Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Of carving out UMNO... TSMY's style

UMNO is at dangerous crossroad. It's head is directing to the north whilst the mid-section is wobbling south. All thanks to Abah Din's brilliant strategy of carving out UMNO to bits and pieces... 


Remember the time when Abah Din was unceremoniously bundled out of his position by the then powerful Najib Razak. That was 2015... Now 2020 is Abah Din's turn.

After years of lying low, Abah Din is thrusted to the spotlight taking over from Atuk. With a fragile and loose coalition, Abah Din moulds his own cabinet including UMNO MPs. The same UMNO party that sacked him from his cabinet post... This time around he chose Hishamuddein, Khairy, Ismail Sabri amongst the UMNO MP's as his cabinet ministers. Looks fine, right? WRONG!!!

Khairy is Rembau MP...  By that virtue, Abah Din can appoint him as a minister in Abah Din's gloated cabinet. But... Khairy is not in UMNO's hierachy of power., he is not a supreme council member of UMNO, either elected or appointed. That said, it is a great wonder how Khairy is elected as Abah Din's cabinet minister, unless Abah Din did not consult UMNO on his appointment.

The same goes to Hishamuddin Husein. Abah Din did not include Zahid as one of his senior minister. Maybe this is done on purpose because Zahid is having his own problems in court. Abah Din do not want to be seen as pulling the strings behind the scene... or is he pulling the strings to tightened Zahid's throat?

When Abah Din opts for Hajiji in Sabah, Abah Din is sending message to UMNO telling them who is the real Boss. Despite his unstable position, Abah Din has cut and put UMNO to his place, down from the King to the court jester.

UMNO can cry, UMNO can threatened but Abah Din knows very well that UMNO is now a paper tiger... Those UMNO MPs in the cabinet will not hesitate to switch their allegiance to Abah Din and let Zahid and Co fly kite. Eventhough Bersatu needs UMNO's support in twarting off Anwar's forever "I am the next PM" script, all should be fine.

What UMNO needs is a constant flow of titbits, be it in the form of GLC chairmanship or political post, and they should be happy licking their toy bone at the corner. That can last for 2 years, enough for Abah Din to call the next GE.

UMNO is divided and fragmented. UMNO's supreme council is not reflected in Abah Din;s cabinet. For all you know, Abah Din is whispering to Hishamuddein to take on Zahid Hamidi whilst Khairy taking on Tok Mat, his own divisional leader. Senior minister Ismail Sabri is good to keep Najib in check.

Abah Din don't need UMNO as UMNO needs him. At least for now. UMNO can play whatever shadowplay they like or potrays themselves as kingmaker. The whole world knows and silently agree that UMNO is now the court jester... doing their best for toy bones...

Me? I love seeing UMNO humiliated and I pity them because they are lost in transition. Zahid is their leader but spend more time in court. Tok Mat is deputy to Zahid but he is no MP. UMNO is in dilemma... they want to enrich themselves but they are doing that at the expense of GE 15. Maybe they will lose mre because they have sold their soul to Abah Din...

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...

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