It seems that all is not well in UMNO, at least not in Permatang Pasir.
It has something to do with BN's candidate, Rohaizat Othman. What's happening to UMNO? Muhyiddein and Zahid Hamidi has a lot of explaining to do regarding :-
First UMNO did not dance to the tune and now UMNO is pushing the wrong man for the job. Is UMNO getting desperate? UMNO may want to feel that they are in the driver seat but the way it goes, UMNO is going down the drains Permatang Pasir.
Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...
Terjemahan (lebih kurang)
Nampaknya ada yang tidak lancar dalam UMNO, sekurang-kurangnya di Permatang Pasir.
Ia ada kena mengena dengan calun BN, Rohaizat Othman. Apa dah jadi pada UMNO? Muhyiddein dan Zahid Hamidi perlu menjelaskan :-
Rohaizat juga perlu tampil memberi penjelasan ikhlas kepada UMNO dan penyokong UMNO dari segi :-
Dari permulaan lagi UMNO tidak menari mengikut rentak dan kini UMNO didapati mengujurkan calun yang salah sebagai calun ADUN. Adakah UMNO begitu terdesak? UMNO mungkin merasakan mereka masih mengawal keadaan tetapi dengan cara yang ini, UMNO menuju kepada kehampaan sekali lagi...di Permatang Pasir.
Apakah akan ada satu lagi precedent di Malaysia dengan kemungkinan calun yang memenangi Permatang Pasir (sekiranya dari pihak BN - UMNO) menarik diri dan sebaliknya wakil calun akan menggantikan tempat beliau? Adakah ini dibenarkan dari segi undang-undang?
Memang benarlah nasihat orang tua - terlajak perahu boleh diundur, terlanjak perbuatan buruk padahnya...semuga UMNO mengambil iktibar dari kesilapan ini dan bersedialah menerima kekalahan di Permatang Pasir dengan tangan terbuka dan berlapang dada.
Sehubungan dengan ini, mungkin ramalan sahabat saya bahwa BN akan kalah dengan majoriti 1969 kurang tepat. Majoriti 2500 mungkin menjadi realiti...
Sehingga ketemu lagi...selamat malam M'sia...dimana jua anda berada...
Lahuma, Jeha and the rice saga. Tales by an unknown blogger no 55
1. Mat Sabu said stiff punishment awaits farmers who repack local rice as
imported rice. As though they care 2 hoots about what he said . They just
want ex...
11 hours ago
What can we expect from a party that can't see beyond the veil ? They (members) are not only desperately fighting for position but also for contracts whereever that can be found.
Anyway, politics are not my cup of tea and I will say that likely the majority will drop as in any by-election, many outstation voters will find it difficult to take leave and also the travelling cost unless, gets fuel rebate lah, ha ha ha.
Yes, Outstation voters may not return in full, especially during this Ramadan and just after the school holidays. This is the time for PR to be wary as this will open up chances for the "other party" to push in "unexpected voters" and may swing the results into their favour.
Very strange :-
1) UMNO leaders knew abt it and they truly believed it was a non issue with the voters and the public which just means these UMNO leaders are off their rockers. They have ZERO idea now what is important and what good moral character means.
2) UMNO leaders got played out and had no idea and now doing tremdendous damage control which means their vetting and control process is totally down the drain.
Anon 9:20
That's the point. Maybe UMNO is victimising their own member and leading him to the slaughterhouse.
It may also mean that there are unscrupulous UMNO members who want to see UMNO lose and at the same time kills off this young man's political future...a sad day indeed, if that is true...
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