To the students of Open U (Dataran Merdeka) - stand your ground. If the gagaks show up again, then Nightcaller will not be calling. Instead it will be Nightstalker who will be watching and recording.
A simple SMS "Dropping by Dataran Merdeka to see how our young friends doing. U there?" and it ends with "Yes same case. C u 28. Take care wife OK?"
This Nightcaller drop by to see how our young students were doing in Dataran Merdeka at 11:00 am today. On the short walk there, a banner reads "Raja dan Rakyat berpisah tiada" or loosely translated ""King and the subjects never separated".Raja dan rakyat berpisah tiada. It sets me thinking, the students camping out in Dataran Merdeka are also his royal subjects and if there is no physical separation between the Raja and the rakyats, then these students has the same rights to be on Dataran Merdeka as you and me. Is that right?
Walking the length of Sultan Abd Samad building, one can see clearly workers putting up stages and special dias for the upcoming Royal concert to be held on 21st April 2011. At the end, near the fountain are three tents erected by the students who are fighting for "Abolish PTPTN repayment" This Nightcaller have said it earlier that Nightcaller is not supportive of the groups' demand but they have the same rights to voice out their opinion, even if it is not inline with the Nightcaller's ideals...These students have camped 6 nights n Dataran Merdeka and brave the scorching sun with their demands. Little did the Nightcaller knew that they have a rough night last night....
It seems that there are those out there who believed in brute force to get their message across. But this same group of "gung ho" black shirt gagaks are only brave in numbers. Are they the same if they are alone?
These gagaks should respect the students point of view and if these gagaks did not agree to them, then by all means engage in discussions and not in brute force. By doing so, these gagaks are no better than the hooligans who walk the London streets last year. Worse, now all fingers are pointing to an established party as the sponsor for their act!
UMNO youth leader, KJ is quick to condemn the attack. And he is suppose to be the Jaguh who gathers the Mat Rempits. If he condemns the attack, then why is his former boss claims that this is to rile up the public? These gagaks are only good at kicking girls and what this Nightcaller don't understand is why are these gagaks prowling the streets at night?
If these gagaks are so brave, then by all means come out in the daylights and show your face! If these gagaks are responsible enough then they should not be camera shy to the extend of threatening and confiscating cameras from those filming their acts.
Yes, in my field trip today I noticed the DBKL enforcement officers in the background under the comfort of shaded trees. Apparently they are there to fill their timesheets, no more and no less. Does the same goes to our Men in Blue? 15 minutes of commotion and those entrusted to provide our security is not there to stand up to these gagaks. Something is not right here...
To the students of Open U (Dataran Merdeka) - stand your ground. If the gagaks show up again, then Nightcaller will not be calling. Instead it will be Nightstalker who will be watching and recording.
Back to the Raja dan Rakyat berpisah tiada - did it cross your mind that Bersih 1.0 and Bersih 2.0 walks to istana Negara to present their petition to the Raja. That's how close the Raja is to the rakyat. Now, the Rakyat is again planning to see the Raja to air their grievances, where will the Raja be? No longer in the Istana Negara of old but a new one in Jalan Duta, almost inaccessible to the simple rakyat like you and me...Think about it...
Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...
Lahuma, Jeha and the rice saga. Tales by an unknown blogger no 55
1. Mat Sabu said stiff punishment awaits farmers who repack local rice as
imported rice. As though they care 2 hoots about what he said . They just
want ex...
11 hours ago
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