Since 1MPM6 is in HKL recuperating from his knee operation, he sure do have time to do some reality check. This time around what about reality check on what 1MPM6 said in his closing speech at Malaysian Students Leaders Summit (MSLS)...
Whilst waiting for the formal announcement on the beginning of Ramadan, TV3 carried a news report on 1MPM6 Najib using his oratory skill in defending his government records and proclaiming that he believed in democracy. What a joke...
Malaysian Insider pick up the news with the caption "Najib:BN would have won Kelantan if polls skewed". His reasons? :-
Is Najib getting senile? Who was the Prime Minister in 2004 until 2008? What Najib failed to expose in MSLS are these :-
1MPM6 Najib failed to address the issue correctly. Najib failed to mention that 2004 was BN's superyear when Abdullah-led BN routed PAS and recapture Terengganu. Did he mentioned that? Did Najib mentioned that after years under Mahathir, the rakyat decided to give carte blanche to Abdullah to run the country by presenting him with a landslide win in 2004?
This is where Najib and Abdullah differs. Najib will go all out to win a "lost" state at all cost. See what he had done to Perak. 1MPM6 might have secured Perak but at the same time the backlash swept many casualties including those whose official residence is in Kuala Kangsar.
In his quest to be a "winner" 1MPM6 did the unexpected - he introduce the "you help me, I helpt you" syndrome and top it with "I help you now, you helpt me later" by promising G Palanivel a full ministerial post!
Say what you want of Abdullah but his Jeanie never overshadow him in his official duties. Curse as much as you want of Mahathir but Hasmah Ali never placed Mahathir on a back-burner. Najib? Well, just look at the mess RoseCTmah is inflicting!
Since Najib is in HKL, will RoseCTmah nursing him or is RoseCTmah too busy getting her carpet cleaned? Whatever it is, Ahlan wasahlan Ramadan al mubarak...
Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...
Lahuma, Jeha and the rice saga. Tales by an unknown blogger no 55
1. Mat Sabu said stiff punishment awaits farmers who repack local rice as
imported rice. As though they care 2 hoots about what he said . They just
want ex...
11 hours ago
Selamat menjalankan ibadah Puasa Tuan Dnightcaller :)
Groucho Marx said, "“Only one man in a thousand is a leader of men, the other 999 follow women”. How true....
Ahlan Wasahlan ramadan al mubarak....
Hope i am 1 out of the 1000 :)
The RAHMAN theory will ends with Najib.
Que sera sera... whatever will be, will be...
The way 1MPM6 Najib allows himself to be "one of the 999 men who follows women" may leads to RAHMAN, him being the last... but what comes after that?
Now that Najib is temporarily demobilised with his knee op, maybe that will cut back his overseas trip and Rosmah forced to be more domestic... less flying and less shopping spree...:)
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Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir dan Batin to all Muslims
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