Are we being PAC-stamped (for the buses)? Is there a secret pact on the bus purchase? Are we being pecked in submarine deal? Will there be more exposures specially packed for this coming CNY? Will the coming golden tiger be good to the rakyat or to the powers that be? If it is to the rakyat, I will gladly embrace it but if it for the powers that be, then braced for another horrendous year....

To all my Chinese friends - Gong Xi Fa Cai

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...
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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Of GTP : Nice thoughts...but what about these...

Sometimes, 1MPM6 needs to rely on common folks to put things back to perspective. I do not see 1MPM6 spending millions to engage average Joes to scrutinise his GTP. If Putrajaya can respond to these average Joe's queries, then maybe 1MPM6 is on the right track. If not, it is time for him to return to the drawing boards and tossed the expensive Mc PR because it just do not work that least not in my books.

Someone highlighted on the GTP. GTP? Yes, It stands for Government Transformation Programme with its two-fold objective ie
  1. To transform the Government to be more effective in its delivery of services and accountable for outcomes that matter most to the rakyats;
  2. To move Malaysia forward to become an advanced, united, and just society with high standards of living for all;
To spearhead the GTP which was introduced and announced by 1MPM6 in April 2009, the Government has identified 6 national Key Result Areas (NKRA) and one of them is fighting corruption. Nice words indeed...

How do we measure on GTP's achievement when the one of the 6 NKRA is already going down south...Just imagine within the space of less than 7 days, we are interlaced with unpleasant news of :-
  1. The government has lost RM 80 M over abandoned SPNB's (Syarikat Prasarana Negara Berhad) busses which they bought in 2003;
  2. Our 1st RM 1B submarine which arrived on Malaysian shores in 2009 has defects preventing it from diving for 3 months;
  3. In 2004 NSC (National Sports Council) purchase RM 850K 2 premium chalets in PD secretly because they do not want the higher authorities to know or to "mis-use" them;
  4. 2 sukhoi engines "lost" due to damage in 2007;
And the list can still go on. Granted that 1MPM6 announced the GTP in 2009 BUT that does not mean what happen prior to 2009 can be safely swept under carpet or keep under wraps. It just show that GTP may just be another rhetoric - "sedap didengar, pahit ditelan" or is it another of those "masuk telinga kanan, keluar telinga kiri" sort of things?

What piss me off more is this - why is these mismanagement filtered its way to both mainstream and alternative media now when all eyes are focussed on 9th Feb MB judgement and Sodomy II? Is this pre-planned so that the reports goes un-noticed?

Are we still in the "Jaguh kampung" zone where those with powers can bully the rakyat through and through? First, we have the sugar price going up, then we have the cigarretes price going up, then later we wil be having 2-tiered fuel price in May and whispers are getting stronger of the possible toll increase. And we have not been touching on GST (General Sales Tax) yet. And why do I say that Putrajaya are "jaguh kampung"?

Putrajaya can bulldoze on the price increase and sweetened it with talks that our fuel price is still the cheapest in the region or they can always rely on health reasons to increase the tobacco price, but how do they answer about Putrajaya's sacking of IAEA envoy after the Iran atomic vote? It is reported that Diplomats said that the Malaysian government acted after US "expressed" concern on the envoy's vote. Adding to that, is there any relation on the Nimitz carrier strike group 4 day port of call in Port Klang beginning 7th Feb 2010 and the government decision to sack the envoy? Is Putrajaya cowed by US concern to the extent that they are willing to forego Iran-Malaysia relationship? If that is the case, then "Malaysia memang boleh dan layak jadi jaguh kampung".

On domestic front, 1MPM6 can boast about his GTP but at the same time he must be ready with reality check. I have said countless time but 1MPM6 may not have the ears to listen. He only wants to hear the good things like BN still governs Perak or Permata (his pet project) buildings sprucing up everyhere. Do 1MPM6 really cares on the rakyat's suffering? How can we achieved high standards of living when Malaysia is losing the advantage over our neighbours? How do we maintain our competitiveness when we can't even manage our services well? How do we live in just societies when those entrusted with responsibilities abused their positions?

Sometimes, 1MPM6 needs to rely on common folks to put things back to perspective. I do not see 1MPM6 spending millions to engage average Joes to scrutinise his GTP. If Putrajaya can respond to these average Joe's queries, then maybe 1MPM6 is on the right track. If not, it is time for him to return to the drawing boards and tossed the expensive Mc PR because it just do not work that least not in my books.

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...
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Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Of Perak : Love hurts...for the rest : rakyat lose...

In close combat, you go for the head where it counts. During medieval times, knights fought to severe the head off from the body. Just look at Samurai films and you will see gory scenes of heads rolling off during sword duels. Now, more than ever, BN (UMNO) is going for PKR's head and that head unfortunately belongs to Anwar Ibrahim.

Finally, after months of suspense, the Federal court has ruled in favour of Zambry as the legally rightful MB of Perak. Surprise? No! The writings are on the wall for all to see. We may not be world class, but we are definitely "Jaguh kampung" and this is proven again in our courts of law.

For those who feels that they are robbed of a legitimate MB, take this decision in stride because the judgement is a precedent and can work both ways. Putting the legal jumbo mumbo aside,the Federal court judgement summarily states :-

  1. The Ruler can decide whether the MB has lost confidence by virtue of letters saying so signed by the elected reps and upon consultation with the reps;
  2. The Ruler can refuse to dissolve the state assembly if and when the MB has lost the support of the majority and he can further decide that the MB post is vacant when the majority of the elected reps lose confidence with the MB;
  3. If the Ruler refuse to accept MB's request to dissolve the assembly then the MB must resign his post;
  4. The Ruler can decide that whether the MB has lost the confidence of the reps in special palace meeting;
  5. The Ruler can instruct MB to resign (if the Ruler is convinced that the MB has lost the majority support);
If that is the case, PR better take heed on the judgement and reciprocate the people's trust in them by :-
  1. Ensure that the candidates put forth is not there for the sake of glory;
  2. Ensure that the candidates are not picked just for the sake of contesting the seats;
  3. Ensure that the candidates has been thoroughly screened in terms of character, stand, political will and dedication;
  4. Ensure that the candidates are not sleepers who can turn the tables on PR and the rakyat;
  5. Ensure that the candidates, if and when they win, will not be easily blinded by financial gains;
Why do I say so? Months before, this blogger has raised the issue of PKR failing to meet up to the rakyat's expectation and aspiration. Look at how PKR fare in Penang. Look at how they force another of their kind off so that a by-election is needed in Penang. Look at how Zahrain's recent outburst in Penang and the possibility of en-masse desertion from PKR. All this points to one - greed. It seems that the closer PR is to helm the federal government, more ugly heads are rearing to sweep the booty away. Is this PKR's downfall? Is PKR another mirror of UMNO?

In close combat, you go for the head where it counts. During medieval times, knights fought to severe the head off from the enemy. Just look at Samurai films and you will see gory scenes of heads rolling off during sword duels. Now, more than ever, BN (UMNO) is going for PKR's head and that head unfortunately belongs to Anwar Ibrahim.

UMNO knows and realise that PKR remains strong and relevant if Anwar is the de-facto leader. Killing him off politically will ensure that UMNO stays relevant in Malaysian's politics. I am not saying that Anwar is all angels and do no wrong. He may or he may not be guilty of Sodomy II. That I don't care. What I despised in sodomy II (as in sodomy I) is the way the court was used as an avenue to paint intimate details of the "said" crime. Yes, I understand that Anwar is claiming innocence as Saiful is adamant in his "sumpah" that he was sodomised. This is no longer about who is right and who is wrong but has expanded into political survival of UMNO and PKR. Not only that, for Anwar, sodomy II is about his reputation and his family namesake. If he is guilty, I feel pity for Saiful as he is also a victim and a political pawn used by Pahang shaman to the utmost.

And in saying so, I feel the same for Anwar. He should know better as he is a born politician through and through. If he is guilty of sodomy, I pity the burden which has to be carried through by his offsprings. And that is not easy. As they say, it may take 7 generations to cleanse a sin...

Back to Perak. Like it or not the blogger calls for the people to respect the court's decision. If you are a BN supporter, all is well. If you are not, then let this be a lesson learnt. For Perakians, hopefully they will realise now that it is not as easy to change the government of the day. Not when the odds are stacked against us - the commoners. However, I believe that if there is a will, there is a way and the winds of change is still growing strong. Either BN UMNO is ready to change to serve the people or the people will once again send BN packing in GE 13. BN has 2 years to convince the people that they have change for the better. At the same time, PR also has the same time to win our confidence that there will be no frogs after GE 13. Now, maybe Perakians will realise that love hurts....

For the rest of us non-Perakians, today we lose. Not because we lack the numbers but because 3 of our elected reps chose to abandon our trust, the Federal court has to convene to give their judgement. Today, let it be a lesson that we may have the numbers but acting individually, we are still weak and easily crushed. Just like they say " Lidi sebatang senang dipatah, tidak bagi lidi seberkas". It is time for the masses to regroup and find common causes that binds us together. Yes, we lose the battle but definitely we are going to win the war...

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...
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Monday, February 08, 2010

Zahid's Penang, Shafie's Kedah, Najib's Selangor...

  1. Whilst all eyes are glued to Sodomy II, undercurrents are stirring in 3 PR's held states. Sodomy II will be another soon-to-be forgotten "scripted" case and if we were to go by the records, I have not seen nor read many sequel movies who could outgross the first.
  2. TV3's news on 7th February 2010 caught my attention. If that is TV3's professionalism, then Malaysia is in the pits.
  3. First off the blokes is Zahid's comment on the so-called PR's internal squabble involving Zahrain (PKR) and the CM (DAP). Zahid openly stated that the time is ripe for UMNO (BN) to be the mandate to take over Penang from PR. Then as if on que, TV3 follow through with news report of (Malay) stalls owners lamenting on their fate since their (illegal) stalls have been demolished.
  4. Does that mean that it is OK for (Malay) traders to operate illegal stalls? Even if they operate it illegally then the law could touch them? Which laws are these? IS BN teaching traders to operate illegal stalls? Since the stalls are illegal, they do not have to pay for any licenses, is that what BN is teaching us? There is no need to apply for licences and every Tom, Dick and Harry can set up illegal stalls wherever they want?
  5. Further, Is Zahid offering carrots to Zahrain? Isn't it strange for Zahrain to go "underground" now leaving his supporters scattered like chicks? Remembering what 2009 CNY, is it possible for Zahrain to be in Pekan right now meeting a shaman to ward off evil spirits? That's what Osman Jailu and Jamauluddin Radzi did in 2009 before Perak fell to BN. If that is the case, then this Pekan shaman should be hailed as the greatest Malaysian shaman and deserves to be in Malaysia book of records.
  6. Talking about Zahid, is Penang his follow through after his 2009's role in Perak? If that is the case, then typical of Zahid to first expose the threat on Malaysian security and 2 days on said that the issue has been closed. How? Zahid mentioned that the issue has been resolved by the PM's department. How convenient. I want to know what are the actions taken on those who sells our security secrets. At least, I want to know who they are.
  7. Kedah? TV3 make a fool of themselves when the station cover about the water problems in campuses and Shafie Afdal taking the lead to issue statement potraying how this could have happen in Kedah after more than 40 years of development.
  8. Shafie Afdal must be sleeping through the years! Kedah was governed by BN since independence and only fell to PR in 2008. What Shafie Afdal is saying is just like another Malay proverb "Ludah ke langit terkena muka sendiri". Kedah water problem has been there since BN days and Shafie's just re-conformed what we already knew - BN failed to provide basic necessities to the rakyat.
  9. Shafie need not go far. He can always return to his native state and find water supply is wanting there. Who rules Sabah? Is it not BN? If Sabah is too far for Shafie, he can go to neighbouring Perlis and he will notice the same water supply problem there. If that does not satisfy him, he can always go down to Negeri Sembilan and check out the boarding school hostels and he will get a clear picture of how BN failed to provide claean and continuous water supply to some of the schools there.
  10. Selangor? Aaaah this is Najib's state. For now I see Melaka is doing a "Menjaga tepi kain orang" on Selangor. Remember YBK (Yayasan Basmi Kemiskinan)? In a power struggle, the state government has demanded YBK to pay the outstanding quit rent totalling almost RM 5.4 M. Melaka, as in Ali Rustam the one who was barred from contesting UMNO's Deputy President post dreamed of becoming a white knight and offer to pay the quit rent on behalf of YBK.
  11. Khalid rejected the payment by citing section 98 of the National land code. That leaves me wondering - Does Ali Rustam knows what he's doing? Does YBK understand the National land code? Did Najib plan the whole thing?
  12. 3 PR states under different attacks. Penang starts off with internal bickering, Kedah goes with infrastructure inadequacies, Selangor sticks with bureaucratic red tapes. All aimed at getting the leaders on high alert whilst the cooking in Perak is getting ready to be served on 9th Feb 2010. On principle, I wish Nizar get's his post back but Zambry will be the one smiling. Personally, whatever the decision, the Federal court judges sitting on this case need tyo answer to their conscious. Millions of ringgit in gratuity could not wipe out whatever guilty conscious incurred during their tenure as judges. After all, isn't "Harimau mati meninggalkan belang, manusia mati meninggalkan nama"?
  13. For the time being, let Mustapha barks on Nik Aziz's stand on Kelantan royalty money. Mustpha is not in the same league as Nik Aziz so there is no need to hype on Mustapha - not yet. Not when Ibrahim Ali's Perkasa growls louder than Mustapha. In the end, Mustapha will be another whimpering cat who failed to impress the Pekan shaman.
  14. Individually, Zahid's Penang Shafie's Kedah and Najib's Selangor is just another storm in a tea cup. Combined with TV3, it might change the perception. With the Tiger looming in the background, this CNY will be another important episode in Malaysian politics.

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...
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Friday, February 05, 2010

This time - semua taruk...(just like nasi campur)

Let's go slow this time. I take this opportunity to offer my sincere gratitude to all for their prayers and advises regarding Mrs NC's operation. For the record, the operation took 10 hours. Right now Mrs NC is recuperating and will go for her first follow up in a couple of days. Hope everything will be fine from now on...

Many things has transpired since then with Anwar's case leading the pack whilst Zahid Hamidi's statement of military secrets leaked (or rather sold) to foreign embassies should not be taken lightly. With spring festival around the corner, Jeff Ooi's statement of 4PR's MPs' cross-over bid reminds me of last years spring festival's hopping that leads to the current Perak's fiasco. Another big ang pau for BN?

As for me, I am more interested to know the outcome of the coming 9th Feb's Federal court judgement on who is really the legal Perak's MB. This judgement will be closely monitored by Commonwealth countries and will determine what the rulers can and cannot do. Apart from that, it will also become another benchmark to Malaysian politics ie will the rulers follow the majority's decision or use his "constitutional" powers to dictate who will rule the state. I will also leave this issue aside momentarily and instead focus on issue that is close to my heart...

Despite our openess and diverse ethnic and religious background, we are still at a loss on harmonius living. The recent controversy on kalimah "Allah' proves that we are still groping to find an identity. To me, the civil courts should not have heard the case and instead directed the issue to be settled between religious scholars. This is more so because the court's judgement has indirectly leads to several attempts to deface churches (and Christian related buildings) and spreading to attempts to humiliate Muslims by tossing khinzirs' heads into masjids (or its compounds).

To Muslims, the kalimah "Allah" is specific. This is the starting point where different stands are made and further divides Muslims into various school of thoughts; one going along with the court's decision whilst the other verhemently oppose the court's decision. On this, let's consider these :-

  1. Zulkifli Nordin's stand on kalimah "Allah" should be respected as Khalid Samad's understanding on the same kalimah should also be acknowledged;
  2. Selangor has decreed that the kalimah "Allah" is exclusive for Islam and so does Pahang;
  3. Does that mean non-Muslim could not utter the word? No, it just simply means that the kalimah "Allah" is exclusive when the kalimah is referred to the Creator.

    Lately, I sensed a shift in understanding when my non-Muslim friends is openly discussing why there is a need to translate God to "Allah" when the correct translation should be tuhan. I see it that way too...and if this issue can be easily resolved because the correct translation is already there. The problem arise when we are becoming court dependents and we tend to use the courts to resolve everything under the sky...

  4. And this leads to the question - why are we using the courts to settle issues? Are we saying that our human minds and current laws are perfect for all occasion? Are we saying that judges are now capable of becoming totally unbiased in their approach? If that is so, why are we screaming that the courts have erred in dealing with Perak debacle? Why are we questioning the judgements when it does not favour us?
  5. Don't get me wrong here. I did no say that we can dispose the courts. The courts are there to interpret man-made laws. The courts are there to hear civil and criminal cases. But I believe that the courts should not be hearing cases involving "exclusivity" and aqidah. That should be heard in syariah courts and discussed between scholars of different faith.

    For P Ramlee's movies lovers, remember a scene when AR Tompel said that for every 10 judges, 9 will go to hell? I might be exaggerating here but the point is - it is damn difficult to find a just judge. It might hold water in other countries. Malaysia? It is up to individuals to interpret it. After all, there are only three options available: either our judges are just judges, or maybe 1 out of 10 are just or it might be worse than the figure provided. If you have been judged and the judgement is in your favour, then for you - that judge is just. Am I correct? :)

  6. Religious beliefs are something personal between us and our Creator. For some, they regard Zeus as the Father of Gods whilst others believe in the power of the Fire. That is up to them as I believe "To you your religion, to me, my religion".
  7. Remember the malay proverb "Masuk kandang kambing mengembek, masuk kadang lembu mengemboh"?

    In secular France, their law makers are launching legislative process to ban religious symbols from state schools. It looks ok on the surface but what is their real intention? Is it just religous symbols? And if Islam requires its womenfolks to "tutup aurat", and the law forbids them to do so - who is then right? Will the law supercede religious requirements?

    Are we going to go France's way too? Will our courts decide and interpret on religious matters too? As they say it "tepuk dada, tanya selera". I will not fill in the dots here, readers can decide on their own here...on the subtle message I am trying to convey....

  8. Enough of that, on other fronts, I pity Najib. Really! Whilst he is busy promoting 1Malaysia theme, his own aide demonstrate that Najib does not have a 1Malaysia team. Is this what they say "Cakap tak serupa bikin"?

    This particular aide is specifically singled out in MT's mystery man posting. That leads to this mind wandering - what happen if this aide decided to turn the screws and turn the tide against Najib? Will PR accept him when his statement does not reflect 1Malaysia? Catch 22 position, isn't it? Or is he busy negotiating his gratuity based on his "personal knowledge" as claimed by MT? Are we looking at another "self-made" millionaire in the making?

  9. Still on Najib - I just do not understand why Najib did not exercise his 1Malaysia theme during the recent Thaipusm celebration in Batu Caves. I mean, he is there, PR leaders are there but they celebrated it on different stages. Why can't they both celebrated Thaipusm together? At least show that "kita berbilang kaum, berbilang ideologi tetapi satu hati"...

    It is these minor differences that bares us open to agent provocateurs. Zahid said that our military secrets are breached, some claim that 2 of our sukhoi jet engines are also lost (in addition to the missing F35 jet engines). And what are we doing? Our leaders are squabbling over petty issues such as who gets a better stage (and better location) in Batu Caves.

  10. In a recent dialogue between tourist guides, travel agents and Minister Ng Yen Yen, she mentioned that her priority is to Najib. Is that so? If it is, then where is "people first, perfomance now"? I would rather see Minister dealing with these frontliners first before running to see Najib. Isn't it Najib who says "people first" or is it Najib who says "leaders first"?

    That said, Najib may need to remind his ministers to serve the people and not the leaders. Or does the aide learnt "Cakap tak serupa bikin" from Najib. Just like another Malay proverb "Kalau guru kencing berdiri, murid kencing berlari"...

It should be time for the leaders to bury the hatchet and work towards the rakyats' welfare. If the leaders care, they should place the rakyats above self. Sometimes, when I see Thaipusm celebrations, I think it is the leaders who needs to crack the coconuts as a symbolic gesture reminding them to break their ego so that they can serve the rakyat better...what say you?

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are... Read More