RUU 355 seems to be the "in thing" with everyone wanting to chip in regardless they knows what it is all about or not...
For now, let's go to selected comments to get a grip of how misinformed we are in terms of RUU 355 and the syariah laws.
Although Himpunan RUU 355 is over, there are still voices heard for and against the proposed RUU 355. Unfortunately most of the voices did not address the core of RUU 355. Instead many are sidelined with their own understanding of religion and thus do their own interpretation of what religion is all about.
Dr Ronnie Ooi offered to hold a forum in Penang to give PAS a chance to explain the proposed RUU 355. It will be held this Saturday 25th Feb in YMCA hall, Jalan Macalister, Penang. Since it is to be conducted in English, this is a good chance for those interested to ask questions and information regarding RUU 355.
As I said earlier, let's revisit some of the misinformation regarding RUU 355 especially on "self-interpretation" of what it is about.
Anonymous_1421806811 claims Muslim does not need to think. What Anom fails to realise is that there are something beyond our knowledge which we as God's creations need to accept. As we do not know where feelings come from, it is the same with some of God's commands. As The Creator, He knows what is best for his creations and He has prescribed solutions for the misdeeds done by men. Being humans and thinking that we are superior beings, we failed to realise that there are so many things beyond our comprehension. And yet bevause we are ignorant, we tends to find "answers" which normally are misleads by Men's arch and sworn enemy ie Satan.
Vijay47 wanted to be allowed into Muslim ventures. To him, the answer is simple. Surah 109 Ayat 1 - 6 clarly says "To you your religion, to me my religion". As Muslims do not venture into other religions and the same should be applicable to Islam.
Keturunan Malaysia says there are many who choose to be quiet. Wrong. If we are not familiar with things out of our knowledge, then ask those who knows. In Islam, the priority is Quran, Sunnah rasul, ijtima' Ulama'. Go along that line. Of course there are many who are quiet. They are welcome to go learned people and ask them what RUU 355 is all about. There are many school of thoughts, so simpley put if we do not know, then ask. "Malu bertanya sesat jalan".
RUU 355 is not about PAS. RUU 355 is about those who longed for kemartabatan hukum syariah. Again, let us be clear that RUU 355 is applicable for Muslims. I am not being harsh here but there are cases when Muslims who were caught red-handed claims to be apostate (murtad) just because they want to escape worldly punishment. Do you think there will be no punishment in the hereafter? It is up to you to decide. Some may say that hereafter is not is your rights. And there are those who take kalimah syahadah and in doing so knows that akhirat pasti datang and Syurga/Neraka pasti benar...
With this post, let's rest from RU 355 and look at other issues affecting us... Ambrin Buang was formerly tasked to audit 1MDB. Is there something going on in his auditing trail which shows him the door and a new Auditor General taking over???
For those Muslim politicians who are not in favour of RUU 355, ask yourself this question - do you do so because of your political affiliation and voters or because of your ignorance. Tapuk dada tanya selera. This statement is specially dediated to my friend who is a wife of a current Muslim MP in Peninsular Malaysia...
Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...
Lahuma, Jeha and the rice saga. Tales by an unknown blogger no 55
1. Mat Sabu said stiff punishment awaits farmers who repack local rice as
imported rice. As though they care 2 hoots about what he said . They just
want ex...
12 hours ago
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