Thursday, July 15, 2010

Who walks before Najib? Jeng...jeng...jeng...

Another picture...thousands of words....and it's not doctored!!!

This time, it's Kota Kinabalu and splash in Kota Kinabalu's Daily Express 14th July 2010 edition...

Ask yourself..Najib war-war "Rakyat diutamakan, pencapaian didahulukan" but in reality Najib 's motto is

"Rose-mah diutamakan
rakyat dibiarkan"

Najib, Najib...bila nak sedar... apa, hang kena manderam ka? More than 30 years of experience, Najib still fails in protocol...all because of his protocol-less sleeping partner...

No wonder, Malaysia is going haywire all over the place....courtesy of Najib and Co...

Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...


Premium Business said...

Najib sekadar amalkan ladies first..suami mithali.

nightcaller said...


Suami mithali atau suami "main tali"?

Nampaknya Najib "hantar" Rosemah ke nurseri di KK and 3 hari Najib MERDEKA di KL...

Mana ada ladies first? Tak nampak pun Obama atau pemimpin lain yang amalkan Ladies first dalam official function...nie memang dah kena manderam nie...:)

Pak Zawi said...

Najib prefers the 3 days freedom more than anything else I guess.

nightcaller said...

Pak Zawi

Yes, to the extent that he "approved" price increase for sugar (25 sen /kg), ron 95 (5 sen/lit), diesel (5 sen/lit) cooking gas (10 sen/kg) et al...

Tha's how much Najib value his 3 days freedom...:)

Anonymous said...

It was said that "behind every successful men are their women" and some have reworded it like this:" behind every successful men are their other women."

Very confusing maxim and no right word for it. Whereas in this scene, it is "behind every successful Ros, they have their men".

The choice is clear and there is no outright answer except for both of them to show us who is suppose to be the front man.

nightcaller said...


Maybe the picture is incomplete?

What if? What if Rosmah is walking behind one Deepak and our pinky is walking behind Rosmah?

Would it not be "Behind every successful man is a woman-in-waiting who walks in front of her toy"..reminds me of the film "The other side of midnight"...scary...