Bagan Pinang is not ready for 2 UMNO MBs' governing Negeri Sembilan. Bagan Pinang is not ready to see 2 tigers occupying the same hill. In short, Bagan Pinang voters needs to reject BN/UMNO. The timing is right. Let's show to BN/UMNO who is the boss...
Bagan Pinang tidak bersedia untuk 2 pemimpin UMNO menjadi MB Nogori Sembilan. Bagan Pinang juga tidak bersedia untuk melihat 2 harimau diatas satu bukit yang sama. Secara ringkasnya, pengundi Bagan Pinang perlu menolak BN/UMNO. Masanya telah tiba. Ayuh! Kita sama-sama tunjukkan kepada BN/UMNO siapa sebenarnya bos...
Talk about Port Dickson and the first thing that raised through our minds should be the sea breeze and the beaches. They say even 1M PM6 has fond memories of his many stop-overs in PD :) . Talk about Teluk Kemang and the mind wanders back to the time when the stargazers searched for the "anak bulan" to determine the first day of Ramadan and more importantly when the eid Fitri will be.
That's years ago...time change and Port Dickson is now going to be known as the "army city", courtesy of 1M PM6 Najib whose wife is an NS born but who had disowned her own family and close friends on her way up.
This time around, let's discuss expectations. Yes! Expectations of what PD should be in relation to an army camp. The word army is almost synonymous with discipline. It conjurs the idea of precision. Its a picture of well planned logistics and support. That's my first impression of army camps and its population.
Does PD has that? No...a friend of mine first highlighted the problems of drainage, water supply, flash floods, pollution facing PD way before the nomination day. At first I dismissed it as hearsay of things in the past because BN has been governing NS since merdeka. It could not be that bad...alas its just wishful thinking.
PAS came out with their Bagan Pinang manifesto which includes solving the inefficient drainage system that caused flash floods, water pollution and breeding grounds for mosquitoes and flies...PAS also called for the government to complete the road upgrading works from Teluk Kemang to Pasir Panjang.
Both candidates bumped into each other at Teluk Kemang market. A trader there expressed her hopes that the by-election will help solve the problems faced by 40 traders including the need to upgrade he facilities of the 30 year old market. Isa said that the problems can be immediately solved by the local council. Hello! Isa...are you telling us that BN has neglected the 40 traders for the past 30 years? Are you implying that the present NS government under Mat Hassan is incompetent? Are you admitting that you have not paid enough attention to PD during the years that you were NS's MB? If that is so, tell us - why should Bagan Pinang vote for you when you have failed to administer the state (and PD/Bagan Pinang) when you were NS's MB for 22 years?
Agreed that PAS is currently trailing in Bagan Pinang. But that won't be for long. Bagan Pinang voters, as responsible and matured voters, should be clear in making the right choice. Bagan Pinang voters shall be paving the way to reject UMNO/BN as being a party who has forsaken the peoples' needs.
Is Bagan Pinang and for that matter Nogori Sembilan ready for 2 MBs' from UMNO to govern the state? When mentioned that PD has been neglected, Mat Hassan responded that PD will be developed based on zoning. What is he talking about? PD has been a tourist area for so long and only now Mat Hassan is talking about zoning? What has Isa Samad been doing when he was the MB? Sleeping on the job? And Isa has no shame to declare that he is Bagan Pinang local boy when he neglected Bagan Pinang when he was the Nogori's MB! Are the two MBs' (from UMNO) going to pass the rap to JPBD? Blame it on the planners for their incompetencies?
Isa, JE and Kg Pelanduk goes hand in hand. back in the 80's when Isa was the MB, 1,500 acres of land was acquired for the pig farmers to relocate their farms at RM 8,500 per acre. However, it turns out that the land was later offered to the farmers at RM145,000 per acre. Can Bagan Pinang ask Isa - who is the actual beneficiary of the land acquisition? What happen to the land now that the farmers rejected the offer? Who owns the land now? What is the land-use status - is it agriculture or is it commercial? Isa may not be wrong but the party subscribed by Isa definitely needs major revamp. That major revamp will only take place if Bagan Pinang choose to reject BN/UMNO in this by-election. That's one of the stories concerning the Nogori's MB for 22 years.
Mohd Hassan, Sime Darby and Air Asia is equated to KLIA east. Remember the prroposal by Sime-Air Asia to construct a new low-cost terminal to be known as KLIA east? Some said it will involved 3,000 acres of land. Who is the direct beneficiary of the project? Granted that the project was shelved due to intense public complains but the fact remains - who will benefit from this? Is this another get-rich quick, courtesy of BN/UMNO?
That said, Bagan Pinang voters need to rise up to this occassion. 25 million Malaysians are watching you. 25 million rakyats pray that Bagan Pinang will send a strong message to BN/UMNO. It is not that Bagan Pinang hate Isa, but Bagan Pinang loves Malaysia more...
Bagan Pinang is not ready for 2 UMNO MBs' governing Negeri Sembilan. Bagan Pinang is not ready to see 2 tigers occupying the same hill. In short, Bagan Pinang voters needs to reject BN/UMNO. The timing is right. Let's show to BN/UMNO who is the boss...
Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...
Mengulas mengenai PD dan perkara yang pertama yang diingati ialah angin sepoi bahasa dan pantainya. Ada juga yang berkata bahwa 1M PM6 juga mempunyai kenangan manis di PD ketika selalu mengunjunginya :) Bercerita mengenai Teluk Kemang dan teringat kembali ketikamana Ustaz dan pak lebai mencari anak bulan untuk mengistiharkan awal Ramadan dan lebih penting bila umat Islam menyambut aidil Fitri.
Itu dulu...dan masa berubah. Kini PD akan dikenali sebagai "Bandar Tentera", hasilusaha 1M PM6 Najib yang mempunyai isteri yang berasal dari Nogori Sembilan tetapi yang dikatakan telah menyahkan keluarga dan rakan taulan ketika mula menamuk dihati Najib.
Pusingan ini, mari kita berbicara tentang jangkaan. Ya! Jangkaan tentang PD dan hubungannya dengan kem tentera. Perkataan tentera menjuruskan kearah disiplin. Ia meyemarakkan tentang ketepatan. Ia memberi gambaran satu pelan logistik dan asas bantuan yang baik. Itulah pandangan saya mengenai kem tentera dan anggotanya.
Apakah PD mempunyai itu semua? Tidak...seorang sahabat menceritakan tentang masaalah longkang, bekalan air, banjir kilat, pencemaran sebelum hari penamaan calun lagi. Tapi saya menyanggah pendapat beliau sebagai berita lama kerana BN telah menguasai Negeri Sembilan sejak merdeka. Takkanlah teruk sangat kot...tapi nampaknya jangkaan saya melesit.
Parti PAS telah mengeluarkan manisfesto Bagan Pinang yang turut memuatkan hasrat untuk menyelesaikan masalah perparitan yang tidak efisyen yang menyebabkan banjir kilat, pencemaran dan menjadi kawasan pembiakan nyamuk dan lalat...PAS juga meminta kerajaan negeri/persekutuan untuk menyiapkan kerja-kerja menaiktaraf jalan dari Teluk Kemang hingga Pasir Panjang.
Kedua-dua calun terserempak di Pasar Teluk Kemang. Seorang peniaga berharap bahwa PRK ini akan membuka jalan untuk menyelesaikan masaalah yang dihadapi oleh 40 peniaga disitu termasuk menaiktaraf kemudahan di pasar yang berumur lebih 30 tahun itu. Isa mengatakan bahwa segala permasalahan itu dapat diselesaikan dengan mudah dan segera oleh majlis perbandaran PD. Hello Isa...adakah anda menyatakan bahwa kerajaan BN mengabaikan 40 peniaga ini selama 30 tahun? Adakah anda memberi gambaran bahwa kerajaan BN pimpinan Mohd Hassan sekarang tidak berbakat? Adakah kamu, Isa, mengakui bahwa anda tidak memberi tumpuan sepatutnya terhadap PD selama mana anda menjadi MB Nogori Sembilan? Sekiranya itu yang dimaksudkan - kenapa perlu Bagan Pinang mengundi anda apabila anda sendiri gagal untuk mentadbir nogori (dan PD/Bagan Pinang) selama 22 tahun anda menjadi MB?
Memang diakui bahwa buat ketika ini parti PAS terkebelakang di Bagan Pinang. Tapi itu semua bersifat sementara. Pengundi Bagan Pinang, sebagai pengundi yang bertanggungjawab dan matang, akan mengundi dengan hati yang terbuka. Pengundi Bagan Pinang akan membuka jalan untuk kita sama-sama menolak BN/UMNO sebagai parti yang telah mengabaikan keperluan rakyat.
Adakah Bagan Pinang dan Nogori Sembilan bersedia dengan 2MB dari UMNO mentadbir negeri ini? Apabila disebut bahwa PD ketinggalan, Mohd Hassan menjawab bahwa PD akan dibangunkan mengikut zon. Apa ni? PD, sebagai satu tarikan pelancung sekian lama dan hanya kini Mohd Hassan bercakap mengenai pensempadanan? Apa yang telah lakukan oleh Isa ketika beliau menjawat jawatan MB dulu? Adakah Isa tidur dimeja MB? Dan apakah Isa tidak malu untuk mengaku bahwa beliau orang tempatan walhal beliau mengabaikan Bagan Pinang ketika beliau mengemudi NS dahulu? Apakah kedua-dua MB (dari UMNO) ini akan menunding jari terhadap JPBD? Meletakkan kesalahan dibahu perancang bandar atas kegagalan mereka?
Isa, JE dan Kg Pelanduk berjalan seiringan. Dalam tahun 80'an ketika Isa menjadi MB, 1,500 ekar tanah telah diambilbalik untuk pengusaha khinzir menempatkan ladang mereka dengan kadar RM8,500 se ekar. Entah kenapa tanah tersebut akhirnya ditawarkan kepada pengusaha ternakan khinzir dengan harga RM 145,000 se ekar. Bagan Pinang ingin bertanya Isa - siapakah yang menjadi dalang dalam kes ini? Apa terjadi dengan tanah tersebut kerana pengusaha ternakan khinzir telah menolak dari membeli tanah pada harga sebegitu tinggi? Siapak pemilik tanah tersebut sekarang? Apakah status tanah itu - pertaniah atau komersial? Isa mungkin tidak bersalah tetapi parti yang dianuti Isa sememangnya memerlukan pembaikpulihan yang besar. Ini hanya dapat dilakukan sekiranya pengundi Bagan Pinang menolak BN/UMNO dalam PRK. Inilah salah satu isu yang terjadi ketika Isa menerajui Nogori Sembilan selama 22 tahun.
Mohd Hassan, Sime Darby dan Air Asia pula dikaitkan dengan KLIA east. Masih teringatkah cadangan Sime Darby untuk membina satu terminal pernerbangan rendah yang dikenali sebagai KLIA east? Ada yang mengatakan bahwa ianya melibatkan 3,000 ekar tanah. Siapakah yang akan mengaut keuntungan? Walaupun benar projek tersebut ditangguhkan kerana bantahan awam tetapi hakikatnya - siapa yang akan mengaut keuntungan? Adakah ini satu lagi skim cepat kaya tajaan BN/UMNO?
Perlu diingat bahwa pengundi Bagan Pinang perlu berdiri teguh kali ini. 25 juta rakyat Malaysia memerati anda. 25 juta rakyat Malaysia berdoa agar pengundi Bagan Pinang akan menghantar satu suara tegas kepada BN/UMNO. Ibi tidak bermakna pengundi Bagan Pinang membenci Isa Samad tetapi pengundi Bagan Pinang lebih mencintai Malaysia...
Bagan Pinang tidak bersedia untuk 2 pemimpin UMNO menjadi MB Nogori Sembilan. Bagan Pinang juga tidak bersedia untuk melihat 2 harimau diatas satu bukit yang sama. Secara ringkasnya, pengundi Bagan Pinang perlu menolak BN/UMNO. Masanya telah tiba. Ayuh! Kita sama-sama tunjukkan kepada BN/UMNO siapa sebenarnya bos...
Hingga ketemu lagi...selamat malam M'sia...dimana jua anda berada...
Lahuma, Jeha and the rice saga. Tales by an unknown blogger no 55
1. Mat Sabu said stiff punishment awaits farmers who repack local rice as
imported rice. As though they care 2 hoots about what he said . They just
want ex...
11 hours ago
Thats why I think the election within a election is important.
It may b we lose the election proper through the postal votes but can we win the 'election' with just the Bagan Pinang residents. If we can, it will still b a significant victory.
Despite what Sak says, the postal voting system is totally crooked. It shows nothing!.
The way EC replied and explain to PAS enquiries on existence of double entries (military IC and civil IC) is outrageous.
EC is taking an easy way out and it has no intention to solve problem. I salute the brave souls of PR party workers who knows that they are against the odds in Bagan Pinang.
Holy cow, after 22 years of rule he has no shame to say the least ! Dare to claim he is a local boy too. Politikus truly have no shame to their name and with power comes arrogance and greed. Thus, they can't even remember their own neighbours name, I think. They can only remember those Datuks with land development projects that are available to pump millions into the socalled projects.
Lands allocated for such projects would easily be converted into industrial lots etc and millions of ringgits change hand for sure. Well, if the people of BP still continue to vote bn, then they deserve to be left behind in development as bn needs to vote for them to continue ruling till this nation reaches the point of Zimbabwee. Even Botswana is going to be better than us soon.
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