Lallang then, lallang now, lallang forever...
First, there was this aristocrat who founded UMNO but found himself deserted when his ideas is not in rhyme with its members. Result? A prince who hails from Kedah and having the same name as the first Yang diPertuan Agung took over UMNO until he, himself was "replaced" in 1970.
Latest is UMNO's former "blue-eyed" orator-boy parachuted in as the "saviour" who will transform UMNO from within. He too failed and subsequently expelled from UMNO, charged with sodomy I, sodomy II and currently under investigation for soliciting the service of one living doll...
That's how UMNO protect itself from changes. It just choose to expelled those who wants to transform the party. Be it the aristocrat or the firebrand orator...
Of course, there were those who came in between trying to bring changes to UMNO and they too became history. One of them happens to be Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah. Say what you want of this prince but back in 1987, the whole nation saw briefly on TV that this Kelantan prince "beat" the then UMNO president before the result dramatically changed and the rest, they say is history...
This time around, let's just concentrate on the two, Tengku Razaleigh and the "blue-eyed" boy. Back in 1986 when Tengku Razaleigh decided to go for broke in his quest to be UMNO's president (and Malaysia's PMship), everything was in Razaleigh's favour. The mood was there and so were the support. So much so that everybody is looking forward for a new PM, except of course for the then PM and his "blue-eyed" boy.
In that hour of need, the "blue-eyed" boy managed to "turn over" Najib to withdraw his tacit support for Tengku Razaleigh. That event, however small, is the turning point and plays a major role in Tengku Razaleigh's defeat.
10 years later, it was the "blue-eyed" boy's turn to fall. However, this time the script changed because the "blue-eyed" boy did not directly compete for UMNO's presidency. Instead, he chose to use his machais to list the President's shortcomings. In retaliation, the President use both the public and courts to judge and sentenced the "blue-eyed" boy.
Again, as in 1986, this particular Pekan boy withdraw his tacit support for his former "political" sifu in the last critical minute, leading to "blue-eyed" boy's downfall...
Two events, 10 years apart, different players but one single determining factor - the Pekan boy Najib! Some may termed it "the deciding factor", but let's say it truthfully - lallang! That's what Najib was before and that is what 1MPM6 is - lallang!
Why lallang? Well, in short he cannot make his own decision. And even if he did, he just could not stand by his decision! His ultimate decision is factored to favours him. Apa orang kata "opportunistic political animal".
When some of you say "that's in the past", actually it is not. Najib was a "lallang" before and as 1MPM6, he is still lallang!
Forget about bringing tons of proofs to substantiate the claim. Will 2 suffice? Remember Wawasan Merdeka tower announced by 1MPM6 during his 2010's budgetary speech? What happen? After the public openly oppossed to his suggestion, what happen to the project now? No if it never happen! That is one lallang example.
Another lallang example is the recent 1M email project. After the announcement, there were different versions to the project. Is it public or private funded? Well! 1MPM6 claimed that it will be private funded and no public funds will be used. However, it turns out that the "basics" are free but "added value service" will be charged - to various government bodies. Not only that, first it was said that everybody will have their own 1M email, now 1MPM6 turn around and say that it is optional. Well, is it not "lallang" time for 1MPM6?
25 years on, Najib still never change! From 1986 when he turned his backs on Tengku Razaleigh through 1999 when he abandoned Anwar Ibrahim and now in 2011 when his policy is becoming "lallang" policies, 1MPM6 is still thinking on how to get the best deal from situations!
Do we need to re-visit Taib Mahmud? Remember the time when Najib said a new CM is in order for Sarawak? What happen now? Just because BN won 55 seats, Taib is retained as CM. Is that by coincidence? Or is it another "lallang" time for Najib?
Lallang here, lallang there... the only time when 1MPM6 is not a lallang is when RosCTmah is around. Is it because she puts "extra gel" on Najib to keep him stiff? Hhhhrmmmhhh...just wondering...
Aaaaahhhh guess what will be Najib's answer to RosCTmah when our unofficial FLOM barged in demanding why she was not on Prince William's wedding list invitation! Poor lallang, he has a lot of explaining to do from now till the wedding day...
Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...
Lahuma, Jeha and the rice saga. Tales by an unknown blogger no 55
1. Mat Sabu said stiff punishment awaits farmers who repack local rice as
imported rice. As though they care 2 hoots about what he said . They just
want ex...
12 hours ago
You know I love british comedies. Again in one of the Yes Prime Minister episodes called Ministerial broadcast, just watch how Jim Hacker wanna portray himself in his first ministerial broadcast....Sound similar to Najib the Lallang.....Just enjoy!
Great recap and pertinent points you wrote there. Thanks.
We have to revisit the past to understand what happens today...
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