Saturday, July 04, 2009

PKR Penang : did it, you pay for it...

  1. This time around, let's just zoom to Malaysiakini's hot topic postdated 3rd July under "More brickbats for CM over Johari".
  2. The points raised by Zahrain, Penang PKR chief, first :-

    • Lim GE in contrast of principles advocated by Caliph Umar Aziz, whom Lim GE wants to emulate, which was based on principles of compassion, forgiving, caring, honesty, sincerity, rule of law, justice, fairness and equality;
    • Lim GE did not show any compassion or forgiveness towards Johari;
    • Johari has expressed regrets on his outburst;
    • Johari's objection is actually PKR's stand and not Johari's personal stand;
    • Understanding that MPSP's President's post reserved for PKR nominee and MPPP to be helmed by DAP;
    • Miscommunication for Johari's outburst;
    • To hold dialogue between Lim GE and PKR to clear urgent matters;
    • Since Johari is political appointee, let PKR make the decision;

  3. Now, let's go on a point to point basis.Admitted that Lim GE has, on many accounts, expressed that he admire and would like to emulate Caliph Umar Aziz. But Zahrain must first of all feel ashamed of himself who profess to be a Muslim but did not follow the rule of law, which is part of Caliph Umar's virtues.
  4. Instead of chiding Lim GE, Zahrain should set a good example of the virtues of Caliph Umar Aziz. Can Zahrain do a quick assessment and see where he stands, as compared to Umar Aziz? And where he stands in terms of emulating Umar Aziz? At least, Lim GE took the pains to study Caliph and he took further steps to try to emulate Caliph. What about Zahrain? Have he ever read the history of Caliph Umar Aziz?
  5. Compassion and forgiveness? Zahrain should first study on Johari's outburst. Is this the time to be compassion? If Lim GE were to be compassionate and forgiving, that will be an open door for future outburst. It is better for Lim GE not to tolerate outburst now and show Johari, who is the boss.
  6. Regrets? Yes, Johari expressed regrets after he was shown the door. He should show his regrets soon after his outburst and show up for the swearing in ceremony. Then, maybe Lim GE will be compassionate and forgiving. Talking about that, since Johari and Zahrain are both Muslims (by the sound of their names, has Johari took ablution after his outburst and cool down to reflect his actions?) . Frankly, I doubt it, and that's why Johari failed to realise the damage done.
  7. Objection is PKR's stand. Wow, this is much better! So, is PKR saying that whatever they do is correct and must not be vetted by the state government. What PKR is indicating is that they are the little warlords who wanted to dominate the local council. Is this in line with Penang's state government stand? Is PKR trying to carve out territorial control? Has PKR forgotten that in PR, every member party has a fair share and there is no "big brother" like UMNO and BN?
  8. MPSP's President reserved for PKR. Here, in itself, Zahrain exposed his own vulnerability. Maybe the initial understanding is MPSP's president post is reserved for PKR. However, as Lim GE taken the MPSP's post from PKR, he also take the MPPP's post from DAP. Will Zahrain be claiming that Lim GE is not acting fairly after this? Lim GE took from both PKR and DAP and handed the post to civil servants. Anything wrong there? If it is for the good of the people, why not?
  9. Zahrain claimed miscommunication with Johari. This is the age of the techies. It is nearly impossible to accept Zahrain's excuse and thus the "miscommunication" factor cannot be accepted. Mind you that the duration between the outburst and the swearing in ceremony is days and not minutes. So, there is ample time for Zahrain to communicate with Johari, unless Zahrain could not be bothered to contact Johari to "correct" him on PKR's stand.
  10. Zahrain's suggestion to hold dialogue with Lim GE is a good proposal. Zahrain should arrange this dialogue fast before the DAP-PKR relationship deteriorates further.
  11. On Zahrain's claim that Johari is a political appointee, this should make it more important for PKR to make sure that Johari follow the state government's requirement and stands. Johari may be a PKR seconded political appointee and as such, he must follow the state stand. PKR is part of Penang state government and as such, he should be abiding by the state stand. Enough said.
  12. It is not a matter of who do what or who can do what. It is a matter of respect the leader. In this case, for Penang, the leader is Lim GE. PKR must learn to respect Lim GE as the leader before they can expect Lim GE to reciprocate his respect towards PKR Penang.
  13. PKR Penang should stop defending Johari and let the issue settle. Johari should be given time to reflect on his actions before he can be considered a local council material again in the future. Is that too much to ask of Penang PKR? Or is Penang PKR going the way of Kg Buah Pala residents?
  14. Instead of trying to check Lim GE on his every move, Zahrain should learn to work together with Lim GE and keep his PKR men in check. There are too many loose cannons in PKR Penang and all are trying to get Anwar's attention. For one, Yusmadi Yusoff, Penang PKR's youth chief should learn how to keep his mouth shut instead of blubbering. One of these days he may find himself cornered by his own statements.
  15. Penang, Buah pala, Lim GE, Zahrain...all should take things one step a time for the better Penang. Is it too much to ask?
Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...


Anonymous said...

Nightcaller, to add on further, all points taken but decisions taken subject to requirements for the state of Penang. Hence LGE & his Excos' decisions shall encompases the welfare of Penang in general. Azizan too should have done the same to defiant town councillors, council's presidents & secretaries. Not just saying its beyond Azizan's control. Watch Master & Commander?

Anonymous said...

Nightcaller, to add on further, all points taken but decisions taken subject to requirements for the state of Penang. Hence LGE & his Excos' decisions shall encompases the welfare of Penang in general. Azizan too should have done the same to defiant town councillors, council's presidents & secretaries. Not just saying its beyond Azizan's control. Watch Master & Commander?

nightcaller said...


Did not recall watching Master & Commander.

In nightline today, Lim GE said that there are many opportunist out there looking to break PR coalition.

In the same late news, Azizan denied that there are plans to demolish Hindu and Chinese temples.

And yet, DAP/PAS/PKR top leaders could not set the date and time to meet and resolve this issues.

PR should take time to sit down and regroup before their split will deliver Kedah and Penang back to BN...

Premium Business said...

Berbalas kenyataan pedas dan sinis antara DAP, PKR dan PAS di Pulau Pinang dan Kedah kini bukan lagi wayang kulit.

Malah, DAP di Kedah cuba menghasut perkauman dengan menuduh kerajaan negeri mahu merobohkan kuil hindu dan tokkong.

Orang India jangan lupa bagaimana high charparal yang sepatutnya dikekalkan sebagai warisan sejarah mahu dimusnahkan oleh tsukun dan eng guan di Pulau Pinang untuk melenyapkan komuniti itu di sana dengan digantikan koboi putih.

Dan mereka gunakan isu kerajaan pusat ada duit, tapi tak mahu tolong.

Betul ke kerajaan DAP tak ada duit atau ini satu peluang untuk mengukuhkan pengaruh dengan menghambat mereka keluar kerana lambat laun orang India akan kembali sokong BN!?

Percakaran dan pertikaman lidah tetap meninggalkan bibit bibit ketidakpuasan kedua dua pihak khusus di Kedah dan Pulau Pinang walaupun mungkin 'disatu dan didamaikan' dalam satu opera tidak lama lagi. Ia tidak akan seindah dan semanis dulu.

DAP kembali menggunakan kekasaran perkauman apabila di dapati Anwar sudah hilang pengaruh di kalangan orang Melayu dan PAS sudah longgar tanpa cengkaman Nik Aziz.

DAP terbukti sejak dahulu lagi mampu bersendirian kerana mereka tidak pentingkan kerajaan tetapi pentingkan perjuangan.

Mereka lebih selesa menjadi pembangkang daripada menjadi kerajaan. Bangkang dan lepas tu balik tidor. Tidak seperti sekarang yang terpaksa bersospan santun dan berlemah lembut dalam Pakatan - DAP rimas apabila punggungnya diraba dan kepalanya digosok oleh Anwar - sebab itulah Karpal terus melenting kerana tak tahan 'geli'.

nightcaller said...


Ni kes berat nie...maklumlah cinta 3 segi bukan senang hendak diurai...

Tapi dalam apa keadaan pun, DAP menjadi pelakun uatam dimana kalau di Penang, DAP dan PKR manakala di Kedah antara DAP dengan PAS.

Bagi pandangan saya, sebenarnya High chaparral tu bukanlah masaalah besar. Kalau empunya tanah dah jual tanah untuk dibangunkan, mereka yang tinggal disitu perlulah berpindah. Soal sejarah, soal diberi mandatlah tidak membawa apa2 erti kalau tidak dapat digunakan didalam mahkamah. Apa heritagenya High chaparral? Bangunannya pun tidak mempunyai nilai2 seni lama dan kesan sejarah...

Di Kedah, DAP berasa kurang selesa kerana tidak dapat mengutarakan penyelesaian kepada tempat penyembelihan khinzir.

Kita tengoklah halatuju PR selepasni...nak harapkan Anwar? Beliau pasti sibuk ngan kes "sodomi" yang akan mula dibicarakan minggu depan...

ahoo said...

Firstly, respect must be earned and not demanded and likewise, this Johari guy need to understand that emotional outburst and making a wrong stand within your own alliance can never be tolerated.

There is always a limit to any challenge and in this case the office of a state CM. In today's political scenario, no more child like tantrums can be acceptable even if it is from the BN side.

We are all more matured by reading the many postings by alternative medias as in the old days, the spin masters were controlling every aspects of reporting and we only get to read what they want us to read,.... all good news only !!!

For Johari, learn to respect others and you will be respected in return. Get over the ugly episode and carry on with life by being a more balance in your thinking. Nobody owes us a living if we do not make it on our own in this challenging and trying times.

nightcaller said...


That's why I see Lim GE making the right moves when he invited the PKR ppl to meet him to resolve whatever misunderstandings and differences they have.

Johari has to bide his time. He needs to pay for his outburst and let' them be a lesson for the rest ie you just can't act as if you own everything. There's a word for PR and it's called teamwork. If those ppl do not know what it means then they can go watch TV and wait for "wonderpets".

Respect has to be earned and not hereditary. You have to respect others before they recopricate the respect. Hpe Joihari knows about that now and learn to keep his mouth and tempers checked before shooting his foot again.

Anonymous said...

DAP need not have sacked Johari. I think that was certainly the wrong way to go about things.

I think honestly, DAP got it wrong in BOTH Kedah and Penang.

I posted this in LKS punya blog but the old man vetted it and it didnt come out.

My message to the old man and his son is v simple really.

get over 1999 and your fear of PAS/Islam and being 'Islam stigmatised' and work with them! Not fear 1999 so much that you are not willing to even give a single each!.

Not sure if i got the year correct? the year when DAP was crushed after joining Barisan Alternatif.

I think LKS never ever got over that.

nightcaller said...

Anon 4:15 pm

In that, I differ from you. I agree with Lim Guan Eng's action. It should be seen as the CM's action and not DAP's action. Johari make the cardinal mistake of afiling to control his outburst and instigating other councillors to follow him. He should have taken steps to contact the CM or his PA to put forth his reasonings on his objections.

Johari did not do that. Instead he never show that he is sorry for his action and he did not attend the swearing-in. The least he could do is to attend the swearing-in in protest. Is that too difficult to do?

Yes, 1999 is a bad experience to DAP. PAS wrest Terengganu from BN but DAP failed to either wrest Penang or Perak from BN. In 2004, PAS was thrashed badly and almost lost their pants. So, in 2008, both parties got smart and work out in tandem with each other, with PKR as the go-between for the alliance.

Lim KS's hands may be full now to answer to ur comments. In time to come, I believe he will open up to your comments....

Anonymous said...

But in the first place, is Johari's attendance even compulsory?

Why not sack the whole gang then?

Johari is the ring leader?

well, PKR is asking then, who decided, was there due process to verify such claims, if there was, i certainly did not see it.

Where was the due process? I think this is what is lacking.

LGE and DAP i fear is not helping matters long term.

nightcaller said...

Anon 7:55

Johari was the gang leader and the one who calls for the boycott by PKR councillors. That's why he need to pay the price.

It is not a matter od due process. It is a matter of following the appointment. Unless the appointee is a criminal or Johari has evidence of his wrongdoings.

Anonymous said...

First and foremost, i think there are bigger objectives.

I think everyone is forgetting the primary and main objective.

Be a strong and united opposition and appear a credible, vote-able alternative to BeeEnd.

I mean, this has to over-ride EVERYTHING else and I do mean everything!

What does this prove ? LGE is his own man?

Do you think if Pakatan ever takes over Federal govt via a coalition and everyone start to show their power like this against your own coalition partners in say your respective Federal Ministries, how long do u think b4 Pakatan breaks apart at Federal level?

LGE and LKS in their 1999 fear and their so 'kenot lose Penang' attitude is losing sight of the bigger picture.

I believe a lot of us voted for Pakatan , we want them to b a real , credible alternative to BeeEnd at teh FEDERAL level, not just to govern some mickey mouse states.

Penang should b the means to an end, not the end in itself.

nightcaller said...

Anon 9:58 pm

Let the Penang and the Kedah be a valuable lesson to PR partners. It is the partnership and working as a team that drives PR apart from BN. In Penang's case the team leader is Lim GE whilst Kedah has Azizan as the team leader.

As team members, the other PR partners should abide by the team leader and if there is any conflict, then it should be resolved amicably though proper channels.

It is not a matter of championing a small group but it is a matter of giving the right solution to all parties concerned.

PR is not doing that bad. It is the media wolves trying to break up the strong pact between PR partners. IN 3 years time, PR will graduate and ready to take over the feds. However, if PR failed to govern the 5 states given to them in 2008, then PR will need more time to learn the ropes before taking over from BN.

The ball is in PR' side. It is their choice, either to move forward or pass the ball back to BN.

Anonymous said...

I am happy that LKS has managed to form the trouble shooting mechanism together with Azizan, PAS & DAP Kedah....
That's the first step....Second step's for Azizan to review all administrative's plan & weeding out unwanted elements such as CMCN.....Such people should be identified, banished if not transferred

Azizan must see himself as MB of all Kedahan not just for the muslim. That pig abattoir is one of the immediate flshpoint need to settle soon
it's very insensitive to say that pig rearing is unhygenic so it should be banished. Remember that UMNO Selangor before 8th March, 2008 pay a visit to Germany & found that it's so good that any muslim makan store is worse than that piggy farm.....
Recently, few died while makaning Indian muslim rojak in Geylang Serai.....There is no pork there....People still die of food poisoning.....Moral of the story.....It's not the pig.....
If the little Napoleons & some undesirable elements agitating ordinary kedahans, expose & fry them
I felt that some PAS folks should go through PR course while commenting on this matter.
Having said that, it's not just the piggy issue. many other issues.I can forsee if these errant civil servants ain't done away with....There shall never be ending story

Just heard of one clowny civil servant got the gut to tell LGE.....Hey, I mention wrongly, it's not freehold....It's 99 years........Yeah as if this clown is so innocent....In Singapore, this arse would be fried till become blacken

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