Some online news mention my friend SakmongkolAK47 crossing over to DAP. I may not know him that well but my bet is Sak will stay in UMNO as UMNO is his first love. Aziz Bari, on the other hand, may join DAP as I believe Aziz Bari may not have a long future in PKR.
2011 is sure a cloudy year for 1MPM6 Najib. Too many issues hurting BN, enough to give 1MPM6 Najib the headache that refuse to go away...
However, the latest exposed National Feedlot Corporation reduce Najib's chance to call for quick election, and with Bersih 2.0 breathing down his neck, 1MPM6 Najib has too many sleepless nights in Malaysia.
National Feedlot Corporation (NFC) first highlighted by in the annual Auditor's report would have been quietly and quickly swept under the carpet if not for PR's continued and persistent exposure of the issue. Now, almost everyone knows of the RM 250 M soft loan complete with allegations that the money was disbursed before the signature was actually inked. How about the condos in Kuala Lumpur and Singapore? And how NFC spends the money to "invest" in land, luxury cars as well as "all expenses paid" for their Directors.
With the heat on Shahrizat, coming from Bung Karno and Ghaffur, it is surprising to note that Syed Ali of Cheras UMNO is leading the peninsular guys asking Shahrizat to quit her job. What happen to our Aziz of Sri Gading? Normally the trio of Aziz, Bung and Ghaffur will spearhed the charges but this time around Aziz is micely quiet. Is it because his boss, Muhyiddin, heads the Ministry that appoint NFC?
With or without PR as well as the combined forces of Bung, Ghaffur and Syed Ali, the honourable way out for Shahrizat now is to offer her resignation from 1MPM6's Najib's cabinet as well as UMNO Wanita chief. But then again Shahrizat has no balls to do that... so 1MPM6 will be handicapped with ol' Shahrizat as his excess baggage.
To deflect the spotlight from NFC, 1MPM6's government is now making grand news out of Iskandar Investment Berhd (IIB). Yesterday it was the hubby of ex-CEO charged with RM 1.6M graft followed by another 2 ex-Directors charged for similar offences. Maybe 1MPM6 is hoping that IIB scandal will remove the heat off NFC and at the same time tightened some loose bolts on Muhyiddin. Afterall IIB is in Johor and Muhyiddin is from Johor, is it not?
Whilst 1MPM6 is faced with NFC and soon others will come piling on his doorsteps, it does not mean PR is having a field day. Yes, 1MPM6 room is clouded with issues but PR's house is getting cloudy too.
For BN renegades, their situation is like birds in golden cages. Free to see but limited in their movement. For PR, it is more like "marahkan nyamuk, kelambu dibakar". 2008 success is getting into their heads and PR lawmakers are acting beyond their means. 2008 do not actually guarantee PR will sit in Putrajaya in 2012, but unfortunately PR lawmakers are getting giddy to the extent that they do not know how to act anymore.
Look at Rama-Karpal Singh recent spat. Their open warfare will lose those few precious botes that put them where they are now. Karpal may be wrong but Rama choose to burn the netting that protects him from BN mosquitoes. In the end, not only Karpal and Rama burnt but maybe DAP will suffer some burns too...
PAS too has its own problems with Hassan Ali, Nashruddin against "senile" Mustapha Ali. Just because Mustapha Ali is PAS secretary general does not make him all correct. PAS, under Hadi fails to realise the importance of human resources. Yes, Hassan Ali and Nashruddin may step out of party's guideline but they can always be corraled in if it is done properly and diplomatically. The problem is, Mustapha Ali thinks that he is way ahead of the rest and that puts PAS in a dangerous situation.
PKR? The less said the better. PKR is self centered around Anwar. With Anwar probably gone by 9th January 2012, PKR will be like a lost herd. Who has the charisma to bring the herd together? Azmin Ali? Forget it. Khalid Ibrahim? Fat Chance? Rafizi Ismail? Too busy honeymooning...
That's not all. When everyone is busy looking at Anwar and NFC, 1MPM6 seems to push though his golf buddy into another comfortable chair, getting him the Gemas-Johor Bharu double track project. We are not talking M here but B. Yes, the project is worth more than RM 7B and yest out Kong Cho Ha claims that the project is not awarded. Maybe Kong is right, the project is not awarded but at the same time the LOA has been issued. Is it not the same or similar?
That, my friends, are what clouts are for. Proxy to someone with the gains equally shared when the heat is off and when the "politically-connected" master is out of "political job".
So, what is our choice? Maybe our youths can make a stand and welcome 2012 in Guy Fawkes masks. Honestly, I would be glad to join the Guy Fawkes mask wearers in Dataran welcoming 2012 but I am not a party goer, so I leave it to you guys to carry the flag. Afterall, I am an early sleeper and needs all the sleep I can muster in preparation for 2012 GE.
Some online news mention my friend SakmongkolAK47 crossing over to DAP. I may not know him that well but my bet is Sak will stay in UMNO as UMNO is his first love. Aziz Bari, on the other hand, may join DAP as I believe Aziz Bari may not have a long future in PKR.
Me? Still happy travelling here and there, listening to birds chirping... Maybe I should start night haunting, to prepare for 2012...
Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...
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UMNOs Da Vinci code: searching for the elusive addendum. Tales by an
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1. An addendum is material added at the end of the document. It is used to
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