Things are really getting hot in Malaysia... and it is not just the temperature...
Last week, PAS Sec General categorically deny the party (and its leaders) received any money from UMNO and further denied claims that they paid Sarawak report on London's case.
At least, temporarily, things look better for PAS when UMNO managed to win Semenyih by-election. However, it is not "Game Over" yet.
In Malaysiakini report, Clare's lawyer claimed that Hadi's team offered to pay in cash through their mediator. When the lawyer rejected, the mediator wrote a cheque of RM 1.4m on Hadi's behalf... and today Malaysiakini further reported that the cheque signatory was hauled up by MACC on their ongoing probe into the RM 90M alledged payment by UMNO to PAS (or its leaders).
This surely does not look good for KTMB boss. Malaysiakini reported :-
1. KTMB chairperson, Rameli Musa, is summoned to MACC HQ on their ongoing proble regarding alledged payment from UMNO to PAS (or its leaders);
2. 2 other individuals connected to PAS is also called in;
3. PAS sec General has been called in last week
Will that stop UMNO from its scheduled meeting with PAS leadership today on their proposed political co-operation?
Latest PAS in trying to defend the move advises MCA/MIC to not dance with others... Owh... UMNO is seeking "third" wife by the name of PAS and PAS seems to be a willing bride...
On another front, MACC raided house of temple committee member in Kota Damansara yesterday evening. STAR report was short whilst the social media is more active in speculating on the identity of the committee member...
Latest The committee member and 2 others were remanded for 3 days. Sufficient time?
MACC is here and there, trying its best to investigate and we should give them ample space and sufficient time to conclude their investigation.
In Petaling Jaya, Cradle CEO's wife was charged with his murder. It took almost a year for the police to charge her. That said, MACC, likewise needs to be ample time to charge those who corrupted our system... Be patient, bro...
Me? UMNO needs to win big in Rantau, or else Tok Mad will not be a credible leader in UMNO-PAS co-operation...
Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...
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Hoist by their own petard. UMNO caught in its own web. Tales by an unknown
blogger 67
1. In the Ismail Sabri issue, why do we humor ourselves by asking what's
zahids or UMNOs response? 2. As though UMNOs response is that important. Or
that o...
2 hours ago