I believe PAS will come out stronger after 28th October 2009...and beyond that UMNO will know that their Queen bee is bringing them down...the only thing is UMNO refuse to rid the Queen bee who is reigning supreme in Putrajaya...by the way, is she a queen bee or the black widow?
The morning after the shocking results that trembled BN on 8th March 2008, I chanced on a strong BN supporter who looked as if the whole weight of the world is on his back. After the usual pleasantries, I asked him how he felt and he poured his heart out lambasting that the Malays had deserted UMNO/BN and he felt that DAP will be running the show from then on.
My answer to him is short and simple "It is not that the Malays (or for that matter the Rakyat) abandoned UMNO/BN but it is UMNO/BN who has shunned the Malays (and the rakyats) by failing o hear the cries for justice, equality and transperancy".
In that consoling moments, it has also been told to him that as long as PAS stands by its principle of universal justice and embracing Islam as their "way of life", then UMNO, DAP, PKR should not have any worries, Malaysia should be in safe and steady hands...
PAS, as a party is not borne in palatial house nor is it considered as the "golden son" of the palaces. PAS is borne out of the inspiration of Muslims in Malaysia to see Malaysia ruled under the guidance of Islam (as it is also the official religion of Malaysia).
And Islam, as a religion is no different from other religions in that they stressed their followers to be morally good and spiritually healthy. Then, there are of course those who discard religions and calls for humanity, equality but their humanity and equality is measured in humanistic values which may be different and out-of-synch from religous point of view.
Back to PAS, although 8th March 2008 marked the first time BN failed to control 2/3 of the parliament, it is a party with the least number of parliamentary seats in the loose PR coalition. Even back then, I am not a believer of PR but more of Barisan Rakyat supporter. Alas...PKR/DAP/PAS chose PR over BR...
After 8th March 2008, PAS came under the limelight when their leaders ar being wooed and charmed by BN with promises of "power sharing" to the extent that BN is willing to let PAS became MBs in Selangor, Perak. Even the "yellow bloods" were hesistant to recognise this new political powers of PR thus the delays in MB swearing-in ceremony in Selangor and Perak.
All in a sudden, PAS became the bride of the year. PKR/DAP wants PAS to remain in PR whilst UMNO/BN tried their best to thaw PAS away from PR. PAS, through to the idealogy, stick to PR and they say that the rest is history. Not for long...though.
In the 50 years of Malaysia, UMNO became the backbone of the government of the day with their tentacles gripping all...and UMNO use all their hidden powers to apply pressure to the new-born PR and PR-governed states. Apart from that, UMNO is also using their rare resources in prompting their "sleepers" in PAS to raise mischeavous issues amongst PR.
Why do I call them "sleepers"? For UMNO, PAS is their sworn enemies. To UMNO, anything except PAS is OK. The sleepers are planted because UMNO understand that the day will come when the rakyats will rise against them. In preparation of that, UMNO also realised that for the Malays and the Muslims, the alternative is PAS and if UMNO can contain PAS's influence, then UMNO will retain their grip on Malaysia.
PAS, in their continual evolution to become a better and acceptable party to all Malaysians accepted professionals in their ranks. Although the professionals are "naive" in the fiqh, their commitment towards Islam and PAS idealogy is beyond question. With the combination of tech-savvy professionals with theologist, PAS manage to draw Muslim and non-Muslim supports from both the rural and urban areas. Something that UMNO failed to do....
However, due to the fact that Malaysian government scholars comes from different background, there are those who are "torn between two lovers". Their hearts are with PAS but their logical minds leaned towards UMNO. March 8 phenomenom scared these group who bought the idea of PR going to be DAP-ised and thus changes in the basic tenets of the constitution may occur ie will PR declare Islam as the official religion of Malaysia? Will Bumis lost their soecial priviledges? etc...
Slowly, these sleepers subconciously take stands against the agreed principle of a just and fair society of PR. And these issues is inteliggently used bu UMNO to create a wedge between PKR/DAP and PAS. Not only that, UMNO/PR used all the media instruments available to hype these differences and create discord amongst the top leaders of PAS.
Fortunately, old and wise Nik Aziz see through the trap laid by UMNO. Using his creative ways, Nik Aziz issued statements proposing for PAS EGM. And UMNO/BN is quick to jump to Nik Aziz's bait.
What happens on 28th October 2009 will be another milestone for PAS. If PAS agree to stick to PR, then UMNO will have tough days ahead. It is time for PAS leaders to consolidate their strength, their expertise to blend both the professionals and the theologicians.
What UMNO failed to see is the mutual respect both thses groups have towards each other in PAS. Even PR coalition partners failed to see this. For non-PAS members and supporters, they see the picture painted by UMNO/BN which is the erdogan versus the old school. A simple question should lay this issue to rest - Is there any such thing as Erdogan PAS? The answer is no...there is no such thing. Only UMNO wanted to paint PAS professionals as erdogans so that they can link Kamal Attarturk to PAS. Don't UMNO realise that PAS hated Kalamal Attarturk? And the only person this scribe knows of going overboard in praising Kamal Attarturk is Mahathir Mohamed.....
PAS see the evil of Kamal Attarturk surpasses his good deeds...
I believe PAS will come out stronger after 28th October 2009...and beyond that UMNO will know that their Queen bee is bringing them down...the only thing is UMNO refuse to rid the Queen bee who is reigning supreme in Putrajaya...by the way, is she a queen bee or the black widow?
Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...
Seriously hope PAS can come out after tomorrow stronger.
Post Bagan Pinang, theres been nothing but bad news on the Pakatan front.
Very tough long road ahead.
Dont expect Perak to give us any pretty pictures either when they hold their assembly sitting.
If PAS leaders make collective decision based on sunah and Quran, then they will come out stronger...have no worry sunwayopal...
It is UMNO who is getting more and more desperate when they see the close rapport of PAS leadership, supporters, members and PR coalition. Something that UMNO can only dream but never achieved...
I mentioned "torn between two lovers" but I have never experienced "Split four ways" ie PR or BN or (power x money) or integrity. It must be a first...:)
And point taken...u will stick to PR as I will support BR...deal?
If PAS ever form unity govt with UMNO, it will be history repeating itself. This round may be worse than the former as those days the rakyats were more forgiving. Now the scene is entirely different with people all over the world expecting,.... nothing BUT change !
Let's all hope for good sense to prevail for PAS as if they indeed meant whay they said,.... PAS for All, we have good hope for the nation. They are a force to be if they can discard some of their " extremist " within their party. I have my respect for many of their leaders that are righteous with their way of life.
Nothing is lost yet. Strong vibes coming that BN and their spin masters are trying to paint bad pictures of PAS in the hope that the pAS leadership will go for all out squabbles...but now it seems that BN dreams are going tatters.
Tonight will be the first episode exposing BN's bad intentions and how they put words into PAS' mouth...from thereon how they create stories of fictitious factions in PAS.
But BN can sleep easier tonight knowing PKR is having problems in Sabah...so for BN, their safe deposit box of Sabah is still safe and sound...
Together, we still have to remain resolved to see the end of "abuse of power" and the jet setting ways of the corrupt....it can be done...although the roads will never be easy....
Oops I think I posted a comment meant for you on a wrong blog..haha too many comment boxes Well what I said is that right now, the situation is that BN is enjoying a bear market rally. Whether it turns into a bull market or not is still too hazy - after all MI says BN's fate is in the hands of Idris Jala and team in their KPI Labs. But the problem is you cant buy forward positions on PAS, and say that well even if BN loses "operationally", we still made a profit from the PAS derivatives :-)
BN and PR are locked in a trench war. I think the situation will change once the Battle of Cambrai moment has happened. What it means is that either BN wins in PR strongholds or vice versa.
Spot on nightcaller, wherever you are. Why do you think we prefer to call ourselves the Barisan Rakyat Bloggers. Pakat has a negative conotation and open only to regressive interpretations. We plod on OK? No offence Fisha. Same fold but different orientation as to name only.
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1. Sejarah Malaysia dikait rapat dengan UMNO, Parti Kebangsaan Melayu
Bersatu. Parti UMNO pula dikenali dengan pemimpinnya. 2. Demikian di
peringkat permul...
hello blog.
Ini kali lah...! Posting menentang arus itu memang tak popular. Tapi jika
posting membodek dan mengampu tetap digemar oran " Jika kita mengejar
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use money for food. Excerpts:
The Malaysian government will delay nonessential pub...
Some may ask why nightcaller? It is my favourite TV series way back in the 80's.
Back then, Jack Killian @ nighthawk goes on the air nightly to talk about issues in USA whilst this scribe reach out to the netizens with apolitical views on issues that interest him inclusive of global issues. In commenting to other blogs, he goes by the nick nightcaller with the callsign "Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are..."
MH370: Krisis komunikasi seperti isu kangkung
Pada pandangan saya kelemahan Kerajaan di dalam menangani krisis #MH370
berkisar kepada kegagalan komunikasi. Implikasinya menunjukkan seolah wakil
Badan P...
Kanang Ak Langkau was initially shabbily treated
Malaysia’s most decorated war hero *Kanang Anak Langkau* could have died as
a pauper as his military services – helping to liberate Malaya (and later
Dear Friends and members Clamouring for the Almighty The ‘Allah’
controversy rages on relentlessly in this beloved land of ours, wreaking
havoc to the very...
11 years ago
2012 - As it happens...
2. 28th Apr 2012 - BERSIH 3.0 rally for free and fair election
1. 9th Jan 2012 - Anwar acquitted of Sodomy II
2011 - It goes like this...
14. 23rd December 2011 - Khair Toyo sentenced to 12 months jail (graft)
13. 17th July 2011 - Al-Fatihah Dr Lo' Lo' Ghazali (MP Titiwangsa)
12. 9th Jul 2011 - Bersih 2.0 rally for Fair and Clean election
11. 16th May 2011 - Anwar to enter defense for Sodomy II
10. 12th May 2011 - Sugar price increase by 20 sen per kg becoming RM 2.30 per kg
9. 5th May 2011 - RON 97 increase by 20 sen to RM 2.90 per lit
8. 16th Apr 2011 - Sarawak state election. BN 55, DAP 12, PKR 3, Ind 1
7. 1st Apr 2011 - RON 97 increase
6. 21st mar 2011 - Taib Mahmud dissolves DUN Sarawak
5. 6th Mar 2011 - BN wins Melaka N27 Merlimau with 3,642 majority
4. 6th Mar - BN wins Pahang N28 Kerdau with 2,724 majority
3. 1st Feb 2011 - RON 97 increase by 10 sen to RM 2.50 per lit
2. 30th Jan 2011 - BN won Johor N5 Tenang with 2,707 majority
1. 4th Jan 2011 - RON 97 increase to RM 2.40 per lit
8. 16th Apr 2011 - Sarawak state election. BN 55, DAP 12, PKR 3, Ind 1
7. 1st Apr 2011 - RON 97 increase
2010 - Thus far...
16. 1st Dec 2010 - RON 97 up 5 sen/lit
15. 4th Nov 2010 - BN won P 185 Batu Sapi with 6359 majority
14. 4th Nov 2010 - BN won Kelantan N45 Galas seat with 1190 majority
13. 13th Oct 2010 - Govt postpone GET implementation indefiitely
12. 4th Oct 2010 - 20 pack cigarette sticks go up by 30 sen, new price RM 10 per 20 stick pack
11. 16th July 2010 - Sugar price up 25 sen/kg, LPG 10 sen/kg, RON 95 5 sen/lit, RON 97 5sen/lit, Diesel 5 sen/lit
10. 1st July 2010 - New postal rate for Domestic and International letters.
9. 25th June 2910 - Govt will not issue football betting license succumbing to public opinion.
8. 16th May 2010 - DAP won P 212 Sibu with 398 majority
7. 25th Apr 2010 - BN won P 94 Hulu Selangor with 1,725 majority
6. 16th Apr 2010 - NY Times advertisement with Rosmah as First lady of Malaysia sponsored by Families and Friends in Malaysia and USA
5. 17th Mar 2010 - 2,000 orang asli marched to PM's department to hand over memorandum signed by 12,000 orang aslis on unfair land policy
4. Mar 2010 - Govt delays tabling 2nd reading of GST (after protest from public)
3. 4th Mar 2010 - 2-tiered fuel price officially scrapped
2. 9th Feb 2010 - Federal court decides 5-0 that Zambry is the legal MB of Perak
1. 1st Jan 2010 - Sugar price up by 20 sen per kilo
Seriously hope PAS can come out after tomorrow stronger.
Post Bagan Pinang, theres been nothing but bad news on the Pakatan front.
Very tough long road ahead.
Dont expect Perak to give us any pretty pictures either when they hold their assembly sitting.
If PAS leaders make collective decision based on sunah and Quran, then they will come out stronger...have no worry sunwayopal...
It is UMNO who is getting more and more desperate when they see the close rapport of PAS leadership, supporters, members and PR coalition. Something that UMNO can only dream but never achieved...
Good morning Sir
How about Pas' torn between (Power x Money) and Integrity?
Come what may, I'm the rakyat so i'd stick with Pakatan Rakyat.
~Eternal Optimist~
I mentioned "torn between two lovers" but I have never experienced "Split four ways" ie PR or BN or (power x money) or integrity. It must be a first...:)
And point taken...u will stick to PR as I will support BR...deal?
If PAS ever form unity govt with UMNO, it will be history repeating itself. This round may be worse than the former as those days the rakyats were more forgiving. Now the scene is entirely different with people all over the world expecting,.... nothing BUT change !
Let's all hope for good sense to prevail for PAS as if they indeed meant whay they said,.... PAS for All, we have good hope for the nation. They are a force to be if they can discard some of their
" extremist " within their party. I have my respect for many of their leaders that are righteous with their way of life.
Nothing is lost yet. Strong vibes coming that BN and their spin masters are trying to paint bad pictures of PAS in the hope that the pAS leadership will go for all out squabbles...but now it seems that BN dreams are going tatters.
Tonight will be the first episode exposing BN's bad intentions and how they put words into PAS' mouth...from thereon how they create stories of fictitious factions in PAS.
But BN can sleep easier tonight knowing PKR is having problems in Sabah...so for BN, their safe deposit box of Sabah is still safe and sound...
Together, we still have to remain resolved to see the end of "abuse of power" and the jet setting ways of the corrupt....it can be done...although the roads will never be easy....
Oops I think I posted a comment meant for you on a wrong blog..haha too many comment boxes
Well what I said is that right now, the situation is that BN is enjoying a bear market rally. Whether it turns into a bull market or not is still too hazy - after all MI says BN's fate is in the hands of Idris Jala and team in their KPI Labs. But the problem is you cant buy forward positions on PAS, and say that well even if BN loses "operationally", we still made a profit from the PAS derivatives :-)
BN and PR are locked in a trench war. I think the situation will change once the Battle of Cambrai moment has happened. What it means is that either BN wins in PR strongholds or vice versa.
Who would be the victor?
Spot on nightcaller, wherever you are. Why do you think we prefer to call ourselves the Barisan Rakyat Bloggers. Pakat has a negative conotation and open only to regressive interpretations. We plod on OK? No offence Fisha. Same fold but different orientation as to name only.
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