Many things happen in my sabbatical absence. A blogger friend passed away whilst another got married and now taking care of the newborn. Me? I am still a drifter...wondering where I will break fast today :)
Looking for votes...

My friend came back from Sg Besar yesterday and he has a story to tell. He is a die hard BN supporter (and motivator). Yesterday, he went to Sg Besar on wedding invitation wearing an orang batik shirt. Being a nomination day for the parliamentary by-election, the town is packed with supporters from all parties and traffic were diverted and he ends up in a paddy field with "green" supporters who greeted him as "sahabat". What else to do but to endure the crowd with an orange batik shirt and "blue" heart.
Seriously, let's make a short anaalysis of the twin by-elections. Chinese voters will likely be the kingmaker with 31 % of voters Chinese. With voters registration of 42,365 it will be an uphill battle for all the candidates. On surface, BN may have a slight advantage if the Chinese votes solidly on them.
However, MCA and Gerakan are all playing second fiddle to DAP. If the Chinese voters shunned BN due to DAP factor, it is not as easy as that. Being calculative, the Chinese will not vote a losing candidate. AMANAH may have the thunder but they could not deliver Malay votes. If that is the case, who will the Chinese vote?
Obviously it will either be BN or PAS. Will the Chinese sacrifice their principle and voted BN? I doubt so because voting BN in is like endorsing what is wrong as right. So lets say 80 % of the Chinese voters are anti-establishment. That will means 10,500 Chinese votes are for the opposition. And if PAS fails to convince the Mandarin voters to vote them, it will be either spoil votes or no-show. Which way will the CHinese voters turn?
Chinese are basically aagainst Hudud. But, as I say countless times, why bother to oppose something that does not affact you? HUdud is primarily a punishment for the Muslims. Yes, there will be Chinese affected by Hudud, but that will be those who converted to Muslim, either by marriage, family or reading. If these Chinese are Muslims, then the rest need to bother about Hudud.
Hudud is only applicable to Muslims and Chinese Muslims like Riduan Tee. The rest? "To you your religion". If this is the case, why are Chinese voters and the rest so jittery on Hudud bill? For once, Chinese voters should sit back, cast the religious differences aside and focus on giving BN a black eye. Then the obvious choice will be either Amanah or PAS...
What about 66 % voters which are predominantly Malays? They have 3 choice - either BN, Amanah or PAS. BN voters will remain loyal. The balance? Will either go to Amanah or PAS. Since PKR is out of the picture, it will be a tough decision here.
Amanah may have DAP full support and token PKR's support but will that be enough? I did not think so. If that is the case, there is no better alternative than to vote PAS and stay with it for the next 2 years prior to GE 14.
Will that happen? I will tell u more soon...
Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...
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