Last night I dropped by a forum organised by TINDAK. I left halfway due to other commitments but enough to know that Malaysia is heading the wrong way this coming GE 13...
Imagine this - more than 700 ammendments to the constitution since 1957 and compare to 27 ammendments done to USA for the past 236 years. Maybe Malaysia will be going to the books of records for the most ammendments made to the constitution!
And where in the world do we have a red-eye parliament session to push the bill/acts through within a day as what happened last Thursday. And I wish KJ luck when he face Ambiga tomite in the Malay Mail-sponsored forum.
I can't help laughing knowing how KL mayor is going to deal with BERSIH 3.0. Face the music? Did he thinks that KL belongs to Fuad? Heck no! Fuad, be reminded that you are appointed as a custodian to KL not as an enforcer for some hidden hands! Your job is to fascilitate and as such, act as one! If you do not know how to fascilitate then yours truly can give you a helping hand or two...
BERSIH 3.0 wanted to use Dataran Merdeka and poor Fuad offers unworkable alternatives! Why unworkable? The alternatives listed are way out of city centre and worse it does not command good transportation hub.
Maybe Fuad does not know KL as others since his face is buried with papers and his kiblat is Putrajaya then let me offer one or two better alternatives compared to Fuad's.
Honestly, I did not see any problems if Fuad allows BERSIH 3.0 to use Dataran Merdeka for their sit in. Nothing wrong at all as these sit in guys are not going to perform any death-defying feats there nor are they there to stomp the ground.
If Fuad is too timid to allow BERSIH 3.0 access to dataran Merdeka, then Padang Merbok is a good alternative and let it be bridge to Tugu Negara. Why there? It is within city centre, within walking distance from all the major transportation hub and it is just a stone's throw away from bukit Aman. No need for our hardworking police commanders to man the field, enough for them to use their binoculars to monitor the situation from the comfort of their offices. Even Hishamuddin can join them in Bukit Aman!
Someone asked me " Why do you walk for BERSIH 3.0?" My answer is simple "I want a fair and free election". So far, I did not buy the idea of EC providing one since the bills/acts are bulldozed within a night and there are too many questions left unanswered.
A few die-hard Indian BN supporters openly declared yesterday that they are not happy with the way big brother UMNO is acting. They believed that foreigners are turned into instant voters whilst there are still Indians with PR status. To them, UMNO has betrayed their trust and Namikei. Will they walk this Saturday? I don't know but they have openly declared that they are not happy with big brother UMNO.
Back to TINDAK forum last night - I was taken by surprise with the open statements made by fellow attendees. They are making ammends for not attending BERSIH and BERSIH 2.0 and vouched that come what may they will be there on the grounds of Dataran Merdeka. You almost can never hear this before and these people bravely put their newly-bought BERSIH 3.0, anti Lynas and combination of anti-Lynas-BERSIH 3.0 t shirts. And these people are all the natives of KL... I wonder if Fuad is a KLite or not...
As I listen to Ambiga short speech, I ask myself - are there true UMNO and BN leaders who understand that there is some sort of injustice to our electoral system. If there are, then where will these people be come 28th April 2012? Will they be joining the rest of us sitting in or will they be in the comfort of their homes - enjoying the fruits of unbalanced system?
Looking forward to see how Fuad is going to act when 28th April dawns on him. Or maybe he is now waiting for email instruction from his boss in Putrajaya...
Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...
Lahuma, Jeha and the rice saga. Tales by an unknown blogger no 55
1. Mat Sabu said stiff punishment awaits farmers who repack local rice as
imported rice. As though they care 2 hoots about what he said . They just
want ex...
11 hours ago
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