Updated news :A blogger "Jebat must die" recently posted something about Tun Dr Siti Hasmah. Jebat say "YABhg. Tun Dr. Siti Hasmah kini berada di London untuk menjalani pembedahan mata". The latest report indicated that Tun will be undergoing her operation this coming Friday. Let us all spare some time to offer prayer to Tun for a successful operation and speedy recovery.
On another matter, another well known blogger "Rocky bru" posted on crucial meeting to be held on Friday, 23rd Jan '09, now rescheduled to next Friday regarding LCCT East - labu. Let's hope that good and logical minds prevail in the meeting and the Government reverse its earlier decision of allowing Sime Darby/Air Asia to construct the LCCT East- Labu.Numeruous postings regarding LCCT East - Labu indicated that people are not happy with the idea. Even the former PM commented on the proposal. The reasons are many, including the close proximity of runways, logistical problems, Traffic control, authority requirement etc etc. Malay mail reported on the issue amongst others here, here, and here
On the opposite camp, AirAsia launch its explanation via its own website. Further reasonings can be seen in AirAsia's CEO blog.
Let it be known to both MoF and EPU that their actions and stand will be closely monitored by the independent bloggers. Thus any decision made needs to be fully justifiable. The days of sweeping everything under the carpet is long gone.On the other front, infighting on who will be the candidate for Pensiangan Parlimentary seat has begun with PBS firing the first salvo indicating PBRS president is not the automatic choice for the ruling party. Will there be more mudslinging after this? Pssst...a little bird whispered to this scribe on a possibility of another by election for DUN in one of the states in Peninular Malaysia. Is this pure rumour? Let's wait for March 2009...
Zorro wrote (Whilst in KT for the by-elections, Pak Lah did have an audience with the King, it was reported.)" which is quite normal, as AAB is the PM and he has to brief DYMM every week.
However, will this scenario happen ? Pak Lah resigns in March 2009, Najib seek audience with DYMM and DYMM indicated that DYMM is not in favour of Najb as the PM...what will happen? Snap poll ?
To all Chinese descendants : Gung Xi Fa Cai...
Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...
Lahuma, Jeha and the rice saga. Tales by an unknown blogger no 55
1. Mat Sabu said stiff punishment awaits farmers who repack local rice as
imported rice. As though they care 2 hoots about what he said . They just
want ex...
12 hours ago
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