Syed Sobri is only valuable if he is still UMNO elected state rep. However, his value diminishes gradually as time goes by and his value may depreciate to zero by March 2011. Why March 2011?
Man U fans is not going to like it but I am not an MU fan so this is good news for me! Yes, Wayne Rooney is ready and set to leave old Trafford. Since Khairy has declared his undying support for MU, does Rooney's moves indicates Khairy's intention to leave UMno?
Seriously, Webster's ruling may see Rooney leaving Manchester with 5M pounds whilst Rooney is valued at at least 50M pound. It sounds like "Lelong" sale to me, if MU does not treat this issue properly.
That's soccer and since Rooney's departure does not affect my Arsenal, I really don't care...
Talking of "lelong", there is another one in the air now and it happens right under our noses. Yup, it's Kedah's Kuala Nerang state seat. It seems that BN state assemblyman, Syed Sobri Syed Hashim was declared a bankrupt for failing to pay contributions to EPF. The amount? A whooping RM 700,000 when the case began in 2003!
It seems that in 2009, BN party leaders managed to talk Syed Sobri off relinquishing his state seat due to some financial matters. involving RM 150,000. Then somewhere in May 2010, Syed Sobri squashed off rumours about him joining PAS. Here's where the fun begins....
It is now confirmed that Syed Sobri is in financial doldrums. He needs money to resolve the issue. So, where did he run to? Yes, he runs to Shafie Afdal and Muhyidein Yassin for help and "comfort". Syed Sobri could ill-afford to join PAS as his financial burden may forced him to vacate his state seat. With limited moves, Syed Sobri makes the decision to stick to UMNO and make hay while the sun shines! Malaysian Insiders news of "By election looms as Kedah...). I see this as mirroring Rooney's Webster ruling!
Syed Sobri is only valuable if he is still UMNO elected state rep. However, his value diminishes gradually as time goes by and his value may depreciate to zero by March 2011. Why March 2011? Well, remember that the elected state government may declare that an election is unnecessary if the remaining time until the next scheduled election is less than 2 years. GE 12 was held on that historic March 8, 2008. And going by convention, the next Kedah state elction should be held by March 8, 2013. So, by this reasoning, the last day for the state to opt for any by-election should be March 8, 2011. After that, the state can choose to advise EC that they do not need any by-election.
That means Syed Sobri nett worth will depreciate to zero after March 8, 2011. That also means that if BN is desperately trying to avoid Kuala Nerang by-election, BN needs to use all its legal skills and resources to avoid Kedah government to declare Kuala Nerang seat vacant before Marh 8, 2011. What happens after March 8, 2011 is insignificant and will only serve as ego booster for whichever party who wins the state seat. After March 8, 2011, Syed Sobri can be considered as "lelong" material - no book value!
Can you see the similarity between MU's Rooney and KNerang's Sobri now? Both will be dirt cheap after March 2011! Rooney wants out of MU. Syed Sobri wants out of his financial complications. If Syed Sobri choose to vacate his seat, will BN provide "walk over" to PR? Afterall, Najib has declared that UMNO (and BN) will only field winnable candidates in future elections and since BN has only 16 reps, why bother to contest in Kuala Nerang (if Syed Sobri indeed needs to vacate his seat)?
May I offer another face-saving solution for Syed Sobri. Why not pass the hat around in the ongoing UMNO AGM? Who knows, maybe the delegates will chip in enough money for Syed Sobri to pay off his outstanding RM 700,000 EPF contribution. Or better still, why not get Najib to sweetalk Rosemah in investing RM 1M PERMATA project in Kuala Nerang? Get RM 300K building for a price of RM 1M. Then, and only maybe then, Najib will truly stands by his "Syed Sobri didahulukan, BN diutamakan" in rhyme with his "Rakyat didahulukan, pencapaian diutamakan"...
Whatever, I am truly looking forward to see Rooney leaving Man U and for Arsenal to "school" Man U in the coming matches. Although it is remotely probable for KJ to depart from UMno, I sincerely hope that Syed Sobri can works his magic and avoid by election in Kuala Nerang! Not that it is not welcome, but it's tiring ... and age is catching up on me...:)
Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...
Lahuma, Jeha and the rice saga. Tales by an unknown blogger no 55
1. Mat Sabu said stiff punishment awaits farmers who repack local rice as
imported rice. As though they care 2 hoots about what he said . They just
want ex...
11 hours ago
Judging from the current situation, Syed got to act fast. He might do a Rooney as the election looms. Of course, hehehe, this seat shall be reserved for PAS.
UMNO is acting fast to deny that Syed is a bankcrupt. As it is, UMNO may be more than willing to "loan" Syed RM 700K. If there is a buy-election, all parties may end up "pledging" RM 20M worth of which is more economical?
PAS may be eyeing for Kuala Nerang BUT knowing PKR, they will be forcing their way to get Kuala Nerang...
I like your last part. RM 20 m vs. RM 700k, What a return!
Well, UMNO then need to do a David Copperfield. Just read this.
Kalau ini macam pun boleh, saya tak tau apa macam nak cakap tentang Malaysia.
I don't think PKR Kedah would do anything stupid by claiming Nerus seat, they had just lost 2.
By the way, UMNO has done a "Zaid" on our PAS candidate in Galas. The problem was the one who choose him is Nik Aziz. It does not look good on UMNO. Certainly, not Ku Li aka Erwin Rommel of PKR
When Khairy gonna do a Stauffenberg? The end is near. The Allies is now massing up on the River Rhine. Hahahaha.
Well, numerically speaking that looks like the better solution for Syes Sobrie. The problem is - many in UMNO looks forward for the buy-election as a chance of either selected as the candidate or at least a chance to get "maggi" projects. They don't care about the "savings" of spending RM 700K, they wants the RM 20M package loot.
Even before the nomination day, UMNO has resorted to character assassination. That is not a good start, not when there is an unwritten understanding to do away with personal attack.
As for KJ, it is another sad day for him when his speech in the current AGM is not wildly received. In fact the boos were even heard outside the hall. The once UMNO's golen boy is fast becoming a pariah in his own group...pity him.
Well, our threesome activities are getting more & more interesting in Batu Sapi. As expected, Yong Teck Lee is the SAPP candidate for Batu Sapi. Guess why PR can never back down from this.
Perhaps, it's a good news for PR. All PR got to do is to put one local honest fella. THAT DOES NOT INCLUDE HASNAR. Neither should PR repeat SAPP's mistake? That means forget Thamrin, Ansari, Jeffrey or even Christina.
I am still hoping for Shanty Chong to come in. Perhaps, as PKR candidate as you said. We need one ex-magistrate to shove off that Pandikar Amin's repeated action of rejecting the motions. Nah, Pandikar, eat this....
As for KJ, the writings on the wall. Not sure in Quran got that story, in the Old testament, this is almost the end time for Babylonian empire as said by Daniel....Ooops, I didn't say that KY was the modern day of Daniel....Hahaha
I saw KJ as Stauffenberg....Oh come on! Lets do a Valkyrie. UMNO baru is no longer the UMNO founded by Onn Jaafar.
What say ye on Galas?
As for Batu Sapi, let me put it this way - it like it is a buy-election nobody wants to win...:)
Galas? Now we can safely conclude that KESEDAR is UMNO's breeding ground for potential candidate. So if there are UMNO members who want to be BN's candidate, pls start working in KESEDAR...:)
What I can say man? Just glance through Kesedar.
Forget about what RPK is saying? PAS must win Galas
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