You can read it all in MSM as well as online news portal. Nightcaller is not going to dwell on that, not this time. Instead there is more that we should be tersinggung...
Nightcaller is more bemuse with the word "tersinggung" or offended. Why not when everybody in Johor is micely quiet when we lost Pulau Batu Putih. Why no noise when Johor (or rather Malaysia) lost Pulau Batu Putih to Singapore?
On that occassion, the world court decides that Pulau Batu Putih rightly belongs to Singapore. Why? Because the Singapore team are better prepared with documents and led by experienced lawyers as well as academicians. Malaysia's team? One young ciku on express lane to high places who happens to be a son of someone high in Putrajaya and said to be the one who call the shots on who to prosecute or files stamped as NFA...
We lost Pulau Batu Putih and nobody tersinggung? Funny... or is this the case of the one who help us lost Pulau Batu Putih is from blue blood? This blue is BN blue....
Or what about the time when the palace lost their immunity and their "perks and power", thanks to our 4th PM. You mean nobody from Johor was tersinggung by that event? The event that leads to a few royalties being drag to courts for various cases including "business deals gone sour"?
I wonder if anybody will be tersinggung if someone digs up history and comes out with findings on the real lineage of those in yellow attire. I dug mine and so far just glad to know that Nightcaller is not related to "pirates of Carribean" nor to any known pirates around the world.
So, no wonder Malaysians are not tersinggung when we lost Labuan, courtesy of Abdullah Badawi...
The point? Nobody will get tersinggung unless you happen to be Lim GE.... that's my guess or maybe someone will be a bit tersinggung if you happen to be Mat Sabu... Other than that, everything must be fine in Malaysia, especially when Najib is going to announce a big pay hike for public servant next Friday.... unfortunately Najib do not have a final say on that matter. When asked to confirm, 1MPM6 merely smiled and if you read his unmoving lips, perhaps you may hear a faint murmur.."RosCTmah belum lulus lagi..."
Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are... Read More